November 1905

1 November 1905 • Wednesday


2 November 1905 • Thursday

Attended Seventies re-union in evening at Wm. H. Cassities and spoke a short time. Alice accompanied me.

3 November 1905 • Friday

In evening attended meeting of Stake Presidency

4 November 1905 • Saturday

I took a load of shingles to Grantsville to Wm Spry (16 M) and attended High Council & Stake Priesthood meetings returning home in evening.

5 November 1905 • Sunday

Fasted & gave donations of 25¢ to school and 1.00 to Meeting for poor. Read a few verses from Book Cov. at School and at meeting I assisted in blessing the babies and confirmations Blessed James Owens Bevan and confirmed Howard Parry. [p. 182]

After meeting I assisted in setting apart some local officers and was mouth in Setting apart Jennie Huffaker teacher of religion Classes Attended Prayr Circle and later administered Patriarchal blessings to Hilena Lee, Jennie Huffaker & Vernon Huffaker. and attended evening meeting.

6 November 1905 • Monday

Good letters from both George & Legrand. Alice, Sarah & I took treatment of a Lady Doctor who uses electricity. We also got a belt.

7 November 1905 • Tuesday

Through H Doremus I sold to Utah Construction Co. 30 tons of hay baled @ $9.00 per ton delivered at their camp Near Garfield. Engaged Jos Tate to haul for me, also went to Lake View & arranged with H. C. Hansen to bale for me commencing Saturday. While at Lake View I assisted H C Hansen in administering to his daughter Mrs J. W. Miller. Took treatment for Kidney care Electric.

8 November 1905 • Wednesday

Administered to Thelma Tate. Took Electric treatment. Sent a load of hay to Garfield. Went down to Nerva’s in evening and got bedding to Send to G. L. Tate He having got employment at Garfield to-day.

9 November 1905 • Thursday

Wrote up my Journal from memory Covering the time from Oct 27 to date. Attended to business generally.

10 November 1905 • Friday

Attended Stake Presidency meeting in evening.

11 November 1905 • Saturday

Painted my buggy in part.

12 November 1905 • Sunday

With my team took Prest Gowans to Grantsville where we put up at Prest C L Anderson’s Attended School where we were joined by Bro C A Orme also attended meeting where all talked I occupied about 50 minutes. Returned home in the evening and was very sick the forepart of the night. [p. 183]

13 November 1905 • Monday

Weather pleasant Am having my hay baled up and am having it hauled to Garfield where I am selling it @ $9.00 per ton. Paying $175 for the baling and 150 for the hauling. I help load the loads.

14 November 1905 • Tuesday

Attended to the business of the place.

A car of lumber arrived this day.

15 November 1905 • Wednesday

My wife & I attended an evening party at Albert Lindholm’s the anniversary of the marriage of Mrs. Adams & J A Smith.

16 November 1905 • Thursday

We Continued the baling, hay hauling and lumber hauling. In the evening we attended a theatre Woman against Woman.

17 November 1905 • Friday

Continued the work about as yesterday. <Prest meeting in evening>

18 November 1905 • Saturday

Weather Clowdy Continued the work of the place Our Baby is quite sick

19 November 1905 • Sunday

Weather threatening storm.

I attended Tooele S School and visited the departments with Wm Spry & James H. Anderson and brought them home to dinner with me. Attended afternoon and evening meetings Our baby not much improved.

20 November 1905 • Monday

Rained all day and snowed at night.

I went to Lake View on business. Attended to business which included loading hay &c.

21 November 1905 • Tuesday

Stormy all day. I delivered lumber and hay to Ekenstam in Storm.

22 November 1905 • Wednesday

Continued business as usual

23 November 1905 • Thursday

" " "2 Folks Pretty well Attended theatre in evening by KKK [Kompton’s Komedy Ko] Woman’s Victory.

24 November 1905 • Friday

Attended to business as usual. put another comb. fence back of Lbr yd. [p. 184]

Attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency in the evening.

25 November 1905 • Saturday

Cold at Night Attended to usual business and in the evening we attended the theatre by Kompton’s Komedy Ko. “A Woman’s Honor”

26 November 1905 • Sunday

Prest Gowans & I with my team & buggy went to Mercur. Left Tooele at 5:45 A.M. and arrived there at about 10:15.

We attended School & in the evening attended meeting. Both spoke at each. I talked about 40 minutes with freedom at meeting. We took dinner at Bp. Bryans’ and stayed all night at J. W. Lee’s

27 November 1905 • Monday

at Mercur

Weather Stormy Left Mercur about 7:40 A.M for home in a snow storm.

28 November 1905 • Tuesday

Attended to business as usual

29 November 1905 • Wednesday

" " "3

30 November 1905 • Thursday

Thanks Giving’s Day. Misses Enid & June Edmund came out & took dinner with us. Geo L & Nerva also dined with us.

I wrote letters to Mother, to Geo. F Jr, LeGrand and Bro. Fred. Wrote up journal since last Friday, read 12 chapters in lesser Priesthood Formulated a letter to Mercur Ward Bishopric. &c.

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November 1905, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Continued business as usual”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Attended to business as usual”.