February 1902

1 February 1902 • Saturday

I Put cap on South Corner gate post. Attended Stake Priesthood Meeting at Tooele & presided. Prest. Gowans came in late. Had to dinner Orson Johnson of Clover, Bp. Feller of E.T. Bro. Huntington of Grantsville.

2 February 1902 • Sunday

I attended School & Meeting also Circle & evening meeting. Between Meetings I administered blessings to Anthon Edward Anderson of Logan (Mutual Missionary) Emma J Atkin & her two daughters.

3 February 1902 • Monday

Did Committee work for Old folks Sociable Worked on Sleigh Runner.

4 February 1902 • Tuesday

Acted on three Committees, Finance, Tables & teams. Attended sociable & offered blessing upon the food.

5 February 1902 • Wednesday

Did further committee work, Attended High Priests meeting & spoke. Attended to animals &c.

6 February 1902 • Thursday

I cared for animals, sold lumber &c Commenced taking to pieces old Wagon box. Took irons off & commenced to Make new box. Played Checkers in evening

7 February 1902 • Friday

Continued work on wagon box all day. Read papers in evening & wrote up my journal from Jan 30th

Folks pretty well Weather has been thawing the last two days Freezing at nights.

8 February 1902 • Saturday

Worked on Wagon box in forenoon and in the Afternoon I hitched up my team and Bro. G. [p. 96] with me, we went to Vernon where we put up at Bro. E. J. Pehrson’s & staid all night. Roads muddy first 12 miles. Sister Ajax treated us to Curren loaf & Orange Cidar going & coming.

9 February 1902 • Sunday

Vernon. No school on account of the prevalence of Measels. Accompanied Bp. Israel Bennion, Prest. Gowans & E. J. Pehrsons up to Emil Petersons who was sick and administered to him. I anointed & Prest. Gowans sealed the anointing Attended meeting about 30 present I spoke for about 50 min & Prest Gowans 30 min.

After meeting we ate lunch & came home left there at 4.10 P.M. & arrived home at 9 P.M.

10 February 1902 • Monday

Continued work on wagon box completing same & painted it one coat.

11 February 1902 • Tuesday

Painted wagon box 2nd Coat and 1st coated two spring seats. Mixed paint for front fence

12 February 1902 • Wednesday

Hung gate, & commenced painting fence

13 February 1902 • Thursday

Continued painting of fence

14–15 February 1902

Painted fence, sold lumber &c.

16 February 1902 • Sunday

Attended School at Tooele & offered closing prayr. Mamie has had canker & been sick all the <week> I accepted the position of Correspondence to the news from Tooele & this day my first Contribution appeared in the News the first Daily I have received. Am to get the Daily free for correspondent work

Attended meeting in afternoon & evening. Home Missionaries at meeting

17 February 1902 • Monday

Stormy. I painted mouldings & base boards, &c Studied manual of M I in evening &c

18 February 1902 • Tuesday

Turned washer to wash, Repaired Washer Attended Mutual in evening & Set apart Edwin Orme as 2nd Counselor to Prest A. Lindholm in Mutual.

19 February 1902 • Wednesday

Sold implements & painted fence.

20 February 1902 • Thursday

Sold implements & painted fence. Went to west field & got Level & took it upon bench. Kept Joel out of school [p. 97] and took him with me & took disk. The ground being too wet to work. Joel took his plow & attachment over to the Bowen field & plowed while I painted fence.

21 February 1902 • Friday

Joel & I plowed at East field

22 February 1902 • Saturday

" " " " " " "1 In evening Mama and I attended the 27th anniversary of Bro and Sister J. W. Tate’s marriage at their home.

23 February 1902 • Sunday

My 41st Birth Day.

Attended Sunday School & two meetings & Circle.

24 February 1902 • Monday

Received goods from F. D. Horman from S.L. City. Sold plow, th[i]mbletrees &c Also sold Nig2 horse to P. F. DeLaMare for $30.00 Cash. Sold an Attachment to Wm Isgren. Plowed at East field in afternoon

25 February 1902 • Tuesday

Disked for lucern planting at east field Joel leveled on bench.

26 February 1902 • Wednesday

Snowed in forenoon. Put up an attachment for Geo Davis who bought plow, thimbletrees &c. Wrote letters &c.

27 February 1902 • Thursday

Wrote letters, read papers, nursed sore neck &c. Saw Prest. Gowans about sale of lands west of Town to Mr Evans of S.L.C.

27 February–8 March 1902

Saturday Mar. 8, 1902

Weather windy now Have had unsettled weather all this month thus far alternating snow, wind & otherwise threatening storm. Since Thu 27th Feb. I have had a bad time with my neck Eczema trouble & at this time it is scarcely any improved I have assisted with the chores, done work about the yards and sold lumber, plows Attachments & other implements.

I last night finished reading Biography of James S. Brown. To me a very interesting book containing much valuable Church history.

During past week I had my eyes tested by Dr Kenedy & bought pair glasses to [p. 98] use for evening reading Pd for them 5.50

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February 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1902/1902-02


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Joel & I plowed at East field”.

  2. [2]This name was a shortened version of a racial slur that was commonly employed by white Americans by the nineteenth century to refer derogatorily to people of African descent. Black Americans strongly objected to the use of the term. The Church Historian’s Press also condemns the use of this word but retains it in document transcripts to accurately present the historical record and to illuminate the oppressive racial landscape faced by Black Americans. Church leaders today have asked Latter-day Saints to “lead out in abandoning attitudes and actions of prejudice,” which includes rejecting racist language. (Hosea Easton, A Treatise on the Intellectual Character, and Civil and Political Condition of the Colored People of the U. States; and the Prejudice Exercised towards Them: With a Sermon on the Duty of the Church to Them [Boston: Isaac Knapp, 1837], 40–41; Russell M. Nelson, “Let God Prevail,” Ensign, Nov. 2020, 94.)