November 1904

7–30 November 1904


Nov. 30 Not having written in my Journal since the 6th inst. I now write from memory some of the happenings since that date.

On the 13th My son Geo & I filled the appointment of Stake Presidency at Grantsville, Attended both School & Meeting. Nov. 20 I attended School & S.S. Union meeting at Lake View. Sunday 27th Attended School & meeting in Tooele. I blessed & named Barbara G. Nelsons’ baby During this month there have been a number of deaths Bro. John Tayler, Sister Grace Clegg, Sister Susan M Garner, Addie Vowles baby. Bro McMills. Have attended the funeral services of those who have been buried. Preached a funeral Sermon of 40 minutes at Sister Garners funeral service

Farmers Institute for Tooele convened [p. 168] in Tooele County Court Hous Nov. 29 & 30. I made a talk at the institute. Was elected President of an organization formed & termed the Tooele County Farmers institute.

Since my previous writing of 6th inst. I have been called upon several times to administer to the Sick. Administered to Flo. Shields infant daughter of James G Shields several times Am doing a good business the weather has been most propitious for building. No storms since Oct. Conference. Mild weather. On the 11th inst My daughter gave birth to a nice baby girl & both she & the baby have been getting on nicely. On the 24th thanksgivings day I blessed Nerva’s baby and named her Thelma. Hooping cough is prevalant about us but as yet our childran are free from the malady. We keep them at home not allowing them to attend District or Sunday School.

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November 1904, 7–30 November 1904, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024