July 1913

1 July 1913 • Tuesday


Warm day.

Attended Quarterly Conference of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. where nine of the brethren were present and spoke & Elder Geo A. Smith called in & spoke also [p. 131]

I had our house roof patched to-day. will have soon to have it newly shingled.

2 July 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant day. I made some repairs about the house and spent most of the day on my temple records. I finished listing the eighteen hundred names of Yorkshire Gills for baptism and Endowment work. I have 1270 names listed for baptisms and all these who are entitled to endowments are listed by them selves for that purpose.

When the temple opens I will prosecute the work with all possible dispatch. Alice & I attended the Emporeum in the evening. I attended Circle.

3 July 1913 • Thursday

Pleasant day rain at night.

I attended weekly council meeting or quarterly meeting fasting from 10:30 to 3 P.M.

Called at Dr Stauffer’s office & received electrical treatment for my eyes.

Spent some time trimming and trailing vines on house & other odd jobs. Wrote letters to several parties including Pres E. J. Wood & Arthur Sherwood of Canada about leasing my Canada land for a term of years. [p. 132]

4 July 1913 • Friday


Weather cool.

Our family went out to Salt Air on 9:30 A.M. train and we, most of us had a bath in the lake. Returned home at about 7 P.M. A pleasant day.

5 July 1913 • Saturday


Warm day.

Hyrum Lee & his Son Grant came in from Tooele on morning train & Oliver & I accompanied them to the fair grounds where we saw the Stampede exebition. I took suit to tailors for repairs & cleaning.

Received from Acme Portland Cement Co. today a check of $451.94, second distribution on sale of the companies property. The first payment on same sale was made Feb. 6, 1912 and amounted to $1893.85. The original investment of $1250.00 was made June 1st 1909. In view of the indebtedness incurred in fixing up our house recently, this apportionment is a happy receipt.

6 July 1913 • Sunday


Warm day.

Alice Ray & I with George, Edith & baby went to the tabernacle services in the morning consisting of an annual festival of the Sunday Schools of the Salt Lake Stake. Subject of song, recitation and speech. America. [p. 133]

Alice and I went over to my Sister Asenath’s to see Lot Smith who is suffering greatly from cancer which seems to have attacked him in the spine & loins. I administered to him.

Attended 27th ward meeting where my son LeGrand was the Speaker occupying 25 minutes.

In the evening quite a number of our family & friends came in and I had ice cream & sherbet brought up from the drug store and we had a nice visit & treat. George & Edith, LeGrand & Ina, Rega Card, Clarence Silver, Lill Maxwell were here.

7 July 1913 • Monday


Very warm

I issued checks in payment of all bills received and paid $200. on my $1500 note at bank.

Elder James E. Talmage and I visited Lot Smith at my Sister Asenath’s and administered to him . He condition is precarious.

I went down town and attended to some business. Later at 2:15 P.M. Alice, Oliver, Estella and I with George & Edith & baby & Dr Bird & wife went up Emigration Canyon and looked over a number of lots with a view to exchanging our lot needed by Ry extention for another. We finally found a lot which suited us but being larger Wm F. [p. 134] Atkin representing the Company was lothe to let it go but took in under consideration.

Our girls & Ray were out to Salt Air during the afternoon & evening. The weather is extremely warm.

8 July 1913 • Tuesday


Very warm.

I spent the forenoon home and in the afternon Alice LeGrand & Ray & I went up Emigration canyon We called at Geo. J. Cannon’s & Willard R. Smiths places & inspected them with a view to building a house after their pattern in part & to get some ideas. We went up to Pine Crest & I showed LeGrand the new lot received in exchange for original lot which the Ry needs. On the way down our car ran off the track and we had to take the East bound car home. Walked from 1st South & 12th home. Repaired tops. Hung Canvass.

9 July 1913 • Wednesday


Very warm

I arose before 5 A.M. bathed & cleaned up & went up to LeGrands & saw him about having a house built for me in the canyon. I decided on a plan of house and took steps towards its erection.

Worked on temple records, recorded about 240 baptisme.

Attended a U.I.V. Co. director’s meeting at 2 P.M. and my [p. 135] circle meeting in the evening & Alice & I later called at LeGrands and spent a couple of hours.

10 July 1913 • Thursday


Warm day Some breeze.

I spent several hours with my nephew Lot Smith at Aunt Senny’s. Wrote for him a letter to his mother Sent to my niece Nannie Richards at Logan at her request 200 names of females for baptism. Gills. Received letter from her saying that she & Iva had been baptized for the sixty names we sent them. Alice & I went to the lake with Joel & Georgina Felt and had a bath & luncheon together.

This day through my son LeGrand I arranged to have a house built in the Emigration Canyon at Pine Crest opposite the 75 roomed hotel on our lot and tomorrow go up with the workmen to start the work.

11 July 1913 • Friday


Weather cooler. All well.

Mama, Oliver, Estella & Ray, George & I went up Emigration Canyon on 8:30 A.M. train with Claud Woolley, carpenter, and a Dutch man laborer and we decided on the place to build our canyon home and started the men to work on same digging down side hill for footing of building. [p. 136] We were detained three hours by car being off the track.

I this day received from the tailor my black coat & trowsers which I had quit wearing but later decided to have repaired & cleaned using the vest to make repairs. It now answers the purpose of a best suit.

12 July 1913 • Saturday


Weather tolerable. All well.

I spent the forenoon home studying. Also a part of the Afternoon and Mama and I with a number of our family members went out to the lake on 4:30 P.M. train and had a bath, supper & dance and returned home on 9:30 P.M. train.

13 July 1913 • Sunday


Warm day All well.

Attended a lecture by Dr. McKiver at Assembly Hall at 10 A.M.

At 2 P.M. attended Tabernacle Services and offered the invocation Elder J. E. Talmage was the Speaker. Subject. Name of the Church and its significance.

Alice & I went to Farmington on the 5 o’clock train and visited some of her relations.

14 July 1913 • Monday


Irene Knowlton phoned at 7:15 this morning that her Sister Rhoda died this A.M. at [p. 137] 6 o’clock. Funeral at Farmington. Thursday at 2 P.M.

Later a change was made to hold services in undertaker’s parlors at 1 o’clock Wed. and a brief service at the Cemetery in Farmington.

I met Pres. Penrose, Elder H M Smith & Pres. S B Young at Pres. Office 10 A.M. Committee work and took 11:25 A.M. train for the canyon where I have several men at work on Canyon house. I helped them all afternoon and returned to City leaving Canyon at 7 P.M.

Alice LeGrand & Ina & I went down to my Sister Nerva’s house in the evening and talked over matters pertaining to burial of my niece Rhoda Knowlton. Returned home nearly mid night.

15 July 1913 • Tuesday


Warm weather.

I spent the time between 11:15 and 1:45 at Presidents’ office. Visited Lot Smith at the L.D.S. Hospittal and administered a blessing to him, assisted by Bp. of Malad 2nd ward.

Alice Geo. Edith & I went down to my Sister Nervas and visited her for a couple of hours and later went to the lake and took a bath.

I attended to some business preparing for the burial and funeral services &c of Rhoda K. [p. 138]

16 July 1913 • Wednesday


Warm Day.

I wrote to my Sister Alice inviting her and her Son Lot’s children to come down and stay with us a while that they might be able to visit Lot at the hospittal.

I attended the funeral services of Rhoda Knowlton held in Sam’l Taylor’s undertaking parlers at 1 P.M. and had charge of the services. Members of the 31st ward choir furnished the music & singing and my son LeGrand & Stephen L. Jr. were the speakers. I added a few words at the close. We went from the parlors to the Ry. Station and took 3 P.M. train to Farmington where we were met by a number of friends & teams and taken to the Cemetery where a short service was held & interment made. J. D. Wood and E B Clark were the Speakers & E. F. Richards dedicated the grave.

Alice & I called in F. D. Steeds & staid about an hour & a half & Frank took us to the 6:34 P.M. train for home.

17 July 1913 • Thursday


I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to 3:30. After meeting Elders J. E. Talmage, Hyrum G. Smith Willard Richards Smith & I went up to the Hospittal and administered to Lot Smith & Quincy Knowlton. [p. 139]

Attended a Conjoint meeting of the Y.M. and Y.L. M.I.A. Boards in the Bishop’s building from 4:30 to about 6 P.M.

Alice & I, Geo F. Jr & Edith went out to Dr Chas. Bird’s new home on their invitation and took supper and spent the evening. Were late getting home.

18 July 1913 • Friday


My son George & I took the 6:45 A.M. Emigration Canyon train and went up to our lot and put in a full day of hard work making trails up the hill back & front and arrived home about 6 P.M. I suppered and bathed and retired early being very tired and behind with my sleep. Had a good night’s rest.

19 July 1913 • Saturday


All usually well at our home.

I attended to some temple work recording, correspondence &c & made ready to leave on 1:45 P.M. train for Wellsville, Cache Co. with Elder J. E. Talmage to attend Hyrum Stake Conference.

Arrived at Hyrum in early evening and after supper at Pres. Maughns we were taken by auto to Hyrum First ward and attended a meeting about 175 present [p. 140] where we reorganized the bishopric and Bro. Talmage and I each spoke. I ordained Loran Dyphus McBride a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Hyrum First ward.

Bro Talmage ordained Ezra James Wilson a High Priest and set him apart First Counselor & I ordained Nephi Hansen a High Priest and set him apart second Counselor. We returned to Wellsville and staid at Pres. W H Maughans.

20 July 1913 • Sunday

Wellsville. Home.

Attended conference meeting at 10 A.M. attendance 750. The speakers were the counselors in the Stake presidency, myself & Elder J. E. Talmage. I occupied about 25 min. Subject accomplishments of the Stake, commendations and statistics. What there is to do.

At afternoon meeting Pres. Wm C. Parkinson, Elder Talmage & I were the speakers. I occupied the 30 min. left me on Genealogy & temple work by suggestion of Pres Parkinson.

In the evening Elder Talmage attended the Mutual Conference and I went with Prests Parkinson & Loraelsy to College ward where we reorganized the ward bishopric.

I ordained Joseph Olsen a bishop and set him apart to preside over the College ward. I also set apart John Schauk as First and [p. 141] James Nelson Second Counselors. I addressed the meeting, 120 being present out of a population of 250. Returned to Wellsville after meeting

21 July 1913 • Monday


Rained in evening

Elder Talmage & I left for home on 7:25 A.M. train via Logan and arrived home at noon.

Wrote up my journal & report &c. Oliver and I went up Emigration Canyon on 2:25 P.M. train and returned home about 9 P.M. Our Canyon House is in course of construction

22 July 1913 • Tuesday


Rained at night.

I spent the forenoon at home reading and studying.

Went down town at noon and attended to some business and went to the L.D.S. Hospittal and visited with Lot Smith.

Alice & I with smaller children went out to Salt Air on 5 P.M. train Sarah, Ruby, Lucena, Mamie & Nina having taken the 3:30 train. Had a good bath in the Lake. Returned on 8 P.M. train.

23 July 1913 • Wednesday


Tomorrow being the 24th Pioneer Day & a public holliday, we held our weekly council meeting of the Presidency, Twelve & Patriarch today. [p. 142]

I attended a committee meeting at President’s office with Pres Penrose, H. M. Smith & S. B. Young. Visited my Sister Alice Ann at Willard Smiths home near the hospittal. Attended my Circle meeting.

24 July 1913 • Thursday


Our family & I all went to Salt Air. Alice and I took a bath about noon & took Edna, Oliver & Estella in the Lake. When we came out Alice was notified that she was wanted at the phone. She responded and Lucena who remained until afternoon told her Nerva had phoned in for her. Accordingly I took her in to the City and put her on the 2:35 P.M. train and sent her to Tooele. I returned to the lake and brought the children in. Attended the American theatre for first time.

25 July 1913 • Friday


Weather pleasant.

Geo. L. Tate phoned in before 7 A.M. that my daughter Nerva had given birth to a baby boy at a few minutes after 1 A.M.

I took R.G.W. train at 8:05 with Pres. J. W. McMurrin for Siggard [Sigurd] Seviere Co. where we were met by Pres. Eckersley of Wayne Stake and driven to Burrville 27 miles where we staid over night with Bro Burr. [p. 143]

26 July 1913 • Saturday


Pleasant day.

We left this place at 5 A.M. and drove 27 miles to Loa by 9 A.M. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting in the tabernacle. A number of the people who celebrated the 24th at Fish Lake had not returned and our meetings were sparsely attended, at the meeting there were 77 in attendance. Bro. McMurrin and I spoke at all meetings. I occupied about 30 min Sub. The influences in the Church calculated to keep us in the narrow way. Quoted Emerson. “What I most need is some body to make me do as well as I can[”].

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 117. I occupied about 30 minutes. Subject. Tithes & Offerings.

8:30 P.M. <149> Conjoint Conference I occupied about 25 min. Sub. M.I.A. features. Testimony, prepare for preaching the Gospel, manual work, missionary work. Era & Friend.

27 July 1913 • Sunday


Cool and pleasant.

Staying with Pres Eckersley. Att. 293. At 10 A.M. meeting I occupied— How manifest to our parents and to the Lord our love a obedience, b. in being kind & good to others. Quoted Matt 25:31 and recited Aubo “Ben Adhem”

Attended Seventies meeting between fore noon & afternoon meetings [p. 144] and ordained a number of persons & set apart.

I set apart Thos H. Jakeman a High Councilor. I set apart Deseret N. Hickman, an Alternate H.C. I set apart Patriarch Walter E Hanks, Genealogical agent. I ordained Walter B. Hanks a Seventy

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 301. I occupied about an hour. Read statements of O Cowdery & D Whitmer & their testimony and related Josephs first vision & subsequent one of the truth of same the testimony of the Witnesses are witnesses.

We left Loa about 4 P.M. with Walter Stewart and drove to Koosharem ward and attended meeting. Present 203. I occupied about 35 minutes & Pres McMurrin who spoke first about 25 minutes. Subj. Jesus both taught & lived the Gospel and his authorities represent him in teaching and living it and the people should be in harmony with the Church authorities, then they will be in harmony with the Lord & the Gospel. This shows how necessary that we the people who are chosen for positions be clean & faithful. The Oneness of the Gospel.

28 July 1913 • Monday


Frost last night Have had a cold the past two days.

We continued our journey [p. 145] at 5:45 A.M. by team to Siggard where we took train for home. Arrived home about 7 P.M.

29 July 1913 • Tuesday


Warm day.

Oliver & I went to the canyon & worked on trail to house now nearing completion.

At Pres Lymans invitation I visited him and spent about an hour conversing principally upon the subject of Genealogy & temple work.

30 July 1913 • Wednesday

I spent most of the day at home but attended my Circle meeting in the evening also went to the hospittal and saw and administered to Lot Smith assisted by Dr. Talmage. Called & saw Dr Wilcox’s son who was recently operated upon for hernia. Called & saw my sister Alice A. Smith, also my sister Nerva.

31 July 1913 • Thursday


Our boy Ray has a breaking out half way around the body on left side. I set apart Francis Henrie of Panguitch <a miss to New Zealand.>

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10:45 to 2:10. Had my eyes tested by Dr Jensen and ordered new lenses. Took train about 3 P.M. for our home in Emigration Canyon, Geo & Edith & baby & Mother and six children having taken earlier train.

This is our first night in this canyon. The carpenter finished his work today. [p. 146]

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July 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-07