December 1890

1 December 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine, clouded up towards evening. I attended to some business at the Court house and with John Tate at the store. Wrote to A. F. Doremus and mailed to him my Nov. report. Hauled manure &c. In the evening attended a meeting of the Lesser Priesthood. Spoke to them for a short time. Assisted in setting apart a number of the young men to the offices of Presidents and Counsilors in the Quoroms of Deacons. Was myself mouth in setting Willard Atkin apart as 1st Counsellor to Matthew Speirs in the presidency of the 1st Quorum of Deacons and Elmer Caldwell as President of the 6th Quorum of Deacons. Wrote up my journal from Friday Nov 28.

2 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine. Clouded up towards evening. I hauled manure, sold lumber to Chas Pocock and attended to some business at the Court house. Read the News in the evening. Folks all well. [p. 57]

3 December 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy with some rain. I hauled manure in the forenoon until it got so windy I had to quit. I shaved and went to the Court House where I attended to some business; then to Stors; to Prest. Gowans office &c. Put light in window. Did some writing. Issued two checks for Water Co. and several tax receipts. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Elders Quorum. Prest. Gowans was present Brother George Mallet was chosen as first Counsellor to the Prest and Peter A. Droubay Secretary for the quorum. By request of Prest. Gowans I acted as mouth in setting apart Bro. George Mallet to the office of 1st Counsellor.

4 December 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cloudy. Light rain. I fasted and blessed the baby giving her the name of Amy May. Took the baby to Fast meeting and had it blessed there Bp Atkin being mouth while I blessed Joseph Lees baby Mary Elizabeth her mother having died when it was a few days old. I spoke a few moments in Fast meeting. [p. 58] My donations are 1.00 per month Fast offerings 1.00 per month Temple offerings. After meeting I attended to some business at the Court house dined and raked up the hay in yards scattered by wind of yesterday loaded manure &c. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Y Mans Association and received an appointment to give an address at our next meeting. Jotted down a few notes and wrote in Journal for this day. Wrote to Fred.

5 December 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather cloudy. some rain.

I hauled manure, sold lumber to Hanks and attended to some business at the Court House and with P. Clegg at his house and in the evening I attended a meeting of the Irrigation Board.

6 December 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine but cloudy part of the day. I loaded manure. Waited on Thos. Speirs. Met Prest Gowans and Charles Anderson at the Tithing office at 10 A.M. and Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at 11 AM out at 2 P.M. Was mouth in setting apart to the home mission Peter M Anderson, David Benyon and assisted in setting [p. 59] apart a number of others. Gustave Anderson took dinner with me. I repaired fence broken by Vick and brought him up out of the field. Remained at home in the evening Mailed Six Dollars to the Utah and Commercial Bank a/c of N.A.B. Association

7 December 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather cold but cloudy.

I attended school and meeting. Read Editorial from the Juvenile on amusements in meeting and made remarks. J. S. Lee C R McBride and H S Gowans also spoke.

Attended the evening meeting a Joint session of the Young Men & Young Ladies. Read from the Juvenile between times and after the evening meeting. “Young Peoples History of the Hebrews.[”]

8 December 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather hazy and cool.

I hauled manure, attended to some business at the Court house and mailed letter to Doremus. In the evening I attended a meeting of the Water Owners of the Tooele Irrigation District Annual meeting.

Wrote to my Father after meeting, also wrote a [p. 60] card to Fred in answer to a letter received this day.

9 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cleared up and fine.

I hauled manure, received a letter from A. F. D. check enclosed to pay taxes. Received bonding papers from Supt. W. J. Robinson. Paid Ter. Co. school and Special School tax for Abram. Attended to other business at the Court house. Went to Store &c. I wrote a letter to B. Goddard of Ogden about School furnature. fixed up bonding papers and wrote to Supt. W. J. Robinson.

10 December 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hauled manure, attended to some business at the Court House as County Treasurer. Ordered with H. Marshall a half of a beef of White and sons. Remained at home in the evening reading. Paid Abrams Ter School & Co. taxes.

11 December 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather continues fine with cold nights. I hauled manure. Sent order to Chicago for $18.78 worth of things. Attended a meeting of the Young Mens Mutual in [p. 61] the evening and addressed the meeting for a short time. After meeting I wrote to Mother at Collingston. Received letters from Nerva and Alice Ann, card, The children have severe colds and cough.

12 December 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I hauled manure. Attended a meeting of the School Board of Trustees and a Water Co. Board meeting in the evening.

13 December 1890 • Saturday

Met my father and Aunt Jane at the depot it being Relief Society Conference Took them directly to meeting. Attended the Primary conference in the afternoon and Young Ladies Conference in the evening offerred the benediction. Visited with my father in the fore noon of Sunday. He put up with us.

14 December 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I remained at home in the forenoon to visit with my father. In the afternoon, I attended meeting and also in the evening when I spoke for a short time. Wrote to Abram [p. 62]

15 December 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took my father up to see our waterworks Apostle Lyman and Prest. Gowans accompanied us. Took Father and Aunt Jane to the Station. Attended Bro. Stookey’s school in the Afternoon and the Water meeting in the Meeting House in the evening. From there I went with Peter Clegg to the Hotel to see James Dwyer about school desks.

16 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine dry but cold. I met a committee of F. M Lyman Jr and C. R. McBride at our house and cancelled Water Co. warrants. Did some business at the Court house. Visited Sarah Gee’s school in the evening afternoon and in the evening attended a meeting of the Water Co. Board.

17 December 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather continues fine.

I met an auditing committee at 9 A.M. and audited the Treasurer accounts. Made report. Hauled manure, bought glass [p. 63] and seventeen views for $3.50 Spent the evening at home. Wrote up my journal from Dec. 11th 1890— from memory.

18 December 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Weather remains fine and dry. I hauled manure and attended to some business pertaining to the School district. Attended Young Men’s Mutual and offerred the opening prayr. After meeting I did some writing and reading.

Wrote to Mother and to James Dwyer.

19 December 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine. Snowed and rained a few minutes during the day and some at night. I hauled manure in forenoon finishing the manure hauling. Went with Prest. Gowans to See Alex Herron who was sick. Called at Court House Went with Alice to buy Xmas things. In the evening I shaved, wrote and read My fathers biographical Sketch.

20 December 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended to some school Trustee business. Bought 5 gal. coal oil and 30 <lb> box raisans. [p. 64] I attended the trial of Jos. Phister Lee and Gerome Smith for disturbing the peace. Loaned them money with which to pay their fines. Used the Kelsey water and turned the horses from East field into the old field. In the evening I read the News, wrote in diary &c. bathed.

21 December 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather dry and fine but not such as is desired by farmers.

I attended School in the morning and meeting in afternoon and evening I addressed the afternoon meeting. Bros. Lee and Barris of Grantsville were present and spoke as Home missionaries. I wrote letters to Fred, Alice Ann, Nerva Seney, Stephen, Louise & S. Robinson. between and after meetings

22 December 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather remains as usual cool and dry.

I trimmed trees, sent Xmas letters off to the folks with cash presents amounting to $15.00. Read the Dec 15 No. Juvenile through in evening. Xmas approaching and the children are noisy and excited. [p. 65]

23 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather ditto yesterday. I wrote to Juvenile Instructor Office for the Juvenile for 1890 1891 and Jos Smiths History in Morocco extra gilt. 5.50. Sent to James Dwyer D H Dwyer of Salt Lake to send a nice Album to Mother at my expense. I trimmed trees and in the evening I read the News and Contributor

24 December 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed trees, went to the barber shop and got shaved, made purchase of Xmas things In the evening arranged toys &c filled stockings &c.

25 December 1890 • Thursday

Tooele Christness Weather fine, ground still dry. No storms this winter.

Took Alice in buggy to the Station to meet the earthly remains of Alexander Herron. Took the children all for a buggy ride and then took Alice again. Received Xmas presents from Mother Aseneth and Nerva. [p. 66]

26 December 1890 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed trees, attended to some business at the Court House. Took Alice and Nerva in buggy to the meeting house where we attended the funeral services of Alexander Herron. By request I spoke occupying 40 minutes. In the evening I read from the Life of the Prophet Joseph. Louise Gee called in in the evening.

27 December 1890 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I trimmed trees. Spent the evening at home. <shaved by S. Gee.>

28 December 1890 • Sunday

Tooele Weather continues fine.

I attended Sunday school and Ephraim Gowans being on the programme but absent, I took his part and lectured upon the S.S. Leaflet Prof. Charles Anthons certificate as to the true translation of the plates.

In the afternoon meeting I read, by request of the Bp., an extract from a sermon of the Late President John Tailor on the Subject of tithing and mad[e] remarks upon the subject. In the evening I [p. 67] attended the meeting presided over by the Elders and by request offered the Benediction.

29 December 1890 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy, some rain. fine. I took Alice in buggy to Stockton. Sold baled hay there. Saw Agent at Terminus about selling hay. Posted notices on west and North Sides of Basin Pasture fence. Visited Sheep herders warning them against letting sheep get ino the pasture. In the evening I attended a meeting of the water owners of Settlement canyon.

30 December 1890 • Tuesday

Tooele Wind blew hard and some snow and rain. I read and wrote. Attended to some business at Court house. Met at Gowans office in evening as Board. Adjourned for one week. Load hay

31 December 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Cloudy and cold.

I took load of hay to Stockton to Geo. Mout and on my return attended the funeral services of Bro. Fiddler. Attended to some business with P Clegg and at Court house. In the evening met at E Broads [p. 68] and examined plans for school building. From there to the Court House where I counted over the County money and from my books mad[e] Treasurer’s Report for three months. Came home at 11 P.M. and arranged New Year’s gifts for the children. Wrote up journal for several days.

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December 1890, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025