December 1887

1 December 1887 • Thursday

Unloaded straw & Hay for Fred. made bars for stackyard and used the slabs [p. 107] to repair shed, Repaired Spring seat &c. In the evening wrote letters to Mother & Asenath

2 December 1887 • Friday

Plymouth, Killed pigs

3 December 1887 • Saturday

Plymouth Went over to the Station by team, went to Wm Hardy with pigs dressed to trade for calf but did not trade had a caller from North Ogden to stay with us at night, man & family.

4 December 1887 • Sunday

Attended Sunday-ward meeting and Teachers meeting.

5 December 1887 • Monday

Plymouth Took wagon up to Jed Earl’s for repairs, bought Jed’s sleigh for ten bushels of wheat

6 December 1887 • Tuesday

Repaired Sleigh and killed two pigs. commenced reading the Book-of-Mormon in the evening, read 13 chapters, wrote in my Diary.

7 December 1887 • Wednesday

Plymouth Cut up pigs and salted them down, made manger in stable, & read the paper in the evening. Robert Young of Three Mile Creek staid over night with us.

8 December 1887 • Thursday

Plymouth Went to the canyon and got a load of wood for Frederick, used the sleigh. Spent the evening at home writing and reading.

9 December 1887 • Friday

Plymouth Killed one large pig for me and a small pig for Fred. Spent the evening at home reading and writing.

10 December 1887 • Saturday

Plymouth Cut up pig salted it and packed it in the barrel prepared for the brine, [p. 108] also repacked several other pigs filling the barrel.

11 December 1887 • Sunday

Attended meeting and read Bro. James Leishman’s Lecture on the Establishment of the Abolishment of the Primative Church, delivered in Logan Temple

12 December 1887 • Monday

Took Alice & Children in the sleigh down to E. O. Wilcox’, over to J. H. Hess’ and to J. E. S’s where I left them while I went across the river & got the horses and brought them over to Standings pasture. Read in the Book of Mormon.

13 December 1887 • Tuesday

Repaired my sheds, went over to Wheelers and got some salt. 44 lbs. Fred started to Ogden as a witness in the Sheens case. I did his chores while he was gone. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. Wrote to Alice Ann in Arizona.

14 December 1887 • Wednesday

Plymouth Lined the north end <of shed> and betwe[e]n the wagon Shed and Stable, made manger & partition. Read the paper in the evening, also a letter from Mother.

15 December 1887 • Thursday

Helped Alice take up carpet in bedroom, shake it and put it down again with new straw under, took down pictures, cleaned them & hung them up. Wrote Mother in the evening.

16 December 1887 • Friday

Plymouth Visited as a teacher with E. O. Wilcox, Read the Book of Mormon in the evening.

17 December 1887 • Saturday

Plymouth Repaired chairs in fore noon and to Seventies Theological Class in the afternoon. [p. 109]

18 December 1887 • Sunday

Plymouth Went over to Freds’ and stayed a few hours before taking the folks to meeting, Attended Teachers meeting after Ward meeting.

19 December 1887 • Monday

Worked on slay for Georgie read in the evening.

20 December 1887 • Tuesday

Finished slay took up carpet shook it and put it down again. Studied the subject of Faith in the evening.

21 December 1887 • Wednesday

Repaired the shed and varnished the furniture. Read and wrote in the evening.

22 December 1887 • Thursday

Went to the canyon and got a load of maples to repair Shed. Broke tung out of slay. Fred was with me.

23 December 1887 • Friday

Took Alice & Carlie to Deweyville store. Got Xmas goods.

24 December 1887 • Saturday

Plymouth Worked on my shed closing it in. Went up to Pearts’ granary and got wheat & down to Elin Wilcox’s in the evening. Children hung up their stockings to be filled by Santa claws.

25 December 1887 • Sunday

Plymouth Xmas, Fred & Carlie and E. O. Wilcox & family. Took dinner with us and spent the day here.

26 December 1887 • Monday

Worked on stable and went up to the Station.

27 December 1887 • Tuesday

Worked on Stable all <part the> day. Repaired slay

28 December 1887 • Wednesday

Worked on Stable. Studied in evening [p. 110]

29 December 1887 • Thursday

Took the folks down to E. O. W.’s and staid all day. Read the paper in the evening.

30 December 1887 • Friday

Took Alice to Dueyville store in a stage slay. Read Book of Mormon in evening.

31 December 1887 • Saturday

Wrote a letter to Seney. Staid in the house all day with the children & Mama. Made molases candy and ate peanuts & candy.

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December 1887, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024