September 1905

3 September 1905 • Sunday

I went from Farmington to Salt Lake and visited with Mother and returned to Farmington in evening.

4 September 1905 • Monday

We drove home from Farmington. Our baby Oliver was poorly when we left home on the 26th on 28th Alice took him to S L City from Farmington to see the Doctor He improved after that. All well at home. Geo. is making ready to leave to go east to Study Dentistry.

5 September–26 October 1905

Thu. Oct. 26 1905.

Following is a brief of memory since Sept 4th

Sept. 8, 1905 Attended meeting of Stake Presidency in evening.

Sat. Sept 9 I went to Grantsville to Stake Conference. my son George, Prest Gowans & Miss Shark accompanied me. Geo. & I returned in the evening.

Sund. Sept 10th Geo. Edith Nerva, Sarah & I went to Grantsville with my team & surray. I put up my team and made headquarters at C L Andersens.

At our Conference there were as visitors Elder C. W. Penrose, Patriarch John Smith, Geo Reynolds, <P D> Feldstead Sister Bennion & Sister ——

Good conference meetings. [p. 179]

Mond. Sept 11, 1905

Received Phone from Brother Wilford Richards Farmington stating that his mother, Aunt Mary T Richards had died at Riverside Box Elder Co and been brought to Farmington, for burial. Funeral Service next day.

Tues. 12th I went to Farmington leaving on early train. Attended Aunt Mary’s funeral. Spoke at Same and returned in evening to my home. Visited with my mother a short time in S. L. City before we went to Farmington I bought me a suit & hat.

Fri. 15th Attended meeting of Stake Presidency and there arranged to Stay at Tooele the following Sunday and have My Son George released from the home mission appointment at Lake View that he & I might spend the Sunday at Tooele as this would be his last Sunday before leaving for St Louis for study.

Sunday 17th Attended School & meeting and at meeting Geo & I spoke as well as J. W. Tate & Bro. Sporegberg.

Fri. 22 No meeting of Presedency as Prest G & O are both away. X Sat. 23 Geo. & Edith & Babe left here for S. L. City

Sund. 24th Sunday taken up with Y M M I Convention I attended three Sessions. Had S W Woolley & others to dinner with me.

Fri Sept 29th

Attended meeting of Stake Presidency in eve.

X Sat 23 Sept. George & Edith & baby left here for S. L. City and remained there until Tues. 26th

Tues. Sept. 26. Geo & family left Salt Lake for St Louis on 3.30 P.M. D.R.G. Ry.

<From memory>1

Mond. 25th I went to S.L.C. & spent the evening at Asenaths with Geo & Edith.

Tues. 26. Saw Geo. & Edith off on train. Took supper with Joseph Nelson and he took me to train in Automobile. I returned home that night. [p. 180]

Thu. Sept 28th 1905. It rained nearly all night.

Friday "2 29th It rained all day and into the night a glorious rain Storm.

Sunday Oct. 1st I attended School & meeting and at meeting my Son Joel Richards was sustained as Ward Clerk in place of George who had gone away to St Louis. He was set apart after meeting by Prest. Gowans.

Thu. Oct. 5th I went to Salt Lake on evening train and in the evening attended a reunion of the Richards’ family, was chosen temporary Sec’y and acted as such, Paid my $1.00 initiation fee & by request made a talk. Staid at asenaths.

Fri. Oct 6th Attended both Con. meetings and in the evening went to the theatre “The other Woman” by Florence Roberts.

Sat Oct 7th in S.L.C. Attended two conference meetings and Alice & Nerva came in to City and in evening I tended Thelma & Oliver while they went to theatre. In afternoon after 4 P.M. I attended the State Fair.

S.L.C. Oct 8 Attended Conference meetings and went down to Uncle Stephens where we spent the night Alice, Nerva & I.

Mond. Oct 9th Attended Special Priesthood meeting from 10 AM until 1 P.M. Came home in the night train.

Fri. 13th Attended Stake Presidency meeting.

Sund. Oct 15 With my team, the first time I ever had Toby harnessed, drove down to E.T. where I attended School & Meeting & put up at Bp. Feller’s. Prest G. Bro O. at Clover Vernon

My Paddy horse having died I bought of P. M. Clegg Gray Toby for $80.00

Fri. Oct. 20 Attended Stake Presidency meeting in eve.

Sund. Oct 22. Prest G. went to Clover & Bro Orme & I to Tooele. Dr J. T. Miller was at meeting & he & Bro C A O. occupied the time.

After meeting I ordained Charles Hansen of Lake View an elder & later gave him a certificate of ordination. [p. 181]

Sunday Oct 8 Sister Mary Kirk wife of James Kirk was buried while I was at Conference

Wed. Oct. 11 Sister Darwin Dunyon was buried. I preached the funeral sermon so also did Wm H Cassity.

Thu. Oct. 26. Wm Hammond was buried. I met the train and with my team attended the funeral hauling mourners. At the Services the Speakers were. A Bevan 15 min. H B Haynes 18 min. & Myself 35 min. Spoke with much freedom.

This night I have written up my journal from memory since Sept 4/05. During that time I have administered to the sick, Consecrated oil and so on.

We are now all pretty well.

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September 1905, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin with a line extending to the top of page 180.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Sept”.