November 1893

1 November 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather wintery cold.

I had E. Broad & Jas. A. S. Smith helping me to put in weigh scales bought of Co-op.

I met school Archetect Anderson at School house between trains. Met with School trustees Clegg & Tate at Court House where E♢ Collector T. Williams met with us to adjust a matter of debt he owed on tax. [p. 200] I mailed to Abram, my Oct. Report with a letter also wrote to Mother at Salt Lake, received of James B. Bowden $42.00 interest for Mother.

Mailed letters to several firms in Salt Lake asking for quotations on vinegar.

In the evening I attended a Citizens meeting called for the purpose of nominating three School Trustees to be voted for at the Approaching Nov. Election to Serve for two years from Jan. 1st next where I was first nominated by a large majority of the votes. Peter Clegg and John W. Tate were also elected or rather nominated by a smaller majority. Amy & Sarah both quite sick. but rested well during the night.

2 November 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cold.

Ruby is now quite sick with appearantly the Same complaint as Sarah & Amy, they two however are feeling better.

I continued the work of scales and completed them excepting painting. Spent the evening at home reading & writing and waiting on children

3 November 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold but pleasant.

I had Joseph Henson plowing for me in South field at my expense. I got sorrel horse in from south field and hitched with smaller gray horse on buggy and took Alice and children out for a ride. The three little girls [p. 201] Sarah, Amy & Ruby are not at all well. I invited Bp. Atkin, Geo. Craner and John Gillespie to ride with me to Grantsville to attend Stake Priesthood meeting tomorrow.

Spent the evening at home. Alice went shopping with me in the afternoon and we spent more than ten dollars for necessities.

4 November 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Jos. Henson plowing in my stead & I took team and buggy and John Gillespie & Geo. Craner with me and went to Grantsville where we attended Stake Priesthood meeting At which I spoke and I also took a minute of the meeting. Took dinner with Bro C. L. Anderson. On my return home I attended to some business at Store & with Prest. Gowans at his house and in the evening I attended a meeting of the Irrigation Trustees until a late hour at which meeting I got a transfer made from No 7 ditch to West Main St. ditch one acre of water. Our children are improved.

5 November 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I accompanied Prest. H. S. Gowans to E.T. where we both spoke in School and meeting. I occupied 40 minutes in afternoon.

After meeting assisted in blessing Bro Maxwell who was quite feeble and remained to Teacher’s meeting. Arrived home at 6 P.M. [p. 202] Amy does not seem so well. Others improved.

6 November 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather cloudy and warm.

I attended to some school business, employed James Kirk to trim and strip of foliage my young Poplars. Drove cattle out of South field and Bowens cows out of East field. Counted the horses to see that they were all there. Caught my 18 month old colt and weighed him on our Scales and also on P A Droubays and found them to weigh alike 1058 lbs. Pulled and piled radish seeds to dry ready for threshing. Sold 327 lbs. dried apricots to Allen and Simpson, hitched up a team and hauled the fruit down to store. Called at Vowles for flour but failed to get any. Bought a wagon box load of straw of Bro. Clegg for beds & carpets. In the evening, I attended a Grist Mill meeting and was first named as a committee on corporation. Children are improving in health.

7 November 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I conducted School election from 10 A.M. until 3 P.M. Including the canvass of votes. Helped my wife take up carpet, shake it put new straw under and tack it down. Attended Annual School meeting which was adjourned without doing any business until Nov. 9th at 7 P.M. [p. 203]

8 November 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I assisted Alice house cleaning in forenoon and plowed sage ground in South field in afternoon. In evening went with John W. Tate & Peter Clegg trustees to See John Martin and arranged with him for what lime we need @ 33¾ cents per bu.

Our folks are all tolerably well.

In the evening I recorded a blessing given Marney Clark Oct. 29th 1893.

9 November 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant with a light rain at night.

I plowed in South field in afternoon. In the forenoon I met the other school trustees at the School building where we considered several matters of importance to Schools.

In the evening I attended an adjourned School meeting where Annual Statement was read & approved and Trustee’s compensation allowed $200.00 for the year ending Dec. 31st 1893 One half to Sec’y for his services. $50.00 each to the other two Clegg & myself.

10 November 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed in South field all day and in the evening attended a School Trustees meeting until a late hour. Folks pretty well. [p. 204]

11 November 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold. I attended to some business at school building and plowed in South field. In the evening I shaved, bathed and went down to Sister Karrie Kesters and gave Patriarchal blessings to Sister Patrick and Enos L. Bost. Called at Prest. Gowan’s and arranged to go to Clover to-morrow in fulfillment of our appintment as Stake Presidency. Wrote up my journal for several days since the 8th All usually well.

12 November 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I took my team and buggy and Prest. H. S. Gowans accompanying me we went over to Clover 17 miles distant where we attended both school and meeting & spoke with a usual degree of spirit. Returned home at 7 P.M. and spent the evening at home with my family.

13 November 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather very pleasant I sold some hay, settled my taxes. Took Alice and small children for a ride, looked up the law in relation to Irrigation Co. elections and called Chairman Cleggs attention to the matter, I received letters from Provo from Estella to Mama, also an invitation from Grantsville Brass band to attend an annual [p. 205] party to be held on the 17th inst. Called on Carrie Kester while out for a ride and heard her story of troubles and gave words of comfort in return. In the evening I did some writing and attended a Mill projection meeting in Adobie school House

14 November 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I worked in the hay moving it on account of its heating. Sold hay to D. F. Barber In the evening I administered to Sister Carrie Kester who called for that purpose. Also administered to Bro. Gee. Bro John McKellar assisting me, attended with desired results. Alice read while I wrote in record two Patriarchal blessings Sister Patrick’s and Enos L. Bost’s. Our folks are usually well.

15 November 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled a load of coal, sold hay to Walters Called on Prest. Gowans to counsel with him in relation to Sister [last name redacted] case. In the evening I attended School Trustees meeting and called at R. Warburtons on Irrigation Co. Business. Alice had the blues this day. I wrote contract for lease of Moses Warr Estate for one year. Folks usually well. [p. 206]

16 November 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon but in after-noon windy and snowed towards night. I had Jos. Henson plowing for me while I worked about the place giving it a general cleaning up. Took Kelsey water. assorted apples to exchange with Spray for onions. Spent the evening at home writing &c. Wrote to Fred.

17 November 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather cold and stormy, ground covered with snow.

I put horses from East field into old field. and put horses from South field into East field. Sold load hay to McBride & Hanks, filed my School Trustee Bond with Co. Clerk. Received a check of $170.00 from Abram and with it and other means paid his Ter., Co., School and Special School tax. Paid for 2450 lbs coal. Received of H. S. Gowans for two months house rent $8.00 Bought two bus. wheat to feed chicks. Put two horses in field that got out of south field and went over in to Martins field. Vick keeled over with me but did no damage. Spent the evening at home reading News and writing. All the folks are well, Cold night.

18 November 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cold & clear, light snow on ground. I went to Basin and repaired fence. Did sundry other work. Wrote in evening. [p. 207]

19 November 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended School and meeting at Tooele addressed the school. Had home missionaries at meeting who occupied the time D. Sudworth and Leo Woolley. After meeting I accompanied Bp. Atkin and Con. Geo. Craner to Sister Karrie Kesters where we administered to her for weakness and she immediately became strong. Alice with the baby accompanied me to evening meeting presided over by the Seventies. Elders J. S. Lee & H. Dolling were the speakers. Bp. Atkin occupied a few moments in speaking upon the order & deportment of some of our young people at our evening meetings. After the evening meeting I gave blessings to my wife Alice and my oldest daughter Alice M. My wife did the writing for me.

<Gave Patriarchal Blessings to My Wife Alice and Daughter Nerva.>1

20 November 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant but cold nights. I tried plowing in South field but the ground was so badly frozen that I abandoned the plowing for the present. I put stone step to front porch, repaired chair & cot, wrote to Abram, was visited by sister Patrick in daytime and in the evening by Co. Collector P clegg who left with me for safe keeping $500.00. I already had of his nearly three hundred dollars.

In the evening I coppied Alices Patriarchal [p. 208] blessing given the evening previous. Wrote in my journal &c. All well & happy.

21 November 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold and in afternoon stormy. I took team and materials and went down to basin pasture and repaired fence amid wind, snow and cold returned home after dark and attended a school Trustees meeting in the evening. Met in counsel with Bp. Atkin & others in relation to getting up our parties in a way to claim the patronage of the young. Folks well.

22 November 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I got the horses out of East field and some from Old field and took them to Basin pasture. Went over to Terminus and informed Martin that I had put 33 horses in pasture including three suckers. Bought a quarter of beef of Mrs Nelson @ 6¢ partly threshed radish seeds, repaired yard north door &c. In the evening I copied Nervas blessing and recorded both Alices & hers, Alice read them while I wrote. All well and happy.

23 November 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I brought horses out of field and caugh[t] and tied up the bay 3 yr. old filly. Hitched up team and brought in plow from South field. Abel Parker called to see me about money, Broad came to see me about School house, Vowles came [p. 209] to see me about mill building. I went and saw Remington about settlement of water taxes, Saw James James and collected note and interest to the amount of $54.75 Went up to Parkers and paid him on note $84.50. Spent the evening at home writing and calculating.

24 November 1893 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant until evening when it commenced to blow and later to rain. I handled bay filley, hauled a load of hay into Vick’s stable, sold load of hay to Marsden Hauled manure &c. Administered to Mary McLain. Had callers. Remington to collect Ward donations; Vowles about mill building; Clegg, Tate Broad & Newton about [illegible] walls to School house. Spent the evening at home writing & reading. Letters from Abram and Mother.

25 November 1893 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hauled manure, went to Basin pasture and got horses, attended to several other smaller matters. Shaved and bathed. Spent the evening at home.

26 November 1893 • Sunday

Tooele Weather stormy.

I attended School and meeting and spoke at both. Administered to Mary McLain assisted by Geo. Atkin. Attended evening meeting and after meeting read from Jos. Smiths History until bed time. [p. 210]

27 November 1893 • Monday

Tooele Weather threatening & some rain & wind.

I sold two loads of hay and a wagon box load. I collected from P. A. Droubay $250.00 and int. and sent to Mother at Nephi. I received check of $210.00 from J. D. McIntosh and sent him his note for which the $210.00 was to redeem. I paid the $210.00 to Abel Parker on my note leaving a balance of $90.00 yet to be paid. I saw City Collector & Water tax collector and pacified them about taxes from A. F. D. Met with Bishop and his counselors in council at Tithing Office And in evening viewed the school house & attended Ward Teacher’s meeting and spoke with considerable spirit. After meeting I did some writing. Folks usually well.

28 November 1893 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather raining lightly part of day. I sold and loaded a load of hay to Jas. B Bowden. Plowed in South field.

In the evening I attended a mill meeting which was largely attended and was made chairman. Meeting passed off orderly and the object for which the meeting was called was fully accomplished. By unanimous vote it was decided to place no obstacles in the way of Mr. Vowles building a mill but that he have the good wishes of the people. [p. 211]

29 November 1893 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I accompanied Prest. Gowans to Greens and administered to Sarah Green Howell in morning and by request in the early evening. Called on Apostle Lyman between 6:30 & 7 P.M. Attended a school Trustees meeting in evening. Got home at 11 P.M. Plowed in south field during the day. Talked with James James on the proposition to buy 20 tons. B. L. Bowen came to see me about the purchase of his 80 acres of land &c.

30 November 1893 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Thanks Givings Day.

I did the chores, got a team up, shaved and wrote until noon. Hitched up team and the folks for a ride, went on several errands while out. In evening I made out Ranch report for November month and wrote to Abram

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November 1893, George F. Richards, accessed February 6, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion is written vertically in the left margin next to the 19 November entry.