November 1911

1 November 1911 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. I am well.

My little girl Estella was quite sick last night with sore throat & fever but is feeling some better to-day, though she kept her bed all day.

Oliver complained of sore throat when he came from school at noon and before night he was feverish and otherwise very sick. He had a bad night.

This day I spent the forenoon at home studying and writing in my memoranda or Commentary. In afternoon I attended meetings of the Y.M.MI.A. and Religion Class [p. 62] General Board and my circle and went from temple with my sons Geo. & LeGrand to the latter’s home where we were joined by our wives and an Elder Mortenson and had a nice supper and spent the remainder of the evening.

I administered to Oliver.

2 November 1911 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. My health good as usual except slight cold.

Estella remained in bed all day but she was bright and much improved. Oliver is quite sick with sore throat, fever and chilly spells, in bed all day.

I attended weekly council meeting of Presidency & Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M. Attended committee meeting reading manuscript of a book by Bp. Widstoe on Restoration from two to 5.30 P.M.

This day it was decided by the council that the presiding officers of the reliefsocieties, Young Ladies and Primary organizations be designated as presidents, this on their request.

The First Presidency wrote certain of our brethren at Thatcher Arizona, advising them to affiliate no poli[p. 63]tics only with the two great parties Republican & Democratic. For them to avoid Socialists. Their answer was that they were sure they had been advised with sole intent on part of the First Presidency to do them good but could not say what they would do about their future politics.

3 November 1911 • Friday


Weather pleasant Estella & Oliver somewhat improved though both are confined to their beds.

Alice and I went to the temple and were sealed for twenty-two couples. I spent the remainder of the day at home, writing, studying &c. Wrote to my son Joel in England.

I took 11.45 PM train for St. Anthony where in company with Pres. Chas. H. Hart. I attended the Yellowstone Stake Conference. Pres. Lyman and Elder Hyrum M. Smith were on same train as far as Idaho Falls going to attend the Brigham Stake Conference.

4 November 1911 • Saturday

Elder Hart & I reached St. Anthony about 12.30 o’clock, noon, having missed opening meeting of conference. I went to Pres James E Foag’s to dinner [p. 64] and while there administered to their daughter who was sick with sore throat & fever. She was up and dressed next day, may the Lord be praised.

It snowed during last night and this morning a few inches and again during this Saturday night about six inches in all and the wind blew cold. The attendance at Conference was light, but a good spirit obtained throughout.

The speakers at Saturday 2 P.M. meeting were as follows; Pres. M. J. Kerr, Pres C. H. Hart & myself. The latter occupied 40 minutes. I occupied remaining 25 min. to 4 P.M. on subject of What the gospel entails of sacrifice & self denial and the blessings derived from faithful observance of same. I had good liberty.

In the evening the Stake Presidency and Pres Hart & I met at Bp. A. D. Milton’s home and talked over matters pertaining to the interests of the Stake. Pres. Hart and I slept at Bp Arnold D. Miller where we were both welcome & comfortable.

5 November 1911 • Sunday

St. Anthony, Ida.

Wintery, wind & 6 inches snow

Attended the morning meeting of conference and was one of the speakers. [p. 65] I occupied 50 minutes. Subject, Faith. Necessity for it and How promoted.

At afternoon session the authorities were sustained and I was one of the speakers occuping 30 minutes with good liberty, subject, obedience, and faithfulness to duty. Read the parable of the talents Matt 25:14–30 The offices we have accepted in the church are as talents in our hands &c. Pres. Hart and I broke fast about 5.30 P.M. and took train for home at 6.20 P.M.

At close of afternoon meeting I set apart the following; as High Counselors Charles H Barnes and David R. Sinclair; as alternates John M. White & Chester B. Walker.

6 November 1911 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake at 12:30 P.M. Found pleasant weather and the children almost well.

I wrote up my journal from notes for the past two days and made other record of work done, items to report &c. Spent the remainder of the time of afternoon and evening writing and studying.

This day at 11.35 o’clock P.M. Patriarch John Smith passed to the great beyond. [p. 66] aged 79 years, a few months older than was my father when he died and 24 days after the death of Pres. John Henry Smith.

7 November 1911 • Tuesday


Weather stormy a part of the day.

This is City election day and I poled my vote for the Non-partisan Citizen’s Candidates straight. There were seven votes from our family. Alice, Sarah, George & Edith, LeGrand & Ina & I voted.

This day I submitted to an examination by Dr Gill who pronounced my heart action good and the organ normal in size and the approaches to the heart in good condition, the lungs in good condition with the expansion of lower lobes above the average indicating a good & healthy condition; no signs of pleurisy now or ever having been. The soreness in my side may be due to a strain of the muscles, swimming &c as I noticed it most while swimming in the lake in August last hand over hand. I feel considerably relieved.

I attended a meeting with members of the Twelve, Pres Lyman & Elders, Hyrum M. Smith, C. W. Penrose and Jos. [p. 67] F Smith arranging for the funeral services of Patriarch John Smith to take place in the Large tabernacle next Sunday. Pres. Lyman thought I should offer the opening prayer and the other brethren indorsed same. We met from 11 A.M. to 12.30 and from 12 to 5:30.

I attended a missionary meeting at the Annex of temple where thirty brethren were set apart and instructed I assisted in setting apart and instructed them. I set apart the following:

Heber John Randall of Ogden to Eastern States; Ray Sidney Harding Knightsville, Utah to Central States; Elam Farlin Allen of Hyrum, Utah, to Central States; Thomas M. Ashby, Lake Shore, Utah, to Central States.

After 9 P.M. Alice & I, Geo. & Edith & LeGrand and Ina went down town and saw the election returns as they came in and were posted on the canvass and shown by stereopticon machine across the Street We also saw a moving picture show the results of the election show the citizen’s non partisan candidates all elected by between 4000 and 5 thousand. majority over the American party candidates headed by Mr. Bransford.

With the commision form of City [p. 68] government and our commissioners non partisan in politics i.e. elected on a non partizen ticket me may hope for less bitterness, a better business administration with improved moral conditions. May the Lord be praised for the accomplishment thus far and may he overrule all in the future for the good of his people & his work in Salt Lake and elsewhere. The passing of Pres John Henry Smith Oct. 13th and Patriarch John Smith Nov. 6th, the wars waging in China, a revolution and between Austrians & Turks against Italians, the great amt of bloodshed, Mexico’s revolution &c one is reminded of the Saying, “The Lord will cut his work short in righteousness.

8 November 1911 • Wednesday


Storming. All well.

I am happy in the gospel of our Redeemer. It brings peace to my soul and hope of Eternal life & Celestian glory. I met members of the Twelve and the Presidency at latters office where we arranged for the funeral services of Bro. John Smith. Later I accompanied two of John Smith’s sons and H. M. Smith & Jos. F. Smith Jr. to the undertaker to select a casket.

I attended Religion Class & Y.M.M. Bds [p. 69] and my Circle meeting in evening. I assisted in setting apart Emeline B. Wells, Amy Lyman and Sister Erdley delegates to a convention in Chicago of Executive Session of National Association of Women. I set apart Sister Lyman, wife of Richard R. Lyman.

9 November 1911 • Thursday


Weather stormy. My health good. Folks well.

I attended weekly council meeting of the Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M. and a committee meeting from 2 to 5 P.M. I took Oliver to City & Co. building after 5 p.m. and obtained from the board of health a permit for him to enter school.

I spent an hour or more with my sister Asenath and administered to her. She is nearly heart broken over her daughter Nina’s conduct, she having apostasized from the truth and turned against her mother & family.

I sat up late working.

Alice & Sarah went to Salt Lake theatre by courtesy of Elder Heber J. Grants family.

I received an appointment with Pres C H Hart to Canada stakes & the [p. 70] Big Horn stake. We will have to leave Salt Lake next Wednesday

10 November 1911 • Friday


Stormy. Am well.

I went down town in morning to attend a committee meeting for the reading of the Widtsoe manuscript but the meeting was postponed. I attended to some business at Z.C.M.I. and returned home and devoted myself to Study & writing. I met Elders Penrose and Jos. F. Smith Jr. at 3 P.M. at Bps. building and spent nearly three hours with them reading & correcting manuscript.

It commenced to Snow about 2.40 P.M. and continued into the night. I spent the evening at home.

11 November 1911 • Saturday


Snowing and cold. Am well.

I spent some time putting our washing machine in repair.

I subscribe for two daily news papers the Evening News & Morning Herald Republican and when at home spend from 30 min to one hour on each to keep up with the news of the times. Just now China is fighting for freedom a sort of Revolution. The Italians are trying to interfere [p. 71] with Turkish rule in Tripoli and Mexico has not settled all her difficulties growing out of the recent revolution. I spent the day home studying & writing.

12 November 1911 • Sunday


Cold weather Snow on the ground. My health good also that of my family.

I attended Sunday School in 27th ward and offered the closing prayer. Attended the funeral services of the Presiding Patriarch John Smith held in the Large Tabernacle at 2 P.M. and acted with other members of the Twelve as paul bearers and offered the opening prayer. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Lund, Pres Lyman, Elders C W Penrose, O. F. Whitney and James E. Talmage. Bp. C. W. Nibly offered the closing prayer and Elder A. W. Ivins offered the benediction dedicatory prayer at the grave.

Alice & I and all the children took dinner with Geo. & Edith and Alice and I and the five youngest took supper with them.

At the tabernacle the Auditorium was well filled, the galary was not used. [p. 72]

13 November 1911 • Monday


Weather moderated. All well.

Alice and I went out to Tooele on 7.45 A.M. train and returned on train reaching Salt Lake at 6 P.M. We spent all our time at our daughter Nerva’s. Estella Lee & children visited with us there. On reaching home learned of the death of Aunt Helen Miller at Syracuse, particulars not ascertained.

I spent the evening at home reading, writing and Studying.

I wrote a letter of condolence to Uncle Wm. H. Miller and family.

14 November 1911 • Tuesday


Weather moderated. My health good.

I sat with Elders C. W. Penrose and Jos. F Smith Jr. and finished the reading of Bp Widstoe’s manuscript on Restoration. Assisted in setting apart a company of more than thirty missionaries & instructing them. I presided at the meeting being the Senior present.

I attended a meeting of the Directors of the Utah Implement, Vehicle Co at 4.15 o’clock. Attended to a few business items and in the evening Alice and I went down to my sister Asenath’s and visited an hour or more. We found her son Roscoe there and at Asenath’s [p. 73] request we gave her a blessing as she is thinking of going to the hospittal in a week or so to undergo an operation for female troubles. We knelt and Rosco prayed and then he and I layed on hands & I blessed her. I received a letter from Arnold Miller a son of Wm. H. Miller informing me of the death of his mother and expressing the wish that I could attend the funeral services to be held Thursday in Syracuse ward meeting house, which thing I cannot do as I leave tomorrow for Canada.

15 November 1911 • Wednesday

<For list of Names of missionaries set apart see below.>1


Clowdy. All usually well.

I made ready to leave on 2.50 P.M. O.S.L. train for Canada.

I yesterday set apart the following Thos. Albert Bayles of Logan, Utah to Great Britain, Earl Weaver <of> Preston Idaho to Great Britain, Lawrence J. Clements of Sugar House, to Great Britain, John Ulrich Buhler of Midway, Utah to N.S. Mark Moroni Bingham of Maesar Uintah Co. Utah to Swiss & German miss. I blessed Sister Anderson for a visit to Sweden. Pres. J. G. Kimball assisted me with a part of these he himself setting apart others whom I assisted in blessing. [p.74]

I left Salt Lake on 2.50 P.M. train in company with Pres. C. H. Hart for Canada. Our ride was pleasant and I had a good night’s sleep & rest.

16 November 1911 • Thursday

On cars.

Am well. Weather cold.

We arrived at Butte City on schedule time 7 A.M. and took street car to Great Northern Station and got train for Great Falls leaving Butte at 7.30 A.M. We had a pleasant ride reaching Great Falls on schedule time 2.20 P.M. and went to Park Hotel. After cleaning up we went to Gerald Cafe and got dinner and from there took a walk out to the Court house and inspected its interior and from there walked about residence district for about an hour. Returning to the hotel I wrote up my journal, wrote cards to my wife and to my sister Alice at Fielding. Did some studying and retired early. Room 16.

17 November 1911 • Friday

Great Falls, Mont.

Am well. Weather tolerable.

I left Great Falls with C. H. Hart at 10.30 A.M. 30 min. late and arrived at Sterling, Canada, about 6.30 P.M. We were met at Station by Theo. Brandley of the Stake Presidency of the Taylor Stake who drove me to the home [p. 75] of my Nephew Merlin Steed where I staid the night. Pres. Hart staid with Pres Brandley My Nephew by marriage Franklin Steed his wife came in and took supper with us and spent the evening.

18 November 1911 • Saturday

Sterling, Canada.

Am well. Weather windy.

Pres. Theo. Brandley, his son, Pres. Hart and I left Sterling at 7.30 A.M. and via Raymond drove to Magrath, twenty miles to Conference and got to meeting at 10.20 A.M.

At this meeting the speakers were in order as follows: Pres H. S. Allen, Bp. Harker of Magrath, Wm Palmer, brother [blank] Young of High Council and myself. I occupied 25 min observations on what I had seen coming up here and on crop conditions and faith & trust in God & his providences.

At 2 P.M. Meeting the Speakers were, Theo. Brandley, Bp R. A. Van Orman of Tabor two returned Elders, Stoddard & Pope and Pres. C. H Hart. We Pres Hart & I staid at Bp Harkin’s. We administered to their boy Rulon who is lame & has been for 5 years. We administered to a brother Hudson in the evening.

Attended priesthood meeting from 7 to 8.30 Business transacted and Pres Hart & I each spoke about 30 min. I spoke of the duty of the presiding authorities. Their offices & callings are as talents. Bps duty to the [p. 76] Lesser priesthood, Secret orders & fraternal societies. We should not divide our allegience between the Church & these organizations. After the meeting we attended a concert given by the Stake primary workers at which they received $53.00.

19 November 1911 • Sunday

Magrath, Canada.

Weather Clowdy. Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting a mixed congregation of children & grown ups. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in order as follows; myself, Pres. Snow of the Stake Presidency, & Pres C. H. Hart. I occupied 30 minutes. Subject, Sacrament, Atonement, our indebtedness to God, to the Savior, to Parents. How best repay, a. obedience, b. doing good to others At noon hour met Superintendency of Religion Classes and obtained information and imparted instruction.

At 2 P.M. meeting there were some standing for want of seats. The authorities were sustained. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres Hart 55 minutes on generalities, I thirty min. on the third person of the Godhead, his office & mission & how obtained. We should try and feel the reality & truth of the gospel not to accept it as a theory. What man has accomplished is evidence of Gods powers & abilities to see to hear & repro[p. 77]duce action, words, &c. Pres. Allen made a few closing remarks.

At 4.30 I attended a seventies meeting and instructed the brethren directing my remarks to those especially who had been out on missions, advising them to keep bright and ready to apply the things they had learned while in the mission fields. That which is good for the outside is good for the Saints. All have need of an increase of faith, of repentance, of adding to their faith knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, charity &c. Do not run down in the heel.

At evening conjoint meeting the house was well filled a good programme, was rendered and Pres. Hart & I. each occupied 15 minutes. I talked upon subject of furnishing for the young suitable & attractive amusements & entertainments. If we disregard the advice so to do either the boys will provide their own which may not be wholesome or those out siders for money making only will introduce billiards, pool & other amusements mixed with profanity, smoking, drinking &c. Athletics, Jay Jensens experiences in Japan.

20 November 1911 • Monday

Magrath, Canada.

Beautiful sunshine & clear day.

Pres. Hart & I with returning conference [p. 78] people took train at 8.45 A.M. for Raymond, 12 miles distant. Here Pres Hart, Pres. Allen & I by invitation of Pres. Bramwell attended the Knights academy & each spoke to them in a devotional & theological service of about an hour. I advised the Students to try and increase the attendance at school, Why? & how? Spoke of advantages of education &c. I wrote up my journal for yesterday from notes.

At the evening meeting the attendance was large and attention good. I occupied about 55 minutes with fair freedom and satisfaction on Subject of Characer and proper development of same. I spoke deliberately and after meeting two people one a young man and the other a married woman said they wish it had been taken in Short hand so I felt some good might come of it. Pres. Hart occupied 45 minutes on evidences of the truth of the Book of Mormon & the Divine mission of the Prophet Jos. Smith. Administered to Miss McCarthy.

21 November 1911 • Tuesday

Raymond, Canada.

Am well Weather same

Pres. Hart went to Lethbridge in the morning by train on business and [p. 79] I remained at Pres Allen’s until noon wrote to Geo. Perritt, to my son Joel in England, read the papers &c. I by invitation went down to my Cousin Phoebe Longstroth Evans & took dinner and staid until train time 4.30 P.M. Ena Watt Obrian came over and we had a nice visit. Pres. Hart returned from Lethbridge on the evening train and I joined him at station and we went to Cardston 40 mi. distant arriving about 7 P.M. We were met at Station by Prests Wood, Duce, Bp. Brown, Low & others and went to Pres. Wood’s home where we spent the night. Pres. Hart & I occupied same bed and I did not sleep as well as I would like.

22 November 1911 • Wednesday

Cardston, Canada.

Weather pleasant. Am well.

After breakfast I wrote up my journal, read &c and at 2 P.M. in a two seated carriage Pres. Hart, Pres Wood, Pres Duce & a brother Nielson from Utah and I drove to Hill Spring ward via. Glenwood ward a distance of about 25 miles and attended meeting at night. The attendance was large, 113, of possibly 175 many of them scattered over many miles of country. I spoke with deliberation [p. 80] and liberty upon current topics, trust in God & do not become discouraged. Referred to Job’s trust & patience. This town has grown up since I was here 18 months ago.

We saw my land at Glenwood joining that of Bro. Rudger Clawsons. Leaviatt Brothers are threshing 40 bu of wheat per acre from second crop on one plowing beside brother Clawsons land, no better than ours.

I staid all night with Walter Caldwell.

23 November 1911 • Thursday

Hill Spring, Canada.

Am well. Windy.

We returned to Cardston via. Glenwood ward and stopped at Brother E. J. Woods ranch for dinner. reached Cardston at dark. Spent the evening reading the papers &c. Bathed & retired at 11 P.M.

24 November 1911 • Friday

Cardston, Canada.

Am well. Windy.

I spent the forenoon at Pres Wood’s reading and writing; wrote to my wife at home, to my son Joel in England and wrote a letter of condolence to Gustave Augerson of Grantsville who just lost his wife following an operation. [p. 81] Pres Hart, Pres Wood, Pres Duce and I took dinner with Sister Zina Y Card and her son Sterling and Pres. Hart, Pres Duce & I spent about three hours visiting her.

Attended a High Priests meeting from 6 to 7.30 and Stake officers meetings from 8 to 10.15 P.M. and spoke at both.

I received a letter from home reporting all well also one enclosed from my Son Joel.

25 November 1911 • Saturday

Cardston, Canada.

Am well

Attended 10 A.M. session of Conference. The attendance was good The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Thos. Duce, Bp Willard G. Smith of Leavitt, Bp. F Pierce Fisher of Hill Spring, a sister Harker, Sister Rhoda Hinman, Pres. Hart & Myself I occupied 20 minutes with good liberty, subject, Operations of the Holy Spirit. I spent the time between meetings at Pres Woods office reading the papers.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was large. The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. H. S. Allen of Taylor Stake, Myself & Pres. Hart. I occupied 30 minutes with good [p. 82] liberty on sacrifices, read from Lect. 6 D&C following Pres. Allen on another phase of the question.

After meeting Pres Hart and I attended a Primary Board meeting and addrssed the meeting and afterward went to Pres Wood’s home office and administered to a sister Campbell. Weather mild.

At this meeting a brother Peterson of Hill Spring ward sang a touching song of the Savior which caused the tears to flow copiously.

In the evening I attended a concert gotten up by the Mutuals. We went home in a snow storm.

26 November 1911 • Sunday

Cardston, Canada.

Snowed about five inches.

Attended 10 A.M. Session of conference. Sacrament administered. Speakers as follows; M. A. Coombs, S.S.; Ralph Harker, R.C.; Sister Emily Biglow, Pres. Sterling Williams; Pres C. H. Hart & myself. I occupied 15 minutes, on Giving & doing for others. James, True religion & undefiled &c; Eternal life Gods choicest gift you can lead them to possess this gift. Teach what parents neglect &c.

At close of meeting I ordained two bishops, one High Priest and set apart the two bishops and four counselors [p. 83] as follows: Wm James Whitehead ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over Claresholin Ward.

Joseph M. Workman set apart second counselor to brother Whitehead. Edward Leavitt Ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over Glenwood ward. John Lane ordained high priest and set apart second counselor to Bp. Leavitt. Mark Anthony Coombs set apart 1st & Chas. Wm Burt set apart second counselors to Bp Brown of Cardston ward. I also set apart [blank] a president of the council quorum 121st Seventies.

Pres Hart & I took dinner with a brother & sister Snow.

At afternoon session of conference the Authorities were sustained and the Speakers were Pres. Wood, myself & Pres. Hart. There were a number of outsiders present and I preached to them & made plain to them the responsibility resting upon them to hear & accept the Gospel. I read a part of the hymn, “Though in the outward world below” &c. also from D&C 76:51, 71– + Showing that those who reject the gospel here attain to only the Terrestrial glory & contrasted it with Celestial &c. See D&C 20:9–16. [p. 84] The responsibility rests upon us to teach and upon the world to receive. See Jer. 3–17.

Pres. Hart & I went to my sister-in-laws, Mamie Robinstond Steeds’ to Supper.

At evening session the Speakers were in order as follows, Reports by a sister Snow, brother Lowe, talks by Amy Allen of Taylor Stake, Sister Z. Y. Card, Pres. H. and myself. I occupied remaining 12 min. They will not believe our testimony, they would not Noahs neither christs, but by the doctrines taught & the law will they be judged. Three witnesses are witnesses to the truth of Josephs story of his first vision, for had he been an imposter God would never have recognized him after but he was recognized therefore his story must have been true.

While in Cardston Pres Hart & I have made our home with Pres Wood & have been very comfortable.

27 November 1911 • Monday


Clear Am well

Pres. Hart & I left Cardston at 7:30 A.M. and arrived in Great Falls at 6.20 P.M. and put up at the New Park Hotel. I wrote letters, wrote up journal from notes &c. and retired about 10.30. Am feeling well. [p. 85]

28 November 1911 • Tuesday

Great Falls, Mont.

Weather clear. Am well.

Pres Chas H Hart & I left Great Falls on Great Northern Ry. train 9.05 A.M. and arrived in Billings about 6.35 P.M.

I met on the train Jacob Weaver of Iowa, An old Union Soldier who said he had entertained at his home for three weeks at a time Mormon elders and spoke well of them but could not give their names.

Pres Hart & I put up at Hotel McCormick, Billings and went to the Northern Hotel Cafe to Supper and called in and saw a picture show in which was exhibited the L.D.S. temple, tabernacle & grounds. The President Jos. F. Smith, the Patriarch & the First Presidency and another of the First Presidency & the Twelve as we posed in front of the temple last conference. I saw my own picture. The temple & other buildings on temple grounds were a credit to us, the others are not.

I wrote up my journal and retired about 10 P.M.

29 November 1911 • Wednesday

Billings. Mont.

Am well. Weather cold & clear. [p. 86]

Pres. Hart & I left Billings at 7 A.M. and arrived at Cowley, Wyo. at 10.45 A.M. We rode up from Station with Mail Carrier and went to Pres. Wm C. Partidge’s wher we were welcomed and staid while in Cowley. Pres. C. H. Hart & occupied same room but separate beds.

I took from Pres Partridge’s library a book entitled “Mrs O’Callahan’s Boys” and read it through and enjoyed it and recommend it to boys as being both interesting and helpful

30 November 1911 • Thursday

Cowley, Wyoming.

Am well. Weather clear. Ground bare.

Pres. Partridge & his counselor <Edwd. W.> Croft Pres. Hart & I looked at two sites to see which we thought would be most desirable for Church School building. One on the square in the centre of town and one three blocks east on higher ground. We prefer the latter site.

At 11 A.M. we attended Thanksgiving services in the meeting house and I spoke 20 min. Subject. What we have to be thankful for, the Gospel, life, country, comforts; to whom indebted; how show our appreciation & love as all gifts are results of love. [p. 87]

I read Salt Lake papers (the News) Received letter from home and wrote home to Mama. Good word from home and a letter from my son Joel from England enclosed bearing good word.

Bro. Jesse Crosby & Bro Chas. Welch called & spent the evening.

I started to read “Hernando Cortez,” and his Conquest of Mexico.”


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November 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 74.