December 1893

1 December 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy.

I got in a half days plowing, Turned on the Kelsey water east of Bowens, made stoppels to barrels &c. Received letters from Mother & Fred. In the evening, I wrote to Fred and Nerva and attended a meeting of the Tooele Ward Amusement Committee at Vestry. Wrote in my journal two days including this date. Heavy Wind at night. [p. 212]

2 December 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

The wind of the last night blew the top off the hay stack and I gathered it up and cleaned up the Stack yard; Attended Stake Priesthood meeting where Bro Lyman was present and spoke very interestingly. Plowed in afternoon. I offered the benediction at Stake Priesthood meeting. In the evening B. L. Bowen came in to see me about buying 80 acres of land of him. I bathed and attended a Tooele Irrigation Board Meeting. Folks usually well.

3 December 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School and meeting and evening meeting Joint Session of Associations.

I offered the closing prayr in school and meeting. Bro. F. M. Lyman occupied an hour in speaking in meeting and gave us some valuable instruction. After Afternoon meeting I assisted in confirming John Dorman Catherine McLaws & Grace McKellar all of whom had just recently been baptized. I was mouth in confirming Catherine McLaws. John Dorman was ordained an Elder and Grace McKellar was set apart to be a nurse to those of her sex. At 4:30 P.M. attended a meeting of the Tooele Ward Amusement committee of which I am chairman and was appointed one of a committee of three [p. 213] to wait upon the Ward corporation Board &c. Alice, baby & Georgie accompanied me to both afternoon and evening meeting. After the evening meeting I read to the family from the Juvenile two stories and from the News one story of a lost girl of 19 years <of age> in Salt Lake City <gone to bad.> Wrote in my journal for two days. Wrote letters &c.

4 December 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I got horses in, met other trustees at school house to consult over matters of interest to building & schools. Did some plowing in South field. Received a letter from Abram with check of $58.35 to settle City and Water taxes. I settled taxes and got Alonzo G. to ride sorrel horse. In the evening attended school Trustees meeting until nearly 12 o’clock.

Agreed with B. L. Bowen to pay him $950.00 for 80 A land & 5/8 A water he has use of 40 A land until Oct. 1st 1894. Spoke to E. Martin about fence at Terminus.

5 December 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed all day in south field. Wrote to Abram In evening did some figuring and read sermons by O. F. Whitney & G. Q. Cannon on tith[e]s & offerings alout to folks. Signed recommend for Miss [blank space] of Mill precinct who was going to marry Bro. Fisher of Bountiful. School Teacher. [p. 214]

6 December 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold.

I had Joseph Henson working in my stead on ranch while I attended to school matters, made collections of school notes & orders. Archetect Anderson was out here and I spent an hour or so with him. Took Alice and little girls for a short ride to store & to Vowles for flour.

In the evening, I attended a school Trustee’s meeting at J. W. Tate’s where we made final settlement with the Mason Contractors, S. S. Newton & Mr. Payne. Folks well excepting colds. Letters from State Bank. Z.C.M.I. Nerva and Estella.

7 December 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I shaved and went to Fast meeting, blessed the oil; announced a hymn, “Who are These Arrayed in White” Turned over to Marshall Dyre the John Larson property except $54 & some cents.

Attended to some school business, telephoned to Martin at Terminus about fencing &c.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Ward Corporation Board as a committee from Amusement Committee and asked the Board to take our property, assume our liabilities and release the Committee from further obligation or service. Wrote to Supt. W. J. Robinson. [p. 215]

8 December 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather Stormy in the afternoon, rained. I plowed in forenoon and worked in the shop in the afternoon. Talked with Martin at Terminus through telephone about fencing at Terminus. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Legrand is not well enough to attend school and Alice & others are ailing with colds &c. Mailed letters to Mother, W. J. Robinson and Thos. DeLaMare.

9 December 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

B. L. Bowen got Gray mare to ride to Lake Viewe and E.T. Ward on business relating to a business deal between us to turn the Whitehouse note of $500.00 on purchase of property. I plowed in South field and in the evening called on Prest. Gowans at his office and went down to the School building and from there to Apostle Lyman’s where I spent a portion of the evening listening to his words of counsel. On my return home finding that Miss Mamie Clark had sent down for me to go up to Bo [Bro?] S. F. Lee’s to administer to her, I went up but Bro. James Bevan and Thos. S Speirs having just adiministered to her I was not asked to do so. Returned home, bathed, read the Times and retired late. Legrand and others of the family complained of sore throat &c.

10 December 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant; ground dry. The appointment of Stake Presidency is at [p. 216] Lake View to-day. Prest. Hugh S. Gowans by request of Apostle Lyman accompanied him to Grantsville so I visited Lake View alone. My boy George accompanied me. Having been previously invited to put up at Walter Adamson’s, I drove directly there and received a hearty welcome. The boys took care of the team and I proceeded to School which had just convened. At close of exercises, by invitation I addressed the School for a short time. After School, had a talk with Sister Emma M. Whitehouse who said she had a lady at her house with a young babe who was going to give the babe to her and she desired Bro. Gowans & me to go up there and bless the babe. I told her that such a blessing could not be considered official or claim record on the Church record but that it would either have to be brought before the church or have the Sanction of the Bishop. She said she would prefer to keep it a secret at present.

Took dinner with Walter Adamson, asked the blessing at table asked about the mill business I read to him my written sentiments on the subject which he indorsed.

At meeting by my request. Elders Elijah Spray, Edmund Seaver and William Cochrain were called to the stand and bore their testamony which I enjoyed very much the three brethren occupying about 17½ minutes time. I then spoke with considerable spirit for about 40 or 45 min. [p. 217] After meeting by request I went down to the Bishops and gave to his wife a Patriarchal blessing she doing the writing. The Bishop John G. Shields & his Counselor Walter Adamson and my son George were present. Returned home before dark, did chores and wrote up my journal for two days.

11 December 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Jos. Henson plowing in my stead while I attended to some business down Town.

I purchased of Benj. L. Bowen 80 acres of land for $950.00. Paid him the Whitehouse note & mortgage $500.00, H. S. Gowans Note $100.00 and my note at 90 days for $350.00 He has the use of the South 40 A. until Oct 1st 1894. Had the final receipt & Land entry Proof recorded and filed the deed for record. Sister Whitehouse and Josephine Rollins with baby was here the latter proposed to give her baby to the former. Prest. Gowans was here to make papers but I refused to witness or have anything to do with the matter which brought that matter to an end. I met with Bp. Atkin Geo. Atkin, Geo. Speirs in counsel on subject of leasing hall to Band & Dramatic troop. In the evening Sister Ann Tate called in and I gave her a Patriarchal blessing and copied it. [p. 218]

12 December 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed all day in South field. Joseph Henson commenced plowing for me on the north 40 A Bowen farm after noon.

After I quit plowing I rode over to see how Jos. Henson was doing his work. Did the chores and attended a school Trustees meeting in evening. Sold twelve tons of hay to James James part at $5.00 3d crop & 2nd crop @ $6.50 per ton.

13 December 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy.

Wrote several letters repaired front gate. Got three horses in field that had gotten out and plowed in South field. Spent the evening at home writing, figuring &c.

14 December 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather threatened, some snow. I had Adam Heggie plowing in my stead while I called on the schools, attended Relief Conference meetings. The Visiting Sisters Were Sisters Stevenson and Freeze. Attended to Some school business and attended a School Trustees meeting in the evening at J. W. Tates residence until a late hour. Preparing a showing for the Special tax meeting of the following evening.

15 December 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cool or cold.

I had Adam Heggie plowing in my stead while I attended to School business and attended [p. 219] Primary Conference in afternoon. Alice and all the children accompanied me. Towards evening I went up to Bro. Parker’s and got a loan of him of $60.00 making a new note of $150.00 from date.

In the evening I attended and presided over a meeting of the tax payers where a tax of 1½ % was levied and Trustees instructed to levy 1/2 of 1 per cent making a 2 % tax. All went off in good order. Promised Sister Parker that I would go up soon and give her a blessing.

16 December 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field until 5 P.M. and then saddled the sorrel horse (Brandy) and rode him over to the Bowen farm to break him to ride. Georgie accompanied me on Josie mare. Spent the evening writing.

17 December 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Prest. H. S. Gowans having an appointment with E.T. mutual for this evening and our appointment of Stake Presidency being to-day he went with his team and I attended School here and after school took my team and buggy and Legrand with me and went down to Batesville 5 miles north where I attended meeting and spoke with freedom for about 25 minutes. Bro. A. G. Johnson Stake Supt. of Sunday Schools and Prest H S. Gowans occupied the remainder of time. [p. 220] After the meeting by request Prest. Gowans, Elders, O P Bates, & James Wood and I went over to Sister Dykes and administered to her I anointed and Prest. Gowans Sealed the anointing. Arthur Bryan accompanied me home from Batesville. I went up to Abel Parkers on my return at 5 P.M. and by request gave Sister Isabella Parker a Patriarchal blessing and later in the evening rewrote same Alice dictating. Wrote in Journal and retired early.

Folks usually well.

18 December 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold. I wrote letters, repaired the boys wagon. C. D. Hanks called to see me about buying 1/2 interest in 80 acres Larson land. He offered it me for $250 Cash. I offered him $200.00 Cash. Later in the day I rode the sorrel colt up to his place in canyon and made him an offer of 2½ shares of Bank Stock which he took under consideration. While up there I saw his conveyanc[e] and admiring it talked trade. He promised to come down next day and see my buggy. I sold a load of hay to Dr Davis F. Barber hauled it for him and I pitched it on. Spent the evening at home writing. I re-wrote Sister Shields blessing and recorded it and sister Ann Tates. Georgie read to me while I wrote them. All usually well. [p. 221]

19 December 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

My boy Geo. rode Josie mare and I rode sorrel colt and we went down to Basin Pasture and drove up donkeys & horses to Estray pound. In afternoon Mr Hanks called and I traded conveyances with him giving him one share of State Bank Stock and $5.00 boot. or difference. In evening I attended School Trustees meeting at J. W. Tates.

20 December 1893 • Wednesday


I went down to Basin Pasture and repaired fence from wells up to top of hill. Singletree dropped and horses started to run and Gray horse kicked several times.

Got Deed of Bowen land from Recorder and bills against Farnham Warr Estate & John Larson Est from the Probate Court where they were approved In evening went to store with Alice and bought Christmas things.

21 December 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Some clouds I hauled manure all day and in the evening recorded Sister Parkers blessing and wrote letters to Mother, Alice, Nerva, Stephen, Fred, Des. Nat. B k. & F. D. Horman. Alice was down to Hammonds making Nerva a dress. Retired late. Attended to some Water Co. business.

22 December 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon but stormy in afternoon. I hauled manure in [p. 222] fore-noon and in after noon attended to the water & inspected the horses and trees in East field to see if trees were being barked. In afternoon it rained. I attended concert exercises of Mr. Abels schoon held in meeting house, visited new school building &c. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Alice is at Hammonds this evening working on Nerva’s dress. & Estella’s. All are well.

23 December 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy. About 8 in Snow. I did the chores, got down sleigh and put tung in it and met Estella at depot. Did some school business, took dinner and took the animals to Basin Pasture 38 head in all including four suckers, 4 head at home including Vick. Went to store and attended in evening the theatre by Home troup “Last Will.” Alice & Georgie accompanies me.

24 December 1893 • Sunday

<Christmas Eve 1893.>1

Tooele Weacher [Weather] pleasant for this season of the year with about 6 inches of snow on the ground. I attended School and meeting. Offered the closing prayr in School and meeting occupied a half hour speaking in meeting.

At close of meeting Prest. Gowans & I by request went up to Bro. McLains and administered to his daughter Mary who was sick. Spent the evening at home this being Christmas Eve to prepare for Christmas. All are well and happy.

I gave $5.00 to be distributed among the poor for [p. 223] their christmas. Spent the evening until late preparing & loading the Xmas tree.

25 December 1893 • Monday

<Christmas 1893.>2

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon and it snowed all the afternoon.

All were well pleased with what Santa Clause brought them. All are well and happy.

Spent the forenoon at home with my family and in afternoon took them all to childrens dance and danced with the little ones. Brought them home after party in my new family Conveyance the first time we ever rode in it.

In the evening Estella went to the party and we all retired about 9:30 P.M.

263 December 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I made a snow scraper and scraped snow off stacks. Did some writing, making paths &c In the evening I attended a meeting of the Water owners annual meeting.

Folks well except Amy who is ailing somewhat

27 December 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled hay into Vicks stable and into yards for vick and cattle hauled chaff out of Vicks manger and wood to wood pile &c. Answered a call from telephone from Robinson at Grantsville relative to County Teachers Examination. Spent the evening at home.

Several of us have colds otherwise all are well. [p. 224]

28 December 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I repaired snow scraper and scraped snow off stack, sawed white cow’s horn off, attended to some business with Prest. H.S. Gowans, attended a meeting of the Irrigation Board in the afternoon, called on Geo. Davie in the evening and spent the evening at home writing reading &c. Several us of us are ailing with colds otherwise tolerably well. Snow on ground but not very good sleighing. Wrote a letter to Henry Robinson of which the following is a copy.

<Letter to James H. Robinson>4

Tooele City, Utah. Dec 28th 1893.

Mr James H. Robinson

Farmington, Utah.

Bro. Henry:— Since Estella has been with us we have given her all the oppertunity of schooling that our school facilities afforded but she is still behind many of her associates which fact embarrasses her so she does not want to attend school with them in our District school. Realizing her position and that it is almost impossible to learn anything where there is some entertainment nearly every evening in the week, I have made an effort to give her a years schooling in the B.Y. Academy at Provo. I have succeeded in keeping her there from the opening of the School until the closing for Hollidays eighteen weeks at an expense of something [p. 225] more than ninety $90.00 dollars and can see that the Theological and Moral training received there has materially benefitted her already. She seems to be very much interested in her studies and it would be too bad to have her quit now while just in the middle of her studies, she having gone over the ground before covered in the District school. The next twenty weeks would be of double profit to her and I am anxious to have her continue but can hardly see my way clear to send her at such expense and meet my other obligations.

What I want to do now is to intercede for Estella with you in trying to get some assistance from your fathers property or means through you as agent for the estate.

Estella has probably received less from her fathers property or means than any other child he has living and if she is now or will be entitled to any thing, there certainly could not be a more profitable use to put it to than in giving her an education and there certainly can be no more oppertune time to give it to her than now

Alice is willing to do without her help and I would furnish her in clothing, books, Stationery &c if you could pay her board and tuition. Trusting that you may consider this matter favorably and find [p. 226] a way to comply therewith, I remain

Your Brother

Geo. F. Richards.

29 December 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather stormy in forenoon I left home with team and buggy for Grantsville to attend County Teachers Examination in a snow storm at 9 a.m. Left the Examination room at 8:20 P.M. for home and arrived home at 10:30 P.M. Alonzo J. Stookey rode home with me.

30 December 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I harnessed bay filley and tied to the side of the team and went to depot and got 2600 lbs. coal then hitched the bay filley with Sorrel horse and drove down to the Basin pasture, George went with me. The mare went well, considering it was first time she had been hitched, until we got down to Terminus when she for some cause unknown to me commenced to kick & after that did considerable kicking but did no damage. Spent the evening at home writing, reading, shaved & bathed &c.

Geo. Hammond called in the evening to have me show him an example in Partial payments which I did to his satisfaction. In the morning, I was called to telephone to talk to School Trustees of Grantsville. [p. 227]

31 December 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

<Last Day of 1893.>5

I attended school and afternoon and evening meeting. Occupied a short time in the evening speaking. Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans were also present and spoke in evening and Bro. Lyman occupied most of the time in the afternoon. This being the last day of the year 1893 I took occasion to talk to my children to try and impress them with the importance of improving day by day & year. Contrasted the faithful with those who were immoral & irreligious &c.

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December 1893, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 24 December entry.

  2. [2]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 25 December entry.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “25” before writing “26” over it.

  4. [4]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to this letter on both page 225 and page 226.

  5. [5]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 31 December 1893 entry.