September 1891

1 September 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine but warm.

I attended a meeting of the School Board at the Store. I engaged Thos. Horman to work on the Ranch while I went to S.L.C. to Attend the Rep. Ter. Convention. Went in Town on the train. Had my watch chain repaired, shaved & shingled. Attended to sundry business and went down to B Willards and staid over night.

2 September 1891 • Wednesday

Salt Lake City Weather fine. I attended two meetings [p. 167] of the Territorial Convention and returned home by Rail to E T Switch or V and from there by cart with E Spray to his home in Lake View where I was met by Alice & buggy at 9 P.M.

3 September 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the City Water at 4.30 A.M. and used it until 10 A.M. Divided up dried fruit. Did some writing &c. Went out in the buggy and took all the folks, and bought corn and cabbage and tried to find sale for fruit. &c. Nerva was taken sick with Summer complaint in the night.

4 Sepember 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine. but warm

I raked up yards and hauled hay around to Cows with wheelborrow. Weeded in the garden, weighed up fruit for Nix &c. Sold to Co-op Store one barrel of vinegar @ 35¢ pr gal.

5 September 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine but warm.

I loaded a load of baled hay and sent by Thos. Horman to Geo. Monk at Stockton. [p. 168] I went by team alone to Grantsville; attended Stake Priesthood Meeting; took dinner at Prest. Chas. Anderson’s; called on W J Robinson and returned home at 5:15 P.M. Went down to the Co-op Store & Court house. Prepaired for taking the Kelsey water by fixing dams and ditches. In the evening I shaved, bathed and wrote to Abram. We are all well.

6 September 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine

I took Estella and Mary Robinson with me in the buggy to Grantsville where Prest Gowans and I occupied the time of Afternoon meeting talking to the people.

7 September 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the Kelsey water all day irrigating

8 September 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Irrigated all day and between times prepaired questions for Teachers examination in Geography.

9 September 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather fine [p. 169]

I used the Kelsey water and prepared Questions on Arithmetic for Teacher’s Examination. Attended a Board meeting of the School Trustees in the evening at the Co-op store office.

10 September 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather Stormy. It hailed such large hails as to chop the lucern off as if bitten off by cattle.

I went by team and buggy to Grantsville where I attended Teachers Examination. I returned in the evening and attended a meeting of the water owners of Settlement Canyon at which meeting it was decided by a majority vote to transfer the Water Co’s 4½ acres into the pipes. While at Grantsville Miss Annie Marshall and I took dinner with W. J. Robinson at his store and She rode home with me in the evening.

11 September 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather cool & cloudy but no storm. I went to Grantsville again Miss Marshall riding with me there and returning. We finished the exam[p. 170]ination but not the papers. I lunched this day in the Social Hall.

12 September 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I discharged L. Green and attended to the water myself. Shaved, bathed and took the family down on to the Square to see the U. S. Soldiers and hear their music.

13 September 1891 • Sunday

took Prest. Gowans with me in buggy to Grantsville where we attended Young Mens Con. I assisted in Administering to Sister Anderson, Bro. Eliason & his boy. The two last named having Typhoid fever.

14 September 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I repaired sluce in City ditch, got barrels from Store, picked and sold 1 bu Crabs. Moved baler and tried to get help to bale hay. Employed Dorman. Wrote to Abram, Fred, Mother and posted one to Zions Bank

15 September 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather stormy part of the day.

I had John Dorman helping me bale hay. Spent the evening at home. [p. 171]

16 September 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I put a head in a barrel, repaired gate and fence, and Cidar press. I went with Estella to the Hotel to have her teeth examined. She had one tooth filled at a cost of 1.00 I bought at the stors Kangaroo Shoes $4.50, 100 lbs. Sugar $6.50, Attended to some School District business. with Clegg & Tate. Visited Brick Hall and Adobie house. Decided to put floor in Adobie house. Spent the evening at home reading & writing.

17 September 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather fine.

I had John Dorman helping me and we moved the hay-press and baled hay. I also attended to some Co. Treas. business at the Court House. Spent the evening at home writing and reading.

18 September 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather cool but fine otherwise.

I went to Grantsville to examine Teacher’s Examination papers. Took alice and the two babies with me in the buggy. They visited at Chas. Andersons Returned after [p. 172] having supper at Anderson’s. Arrived home at 9:20 P.M. Had two men baling hay one at my expense.

19 September 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine, some wind.

I had Jno Dorman helping me and we baled hay all day. A letter from Abram. In the evening I bathed and attended Methodist meeting where Dr. Icliff discoursed upon Christianity.

20 September 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I have this day at home so attended Sunday School and taught John Gillespies Class of young ladies in Gems from the Prophet Joseph in Compendium. Gave a few remarks and notice of the commencement of schools two lower grades to-morrow. After School anticipating speaking at meeting I thought and wrote as follows.

Comparison of Mormonism (so called) and Christian Denominations.

1st GospelWhat is the Gospel as defined by Paul, Romans <1-16> Our definition involves faith & works

Theirs faith only necessary.

Continued over [p. 173]

RevelationWe believe in revelation. They do not. They have been so long without revelation that they were not expecting it when it came through the Prophet. They have been educated to believe that revelation is done away. It is difficult to unlearn and teach them to learn aright.

When looking for the Church of Christ and the Gospel we were looking for a church built upon Revelation as Jesus said to Peter he would build his church upon that rock.

Results of RevelationAll that is revealed to us in these days is just that much additional light not enjoyed by the other denominations. They having only the Jewish record of the Gospel and that viewed in and an uninspired light. They make up their tenits of faith from this History the Bible and have to change it as they find conflicting principles of belief either with each other, with the advancement of thought of the Generation of or the discoveries and inventions & sciences. [p. 174]

We have all the light they possess and additonal light as it has come down to us through History and Revelation as exemplified in the Book of Mormon & Book of Covenants. We also claim inspiration which enables us to understand the true meaning of the scriptures.

Our organization as a Church is perfect while theirs is unorganized.

Ours is unchangable because revealed from Heaven, from an unchangable God.

We recognize Authority, they do not.

AuthorityThe church is a perfect means of educating and proving its members worthyness for offices and to be Agents for God in furthering his work.

The TestamonyTestamony of the Gospel follows obedience to the Gospel as Jesus said “My Gospel is not mine but his who sent me and if any one will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether I speak of myself or of him who sent me.[”]

SundayAfter Sunday School I wrote the above and in the after[p. 175]noon I attended meeting and spoke for about 40 minutes comparing the faith and Doctrin[e]s of the L.D. Saints with that of other Denominations Wrote to Abram and read the news. Went down to Rowberries and made arrangements with Miss Hella Rowberry to teach school commencing next day.

21 September 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I took the Kelsey water at 5:15 A.M. or a few minutes later before light however and used it all day and night. I also waited on the School Teachers helping them to get school started &c. Attended to some business at the Court House as Co-Treasurer

22 September 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cloudy and some rain I used the Kelsey water and at 12:45 P.M. started for Grantsville with team and buggy and Mr. Hedges accompanying me to attend to the examining of teachers examination papers. We completed the work at about 10:30 p.m. and returned home in the night amid mud and darkness arriving home at 1:30 [p. 176]

23 September 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather Stormy. rained nearly all day. I directed the water, did some writing, held Trustees meeting &c.

24 September 1891 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I used the water and dug up dead trees &c. Called on Prest. Gowans at his office. Wrote letters &c.

25 September 1891 • Friday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the water all day and between times took the folks for a ride down to the Basin pasture, hauled dead trees up to wood pile and limbs into street. In the evening I wrote up my Journal from Sept. 21st from memory.

26 September 1891 • Saturday

Tooele Weather fine.

I used the water all day, bred Lucy to Vick. Went to Post office, called at Prest. Gowan’s office, at Store and at Court House. Wrote letters to Fred and to Abram. In the evening I shaved, bathed and wrote and read. Studied Book Keeping. We are all usually well. [p. 177]

27 September 1891 • Sunday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Sunday school here in Tooele and by request of the Superintendents, I taught the primary branch of the School in the Vestry Apostle Lyman and Prest. H. S. Gowans were at School. Neither spoke as the regular exercises and programme occupied all the time. After School I went with Bros. Lyman and Gowans for a walk up to see the Water tank. Called at Bro George Craners on my way home with the other Brethren where we ate grapes and peaches to our appetites content. Went home and took a lunch of cake & milk & with all the family except Georgie & Nerva went to meeting where the Sacrament was passed and all the usual exercises and Apostle Lyman occupied all the time treating upon the Subjects of Wards Keeping a complete record of all Public Ward meetings, funerals &c and upon the duties of Teachers and Priests. Went home from meeting and read the [p. 178] Hearth Stone a Monthly Magazine until bedtime excepting while doing the chores.

I sent Georgie out horseback to get help for next day but he failed.

28 September 1891 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I presented to the County Clerk a bill against the County for $20.00 Examination fees for Examining Teachers and their papers. I got meat from Vowle’s and got ready for plowing and in the afternoon got in 5 hrs. plowing sages in South field.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Water Company Board. Posted letters to Abram and to Fred.

29 September 1891 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather fine.

I plowed sage land in the South field until about 5 P.M. when I quit and went over to the Court House and attended to some business. Did the chores and in the evening I made out my Quarterly Report as Treasurer of the County. Talked with Geo. Horman and Edwd. Green about plowing & clearing Sage land for horses. [p. 179]

30 September 1891 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cloudy in the morning and commenced to rain about 10:30 A.M. and developed into a snow storm which continued nearly all day and night breaking fruit and shade trees with the weight of snow. I commenced plowing in South field but had to quit at 10:30 on account of the storm. I went over to the Court House where a trial with P. A. Droubay Plaintiff and J. W. Tate Defendant was in Progress. I listened to the arguments for a while and attended to some County business and some School Trustees Business and some Water Company business cashing warrants. In the evening I attended a Trustee’s meeting at the Co-op Store and at 10:30 P.M. called in the Court House where the decision of the Jury in the above named case rendered a written Statement that they could not agree.

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September 1891, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024