August 1895

1 August 1895 • Thursday

Fast Day.

Tooele Weather warm. Commenced threshing & run out 600 bu. during the day. I met Estella & Annie at Station with team & carriage. Attended Fast meeting where I blessed & named our baby Mammie Mamie. Apostle Lyman was present and prayed & spoke. After [p. 155] meeting. Apostle Lyman anointed one of Mathias Nelson’s daughters afflicted with catarrah & heart trouble & I confirmed the anointing. Went over to field after dinner and worked on thresher. Folks well.

2 August 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I continued the threshing an[d] myself stacked straw all day. Rec’d letter from Mothe[r] check of 250. enclosed. Sent same to bank. Wrote Waltham watch & Jewelry Co. Recd letter from Bp. Sharp. Folks well.

3 August 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather hot.

continued the threshing to a finish and had according to Machine measure 1613 bushels from 90 acres which suffered from grass hoppers. I attended Stake priesthood meeting and offered the benediction. Attended High Council where [first and last names redacted] was privileged to receive her blessings confirmed & sealed upon her. Gave a Patriarchal Blessing to Harry Willis of Grantsville. Had J E Isgren & Alonzo Gowans hauling rock off south field lucern. Took folks for a carriage ride. Started at 9:30 & got back at 10:30 Folks well. [p. 156]

4 August 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

I attended School, meeting & Circle. re-wrote & recorded a blessing.

5 August 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather hot.

I took 3154 lbs. baled hay to Salt Lake to A. F. D. George accompanied me. Went up town to see Apostle Lyman & saw him too late to get in store to do business so made an appointment for next morning.

Staid at A. F. Ds.

6 August 1895 • Tuesday

Salt Lake City Weather very warm. I went up Town after breakfast A. F. D. showed me through City & County building. Met Apostle F M Lyman & with him went down to Jewelry stores & inquired what could be done on purchase of watch. Found watch to suit and got quotation of price to suit so telegraphed a countermand to order at Chicago. Left S.L.C. for home at 2 P.M. & arrived at 8 6:30 P.M. found folks well. After retiring out at about 11:30 Annie Robinson Steed awoke with a scream very much frightened. By her request I adiministered to her & all was soon quiet & restful again. [p. 157]

7 August 18951 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used the Kelsey water, got horses from street & put in field. Took the folks for a ride in the evening.

8 August 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

I used irrigation water all day. Had Jos. Henson at work fencing my stack yard over at farm & I went over for a little while towards night & helped finish up. I mailed a letter to Mother with check of $100.00 enclosed to apply on my note. Folks well.

9 August 1895 • Friday

Lucena’s birth day 2 yrs.

Tooele Weather warm cool night last.2 I used irrigating waters, Had Jos. Henson working for me in Afternoon fencing west side of Bowen field. I made gate & hung it & propped up Sheds.

By request met Prest. Gowan’s at Apostle Lymans Alice accompanied me. Considered letter from W. J. Bovenson in relation to remarks made by Apostle Lyman at late conference.

10 August 1895 • Saturday

Nerva’s birth day 11 yrs.

Tooele Weather sultry & hot. Threatening storm which is much needed. I attended to the irrigating, repaired trackes to mower & ground mower knife. Had Jos. [p. 158] Henson & my son George fencing on my North farm. I took the family & Annie Steed’s family for a carriage ride after Sun set. In forenoon I took Bros. Lyman and Gowans in Carriage up in Canyon to look after water Co. interests. Folks well.

11 August 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot & sultry more threatening than yesterday.

I attended School, meeting & Circle meeting Present at School & meeting. Apostle F. M. Lyman, Prest. H. S. Gowans, & Superintendency of Sunday Schools in the Stake, Johnson, Anderson & Spry. Bro. Wm Spry occupied the time in afternoon talking. Between School & meeting I gave Annie Robinson Steed a blessing. Attended evening meeting where Apostle Lyman occupied the time. Prest. Gowans offered the opening prayr & I the benediction.

12 August 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather clowdy, some wind & threatening rain.

I attended to the irrigating & towards evening went over to my Larson farm & arranged straw on shed. Had Jos. Henson & my son George putting up fence of west side of the Bowen 40 acres joining Larson farm. Had letter from Mother. Took Annie Steed & chil[p. 159]dren to Station on their way home. While in carriage, took Alice & children down to J. W. Tates to do some trading. Folks usually well.

13 August 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather clowdy:

I used irrigating water & cleaned up mower ready for use & made crossing to ditch in east pasture. Recd of F. D. Horman on his note $26.40 reducing the principal to $80.00 Folks well.

14 August 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Us Weather pleasant. Sprinkled in mid-day. Hot at times. Used Kelsey water until noon & commenced mowing lucern about 9:30 A.m. & mowed balance of the day. George My Son run the mower an hour or so.

15 August 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm, hot night. I mowed lucern all day. All well.

16 August 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I continued the moweing all day. Recieved letters from Mother, Elyson Co. & other business letters. I wrote several letters. In the evening I recorded Annie Robinson Steed’s blessing & read Alice’s, Sarah Jane’s & Estella’s. [p. 160]

17 August 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I mowed lucern in forenoon. In afternoon I shaved, bathed & went by team & buggy to Vernon Prest. Gowans accompanied me. We arrived there at Sun Set & put up with Bp. J. C. Sharp. Took fruit to Ajaz, to Pehrson & Bp. Sharp. Prest C. L. Anderson also went & took with him of the Stake S. S. Sup. A. G. Johnson & William Spry.

18 August 1895 • Sunday

Vernon Weather warm & dusty. Appears like storm approaching. At Bp. Sharps. I offered prayr in the family in the morning. After breakfast Israel Bennion E. J. Pehrson & C L Anderson were sent for & we held counsel council meeting until 1:30 P.M. Settling difficulties between Bp. & his Counselor Bro Pehrson. Attended Meeting & all the visiting brethren (5) spoke I occupied the time allotted to me 20 min in talking upon revelation. After meeting I gave a Patriarchal blessing to Sister Matilda Pehrson Bennion & left for home about 6 P.M. & arrived home at about 10 or 10:30 P.M. All well.

19 August 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather still dry & warm. I mowed hay all day. Had [p. 161] three men commence hauling. I put up rope & fork before breakfast

At noon hour wrote Several letters, One to Abram & one to State Bank with Ck. for deposit 85.00 In evening I wrote up my Journal from 17th & read Argus. Alice not very well.

20 August 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot at night rained some. I did a big day’s mowing & finished the mowing. Had men hauling hay. Folks well. In evening I read sermon by Prest G. Q. Cannon.

21 August 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather very warm. The storm of last night delayed hay hauling ½ day. I repaired granary. & sundry other jobs in forenoon. In afternoon I delivered two tons of hay to Mrs. David Nelson & 2 tons to Naomi Gellitt. Took the Kelsey water at 6 P.M. Did my evenings writing & retired early. Sent by Prest. H. S. Gowans to SL City for my watch held for me Price 70.00 inside track.

22 August 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fair Some cooler & cool nights. Prest H. S. G. brought my watch from city I having sent check of $70.00 by him yesterday to get it. County Supt P. P. Christensen & Terri[p. 162]torial Commissioner of Public Schools T. B. Lewis Called & took dinner He Met as Trustees Convention & in the evening Prof. Lewis gave a nice Public lectur[e] on education. He took supper with me & staid at Prest. Gowan’s over night. I used the kelsey water, delivered two loads of hay & towards evening took Bro Lewis for a ride about town. Had three men at work hauling hay. I offered the opening prayr at evening meeting W L Marks presided. Lucena had an attack of perging I administered to her & she rested well.

<This day I received my watch Paid for yesterday by check of Joslin & Park $70.00>3

23 August 1895 • Friday

Tooele Weather cooler.

Continued hay hauling & irrigating. I delivered a load of hay to J. T Dick. Bro Lewis took dinner with us & I took him to Station with team & buggy. Got wheat from granary; had horses shoed. Lucena better, others well.

24 August 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended to the irrigating & made furrows to trees. Continued the haying & finished after dinner. Left here at 2 P.M. with the family & went to Garfield where the County was having an outing & had a good time. Took a bath. Alice Nerva [p. 163] and the three boys also had baths. Returned home O.K at 11:30 P.M.

25 August 1895 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm. Prest. H. S. Gowans accompanied me in my buggy to St. John ward where we met Prest. C. L. Anderson & the Stake Superintendency of Sunday Schools. Attended school & meeting & spok[e] with great liberty upon Priesthood & authority & what God requires of his Authority. I. J. Neddow was chosen & set a part to act as 2nd assistant supt. of St. John Sunday school N. Draper having been chosen & refused to act. Meeting continued until 5 P.M. We took dinner with Bp. Caldwell & lunch with Sister Burridge. I took fruit to both. Arrived home at 8 P.M. Wrote to Abram & retired. Folks usually well.

26 August 1895 • Monday

Tooele Weather windy. I irrigated & made ditches in Apple orchard & took Alice to Stores in buggy. Attended the funeral of Sister Katie Rogers & spoke for 15 or 20 min My carriage carried the Casket & I took Bro. Rogers with me to Cemetery. Sister Barbory Bush & her two little girls came by Horse & cart on the way to Garfield & staid over night with us. [p. 164]

27 August 1895 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I got Jos. Henson to look after the irrigating & I took team & carriage & Alice, Nerva, Mamie & the three Boys & went to Garfield arriving there at 11:30 A.M. Where My Sister Nerva met us. Sister Barbra Bush & her two little girls rode with us & the boys drove her horse. Doctor Stephen & Bro. Fred. came out on 2:35 P.M train & we had an enjoyable time until about 8 P.M. when we left for home arriving at about 10:30 P.M. Mrs Bush staid all night with us & returned next morning. Gill Richards came home with us.

28 August 1895 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant, some wind some rain but slight.

I used irrigation water, piled up fruit driers. Sacked up pig feed. Received wheat from J. B. Bowden on note acc’t. &c. Settled Dr Davis account with Alonzo Gowans his agent.

29 August 1895 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

I reeceived wheat from James Bowden & had him & wife renew note & Mortgage $750.00 for one year. Attended to that business. Took Alice up to the Cemetery. Loaded a load of hay to take to Dr. Davis. Took down hay fork, rope carrier &c. Folks usually well. My bay mare (Madam) returned from Scribners. [p. 165]

30 August 1895 • Friday4

Tooele Weather warm.

I delivered a load of hay to F. M. Davis Took all the family in carriage to Station to meet Aunt Louise Richards but she did not come. Ordered by letter 500 tie wires to bale hay. Took rack off wagon & put box on & had the boys haul rakings from yards into corrals. I made a singletree. Did some work on Ranch report &c. Got mortgage from Court House recorded. Released former mortgage & filed deed of Cemetery lot for record.

31 August 1895 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I made Ranch report for Aug. month and wrote to Abram. Issued bills to parties owing us. Did some shop work, shaved & bathed, blacked shoes &c. The boys sawed up some wood. & in afternoon took team & went up Settlement Canyon for an outing.

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August 1895, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards misdated this entry “Aug 8, 1895.”

  2. [2]“last” is written on the line above next to “2 yrs”.

  3. [3]This is written vertically in the left margin next to the conclusion of the 22 August entry on page 163.

  4. [4]Richards misdated this entry “Oct. 30 1895.”