June 1895

1 June1 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I arose at 4 A.M. to look after the irrigating & continued irrigating all day. Sold hay to Several parties, attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Too[e]le & spoke. Very small attendance, all of Tooele.

2 June 1895 • Sunday


Tooele Weather cool & pleasant. Stake Presidency appointment at E.T. Having had a letter from Abram saying he might be out this day I got excused and attended School here at Tooele & offered the closing prayr. After School I assisted the Bishop Thos. Atkin, Geo. Craner & Benj. L. Bowen in ordaining the following named young brethren Deacons. Geo. F. Richards Jr., Amos Bevan, Lawrence Stewart, Walter Adams Louis Bowen & Edward Lougy Jr. I was mouth in Setting apart Alfred Hanks Jr President of the 6th Quorum of Deacons & in ordaining my son George a deacon & setting him apart 2nd Con. to Alfred Hanks in 6th quorum also ordained Amos Bevan a deacon. Attended Sacrament meeting and spoke for a short time. Attended & presided over a prayr Circle. After Circle meeting I gave Patriarchal [p. 131] blessings to Jessie B. Gordon, Elizabeth Caroline Lee, Amy S. H. Beesley and Ruby Herron, my wife acted as scribe.

I attended to the irrigating between times. All are usually well.

3 June 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I made out Ranch report for May month and issued bills to parties owing. Used City water all day, Kelsey water until 8:45 A.M. & Cemetery water after 5:30 P.M. I called at Cemetery and carried aunts ants off lot. Helped to move the Thomas Lee Monument. Loaded baled hay for Salt Lake City. Received letter from Bp. Sharp about watches. A gentleman called & repaired & cleaned our Sewing machine at a cost of $3.00.

4 June 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took Joel with me & with a load of baled hay for Uncle Abram went to Salt Lake City. Arrived there at 3 P.M. Went up town and attended to some business & then unloaded the hay. Staid all night at Abrams. My Sister Nerva having just come up from Nephi, called & saw me at Abram’s.

5 June 1895 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City Weather pleasant cloudy. I accompanied Abram up town where [p. 132] we made a thorough examination of the following named mowers. McCormick, Woods, Puckeye, Osborne, Whitely & others & finally bought the McCormick at $45.00 I bought a family Carriage for $109.00 including top. I loaded things & left Salt Lake at 4 P.M. for home. Met Jos. Tate & exchanged horses to try them with a view to trading. I called at Rich mill & got flour. Arrived home Ok about 9 P.M. Folks all well.

6 June 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I met Aunt Carlie at Switch, talked with Abram through telephone. Mailed check of $80.00 to John C. Sharp to send to Chicago for a gold watch & chain for me.

Took Alice & Aunt Carlie for a ride, had a load of hay taken to Dr. Davis. Engaged hands to work tomorrow. &c.

7 June 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I took buggy to Shop for repairs, had horse Cloud shoed having just bought him from J. W. Tate for $20.00 cash and my sorrel Brandy horse. Sold & loaded to Geo. Horman three loads of bleeched hay. Alice was sick all day i.e. had some pains & at night was confined giving birth to a fine baby girl at 3:45 A.m. 8th. [p. 133]

8 June 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cloudy & cool. At 3:45 Oclock A.M. Alice gave birth to a nice baby girl. Present F. M Davis M.D. and Sister Barbary Bowen nurse & I. Aunt Carry Richards was here but asleep in another part of the house. Alice felt pretty well all day & ate well. I did some work preparing for haying, sold hay &c. Wrote to Sarah Robinson at Farmington & sent cards to Mother & Nerva.

9 June 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cool & cloudy. My wife being sick I remained at home with her all day. Prest. H.S. Gowans filled appointment of Presidency at Batesville. I copied three & recorded four blessings. Aunt Carlie Richards still with us.

10 June 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I started the one mower again having cut but 1½ days before this season. I took team and wagon and went to Depot to meet Sarah Robinson & Mariar. Neither came. I used City water & Cemetery water. Plowed out potatoes, raked hay &c. with my boys help. I hung gate to North yard & hung a gate to field east of yards.

Aunt Carlie Richards still with [p. 134] us. Mamma still getting on nicely.

11 June 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had Pocock mowing. I took team & went down to J. W. Tate’s and got my carriage he having brought it out from the City for me last night. Went to Station to meet Sarah Robinson but she did not come. The children accompanied me. Took Aunt Carlie for a ride & showed her my farm & horses. Took her to Station on her way home & in answer to telephone went to Garfield & met S. R. Horses came out of Canyon. Sunday school excursion up canyon. Our children went up to B. L. Bowen’s where they made ice cream &c & spent most of the day. In the evening I wrote cards to Mother Nerva & Mr. Kelley of Stockton and a letter to Stephen. Alice continues to get on nicely.

12 June 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I raked hay in forenoon, Georgie took horses in Canyon. Telephoned Consolidated Implement Co. About mower & they arranged with Mr Droubay to let me have one he had here on exabition & for sale so that we started the 2nd mower in the afternoon & George raked hay. [p. 135] About 7 P.M. I took team & got buggy from DeLaMar’s shop & went over to the Bowden farm where D. G. Adamson & sons were cutting & putting up hay. Bro. Geo. Remington went over with me & Jas. B. Bowden rode back with us. Bought Straw berries of John Bowen. Received letters from Mother & Abram. Wrote to J S Wrathall about sale for wheat.

Alice continues to gain strength & feels well.

13 June 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm & clowdy. Commenced hauling hay with full force. Hauled 4 loads to A. Dunyon

Put up hay carrier &c & commenced using slings. After men quit work I took hay to Jos. Tate & exchanged for grain. Relief Conference here in Tooele but I was too busy to attend. Alice’[s] stomach distressed in evening.

14 June 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather breezy & cloudy. We continued the haying had the ill fortune to pull cable loose at one end & let poles fall down & broke one. As School Trustee ordered a Map of Utah of Mr Wright at 10.00 to be delivered in Sept. next. [p. 136]

15 June 1895 • Saturday3

Tooele Weather clowdy.

I continued the haying, full force of nine hands. I received by reg. my Gold watch from Chicago. Called at Prest. Gowan’s office & there met Apostle F. M. Lyman. Prest. Gowans read a letter of censure to Bp. Sharp of Vernon which Apostle Lyman indorsed but I succeeded in getting softened by revision. Shaved, bathed &c.

Joel fell from the Shed & hurt him quite severely. Alice & baby getting on nicely excepting some cold with both.

16 June 1895 • Sunday4

Tooele Weather clowdy & cold We continued the haying all day

Tooele Weather cold. Considerable rain fell last night and Snow low down on benches. Prest H. S. Gowans remained at home Apostle Lyman being here & I filled the Stake presidency’s appointment at Lake View Attended School & spoke to school. Staid at Bp. Shields where I took dinner and gave blessings to their oldest Son & daughter John and Clara. Attended ward meeting which was [p. 137] pretty well attended after testamonies from Geo. Smith and W. Sagers I occupied the remainder of the time talking with considerable freedom. After meeting administered to Sister Hansen Geo. Smith anointed & I sealed the anointing Met with young men & boys called to receive the Lesser priesthood & gave some instructions in regard to qualification necessary, importance of Priesthood &c.

Returned home by horseback and blessed our baby but did not name it.

17 June 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather cool & pleasant. I sold baled hay 1400 lbs to Jas. Kirk, wrote to Mother & Abram. Mailed letter to Bp. Sharp about watch. My Son George and I went in the canyon and got horses. Left here at 11 AM & returned at 7 P.M. In the evening Peter Clegg & I hitched Our Tobie horse in his buggy to try him. Folks usually well.

18 June 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Had full forse working in hay.

In afternoon I attended the funeral of Sister O. P. Bates & spoke 17½ min at close. In the evening I gave blessings to Amy & Ida Lyman. Lucy Lyman scribe. [p. 138]

19 June 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Last night Ruby being sick with cold & hoarseness I administered to her & she got better. This morning, I went down to J W Tate’s & got hay slings. Wrote a full page letter paper to Mother. J. R. Bowden called to see me in the evening. I helped with the hay all day. At noon hour gave blessing to Maggie Gillespie and in evening gave blessing to Sarah Jane St. Clair. Alice sat up most of the day. Ruby better during the day & not so well at night.

20 June 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I continued the haying full force of hands. Put 21 loads hay in stack this day. Broke ring on rope & had to get one made which caused delay. After 6 P.M. I put in post pulley which works nicely.

Alice & Ruby feeling poorly.

21 June 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather hot, threatening storm. I continued the haying full force of hands. Worked hard all day. In evening took the folks excepting Alice & three youngest children for a ride. Wrote to Doctor Stephen.

22 June 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather very warm. Discontinued hay hauling for want of hay [p. 139] Had two mowers running all day. Loaded hay for J. B. Skelton. &c. Recorded a couple of blessings in the evening. Washed carriage and buggy. Children still have severe colds. Alice improving, walked up to Hayhouse & got weighed weighed 138 lbs. I weighed 163 lbs.

23 June 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

Stake Presidency appointment at Tooele. Prest. Gowans and I attended both School & meeting but did not talk, the programme in School taking all the time & in meeting Emil Isgren being asked to talk occupied all the time. Attended Pray Circle and after Circle meeting gave blessings to Mary Ann Lougy & Mary Ann Nix. Recorded Ida & Amy Lyman’s blessings Folks made Ice cream & had cream & cake. Mary Ann Dunn & Hyrum Lee besides our own family were present. We retired early. Folks about same as yesterday.

24 June 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather very warm.

I continued the haying full force of hands & myself worked hard. After men quit work I put my team on carriage and took Jos. Tate & Chas. Pocock over to my farm & looked over the Binder with [p. 140] view to their running it to harvest my grain 90 acres looking fine, got wheat from granary for mower team. Used City water.

25 June 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather Warm.

I continued the haying with full force of hands until noon when haulers stopped off having caught up with the mowers. I received letter from Bp. J. C. S. relative to watch. Called on F. D. Horman & C. R. McBride on money matters.

By consent of Doctor Stephen, removed the plaster from Legrand’s leg after having in [it?] on about ten months. In the evening I recorded Maggie Gillespie’s blessing & part of Sarah Jane St Clairs blessing. Administered to Sarah Ellen at her request she having cold & feeling poorley.

26 June 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot.

Continued haying in forenoon full force. Discontinued hauling in the afternoon having caught up with mowers. Two mowers run all day. In afternoon took Sarah Robinson to Depot on his way home and took family conveyance and Alice & the rest of the family excepting Nerva went along, baby 2½ weeks old. I registered pkg. Gold watch & chain to the Waltham Watch & Jewelry Co. Chicago to be ex[p. 141]changed. Ephraim & Alonzo Gowans called in the evening. The little baby has severe cold.

27 June 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather windy.

continued the cutting of lucern with two machines. Did not haul on account of wind. I called to see the children’s fair. Made repairs prepared for tomorrow’s work. Alice improving, little baby sick with cold.

28 June 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had one mower running all day and the rake turned the hay wet by last night’s rain. Had two men helping me haul hay from top of stack to scatter to dry.

Saw Pocock & Jos. Tate & got them to go over to my field and get binder and take it to E. Broad’s shop where they worked on it all day. Wm Caldwell called to show me his Stallion for sale. I got my buggy from the Shop &c. In evening I took Alice in buggy & notified men to come to work in the morning. Our baby was real sick last night and Alice was awake most of the night. Lucena also cried with ear ache

29 June 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather clowdy & hot some rain during day & considerable at night. Had full force of hands haying all day. [p. 142] Put in 24 loads. hay. In the evening I attended a School Trustee’s meeting at J. W. Tate’s residence.

30 June 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

Stake Presidency appointment at Grantsville. I got excused as I was expecting Abram out today. I recorded two blessings in forenoon. Abram, Polly & Henry came about noon. I looked the place over with Abram & took the folks around the field in the evening before sun set with family conveyance. Geo. Jr. & Henry went over to Slag town and got roan horse.

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June 1895, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1895/1895-06


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “June”.

  2. [2]Richards wrote this vertically in the left margin next to the 2 June entry.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Friday” before crossing it out and writing “Saturday”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “Saturday” for this date line. He crossed it out, wrote “Sunday”, began the entry, and then canceled the entire entry before starting over.