July 1897

1 July 1897 • Thursday

Tooele Weather hot, Sultry & clowdy. Mr Shaffer, Mr Barrus, George & I worked on the header boxes. I went over to field with team for reaches, bolts &c. The boys irrigated the lot from 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. & I attended the water in the evening.

2 July 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather sultry & warm in forenoon, A nice rain in afternoon I worked on header boxes in forenoon and [p. 175] in afternoon while it rained I remained in doors writing

3 July 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Worked all day on header boxes & finished the three boxes.

4 July 1897 • Sunday

Fast day

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I attended, School, meeting, circle & council meeting with Relif. & Bprick. Bro. Lyman associated. Decided to buy for Relief society the Adobe schoolhouse, lot & 1/2 acre water @ $350.00 Advised selling of wheat & buying new wheat & moving granary while empty.

5 July 1897 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Celebrated by attending meeting at 10 A.M. Took folks for a ride over to field and to Ball ground, made ice cream &c.

6 July 1897 • Tuesday

Workmen not here

Tooele Weather windy.

The boys & I started up my header & cut a half doz. rounds on an 18 A. barley patch & it worked well.

7 July 1897 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather windy all day.

I could not cut barley on account of [p. 176] wind so worked in garden. tightened up bed springs <&c.>

8 July 1897 • Thursday1

Tooele Weather pleasant but warm.

I went to Lake & met Aunt Nerva. Took George & the three little girls with me. Visited with Nerva & accompanied her & Alice & Estella over to the Ranch to See Newel Whitney & family.

9 July 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I headed my barley with the assistance of of my boys. Letter from Mother which I ans’d. <Settled with Lindholm for plumbing by paying him $20.00 ck.>

10 July 1897 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I regulated my header for cutting wheat & cut a couple of rounds on a piece of about 20 acres. Fixed up barley stack &c. Took the family for a ride to Cemetery & to my field. Bathed & retired early.

11 July 1897 • Sunday

Tooele Atte[n]ded two meetings & Circle. Recorded blessings &c.

12 July 1897 • Monday

Weather warm. Took Nerva to <Lake on her way home>

13 July 1897 • Tuesday

I commenced heading my wheat in earnest. Cut & put in stack about 25 acres.

14 July 1897 • Wednesday2

Continued the heading of grain cut more than 20 acres.

15 July 1897 • Thursday

Continued heading my grain. [p. 177]

16 July 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

Mr Shaffer, Carpenter, finished work on my house. I finished cutting fall grain for my self and cut about 20 acres for Nels Johnson. Weather extremely hot. A light shower at 6 P.M.

17 July 1897 • Saturday

Weather cooler some breese. I finished cutting grain for Nels Johnson at 4:30 P.M. & moved up to J O Dunn on bench & cut six acres.

18 July 1897 • Sunday

Attended meeting & circle. & did some writing & recording of blessings.

19 July 1897 • Monday

Weather cooler.

I finished cutting grain for J. O. Dunn & cut 14 A for Gordon & Clegg. Moved down to Jas. Gollahers & cut some there. Slept at field.

20 July 1897 • Tuesday

Weather warm & windy.

I finished cutting 18 A. grain for Jas. Gollaher & moved up to Sager’s of Lakeview & cut for two or three hours.

21 July 1897 • Wednesday

Lake View finished cutting 30 A. for Sagers Bros & commenced cutting grain for Elijah Spray.

22 July 1897 • Thursday

Continued cutting grain [p. 178] for E. Spray until 8.45 P.M. Cut 35 or 40 A this day & went home in the evening.

23 July 1897 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I took team & Carriage & went to Garfield took along the three boys. Nerva & Sarah & Hyrum Lee & his mother. Met Aseneth & Nina & Ross, Stephen & Lou. Fred & Carlie & Geo. & I accompanied them to Town Staid all night at Stephens.

24 July 1897 • Saturday

S L City At Stephens Sugar House I went up town about 9 A.M. & witnessed the Grand Jubilee Parade. Also saw exebition at Exposition grounds & other Amusements & returned home on Eleven O’clock train arrived at Swit[c]h at 2:00 A.M.

25 July 1897 • Sunday3

Tooele Weather close & warm.

I slept & rested most of the day. Wrote my journal, read the papers &c.

26 July 1897 • Monday

Tooele I left home at day light Geo. With me went to Lake view. Finished cutting a piece for Bro. Spray & cut bal[ance] of day for Sagers Bros. Slept at Sagers’ at night. [p. 179] on wheat stack.

27 July 1897 • Tuesday

Finished cutting grain for sagers Bros. & moved down to B. L. Bowans & commenced cutting.

28 July 1897 • Wednesday

Cut grain for B. L. Bowen & moved up to hill on way to Seventies.

29 July 1897 • Thursday

home. I cut grain for Seventies until about 2:30 P.M. when we quit to attend funeral of Edna May McBride who died suddenly of Appendicitus. I spoke 35 min. & Bro. Gowans 25 min.

30 July 1897 • Friday

I finished cutting Seventies [gra]in4 about 11 a.m. & moved over to E Spray’s & cut all the afternoon. Legrand was with me & we were out in heavy rain. Slept in Spray’s field.

31 July 1897 • Saturday

finished cutting 65 A for E Spray & commenced at 1 P.M. cutting for James Steel. Left the machine in field & went home for sunday.

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July 1897, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1897/1897-07


  1. [1]Richards wrote and crossed out “&c.” on the date line of this entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Tues.” before crossing it out and writing “Wed.” above it.

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Sat.” before crossing it out and writing “Sund.” above it.

  4. [4]A black ink splotch covers the first three letters of “grain.”