May 1906

1 May 1906 • Tuesday

S. L. City

I phoned home. Called at Bank & made deposit $100. Went down to W B R’s & Dr Stephens in Sugar House ward. Willard & [p. 15] Stephen went with me to see D. R. Allens home which he offers for sale for $4800.00 Received word while at W B R’s. that I was wanted at Presidents office where I started for at once. Met Bro. Lyman at temple corner and joined him to temple annex where we engaged in setting apart missionaries. I was given 12 names and Prest Seymour B. Yound [Young] and we set them apart and ordained several of the older ones Seventies.

The names of those I blessed are as follows.

Nicolai C. Miller


Hans F Jenson


Peter M Frandsen <ordained a seventy>

" <Iona Bingham Co. Vt.>

Christian Anderson ord Seventy


Samuel Ward <Elgin Grand Co.>

Gt Britain

Edwin Melvin Rynearson


Attended a meeting at the Presidents Office at 2:30 P.M Met the train at 6:10 P.M. & Met Alice & oliver & Estella & her alice. Took them to Aunt Sarahs where we spent th[e] [p. 16] night. While at Willards I paid him $25.00 on the 27.00 owing him on royalty on attachments. Could not make change of $27.00

2 May 1906 • Wednesday


Went to ZCMI with Alice where she bought a coat 18.00 Reg. 22:50 At 11 AM met Prest. Lyman, Geo A Smith and Hyrum Smith at Hist. office where we considered a case from Box Elder Stake appeal E. T. Woolley ves. [blank] Jensen. Sustained decision of H Council. Clear Case. Considered case on appeal from Panguich stake Papers not all in & further consideration deferred.

Did some writing and studying at Sister S. E. S. wrote Elder Heber J Grant at Liverpool in reply to a letter written by him Apr. 18th and received May 1st also wrote to my son George at St Louis, Mo.

Went up to Mothers about 6 P.M. and spent the evening, Alice being up there. Returned to Sarahs [p. 17] for the night.

3 May 1906 • Thursday

I fasted as usual and met with my quorum in the temple at 10 A.M. The Presidency came in at 11 A.M. After meeting I looked after transportation for my wife and pullman sleeper for our trip to Oakley Idaho whither I go to attend Stake Conference of Cassia stake leaving SLC at 11:45 P.M. Prest. Lyman was to have gone but owing to the death of his mother at noon to-day he will not go. Bro J W McMurrin was chosen to accompany me but later was excused and I have to go alone excepting that I take my wife & baby.

In the evening I attended Prest. Lyman’s circle and was in charge Boarded OSL Ry pullman with my wife & baby and left S.L.C. for Oakley Idaho at 11.45 P.M. Birth Lower 12.

4 May 1906 • Friday

On train at Pocatello when we awoke & got up about 7 A.M. Train delayed nearly 4 hours. [p. 18] We arrived at Burley about 1:30 P.M. We were met by Bro. Webb. prest of the Burley branch & taken in Auto. to his home 1½ mi. out of town where we took dinner after which. With Bro. Wells in his auto & in Company with State Senator Bro Day and Judge Howells we went over to Oakley and while there staid with our brother & Sister L. J. Robinson & wife.

In the evening I attended Stake Priesthood meeting and addressed the meeting same being held in the Stake tabernacle at 8 P.M.


High Priests











Reports of Prest Jack & others show that the stake is well organized and the officers doing a good work. The Seventies not in best condition I instructed them especially during conference. [p. 19]

In the High Priests quorum but 3 are non tithe payers and 95% are non users of tobacco, tea & coffee.

5 May 1906 • Saturday

10 AM

Attended meeting. 341 present. Good spirit prevailed. I spoke 25 minutes in concluding meeting Subject. Our first love for the Gospel. How maintained? as we would maintain our first love for our wives & husbands. Spiritual food necessary & What is spiritual food.

Sat. Afternoon meeting.

Present 500.

Good spirit prevailed.

In conclusion I spoke about 40 minutes

In the evening I attended a concert gotten up by the Academy faculty & students

6 May 1906 • Sunday

Attended forenoon meeting in Oakley tabernacle. 1st & 4th ward schools in attendance Present 570. Good spirit prevailed. I occupied 20 min in conclusion [p. 20]

Subject. Sacrament. Its meaning. To hear the name of our savior Our love for him exemplified by our love of our fellow men. “Recided “Aubo Ben Adhem.”

We show our love of fellow men by acts of kindness, unselfishness &c. Fasted.

<LDS Population Cassia stake 3700

missionaries kept in field. 40.

Seventies furnish av. of 2 out of the 40>3

Attended prayr circle at 12:15 P.M. And counseled the brethren to since the responsibility resting on them in caring for the interests of the people test the land and learn if same can not be farmed with profit with out irrigation on improved methods. &c.

Sunday Afternoon meeting large attendance 635

I occupied 45 minutes. Subject Responsibility of Parents in training their children. What the Auxiliary organizations are doing for us in that line.

Evidences of Joseph Smiths divine Calling. “By their fruits you shall know them.”

Good spirit prevailed.

I had reasonable freedom. [p. 21]

Sunday evening.

After Afternoon meeting I blessed Aged & blind Sister Tobenon My wife & I also Bro. Loren & wife went home with Prest J. L. Smith & broke fast. Called on aged Sister Haight Widow of Horten D Haight.

Attended Conjoint Conference meeting in the evening. A very pleasant time had. A large and attentive audience. I occupied 20 minutes at conclusion. Subject. Effects of fassion & Effect of example. Make it pop[u]lar to do right and create our own fashion & let them be consistant.

Dwelt at greater length on the subject of marriage, recommending early marriages & to those of our faith exhorting the young to prepare for the blessings they will later eran [earn] in the House of the Lord. Full fellowship & cleanliness necessary. Good attention good spirit. Good Confernce. Had a long talk with Sarah. [p. 22]

7 May 1906 • Monday

Still a[t] L. J. R’s.

Wrote up journal for three days. Administered a blessing to my niece Rhoda Peterson blessing her for her journey east to Chicago to join her husband and for her physical Condition. Left Oakley about 2 P.M. and drove over to Burley. L. J. R. taking us over. We attended evening meeting estimated 200 present about 1/2 non-mormons. I spoke with much freedom for about 45 minutes to a most attentive audience. Subject Different dispensations of the Gospel. This the old, not a new. Never to be taken from the earth again or be given to another people. The keys of the former gospel dispensations have been revealed. The authority restored, the gifts and blessings restored, The church organization renewed and the same tests given of the Gospel. Took supper and staid all night with Bro. Webb. Read invitation from Geo. Barr to stay [p. 23] at his hotel this time or in the future. Met many people some from across the river on north side.

8 May 1906 • Tuesday


Left Burley at about 9 A.M. Bro Sister Ridges accompanying We reached Salt Lake at 8 P.M. Staid at Aunt Sarah’s

9 May 1906 • Wednesday

S. L. City

Alice, Oliver & I went out home on 745 AM train. Spent the day at home except that we drove over to the farm. Evening at home.

10 May 1906 • Thursday

Left home for Salt Lake on 5 AM train 2:45 late.

Attended Council meeting at temple. Prayed at alter for the 1st time since I became a member of the Quorum.

Attended to some business at stores & Called at Seventies office. Reported findings [p. 24] as relates to Seventies in Cassia Stake by request of Prest Smith. Attended Prayr Circle at 6<15> P.M. Presided in absence of Prest Lyman Went up on 1st st & saw my mother. Wrote letter home. Received appointment to Woodruff stake with Elder J. H. Smith

Slept at Sister Sarahs.

11 May 1906 • Friday

Left Salt Lake City in Company with Elder John Henry Smith on OSL 7:10 AM train for Woodruff via. Evenston. Trains belated and we reached Evenston at one or two o’clock P.M. We were met by Percy Matthews who took us to Bro. Dawsons where we had a nice dinner and at 4:30 P.M. left Evenstin with Bro Cocks of Woodruff for the Woodruff ward where stake Conference is to be held. Arrived at about 8.30 P.M. went direct to Prest. Baxters where we were well cared for during conference.

12 May 1906 • Saturday

at Woodruff.

Attended fornoon meeting of [p. 25] conference. Reports, singing & a talk of 30 40 minuts by Elder Smith.

Attended Afternoon meeting. Some reports and singing and I occupied about 30 minutes followed by Elder Smith about the same length of time. We met with the Stake presidency after Afternoon meeting at home of Prest. Baxter. Attended a meeting of the Priesthood in the evening and talked for about 30 minutes & Bro Smith spoke about 50 minutes Good instructions, good spirit at all the meetings.

13 May 1906 • Sunday


Attended morning meeting and Bro Smith occupied 45 min. & I the remaining time 20 minutes.

After 15 min. recess. Meeting of the Young people was convened at which I occupied 47½ minutes with much freedom.

A recess of 15 min and at [p. 26] 2:20 P.M. Reg. Con. meeting commenced Authorities sustained, Some reports made. Bro. Smith occupied about 40 minutes. & Conference concluded Good spirit prevailed and the people seemed satisfied.

My subject before the Young peoples meeting was “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

After Afternoon meeting we repaired to Prest. Baxters where we administered to Sister Robinson and one other lady both stomach trouble. After Supper we left by team for Evanston with Bro. Geo W. Eastman driver, Sister Dawson accompanied us down and back. On our way down to Woodruff we called in and administered to Carl Sessions the oldest son of Perry Green Sessions who became poisened by using A forma-alda-hyde in preparing seed grain. Called in & blessed him on our way back. Stormed heavy during Sat. night and lightly during Sunday. Attendance light. [p. 27]

Took lunch with Bro & Sis. Dawson and boarded the train at Evensten at 1:30 A.M Took Pullman Sleeper to Salt Lake & arrived at Salt Lake at 6 A.M.

14 May 1906 • Monday

Sspent an hower [hour] or two at Sarah & then left for Tooele via Ry.

Spent the day at home visiting with the folks. Geo & family having Returned yesterday from St. Louis. Drove out to farm and up to the Cemetery. Folks usually well. Retired early

15 May 1906 • Tuesday


Spent the day at home visiting and attending to some business estableshing new prices on lbr

16 May 1906 • Wednesday4


Left Tooele on AM train for Salt Lake where I went with Frank Y Taylor to See some homes which he has for sale.

Went out with Mr. Richter also with another Gentleman Made D. R Allen an offer [p. 28] for his home and adjoining property $4,500

17 May 1906 • Thursday

Fasted as usual. Attended the Reg. meeting of the Council from 10 until about 2 P.M. attended to some business between 10 & 2 & 4 P.M. bought suit light cloths and at 4 P.M. went home with Prest F M Lyman to dinner & by appointment we looked through Bro Needhams home joining Bro. Lymans home with a view to buying same. Advised D R Allen by phone through my nephew Willard Richards that my offer on his home was no longer open Attended Circle at temple at 6:15 P.M. Went up to my mothers and spent two or three hours visiting Made appointment with Bro Lyman to meet him at 10:30 AM tomorrow. Slept at Aunt Sarah’s. Good night’s Rest. Appointment to Benson (Richmond) with G A Smith & Prest Hart [p. 29]

18 May 1906 • Friday

S. L. City

I attended to Some business at the bank. Met Prest Lyman at 10:30 He assisted me in concluding a deal with Bro Needham for his home on 3d & Q st Consideration $5500.00.

Phoned home Geo. F. Jr. Sick. Wrote to LeGrand & to my Bro. Fred. Took train 4:10 P.M. for Richmond where I went with Bro Geo. A Smith to attend Benson Stake Conference. Weather pleasant. My health good. We were joined at Logan by Prest [blank] Hard of the 1st Council of Seventies. We were met at Richmond Depot by President Alma Merrill and taken to his home where We staid during our stay in Richmond

19 May 1906 • Saturday


Attended meeting at ward house at 10 A.M. Heard reports. Bro. Geo. A. Smith spoke 40 minutes and left me 20 min which I occupied. Subject. Maintain our First love of the Gospel How? [p. 30] Love begets love, kindness begets Kindness. As we would maintain the love of our wives by doing our full duty by them and laboring for them & loving them.

Afternoon meeting Bro. Hart occupied about 40 or 50 minutes closing at 3:45 P.M. Good meetings After meeting heard Prest Roskelly of the Logan temple on a question of Baptism, where the name was wrong but the individual’s identity is assured. Will submit to Presidency of church for Ans.

After 4 P.M. Bp. Merrill took us down to examine tithing property which they contemplate selling for $1800 and to build on ward property with proceeds We also visited the Condencing milk & cheese factory. Drove up to Cemetery &c.

Attended a meeting of the Presidency & High Council in the evening and there Spoke for perhapse 20 min.

Talked home to Mama, Geo & Joel over phone. Geo some better & up [p. 31]

20 May 1906 • Sunday

At Richmond.

Attended Sunday School at 9 AM Conference meeting at 10 A.M. Bro. G. A. Smith occupied about 40 or 50 minutes & Bro Hard about 20 minutes.

Wend [Went] with Bro. Smith & Prest Alma Merrills down to the Latter’s mothers where we took dinner.

Attended Afternoon and occupied about 45 minutes with good freedom. Subjects.

The letter Killeth but the Spirit giveth life. The things of God are known by the Spirit of God. How obtained. What it revealeth. Ans the Word of God as found in the bible. The gifts of the Spirit & testamony of the Gospels’ truth.

The Spirit must be with the Speaker & with the hearer. The spirit prompted the written word but that did not convert anscient Israel. They wanted in faith

After Afternoon meeting I attended a meeting of the [p. 32] seventies called by Prest Hart. 78 seventies present. Spoke to them a short time, read from Book of Cov. to Show that the Seventies are not to be governed by Circumstances their call is to be minute men without qualification. Advised that those who could not go abroad help those who. can with help.

Took supper at Prest Merrill’s. Attended Young Peoples Conference in the evening.

At afternoon meeting, isles were filled and many standing about the door and estimated 150 outside on grounds. 650 in doors

Sund. A.M. present


Sat. Afternoon


"5 Forenoon


" Night about


At Mutual meeting I spoke in Conclusion about 30 minutes. Subject. “Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers.” &c. Slept at Prest Alma Merrills each night [p. 33]

21 May 1906 • Monday

at Richmond, Cache Co.

Spent the forenoon with Bro. Alma Merrill and at his home reading. Read “Succession to the Presidency” After dinner I accompanied me Prest. <B. U> Hendricks to Lewiston where I was driven about the town, then took supper and with Bro. Wm. Waddoups’ team we three went to Clarkston. I put up at Bp. John Ravsting. Attended evening meeting called for the purpose of hearing from me. Bros Hendricks & Waddoups each occupied a few minuts after which I spoke for about 40 minutes. Subject “By their fruits ye shall know them <&c.> Also tithing, Brotherly love &c Present about 200, marked attention. paid. good spirit prevailed.

Bro. G. A. Smith went to Newton where he held meeting. I blessed the Bp’s wife after [p. 34] meeting and his father & mother next morning.

22 May 1906 • Tuesday

<Clarkston> Newton Cache Co. Utah.

Fair weather all through the conference.

After having breakfasted & blessed the Bp’s parents at their request was driven over to Newton by the Bp and from their to Cache junction by one bro. Nelson with Bro. G A Smith where we took train for Salt Lake arriving there at 1 P.M. On reaching Salt Lake Phoned home and learned that my son George is no better but seems to have chills & fever & that Moselle & Oliver both have colds, sore throat & fevers. Also learned that during my absence from S. L. City to Cache (Benson) Both Heber Knowlton & Wm. Coombs had died and May Grover had [p. 35] been operated upon for Apendicitis.

I met Prest. Lyman at the Presidents office and we to-gether called on the Presidency who agreed to loan me what money I need to buy my home until I can make sale of some Tooele property should I need it. I attended to some business with Bro Needham looking to a settlement of acct for his home. Borrowed at the Utah Nat Bk $500. at 8 per cent and paid to Bro Needham on his place Bal of $5000. to be paid on delivery of deed June 15th when house is vacated.

Went out home on the midnight train.

23 May 1906 • Wednesday

Tooele. Took team & my Son Geo & my wife down to Batesville ward to See Bro. C A. Orme, made him a proposition for his to sell to him my home, farm & business. Later He & his Bro. [p. 36] Edwin called to see me and I went over the ground with them together. Later Sidney Isgreen called to enquire about Bench land. Bathed & retired.

24 May 1906 • Thursday


Alice, My Son Geo. & I went from Tooele to S L City on the 5 A.M. train I attended council meeting as usual. After meeting I completed business with Bro. Needham in putting in escro with Treasurer Carlson of ZCMI the deeds for his home to be delivered to me on the payment by me of $5000.00 June 15th or before I having paid him $500. making the purchase price $5,500. To be vacated June 15. Accompanied my son to the Doctors office where he was examined and the Doctor (Jos. R) said he had maleria.

I took some of our folks up to see our new home 1010. 3d st. Alice George F. Jr., my mother, & Sister Sarah.

Attended prayr circle at 6:15 PM & in absence of Prest Lyman I [p. 37] presided at the Circle. Spent the evening at Sister Sarahs with my wife and son Geo. We all went to the depot to-gether. I took train at 11:45 P.M. for Sugar City thence by team to Teton valley & stake. Alice & Geo. were to take train for Tooele at 12 midnight. Bro Lyman aboard same train with me.

25 May 1906 • Friday

On train.

Arrived at Sugar city about noon Met by Prest. Austin. Took dinner with him and with his team Prest Lyman & I rode over to Canyon Creek I being teamster. Here we were met by Bp. Fulmer of Leigh ward (now Clawson) and Bro. Polson and after leaving our team at stable we continued our journey to Leigh (Clawson) where we were joined met by Bro. Hendrickson of Leigh who drove us over to Driggs where we put up with Prest. Don C Driggs having traveled by team a distance of 40 miles ove[r] very choice Country. [p. 38]

26 May 1906 • Saturday


Attended Forenoon and afternoon meetings and at the latter occupied 30 min time. Prest. Lyman spoke at forenoon meeting. The remaining time of both meetings was occupied. with reports and the Stake Presidency each talking.

Between meetings we met the Stake Presidency and had a meeting with them. Bro Lyman instructed them as to Plural marriage.

After Afternoon meeting we held a meeting of the Priesthood I offered opening prayr & Prest Lyman Closed. He spoke most of the time & I made a few remarks. Took supper with President Killpack after 6 P.M.

At Afternoon meeting I spoke upon the future of this valley and our mission to prepare for the gathering of israel to this land and the duty we owe to the work which demands our all if necessary. [p. 39]

In the evening I accompanied Prest Killpack to a concert or Opera. Staid all night at Prest Killpacks Have some cold otherwise well. Weather Stormy & cold.

27 May 1906 • Sunday


Weather still Stormy.

Spirit of conference good and instructions & reports good also.6


Fasted until after 4 oclock. Attended morning session of conference and spoke 20 minutes. Prest Lyman spoke 50 "7

It being Sunday school session At close of meeting we shook hands with the people as they passed out.

Held a meeting of the Priesthood at close of forenoon meeting, then adjourned to Tithing building where we met the Presidency & High Council and continued in session until 2 P.M. Those present promised to keep the word of wisdom. All but 3 or 4 were so [p. 40] doing.

At Sunday Afternoon meeting I occupied about 20 or 25 minutes and Bro Lyman about 45 min.

Y M & Y L meeting at 6 P.M. I spoke about 35 minutes & Bro. Lyman about 20 min. Good meetings & good spirit prevailing.

Weather inclement.

28 May 1906 • Monday

<I lost my ring given me by mother on Out trip>8

at John Killpack’s Driggs Idahi [Idaho] Stormy weather

Prest F M Lyman & I left Driggs at 8:30 A.M. for Sugar City with Bp. Harold Winger who took us as far as Canyon Creek where we took Mark Austins team to Sugar I being teamster. Took dinner with Bro. Austins family and left Sugar on 5:45 P.M. train to Idaho Falls. Waited there 5 hours for the But[t]e train staid at Bro. Wrights while waiting. Boarded train at [p. 41] 12:20 midnight and took pullman sleeper for Salt Lake.

29 May 1906 • Tuesday

Arrived in Salt Lake from Teton at 9 A.M. Took breakfast at aunt Sarah’s. Phoned home. &c.

Assisted in setting apart missionaries. Set apart 4 Names as follows Christian Schwendiman, Germany & Switzerland

Hyrum Smith Dopp do9

John Anderson Sweden

James Ernest Frandsen scandinavia

Assisted my niece Rhoda Peterson to a RR ticket to Chicago $21.25

Spent several hours in the evening at Sister Asenaths. Took some of the folks up to See my new home. Nerva & Rhoda; Asenath & Katie

Left Salt Lake on the 12 oclock 1:15 late. Was met at depot by Alice & Frank Smith. Sarah’s son. Train late 1:15 [p. 42]

30 May 1906 • Wednesday


Visited with my family, attended Decoration services at meeting house. Speakers, Atty L L Baker & Rep Mr. Cook. Nice services.

E M Orme Called on me and I made him an offer of my lucern lands for $4700. Cash.

Went out with my folks in carriage to Cemetery and to the farm. Bathed and retired about 10 P.M.

31 May 1906 • Thursday


I left Tooele for S. L. City on 5 A.M. train. Attended Regular Council meeting from 10 until 1.30 Fasted. Rec’d appointment to Star Valley Stake Bro. D. O. Mckay to accompany me. Took dinner at vegetarian Caffe. Called on Dr S. L. R. at his office. Called on my Mother on 1st St. 867. Recd letter from my brother Fred in relation to purchase of my home & business and answered it. Phoned home to my son George. Boarded train at Salt Lake took sleeper to McCammon Destination Montpelier & Star Valley [p. 43] I was joined at Ogden by Elder D O. McKay.

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May 1906, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto mark here and in next two lines for “scandinavia”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Gt Britain”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 21.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “Mond.” before crossing it out and writing the date and day on the following line.

  5. [5]Ditto mark here and in next line for “Sat.”

  6. [6]After this sentence, Richards repeated the date line of the entry.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “minutes”.

  8. [8]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 27 and 28 May entries.

  9. [9]Ditto abbreviation for “Germany & Switzerland”.