December 1897

1 December 1897 • Wednesday

Worked all day at Court house transcribing Record In the even Newel Whitney & wife & Geo. Bonelli Jr. Called to see me. I was away & they called Later & expressed a desire to be baptized. I appointed one P.M. tomorrow to meet & talk with them.

Hyrum Estella, Alice & I and George & Nerva went to Theatre & saw Richelieu a shake[p. 206]pearice play by Lindsey troup.

The play was good but the house was cold and but few present.

2 December 1897 • Thursday

Cold night

Home Weather cold about 8 in Snow. I spent some time trying to get a carpenter to assist me in making a shed. transcribed a while and at 1 P.M. met NK Whitney & Wife & Geo. Bonelli at the formers house and explained to them the principles of the Gospel and the necessary preperation to become baptized. Attended funeral service over the remains of Geo McLaws baby & occupied a portion of the time Prest Gowans spoke before me. I borrowed of John England $100.00 for one year at 10 pr ch [percent?]. Did some preparatory work in yard for building shed.

3 December 1897 • Friday

I worked all day on shed & finished it with J M Gollahers help. Mr Gabriel died suddenly. I called and saw him and called on Newel Whitney in the evening to say that tomorrow at 2 P.M. would be genl. baptism & if they desired it I would baptize them then The weather being so cold they preferred [p. 207] to wait.

4 December 1897 • Saturday

Weather cold.

I attended Stake Priesthood Meeting and worked on trans-cription of Record In the evening presented to City Council a petition signed by 117 persons mostly tax payers asking the council to advance money to the Band to buy them uniforms for which they would pay in music as the Council required. The appropriation of $150.00 was made.

5 December 1897 • Sunday

Home Weather threatening Storm.

Attended funeral service of Mr Gabriel at Mormon Church. Bp Atkin presided Prest. Gowans offerred opening prayr. The Rev. Mr Bradley spoke for 25 min & I spoke after him for 35 min. & Rev. Jane offerred Benediction. Attended Afternoon Sacramental Meeting & Prayr Circle. Bp Atkin accompanied me to My cousins Newel Whitneys where I blessed his three children Winny Brady & N. K. Attended evening meeting Wrote to Mother. [p. 208]

6 December 1897 • Monday

Worked all day and evening transcribing record.

7 December 1897 • Tuesday

Worked all day and evening Transcribing record except from 4 P.M. to 7 PM when Alice & I went up to Estellas to Turkey Supper

8 December 1897 • Wednesday

Worked on record day and evening. Transcribed & indexed 22 pages not full pag[e]s.

9 December 1897 • Thursday

Worked all day & evening transcribing Record. Transcribed and indexed 16 pages.

10 December 1897 • Friday

Weather clowdy.

Home I worked all day transcribing Record. Spent the Evening at home.

11 December 1897 • Saturday

Transcribed all day & evening A letter from Mother 4 full pages the first in her hand writing for several months.

12 December 1897 • Sunday

Attended School, meeting, Circle and evening meeting. Spoke on Blasphemy.

13–19 December 1897 • Monday–Sunday

In the week that has passed I have worked every day transcribing Camp Floyd Mining Record B. Mond 13th made application to County commissioners to appoint me to proof read record when transcribed. Deferred. Social Hall committee meeting Tuesday eve at Court House. School Meeting Monday [p. 209] night, Irrigation Board Friday night. all of which I attended.

20 December 1897 • Monday

Worked at court house transcribing record.

21 December 1897 • Tuesday

do do do1

22 December 1897 • Wednesday

do do do2

23 December 1897 • Thursday

do do do3

Attended the theatre in the evening Alice and Estella accompanied me. Home Troop “Won Back” Worked all day transcribing Mining record In the Afternoon I united in the bonds of matrimony a couple from Mercur Robert N. Freirer and Alice M. Cooper in County Clerks office The Clerk and his Deputy being witnesses.

24 December 1897 • Friday

Wrote letters to Mother Nerva Stephen and Fred. Arranged Christmas tree in the evening & loaded it with gifts for the children: Retired to rest at 1:30 AM.

25 December 1897 • Saturday

Xmas Arose at 6 A.M. Had fires made tree illuminated and music going when the children made their appearance. All were made happy. I took Alice, Estella, & the little girls and Newel K & wife for a sleigh ride. The Brass Band gave us a special serinade of 3 tunes manifesting an appreciation of my effort before the Council in their behalf as a result of which the City Council appropriated to them $150.00 [p. 210] with which to buy suits. This was their first appearance in their uniform.

Letters from Mother and Nerva and presents from Mother & Seney. From Mother $10.00 to buy some piece of furnature for our New House also a nice scarf for me & other things.

26 December 1897 • Sunday

Went to Bates Ville to attend meeting Met Bro. C. L. Anderson there but there was no meeting. Having lost so much sleep the previous night I retired early to bed.

27 December 1897 • Monday

Did writing at Court house Daytime & evening.

28 December 1897 • Tuesday

" " " " "4 attended theatre in the evening. Alice & I.

29 December 1897 • Wednesday5

Worked at Court house all day transcribing Record

30 December 1897 • Thursday

Did some work at Court House. Accompanied Jos. Orme & Wm Cassity down to Batesville where we attended the Funeral service of Sister Valwaller We each spoke, also Jas. Wood Jr. In the evening we had our annual Irrigation meeting at which I was re-elected Trustee for a term of two years receiving the largest No of votes. I presided at the meeting being chairman of of the Board. Was appointed first on a committee of 5 to revise the ByLaws. Saturday

31 December 1897 • Friday6

Killed pig. Wrote letters mailed check of $27.50 to Asenath int. on $550. 6 Mo 10% to Jan 1/98. Did writing in afternoon at Court House. [p. 211]

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December 1897, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked at court house transcribing record.”

  2. [2]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked at court house transcribing record.”

  3. [3]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked at court house transcribing record.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Did writing at Court house”.

  5. [5]Richards originally wrote “Thu.” before crossing it out and writing “Wed.”

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “Saturday” before crossing it out and writing “Friday” above it.