January 1905

1 January 1905 • Sunday

Fast day. Fasted, attended school & meeting and gave my offerings to the poor.

7 January 1905 • Saturday

Attended Priesthood meeting at Grantsville the largest Stake Priesthood meeting in years.

8 January 1905 • Sunday

I went to Grantsville and attended the funeral of Bro. John W Clark and spoke at the services.

15 January 1905 • Sunday

I attended school & meeting at Batesville and spoke with much freedom & plainness on tithing and the Sacrifices required in the Church.

22 January 1905 • Sunday

Attended M I A conference in Grantsville Leroy Snow of the Genl Board was present.

29–30 January 1905

Met the train and brought from Depot Bro. Lyman & Aunt Polly Doremus & Joel.

Attended ward Conference at Tooele where Bp. Atkin was released & Bro Silas Orme was chosen to be Bishop of the Tooele ward with Peter M Clegg as 1st & Albert Lindholm as 2nd Counselors. and set apart & ordained by Bro F M Lyman.

My Son Geo F. R. Jr. was chosen to succeed Bro. J W Tate as Ward Clerk and the Sunday following was set apart under my hands & under the direction of the new Bishoprick

Sund. Afternoon I went to the City along with Joel & Bro Lyman. That night Legrand had a plaster cast put on his leg knee by Dr S. L. Rs. I staid at Aunt Seneys over night. next day bought desks and placed orders for two cars of lumber. Slept with Joel & LeGrand that night and returned home next day.

<Feb. 1st Ward sociable Bp Atkin Presented with a Gold watch & chain>1 [p. 171]

31 January 1905 • Tuesday

Returned from the City and by team went to Grantsville where I met Bro C A Orme & Bro Thos Williams & signed up Ecclesiastical reports.

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January 1905, George F. Richards, accessed February 12, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1905/1905-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 29 January entry.