August 1903

2 August 1903 • Sunday

<Spent at home>1

92 August 1903 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans & I went to Grantsville where we attended School & meeting and preached to the people. I took dinner with O H Barrus.

163 August 1903 • Sunday

Prest. Gowans went to Lake View in the morning where he met Wm Spry & E T Woolley in interest of S. School. I having been to excursion to Salt Air the day & evening before did not go over until afternoon when I attended meeting & all 4 of us spoke. Took ice cream at Bp. Shield’s after meeting and while there administered a Patriarchal blessing to Joseph Sims Jr.

<Katie & Nina Grover came home with us from Salt Air Sat night 15th & staid until following Friday. Went up Canyon Wed or Thu. berrying>4 [p. 129]

23 August 1903 • Sunday

Prest. H S Gowans & I attended school, meeting & Circle in Tooele. Alfred Nelson & I did the speaking at meeting. Between School and meeting I administered a blessing unto Lavina Heggy wife of Andrew Heggie the latter being scribe.

<Our phone was put in the house in the early part of the month of August The rates begin Sept 1st $1.50 per Mo. Residence phone.>5

24 August 1903 • Monday

For months have we had hot dry weather. Last night was a cool night and to-day is pleasant, the change came without storm. Threshing progressing and mostly done. Grain crops light Wheat bring 75¢ at mill cash 1st Quality Oats go at $1.50

25 August 1903 • Tuesday

Staid home and attended to business. Put wire cloth on window and screen door on door way of my office room

26 August 1903 • Wednesday

I think it was this day by request Prest Gowans and I went down to Ekenstoms & consecrated a bottle of oil and administered to Sister Ekenstom. Weather continues cool, but dry. Business dull. Collections fair.

27 August 1903 • Thursday

Attended to business. Visited Jno. A. Lindberg to inquire after Mutual work and Wm Cassity to inquire after Religion Class work.

28 August 1903 • Friday

Attended to business Implement & Lumber. Have decided to send Joel to the City to attend LDS University and have him take the Book Keeping Course at a cost of $40. 1st year $30. sec. year. We have 13 month time from Geo. & Legrand’s time to transfer to Joel if it can be done. Preparing for Conference.

29 August 1903 • Saturday

I took my team & my wife and little girls went with me to Grantsville to Conference. We took dinner at Gustave Anderson’s & Ruby & Lucena staid there all night & the rest of us returned home after meetings. Bro. B. H. Roberts was with us and gave good [p. 130] talks. Conference was held in Opera House. I was called on to make opening prayr of Conference.

306 August 1903 • Sunday

Took Alice, Nerva & the little girls and went to Conference at Grantsville. At morning session Bro Roberts spoke and then I spoke about 25 minutes. Afternoon Bro Roberts spoke about 1 hr. report & remarks by Prest Gowans and presentation of Authorities. Conference pretty well attended. We arrived home before dark in evening.

31 August 1903 • Monday

answered correspondents, attended to business matters &c.

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August 1903, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025


  1. [1]This entire entry was written vertically in the left margin next to the 9 August entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Aug 2” before writing “9” over the “2”.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Aug 9” before writing “16” over the “9”.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 16 August entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically across the left margin of page 130.

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “31st” before writing “0” over the “1”.