November 1912

1 November 1912 • Friday


Pleasant weather. Am improving.

I called on Dr. S. L. R. at his office and he examined me for about 30 minutes. Said he had no idea I was so run down & poor. He gave me medicine prescription to strengthen the heart action and make more blood and sent me to the Eye Doctor to have my eyes tested for certain abnormal conditions to described over phone to the oculist Dr Stapher. The latter after examination said the optic nerves were swollen and inflamed but could only be reached by internal treatment. Dr. Stephen conferred with Dr. Richards and the Dr. says I must build up my system by taking nourishing food.

2 November 1912 • Saturday


Stormed hard at night. Improving.

I remained in doors all day until 4 P.M. when I went down town and bought eight globes, and a shade. Called in Squires and got shaved. Folks well.

<Price paid 40c.>1 [p. 300]

[end of fifteenth volume]

3 November 1912 • Sunday

Geo. F. Richards

1010- 3rd Ave.

Salt Lake City,

Utah2 [p. [0]]

Geo. F. Richards’ Journal

Book XVI—

From Nov. 3, 1912,


Jan. 19, 1914—3 [p. [0]]

[p. [0]]4



Am still under the doctors’ care and treatment but am free from pain & suffering in the main. My constitution seems to be depleted or run down as a result of my long sickness and this effects my eyes and causes dizziness.

This day I remained home all day. LeGrand and Ina took dinner with us.

4 November 1912 • Monday



Alice visited with Edmunds family the afternoon and evening. I remained home with the little ones.

Being forbidden by the doctors to read on account of my eyes, the time drags. I sit up all day but retire early.

5 November 1912 • Tuesday



This is election day and I voted for Pres. Howard H. Taft and the Republican party excepting in two instances I substituted the names of Matthonia Thomas and LeGrand Young for Jacob Johnson and Mr. Friek. The state went Republican and the nation Democratic Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) elected president. [p. 1]

6 November 1912 • Wednesday


Pleasant but cold.

Aunt Sarah called and took Alice and me and Aunt Seney for an auto ride but it was so cold we did not remain out long. Alice and I called on Ina & Edith.

I think my condition is improving.

7 November 1912 • Thursday


Pleasant day.

I am as well as usual and the others are well.

I shaved and made ready and went to the regular weekly Council of the First Presidency, the Twelve and the Patriarch in the temple from 10.30 to about 2.30 P.M. We then had lunch in the temple.

I called and saw Dr. Stephen, called at my sons office, called at Z.C.M.I. & bought this book. Alice & I accepted invitation of Bro. & Sister Ivins & went with them for an auto ride which we enjoyed very much. In the evening contrary to instructions to rest my eyes, I wrote up my journal from the 3rd instant.

8 November 1912 • Friday


Weather pleasant. I am improving.

I took a walk down to Cousin Levi W. Richards’ and spent a brief time with him, called to See Aunt Mary Ann Richards, Uncle Samuels’ [p. 2] widow but the latter was not at home. Walked eighteen blocks. Spent most of the day home in quietude, trying to observe the doctor’s instructions.

9 November 1912 • Saturday


Weather delightful. I am improving nicely.

Yesterday morning we found Estella who has been ailing for a few days broken out with red spots on face & body. We are treating her for measles. She keeps her bed under protest. She would be up & about if we would permit.

I spent some time this morning with the Electric lights and finally sent to UL & Ry Co. and got a man we fixed it up in about five minutes.

I wrote to my son Joel in England. I took a walk up into the Salt Lake & Catholic Cemeteries and to the head of 4th Ave. & got thoroughly tired. Called at my son LeGrand’s. Estella Lee, Grant & babe came in today.

They returned next day.

10 November 1912 • Sunday


Threatening weather. Rained in night.

I attended 27th ward School and the parents class & listened to Prof. Abbott of U. of U. lecture. Subject The Home & the School.

I spent the afternoon & evening at home Alice read, “Mary Cary.” to a finish. My health is improving.

Our little girls are about well. <Edna is fully.>5 [p. 3]

11 November 1912 • Monday


I am feeling comfortable and gaining strength day by day. Edna is in school again. Estella is up & dressed and feeling well after her brief sickness which we feared as measles. Others all well. Good word from our son Joel in Eng.

I gathered the leaves off the lawn. Mrs. Whittle and her three children Spent the afternoon and evening with us. Alice gave each of the children a coat and other things

12 November 1912 • Tuesday


Weather delightful I am getting stronger. Estella complaining a little, others well. In forenoon, I attended a committee meeting at Pres. Lyman’s office.

By courtesy of Bro. H. J. Grant, Sister R. & I attended the Salt Lake theatre at night; The Norman.” Excellent.

13 November 1912 • Wednesday

Home. All usually well. Fine weather.

I spent the forenoon at home. Attended U.I.V. Co. Board meeting at 2 P.M. Called at Dr. Stephen’s office & saw him. Received perscription & got new kind of medicine. Called & saw Dr Stoffer who examined my eyes again and said they were improved. He applied the electric battery to them as a tonic and instructed me to come every other day for same [p. 4] kind of treatment. Wrote to Joel & to Nerva.

14 November 1912 • Thursday


All usually well. Fine weather.

I was with the brethren of my council in the temple from 10.30 to about 3 P.M. Important business transacted. Issuing of individual certificates of ordination by us to be discontinued & only the quorums & councils to attend to that. I received appointment to Granite stake for Sunday 24th inst.

Alice & I spent the evening at George & LeGrand’s homes visiting.

15 November 1912 • Friday


All usually well. Pleasant weather.

I spent the forenoon at home & studied contrary to my own knowledge of what is good & bad for my eyes. In afternoon I went down town and called at Dr Stoffer’s and had electric treatment. Called & saw Dr Stephen also. Visited a short time at Dr. George’s office, with Sarah Ellen Smith, my sister. Geo & Edith took supper with us and spent the early evening. A sister Caithness & a sister Halliday, English friends of our Son Joel called & spent an hour.

Nina read to me from the Oct. Conference pamphlet a short time. I called on the Presidency at their office while down town [p. 5]

16 November 1912 • Saturday


Good weather. Folks usually well.

I spent the day at home. Nina read to me remaining discourses preached at late Oct. Conference in Large tabernacle. I called on Sister Lyman who is sick in bed.

I visited a while with my son LeGrand at his home in evening.

17 November 1912 • Sunday


W. fine. H. as usual.

I attended S. School & meeting in 27th ward and offered the closing prayr in each.Geo & LeGrand & their families spent some time at our home before & after meeting.

Alice and I commenced to read “The Indifference of Juliet.” By Grace S. Richmond. <Aunt Jane S. Richards died between 2 & 3 P.M. today in her 90th yr.>

18 November 1912 • Monday


All tolerably well.

Oliver however, has been out of school the last two days on account of illness and Ray has been poorly. Both are dressed and about the house now.

Weather beautiful.

I spent the entire day at home Listened to the folks read and did some reading myself notwithstanding the Doctor advises against it. [p. 6] A nice lengthy letter from Joel in which he says the Mission President Elder Rudger Clawson told him he could go home anytime after the first of January next.

I retired to bed earley.

19 November 1912 • Tuesday


Beautiful weather Some of the little ones ailing are improved. I wrote to my daughter Nerva & Son Joel. I spent the day at home.

20 November 1912 • Wednesday

Home. <Rain last night.> Fine weather. I am feeling well. Some of the little ones are ailing. Ray is developing measles.

I attended the funeral services of Aunt Jane S. Richards, held in Ogden tabernacle and on my return to the City attended my prayr circle.

21 November 1912 • Thursday


Beautiful weather. Am usually well. Ray quite sick with measles, Edna & Oliver ailing with colds. I attended Council meeting from 10.30 to about 3.30. Returned home and helped with the children.

Ray had a bad night.

22 November 1912 • Friday


W. fine.

Ray quite sick with his measles and requires almost constant care. [p. 7] I went down town and called on Sister Asper and with her son Matthew administered to her.

23 November 1912 • Saturday


Ray improving Others same.

I hauled a load of fertilizer in on to lawn with wheel barrow from the Street and scattered over the lawn. Did some studying &c.

24 November 1912 • Sunday


Ray better. Edna & Oliver still cough hard.

I left home at 9.15 A.M. for Grant Stake tabernacle where I attended Stake Conference which consisted of a priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. & public meeting at 2 P.M. I spoke at both. In the former I talked on duties of those who hold the priesthood and urged faithfulness in duty. Talents, physician.

25 November 1912 • Monday


Ray continues to improve & is playing about. This day I received from Geo. Minns of England a letter and papers on Longstroth genealogy to which I gave some attention, after which I answered his letter. I went down and took electric treatment for my eyes at Dr. Stauffers. Also called and saw [p. 8] Dr. Stephen in his new quarters 10th floor of Walker Bank Bldg.

26 November 1912 • Tuesday


All convalescing.

I took 7.30 train to Tooele and spent the day at my daughters Nerva’s it being the 10 anniversary of her wedding day. She served a splendid chicken dinner. I arrived home S.L. at 6:10 P.M. Attended 27th ward Mutual.

27 November 1912 • Wednesday


Ray almost well.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to about 2 P.M. Returning home I worked on sheets from Minns, England, comparing same with my records with an effort to Identify some as our kindred but without success. Attended my circle meeting in the evening.

28 November 1912 • Thursday

Home. All well. Fine weather.

I went down town in forenoon & took electric treatment for my eyes & optic nerves. I called & saw Geo & LeGrand at their homes on my return from City Center.

On account of our having so recently had measles, we did not visit others but ate our [p. 9] Thanksgiving dinner by ourselves. In the evening LeGrand & Ina & Mama & I went to the Empress & later to the Rex returning home about 10 P.M The weather is now & has been for some weeks dry, clear & beautiful. Cold enough to be bracing.

29 November 1912 • Friday

Home. Folks usually well and fine weather.

I spent some time repairing the washing machine and then read the paper and studied from my commentary memorandum. I took Oliver to the Board of Health, Dr. Paul & got health certificate .

30 November 1912 • Saturday


I left home in company with Pres. J. G. Kimball on O.S.L. 7.15 A.M. train for Garland, Box Elder Co. to attend the Bear River Stake quarterly conference. We arrived at Garland on time 10.25 A.M. and at 11 A.M. met with the Presidency of the stake, the High council & the Bishops & counselors in one room of the tithing office building, the Relief-society members met in another room of the same building and at close of our meetings served a nice lunch to the brethren and afterward to the Sisters. I addressed briefly the brethren while in the meeting. At 2 P.M. we met in Stake Priesthood meeting and I addressed the meeting for about 30 minutes. [p. 10] Read from D&C sec. 84:33–41 and commented on same.

Pres. Kimball & I staid at Joseph Jensen’s a member of the Stake Presidency.

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November 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Presumably the price paid for this book by George F. Richards.

  2. [2]These four lines were written vertically on the inside front cover.

  3. [3]These five lines were written on the recto of the front flyleaf.

  4. [4]The verso of the front flyleaf was left blank.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically on the right side of page 3.