September 1910

1–3 September 1910 • Thursday–Saturday

Sawyer, N.M.

We arose at about 5 A.M. and left Sawyer at 6 A.M. and arrived in Bluewater at 11 AM. as per appointment but the people were not at the meeting place but soon gathered and brought their lunch. We commenced meeting at 12 o’clock and I occupied about 60 minutes deliberately but with good liberty. Subject. Mormonism. The Gospel restored by an Angel in fulfilment of prophesy and the Church and Kingdom of God established in fulfilment of prophesy (Dan 2:) its destiny &c. The Gospel the law by which man is to be judged in thought word & action. Our actions are according to our faith. How promote faith &c. Reading the Scriptures, hearing the word &c, 50 attendance. A nice luncheon was partaken of after the meeting and I was driven direct to the Ry Station about 2 miles distant where I had to wait for a delayed train. No. 8 which [p. 213] Should have arrived at 3:11 P.M. did not arrive until after 4 P.M.

While waiting at the Station I wrote up my journal &c.

According to previous appointment Pres. Seymour B. Young joined me at Bluewater on train for home. We had an uneventful trip home, made close connections. The heat was intense from La Jacinto to Canyon City. We arrived in Salt Lake Saturday 3:35 P.M. one hr, 20 min late. On this trip we <I> traveled by rail 2426 miles and by team 248 miles a total of 2674 miles.

On my return I found my wife in bed where she had been for about two weeks, afflicted with Sciatica, bowel complaint & Kidney trouble.

Pres. Joseph F. Smith and party arrived this day from a two months absence in Europe.

4 September 1910 • Sunday


I attended temple fast meeting, gave offering $1.00, bore testimony, Called on my Mother whom I had not seen since my return from the south. Attended 2 P.M. fast meeting in 27th Ward. Assisted in blessing three babies, confirming four and &c. I was mouth in blessing and naming Gertrude Louise Paul, in consecrating a bottle of oil and in administering to Sister Halliday, bore testamony. Attended evening meeting in 27th ward, Speaker I. C. Thomson of 31st [p. 214] Alice is improving in health and sat up a while during the day.

5 September 1910 • Monday


I remained home all day and caught up with my writing and correspondents and in the evening Geo., Edith, Ruby, Lucena & I went to Wandamere and saw the Motor cycle races. Visited my Mother

6 September 1910 • Tuesday


I attended to some business down town, paid my monthly bills, called on the Doctor &c. Attended missionary meeting in the temple annex and set apart the following brethren;

Jos. B. Alexander of Manan, Ida. to Eastern States

Vivian Snow of Salt Lake to " "1

Tim. Vernon Jones of Col. Dublan Mex. to Cent. "2

Heber Palmer of Grantsville to Southern States.

I also instructed the missionaries twelve in number of whom three are females. Joel & I visited my mother in the evening.

Joel finished his work with the Saltair people Monday, the Seasons closing day, Labor day. He leaves for Gt Britain Oct. 18th. Alice continues to improve in health. Sits up a part of the day and can walk to the bath room with assistance.

7 September 1906 • Wednesday

Home. [p. 215]

I spent the forenoon at home writing and reading. In afternoon and evening I attended Gen’l Bd. of Religion Classes meeting also a meeting of the Gen Bd. of Y.M.M.I.A. and my circle meeting. Took supper with my son George.

Alice getting better & others well.

8 September 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple and after the meeting, the members of the Twelve held an informal meeting at which the matter of handling the plural marriage cases in the Church was discussed i.e. how best to get at them and make Pres. Jos. F. Smiths declaration effective. I suggested that if Pres. Smith would in general Conference reiterate his declaration of 1904 and instruct the Church courts to enforce the rule it would have a beneficial effect within and without the church.

I received appointment to Union Stake Conference for next Saturday and Sunday to be accompanied by Pres. Rulon S. Wells

9 September 1910 • Friday


I spent the forenoon home reading, writing &c.

Pres. Rulon S. Wells & I left Salt Lake on O.S.L. train 2:30 P.M. for LaGrande, Oregon. We took seats [p. 216] in the Standard pullman to Pocatello at a cost of 75¢ ea. and from there to LaGrande we had upper births at a cost of $2.50 each. We arrived in LaGrande at 10 A.M. Sat. Pacific time. The weather quite cold and I had been taking cold for several days.

10 September 1910 • Saturday

On train.

Arrived at LaGrande, Oregon at 10 o’clock. Went direct to meeting. The conference meetings of this day were held in basement of the tabernacle building so few being present. At opening session attendance was 64. Speakers Pres. F S. Bramwell, Bro. Garrick, and Pres. Wells. Good talks.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance some larger. The speakers were Pres Jos. R. Price Elder Kerr, A Lindsay Supt. R. Classes, Sister Ellen Stoddard of Primary myself & Pres Wells. I occupied about 50 minutes on R. Classes, Primaries & other Auxiliaries and on the Subject of missionary work at home and abroad in the Church and out side.

Attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency, High Council and Bishops w[h]ere it was. determined to call a number of missionaries to do work during the coming winter. Names were selected & later presented to Conference & sustained. Other matters of importance were considered. [p. 217]

Pres. Bramwell, Pres Wells & I rode out with Pres Stoddard in his Car and inspected the orchards laden with ripening apples.

I staid at Pres. Bramwell’s.

11 September 1910 • Sunday

LaGrande, Ore.

At 10 A.M. Services held in Large room the children were present.

Sacrament was administered.

Authorities sustained.

The speakers were as follows; A S Geddes S.S. S.S., Pres. Geo. E. Stoddard, Myself and Pres Wells. I occupied 30 minutes. Told story of Gerhardt. Trustworthiness, Feed my sheep & lambs. &c Also spoke of the lessons of Sacrifice and self denial we have to learn and these lessons should begin with these little Sunday School children. They should be taught what is right and what is wrong and to practice denying themselves that which is wrong and seeking oppertunity to do good. thus develop to perfection &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting Pres. Wells spoke first and occupied 45 minutes. “The only way to be saved.”

I occupied 40 minutes and Pres. Bramwell about 10 minutes in conclusion. A number of outsiders were present among whom was the Circuit Judge. I spoke of the necessity for the removal of prejudice in order to judge righteously referred to empanneling a jury, to Paul’s mistake &c. Persecution an heritage & evidence of our claims, Weak chosen and true scriptural doctrines taught [p. 218] are evidence of the truth of our claim. “Mormonism” if true means so much to the individual that it is worthy a careful and unbiased consideration of what it purports to be.

I attended a Seventies meeting and ordained Lewis Elmer Holmes a Seventy. Took Supper at Pres. Stoddard’s. At evening Mutual meeting, the presidents of the two mutuals reported I spoke 30 minutes subject Character building. A Bundle of Possibilities.

As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Pres. Wells followed 30 minutes along same & similar lines.

We took leave of the brethren after meeting and got No 18 train at 9 P.M. 30 minutes late and both had upper births and had a safe return home arriving home at 6 P.M.

12 September 1910 • Monday

On train all day; arrived in Salt Lake 6 P.M. Folks usually well. Alice able to come down stairs to her meals.

13 September 1910 • Tuesday


I wrote up my journal from notes for several days, recorded work done &c. Went down town, called on the Doctor, made some purchases &c. Geo. & Edith spent the evening with us. My cold seems to be losing its grip. I called and saw my Mother. Wrote letters &c.

Weather threatening storm. Temperature delightful. [p. 219]

14 September 1910 • Wednesday


I spent the forenoon at home and in the afternoon took Moselle & Oliver down to Z.C.M.I. and fitted them with shoes.

I attended General Board meetings of R. Classes & Y.M.M.I.A., also my circle meeting, fifteen in attendance. After Circle meeting I had a talk with Brother Russell of my Circle. He told me of some financial difficulties he he is experiencing. Had a good talk with my son while waiting for car.

15 September 1910 • Thursday


Weather pleasant during the day and some rain at night I attended my weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. Received appointment with Pres. Chas. H. Hart to Fremont stake. I attended to some business down town, called on my mother and spent an hour. Geo. & Edith came up and took dinner at 6:30 P.M. and staid until about 8:30 P.M.

I wrote letters to Estella, LeGrand, Fred., and others.

16 September 1910 • Friday


I spent the day, the forenoon at home In the afternoon my Sons Joel, Geo and Edith & I went down to Wandamere to see the Wild West show but just [p. 220] as we arrived there a heavy rain storm came on and the Show was declared off. My daughter Mamie, my son George & his wife and I attended the Salt Lake Theatre and saw the “Spendthrift” an educational play. A splendid play well played.

I took train for Rexburg, Idaho at 11:35 11:45 P.M.

17 September 1910 • Saturday

Rexburg, Ida.

Pres. Hart joined me at Idaho Falls. We arrived at Conference in Rexburg about Eleven o’clock. The conference was conducted this day in First ward house. There were seven local speakers at forenoon meeting. Attendance fair At afternoon meeting thre[e] local brethren, Pres Hart & I were the Speakers. Subject peace within. Missionary work &c. Talked over Stake matters with the Stake Presidency. No night meeting. Pres. C. H. Hart and I slept to-gether at Pres. Bassetts

18 September 1910 • Sunday

Rexburg, Ida.

Attended 10 A.M. Service, the Speakers were Prof. Dalby, Pres. Bassett & myself. I spoke upon the Subject of temple work & Genealogies &c Self denial & doing good.

At 2 P.M. Meeting house overflowing Rev. Mr Nutting and some of his friends were present. Pres Hart & I occupied. the time about 45 minutes each.

My Subject, Evidences of Joseph’s mission & truth of Mormonism. Read Witnesses to Book of Mormon and commented upon same. [p. 221]

Our meeting ran over time 30 minutes but all seemed interested. Attended a Priesthood after which was largely attended. I spoke upon the topics, Providing homes for students and, Not questioning calls for missions. After meeting Elder Walter M. Johns residing at 1138 S. 9th E. St Salt Lake City came to me with tears in his eyes and volunteered to go upon a mission with his wife and four babies. She being a University graduate teacher. While the Priesthood meeting was in Session The Stake Presidency Pres Hart & I layed our hands upon Bro. H .F. C. Pyper who has been afflicted with Epilepsy and I administered a blessing to him. By request I pronounced the benediction. Later assisted Pres Hart in ordaining Seventies.

I ordained Thomas Geo. Richman and Alma Donaldson both of Teton ward to the office of Seventy.

At Conjoint meeting in the evening I occupied about 30 minutes Subject Building of character &c.

Pres. Hart and I took train at 11 P.M. for home. Had upper in Standard.

19 September 1910 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake from Rexburg at 8 A.M. Found folks usually well. Rainy weather in afternoon. I spent the forenoon [p. 222] reading and writing &c. In afternoon Geo. Joel & I went to the Wild West show at Wandamere, tickets complimentary by Courtesy of Pres. Frank Y. Taylor.

I visited my mother and retired to my bed in good season.

20 September 1910 • Tuesday

My sons Geo. & Joel and my daughter Sarah and I by invitation inspected the L.D.S. Gymnazium after which I went with Joel to Des. News Book store where we selected and I bought for him the Standard Church works & the Compendium in three books of best binding at a cost of $9.00 from there I went to the Bps. building where I spent about two hours with [ecclesiastical title, first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] and his father talking over the famous [last name redacted] Case of Preston Idaho in which [ecclesiastical title, first name, middle initial, and last name redacted] is principle. I defended the Committee and their report and heard with patience their case which in my judgment is no case at all.

Attended a missionary meeting in the Temple Annex where Pres. Lyman and I blessed and set apart eighteen missionaries and two sisters who are going to Europe to meet their husbands. Ordained E. F. Guest a Seventy. Returning home about 5 P.M. I did some writing, reading &c. Weather pleasant.

Alice’s condition somewhat improved. Others well. Joel expects to leave for a mission to Gt. Britain Oct. 19th. [p. 223]

The names of those whom I this day set apart for missions are as follows:

Emma V. Cluff of Victor, Ida. to Eng. visit.

1 John R Nielson Jr. Manti to Scandinavia.

2 Johannes. B. N. DeHaan. City to Netherlands

3 Lawrence W. Hardy "3 to "4

4 Wm James Guest " "5 Swiss & German

5 Bernard Parry, Manti, Gt Britain

6 Woodruff Sorenson of Draper to Scandinavia

7 Jos. Buhler, Heber, to Swiss & German

8 John R. Bellamy City to Gt Britain

9 Wm F. Thompson "6 Netherlands.

I also instructed the missionaries.

Prest. Jos. F. Smith has been confined to his bed since his return from Europe Sept. 3rd.

Pres. Francis M. Lyman who has for weeks been afflicted and had an absess lanced is now almost fully recovered. He says he feels about as well as ever before.

Elder Geo. Albert Smith is improving slowly

The other brethren are pretty well unless it be J. G. Kimball who says he has appendicitis on both sides and indigestion between and for this reason he positively refuses to smile.

Alice is able to be about the house but is not well.

I have bought some electripodes for her to wear as a remedy for Rheumatic Sciatica. [p. 224]

[page 225 blank]

[end of thirteenth volume]

21 September 1910 • Wednesday

Geo. F. Richards

1010. Third Ave

Salt Lake City.

Utah. [p. 0]7

Book XIV.

From Sept. 20, 1910


Aug 21, 1911. [p. 0]8

[p. 0]9


Weather pleasant my health is good and my spirits also.

By appointment, I met Elder Heber J. Grant at the Groves L.D.S. Hospittal at 10 A.M. where we administered to his daughter Edith who was operated upon last Monday by Dr Jos. S. Richards for appendicitis. She is recovering nicely.

I accompanied Elder Grant a couple of blocks west from hospittal to his daughter Florence Smiths where we engaged in conversation about the Utah Implement Co business. Elder Grant had accepted the presidency of that Company with the privilege of naming two directors and he had named me for one by my concent. He had bought $9,000.00 worth of the Co. Stock at $85.00 per share, par value being $100.00 and told me that he considered it worth par and that there was an opportunity for me to get $1500. worth at same price. I agreed to take the Stock at $85.00 I left Elder Grant and walked down town. I called in the Catholic Cathedral on S. Temple St. gave 25¢ to poor fund i.e. dropped it in Coffer. [p. 1]

I called at 212 S. T. St. and saw Elder Alma Larson of Rexburg who who is temporarily residing in Salt Lake with his wife and two children while having his eyes treated by Dr. Stauffer. Elder Larson returned from a mission to Gt Britain last year where he presided over a conference of that mission. Since the first of the year he has had hemmorages of the eyes and is now almost blind in both eyes. I was requested by his brother while in Rexburg last Sunday to Call and see him and while there according to his desire I administered to him for the restoration of his sight. He had a puny babe which is just convalescing from a serious sickness I had both father and child, Melva, prayed for both in my circle and next day in the Circle of our Council.

I went to the Historian’s office and looked into some of the Genealogical Societie’s records and finding some references to the Longstorths of Yorkshire Eng. from where my mother and her folks came I employed persons there to look up what information there is in that office obtainable, leav[p. 2]ing with them some records and other data to assist them in making identification if possible of these Longstroths with my mothers people.

I attended General Board meeting of the Religion Classes and a meeting of the General Board of Y.M.M.I.A. of the Church at 4 & 5 P.M. respectively and my Circle at 6:15 P.M. in temple. 19 present.

After meeting I spent an hour with my son George in his office while he did labritory work.

22 September 1910 • Thursday


Weather delightful. My health and my spirits good.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. at Pres. Office the meeting was continued from 4 to 6 P.M. Called at office of my son George and visited with him.

At our Council meeting I asked permission to become a director in the Utah Implement Co to which all consented saying there could be no objection to such action and that several of the members of our Council and the presidency are mem[p. 3]bers of one or more business Company boards.

I received the appointment to Tooele Stake Conference with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin, to be held in Grantsville next Saturday and Sunday. I wrote to my son LeGrand at Portland, Ore.

23 September 1910 • Friday


Weather pleasant. My health and spirits good, others usually well. I spent the forenoon working outdoors cleaning up front and back yards.

I blacked my shoes, trimmed my beard, bathed and spent the afternoon reading & writing & studying.

24 September 1910 • Saturday


I took 7:45 A.M. train for Tooele in company with Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin. We were met at Tooele Station by Pres. Jos. C. Orme of Tooele Stake Presidency and Alvin J. Walters and driven to Grantsville where we arrived at 10:30 A.M. the Stake conference being in session, Pres. H. S. Gowans speaking. The speakers of the meeting were in order as follows; Pres. H. S. Gowans, Pres. C. R. McBride, Otto Johnson, John S. Lee, Gustave Anderson & Pres. J W McMurrin. [p. 4]

At the afternoon meeting the speakers were in order as follows; Jos. C. Orme, Owen H. Barrus, H. C. Hansen, J. W. Anderson and myself. I occupied 45 minutes Subject The Holy Ghost and its operating

After meeting I rode up to Tooele with Pres. C. R. McBride and staid over night at my daughter Nerva’s.

25 September 1910 • Sunday


I rode to Grantsville with Pres J. C. Orme Arriving before meeting time and went to Bp. August K. Andersons where I took my meals while in Grantsville.

At the morning services which was a Sunday School Session the Sacrament was administered and the speakers were as follows: A. J. Stookey S.S. S. Schools & H B Haynes S.S. R. Classes, J. W. McMurrin & mySelf. I told the Story of Abram & Zimri and Spoke of what Jesus did for us and why? Because he loved us. We should love him in turn and if we do we will do that which will please him. If we would bless him then bless our fellow men Mat. 7 25 “In as much as ye do it unto the least of these little ones ye do it unto me.[”] To say we hate our love the Lord and hate our fellow men makes us liars. Good liberty [p. 5]

The Stake presidency, Pres. McMurrin and I met [first and middle initials and last name redacted] & [first and last names] of the Stake Superintendency of religion Classes in the vestry and talked with them about their repeeted violation of the word of wisdom and with the former his neglect of tithing and received a promise from each that they would do better.

At 2 P.M. Meeting the Authorities were sustained and Pres. McMurrin and I occupied the time. I occupied about 40 minutes. Subject Faith in God. vs. Atheism. Read Rom. 1:16–25. Defined faith. & necessity for faith. Opera house.

At evening Conjoint meeting held in meeting house the seats were nearly all filled except in choir. Attentive congregation. Supt. J. A. Sundborg reported also Sister Ellen Park. I occupied 30 minutes and Pres. McMurrin 25 minutes.

I spoke of the custom of the people to come to one or two meetings & hurry back home. “You will be going to Tooele in 3 mo. go & stay it out and mingle with the people there and in a [illegible] be weaned from your temporalities and become wedded to your religion and spiritualities. Spoke of Northern Arizona people. When they spend two or three days going as long at conference and as long returning they have got it ground in. [p. 6] I spoke of Character building of the right kind. Our possibilities & our agency. On common ground with Deity being Gods in embrio & with the beasts being of the Animal Kingdom. What is our tendency? Up or down. &c. Good liberty.

After the evening meeting Pres. J. W. McMurrin, Pres Gowans and I rode to Tooele with Pres. Jos. C. Orme. I staid at my daughters and Pres. McMurrin went to Pres. C. R. McBrides, I think.

26 September 1910 • Monday


At my daughter Alice Minerva’s. Estella Lee my wife’s Sister came down to Nerva’s and we had a good visit. I brought home with me a telescope filled with prunes & peaches from Nervas & Sister Elizabeth Tates. I left Tooele on the noon train arriving home about 2 P.M. A letter this day from my Son LeGrand of Portland saying that he & wife and baby would leave Portland next Friday the 30th for Salt Lake for permanent residence.

I this day signed a note for $1275. favor of First Nat. Bk. of Ogden dated 27th to pay for fifteen shares of $100. ea. of the Utah Implement & Vehicle Co. Stock at $85. each. This note is indorsed by H. J. Grant is made pay[p. 7]able on demand, int. 8% quarterly and the Stock to be held as collateral. It is understood that I am to become a director of the company.

I wrote up my journal from notes for the past three days.

Alice able to be about the house and others well. I conversed with my mother over the phone and had a brief talk with Pres. Lyman.

A letter from Pres. Ballard to Bp. David. A. Smith with the request that he show it to his father was handed to me in which Pres Ballard wishes Joels mission changed from Gt. Britain to N.W. States to assist him in the office. I submitted the matter to Pres. Lyman and he thought it would not be wise to have the place of Joel’s labors as a missionary changed. Will intercede with Bro. Reynolds for Pres. Ballard to get him a competent clerk.

I wrote to my brother Fred and to my Son LeGrand.

27 September 1910 • Tuesday


I attended quarterly meeting of the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 7 P.M. with a brief intermission for lunch. I accompanied my son [p. 8] George & wife to inspect a couple of houses for rent with a view to getting a place for LeGrand & family and favor rooms in Bro. Howells home.

28 September 1910 • Wednesday


I attended council meeting of the Twelve in temple from 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. and from 2:30 P.M. to 6 P.M.

At the morning session [first and last names redacted] was excommunicated for entering into illegal marriage contrary to the rule & diciplin of the church, for lying and for contempt.

I wrote letters to my sister Nerva and to Mr & Mrs. Ephraim Dunn, the latter a letter of condolence on the death of their little boy.

I attended my prayr circle meeting.

We had the ward teachers in the evening.

I called and saw my mother on my way down town.

Attended to Some business down town and took dinner at the caffateria.

29 September 1910 • Thursday


Weather clear & pleasant. [p. 9]

I attended the quarterly meeting of the First Presidency & the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.

I called and saw my mother in the morning and again in the evening.

Alice able to be about and other folks well.

30 September 1910 • Friday


I spent the forenoon at home & attended a missionary meeting at the Temple annex from 2 to 4 P.M. I assisted in setting apart missionaries and in instructing them. Likened the missionaries with their Standard Church to a man with a set of keen edged tools who has not yet learned his trade. Naturally he would want to first examine thoroughly his tools to see what he had in stock then he would want to learn how to use them. He would need an instructor also. The Holy Ghost is the <in>structor. Study the scriptures.

I set apart the following.

1. Austin Emil Erickson of Spring City. Ut. to Sandwich Islands.

2. Laura Elizabeth Finlayson of West Jordan to New Zealand.

3. Ambrous Ipsen of Bennington Idaho to New Zealand. [p. 10]

I this day made purchase of a gold stick pin badge for $3.10 representing the Utah Genealogical Society.

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September 1910, George F. Richards, accessed January 24, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Eastern States”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “States”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “City”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Netherlands”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “City to”.

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “City”.

  7. [7]This text was written vertically on the inside front cover.

  8. [8]This text was written on the recto of the front flyleaf. The dates of the journal are actually 21 September 1910 to 20 August 1911.

  9. [9]The verso of the front flyleaf was left blank.