February 1900

1 February 1900 • Thursday

Weather unchanged.

Home I made roller for a new [p. 365] level, cared for animals, and in afternoon George and I went to field with eight horses & plowed about two acres. I donated to Sister <3.00> Cracraft to meet expenses of the burial of her daughter Dora Howard $3.00. In the evening I did some writing and read Scriptures.

2 February 1900 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Home I worked on level in forenoon and in afternoon attended the funeral services of Sister Dora Howard. I delivered the sermon occupied 45 minutes. Spoke deliberately and freely. It was one of my best efforts. Bro Geo. Speirs shook my hand and congratulated me on my effort. George, my son, said it was the best funeral sermon he ever heard. The Lord prompted me.

3 February 1900 • Saturday

Weather fine.

Home I finished level, attended Stake Priesthood meeting, went to field to plow in the after-noon but was called away on business and made settlement with J. B. Bowden by which I gave him Mothers deed to his property & received in return Thos. McBrides check for $940.00. Wrote mother to that effict. Made some repairs, Sent 14 15 bu of wht to Gallahers & got ground, Got Drill shoes from Shop &c. Folks pretty well. [p. 366]

4 February 1900 • Sunday

Weather continues fine.

Home This day the Stake Presidency and Bro. Lyman had an appointment at Mercur to organize the Mercur branch into a ward. Elder Lyman was to have come by rail & met us at Mercur and returned with us to Tooele. Yesterday <Friday> evening Prest. Gowans received a telephone from Bro. Jos. Bost saying the City authorities had ordered all public gatherings discontinued for the present on account of Small pox which had broken out there. We did not fill the appointment.

I attended School and fasted until about 5 P.M. Bore strong testamony in theological class. Referred to the power of God manifest in behalf of My mother in 77 or 78 and Annie Lee last year. Administered patriarchar [patriarchal] blessing to Geo. Albert Lyman between School and meeting. Elder Matt. Speirs scribe. Attended fast meeting & Circle. Spent the evening home with Mama and the little girls.

5 February 1900 • Monday

Weather continues pleasant.

Home I did some repairing, Geo & I went up on bench farm and got a load of straw. Went to field between 1 & 2 P.M. with 8 horses & plowed with two plows. I felt poorly in after part of the day and evening. Did not rest well last night. Letter from Sister Alice. I wrote to Mother. [p. 367]

6 February 1900 • Tuesday

Weather windy, cold & threatening. <(Snowed at night)>

Home I had a bad night last. On going to bed about 9 P.M. took a chill and continued chilly until some time in the night when I commenced to sweat and did so until my clothes were thoroughly wet. My head ached and I felt generally bad. I arose at 7:40 AM & walks down & saw Dr Phipps who could do nothing for me. During the day I read the paper and nursed myself. Geo & Joel went to field & plowed in afternoon. I wrote in Journal in early evening nausiated & Sick fever came on with pain in head and back &c. Temp 103. Called in the Elders, Bros. Craner and Matt Speirs and later Prest. Gowans and C. R. McBride. Had a bad night.

7 February 1900 • Wednesday

Snow several inches deep.

Home Am feeling some better today but am still poorly.

8 February 1900 • Thursday

Continued some better but still in bed.

9 February 1900 • Friday

Sat up 6 hours and made Feb. Statement to Lum. Co. Receive some callers.

10 February 1900 • Saturday

Some better up nearly all day. Wrote to Mother. Letter from Alice Ann at Nephi good <word.> Mother continues to gain in health. Sits up a part of each day. [p. 368]

11 February 1900 • Sunday

Weather cold. Health poor. Recovering.

Home I sat up all day, did some reading.

12 February 1900 • Monday

Weather cold

Home I remained in all day. read church works.

Did some writing &c. My health improving

13 February 1900 • Tuesday

Weather cold & stormy. Snowed several inches

Home I remained in doors reading & writing.

Bros. C. L. & Gustave Anderson & Bp. Wrathall called: put up their team. Attended Dist. Court. The Bros. Anderson took supper with us & staid all night and attended court next day. Our folks usually well & I improving

14 February 1900 • Wednesday

Weather cold. Sent ck $940. to Mother Bowden Settlement

Home I remained in doors reading & writing.

15 February 1900 • Thursday

Cold weather. Health improving.

Home I studied the scriptures.

16 February 1900 • Friday

Snow on ground. Cold at night.

Home I did a little towards making pig pen under sheds. Studied Voice of Warning.

17 February 1900 • Saturday

Weather cold.

Home The boys went to canyon and got a load of oak & maple. I mad[e] pig pen 22 x 10 feet & shut up the pigs. Repaired stable &c. Completed level, roller &c.

18 February 1900 • Sunday

Home Weather not so cold. Prest. Gowans took my Sailor horse to Clover.

I attended School and was chosen to teach the Missionary Class no teachers present 40 [p. 369] in the class. I offered the benediction. Attended Afternoon meeting & Circle. Elders Jno. A. Bevan Jr & John E. Isgren who returned from missions to the states last Tuesday spoke both at school and meeting. Our Girl Sarah Ellen Sick with stomach ache, head ache, fever, rheumatism &c. I had her prayed for in Circle & I administered to her. On account of her sickness I did not get to evening meeting. Had I been entirely well, I should have accompanied Prest Gowans to Clover to-day.

19 February 1900 • Monday

Weather Stormy Light snow most all day.

Home George & I hauled two loads of straw from the bench farm. Attended a picnic sociable of returned missionaries on invitation Alice accompanied me. Held at Jos. Tates. I made a few remarks and offered the benediction. Had a pleasant time.

20 February 1900 • Tuesday

Home Attended to some business at Prest. Gowans office in forenoon examining and signing tithing reports. Prest. C. L. Anderson and Thos. Williams took dinner with me. In afternoon George & I went to field & plowed with two 4 horse teams. In the evening I answered a letter rec’d from Bro. Fred today. Following is a copy of of my letter to him in Answer.

See opposite page. [p. 370]

Tooele City, Feb 20, 1900.

F.W. Richards Esq.

Fielding, Utah.

Dear Brother Fred:— Your letter of 17th inst. is at hand. You ask if I have any suggestions to make in relation to your letter of inquiry from Box B. On[e] is apt on such an occasion to be somewhat prejudiced and a decision reached through that source may be faulty. Let us see how the matter is viewed from a distance. It seems to me you have just now reached a point in your life’s history where you are to decide a question the answer to which will effect your whole future life in time and possibly in eternity. You say a call on a mission would be more in accord with your feelings than consistant with your circumstances but that you do not expect to refuse providing you can raise the money necessary. It seems from this statement that if you can raise the money other things would not stand in the way. I believe if you decide to try and raise the money and go, you will succeed. Others will assist you in the effort and the Lord will open the way. I do not know what is done there to assist the missionaries and their families but I feel sure your family would not suffer. Of course you would have to change your financial plans and would doubtless have to Sell your calves but I think you would lose nothing by the buying, feeding and [p. 371] selling of them and on your return you could carry out your present plans. All missionaries have to make a sacrifice. Some more than others. After your return you would, I think, view it more as an investment and a profitable one too. If you were living near by I could do much for you, I think I would promise you your family would be cared for and your effects be not wasted. I think others would interest themselves in your welfare under those circumstances who are cold and indifferent now. It would please me very much to know you were going to join the army of missionaries in a righteous warfare against sin and ignorance, to teach the honest in heart the gospel, to warn the wicked of the judgments to come and to allay prejudice & malice existing in the minds and hearts of the people of this nation against an honest but misunderstood people in the valleys of the mountains.

What else you do, Frederick, do not refuse to go. That course is dangerous. If you can not of your self decide to go, then represent to the Mission Committee by letter your circumstances, indorsed by your Bishop as to correctness with the statement that if they understanding the circumstances desire you to go, you will do so at any cost. Nothing short of this would, I think, be acceptable to the Lord. Unless we are willing when necessary to Sacrifice all for the Gospel’s sake, we [p. 372] are not accepted of the Lord, neither is our sacrifice.

Abel’s sacrifice was accepted, Cain’s was rejected. The rich young man was requested to sell all he had and give to the poor and follow him who had no place to lay his head. The sacrifice was too great for him & he turned away. Had he made the sacrifice who knows but he would have become an apostle of the Lord. You are asked to make a sacrifice, Is it too great? Many of the Elders of earlier days left their families destitute and in some instances sick as well and went forth, your honored sire was one of such. That is not necessary now and if you are undecided as to the necessities of the case, you can submit the whole matter to the Mission committee and let them decide, having yourself a determination to act upon their decision.

This is all, Frederick, that I feel to say upon this subject. May the Lord give you the inspiration you need to guide you in this and all other matters of importance in life is the fervent prayr of Your Brother

Geo. F. Richards.

21 February 1900 • Wednesday

Weather clowdy & threatening storm.

Home Geo. & I plowed with two 4 horse teams. Received invoice of car of lumber. Wrote to Mother &c

22 February 1900 • Thursday

Weather cold north wind & some snow.

Home George & I plowed for lucern planting all day

<Washington’s Birth Day.>1 [p. 373]

23 February 1900 • Friday

Weather pleasant.

Home Geo. & I plowed all day with two 4 horse teams at Bowen farm North 40 A. Read the papers in the evening.

<This my 39th birth day Aniversary.>2

24 February 1900 • Saturday

Pleasant weather

Home Apostle Lyman & C. L. Anderson in one seated buggy & Prest. Gowans & I in another went to Vernon, called at Sister Ajax’ who gave us cidar & cake. Put up both teams at Pp. [Bp.] Sharp. Took supper with him and Staid all night with Bro. E. J. Pehrson Attended a priesthood meeting in the evening and occupied some time in speaking. Decided on a Bishoprick with Israel Bennion as Bishop, Emil Pehrson 1st & Charles Anderson 2nd Counselors.

25 February 1900 • Sunday

Weather clowdy.

Vernon Attended School & meeting of Priesthood at 1 P.M. & Ward meeting at 2 P.M. I offered the opening prayr at latter. After meeting Prest. Gowans & I rode home arriving at 9:50 P.M. Bros. Lyman & Anderson remained to evening meeting.

26 February 1900 • Monday

<Called on Bro. F. M. Lyman in evening by request. He talked with me about Vernon Ward organization Prest Gowans present. Thought there was a conspiracy.>3

Stormy most of the day, Snow.

Home Geo. Legrand & I with two 4 horse teams commenced hauling lumber from Station. It commenced Snowing before we got loaded & having a large load on 2800 feet wet lumber [p. 374] broke down all the Spokes in one wheel, broke two tugs, a doubletree & other things which I repaired &c.

27 February 1900 • Tuesday

Weather thawing and roads very wet & muddy. We unloaded a load of lumber about 2300 feet. Went down and got lumber & wagon using one of Jos. Tate’s wheels. Made another trip to Station and unloaded both loads. Got wheel fixed up & put on wagon. &c.

28 February 1900 • Wednesday

Weather pleasant. Bad roads.

Home With two four horse teams mad[e] two trips to Station for lumber & finished unloading the two cars. Called on J. W. Tate at his store in the evening. Read paper &c.

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February 1900, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1900/1900-02


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 22 February entry.

  2. [2]This insertion was written at the top of page 374 above the 23 February entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the part of the 26 February entry on page 374.