November 1883

1 November 1883 • Thursday

Herded stock and hauled sand & rock & dug 8 post holes.

2 November 1883 • Friday

Set Posts all day

3 November 1883 • Saturday

Set posts all day

4 November 1883 • Sunday

Went to Ward meeting Visited Alice’s folks in the evening. Administered to Jno. Wise & O. L. R’s. litt[l]e Harry.

5 November 1883 • Monday

Set posts &c.s

6 November 1883 • Tuesday

Stretched wire & finished the fence on the farm.

7 November 1883 • Wednesday

Plowed over to B. F K’s. one half day. Went to Depot, hauled posts from the old meadow, and went hunting in the evening

8 November 1883 • Thursday

Stormed all the night previous & all the fore noon. Went Teaching with T. J. Steed in the [p. 45] after-noon, Read Zig Zag in the evening.

9 November 1883 • Friday

Plowed in B. F. K’s field

10 November 1883 • Saturday

Plowed in fornoon and went hunting in the afternoon and to Teacher’s Quorum in the evening.

11 November 1883 • Sunday

went to ward meeting in the afternoon & in the evening.

12 November 1883 • Monday

Plowed all day in B F Ks field.

13 November 1883 • Tuesday

Went hunting rabbits on the range with B. F. K. & Horace Stayner. Took dinner with Richard Smith. Fred was plowing.

14 November 1883 • Wednesday

plowed all day in B. F. K’s field

15 November 1883 • Thursday

" " " " " "1 and finished reading Zigzag Journeys in Europe also commenced the New Compendium.

16 November 1883 • Friday

Plowed all day, Paid B. F. K. $63.15 on note of $60. Dol. with int &c.

17 November 1883 • Saturday

Plowed all day

18 November 1883 • Sunday

went to West Bountiful with T Leonard to preach Met The presidency of the Stake there.

19 November 1883 • Monday

Plowed one all day I attended Y.M.M.IA. in evening

20 November 1883 • Tuesday

Plowed 1/2 day. Hauled Laura Burtock 1000 <lbs> of coal & us 848 lbs. [p. 46]

21 November 1883 • Wednesday

Plowed all day

22 November 1883 • Thursday

" " "2

23 November 1883 • Friday

" " "3 attended a birthday party at E. T. Clarks.

24 November 1883 • Saturday

Plowed in B. F. K’s field, attended Teachers Quorum & at night.

25 November 1883 • Sunday

Attended Sunday school, ward meeting and night meeting.

26 November 1883 • Monday

Plowed all day and attended Y.M.M.I Association at night.

27 November 1883 • Tuesday

Hauled manure over at B. F. K’s. all day.

28 November 1883 • Wednesday

Went on the bottoms hunting in fornoon and on the range in the afternoon and stayed all night.

29 November 1883 • Thursday

Thanksgiving’s day. Hunted on the range with some Salt Lake City boys.

30 November 1883 • Friday

Attended Priesthood meeting & repaired the wire fence in the field, Settled with L. J. R. Recd on settlement for hay $32.90

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November 1883, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “plowed all day in B. F. K’s field”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Plowed all day”.