April 1903

1 April 1903 • Wednesday

I worked on accounts and issued bills to parties owing us. Stormy day, little business. Continued work in evening until 9 PM getting out statement.

2 April 1903 • Thursday

Cold day some storms.

I worked in office all day. Sold to N A Scribner 1 Disk Harrow 36.50 & one harness $42.00 Distributed [p. 125] to customers some Carpenter aprons and House plans. Worked on my books & wrote up my journal from 26th from memory.

3 April 1903 • Friday

Worked in garden in forenoon. In after noon made ready and attended P DeLaMars 80th birth day celebration at J W Tates.

4 April 1903 • Saturday

Went to Salt Lake and attended Conference meetings Alice & two youngest accompanied me. We Staid at George’s evening & night. Administered to Kenith Dallis with Geo & Bro Larkin.

5 April 1903 • Sunday1

Administered again to K. Dallis

Attended Con. meetings & went up to Farmington in evening & staid at Nervas.

6 April 1903 • Monday

Went to S. L. in A.M. & attended Con meetings Staid at Night with Dr. Stephen

7 April 1903 • Tuesday

Attended Special priesthood meeting. Staid at Dr Stephens. George’s at night <Theatre at Grand Reservation>

8 April 1903 • Wednesday

" "2 Dr Stephens Attended birthday reception of my mother at Dr Stephens.

9 April 1903 • Thursday

Returned home & found all well. Did business &c.

10 April 1903 • Friday

Looked after my business. Snowed several hours.

11 April 1903 • Saturday

Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Grantsville Took my team & Prest G. & Bro. Gillispie Took dinner with Prest C. L. Andersen

12 April 1903 • Sunday

Prest Gowans & I with my team left home at 6.40 A.M. & arrived in Mercur at 10.40 AM. Attended School and spoke there. Between School and evening meeting I administered Patriarchal Blessings to Sister Bryans three girls. Ate our meals at Sister Bryans & Slept at Bp. Bs In evening attended meeting. Ward Conference. I presented the authorities Genl, Stake & Ward. No opposition votes. I talked about 20 minutes & Prest followed for 30 min. good meeting. [p. 126]

13 April 1903 • Monday

Prest. G. & I returned from Mercur in forenoon and in afternoon I attended to my mail and received goods from Station, made sales &c. Weather Cold.

14 April 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to the regular business of the place

15 April 1903 • Wednesday

" " " " " " " "3

16 April 1903 • Thursday

" " " " " " " "4

In afternoon I took Mama, Estella & some of the children with me & took rags to Grantsville to be woven & got combination wire stretchers from Bro Cline.

17 April 1903 • Friday

Stormy. Attended to regular business of the place

18 April 1903 • Saturday

<Joel F. Grover came out on business as agt Correspondence [earns?] education.>5

" " " "6

19 April 1903 • Sunday

With my team & Surray Prest Gowans & I went Batesville where we held ward conference. I presented the Authorities all sustained unanimously. I spoke about 20 or 30 minutes & Prest. Gowans, same. Attended School & spoke there. Took dinner with E. Ekenon.

20 April 1903 • Monday

Worked in garden what time I could spare from my business.

21 April 1903 • Tuesday

do do do do.7 Took folks out for ride in evening. Junius Townes staid with us all night.

22 April 1903 • Wednesday

Weather warm. I attended to the work of the place and planted Straw berries.

23 April 1903 • Thursday

Attended to business Worked in garden

24 April 1903 • Friday

" " " " "8

25 April 1903 • Saturday

" " "9 Wrote letters &c. Joel went to S L on wheel

26 April–5 June 1903


June 5 Not having written in my journal since May <Apr.> 25th I shall now try and write some of the happenings since that time.

May 9 With team & Surray Alice & I with the children from Richy down went to Salt Lake Staid at my Son Georges Home. While there we took a bath at Sanitorium, Visited by team the Salt Lake & M c Olivet Cemeteries & Camp Douglas & Liberty Park. We returned home Monday May 11th May 29. I went to S. L. City by Special & saw Prest [Theodore] Roosevelt & [p. 127] the parade. Staid at Dr Stephens all night.

Sat 30 Attended two meetings of M I A officers. In forenoon Conjoint in Barrett hall & in after noon separate Y Men in same place. By courtesy of B. H. Roberts presiding I offerred the opening prayr. In evening attended Oratorical Contest in Assembly room.

Sunday attended three meetings in Tabernacle

Monday June 1st returned home by train. The Rocky Mt. Bell Telephone Co. Agreeing to put telephone exchange in Tooele I made application for residence phone $1.50 per Mo. Am trying to work a reformation in the Stake. The first meeting of Presidency & High Council regularly appointed & to Continue was held in Tooele May 2nd and was a success. Priesthood meetings are changed from 11 AM to 7 PM to allow Prest. & H C meeting in forenoon.

Good storms latter part of May & 1st June makes farm crops promising especially the hay.

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April 1903, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1903/1903-04


  1. [1]The date for this entry was written in the left margin next to the last line of the previous entry. Richards drew an arrow for this entry to the 5 April date.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Staid at”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Attended to the regular business of the place”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Attended to the regular business of the place”.

  5. [5]This insertion is on the line corresponding to the 18 April entry, but Richards may have intended it to be part of the 17 April entry.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Attended to regular business of the place”.

  7. [7]Ditto abbreviations for “Worked in garden what time I could spare from my business.”

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Attended to business Worked in garden”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks for “Attended to business”.