April 1910

1 April 1910 • Friday


I attended a Council meeting of the Twelve from 10 to 12:30 at Pres. office where we heard the Auditors report and financial statement read.

I paid my life insurance Premium of $230.20 on $5000.00 policy in the Continental Life. I received from the printer 200 copies of a three paged greeting to the Longstroth family on temple work and genealogy. I mailed out copies to nearly all the grown <& married> members of the Longstroth family.

Received a nice letter from my son LeGrand at Oregon, Portland, who announces that he & wife & babe expect to be here the Sunday of Apr 10, 1910.

I called and saw my mother My Sister Minerva called on us. Alice and our daughters Nerva went to the Salt Lake theatre in the evening. I studied until their return.

2 April 1910 • Saturday


I attended a meeting of the Twelve and Mission Presidents [p. 114] forenoon & afternoon sessions. Took Pres. Robinson, Pres Ballard and the latters wife to dinner at the Cafetera A busy day.

3 April 1910 • Sunday


Weather stormy, snowing,

My health good.

Conference convened at 10 A.M. with an overflow meeting in the Assembly hall, Elder A. W. Ivins presiding. The speakers were Pres. Smith and Pres. Anthon H. Lund.

At the afternoon meeting the speakers were Pres. Francis M. Lyman, Elders John Henry Smith and Heber J. Grant. At the overflow meeting in the Assembly Hall Elder Orson F. Whitney presided.

Attended the Sunday School Union meeting in the Larger Tabernacle in the evening the building was well filled Auditorium & gallary.

After the forenoon meeting Elder O. F. Whitney and I went to the Presidents Office where we ordained and set apart the North Morgan ward bishopric I ordained James Albert Anderson a bishop and set him apart to preside over North Morgan ward in the Morgan stake of Zion.

Elder Whitney ordained Bro Geo. Franklin Robison an High Priest and set him apart first counselor to Bp Anderson and I ordained Thomas Palmer an High Priest and set him apart Second Counselor to Bp. Anderson.

After the Afternoon meeting I met [p. 115] with Pres. Lyman, Elders J H Smith & H. J. Grant at the former’s office, the Jordan Stake Presidency being present. We counseled over affairs in Jordan Stake.

4 April 1910 • Monday


Attended Conference meetings.

At 10 A.M. meeting the speakers were Pres. Herrick of the Western States. mission, Elders Clawson & H. M. Smith Attended a Council meeting between meetings.

At afternoon meeting the Speakers were Pres. Callis of Southern States mission, myself, Pres. Bennion of Central States mission and Elder O. F. Whitney.

I occupied 25 minutes. Subject. Proper care of children by L.D.S. parents and Religion Class work. I had been appointed by the R.C. Bd. to say something on that subject. Had good liberty and help from the Lord.

After meeting I met some of the brethren in council over Jordan stake affairs continued from yesterday. Wrote up my journal for yesterday and to-day before attending the evening Priesthood meeting.

At the priesthood meeting the count was 2290. Good meeting.

5 April 1910 • Tuesday


I attended the special Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. in Assembly room. Pres Lund told me he was much pleased with my remarks of the day previous. Presidency of Beaver Stake sought [p. 116] my counsel on a matter in which Bro [blank] [last name redacted] of Beaver is involved. I advised the handling of him by his bishop. I spent an hour on such matter in the afternoon with my Mother, my brother Fred & wife; Dr Stephen & wife at my Sister Asenath’s.

Alice and I attended the tabernacle Concert in the evening, miss Maggie Tout being the drawing card.

Weather pleasant.

6 April 1910 • Wednesday


Conference continued.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting and after the meeting I met Pres. Lyman and the Beaver Stake Presidency at the former’s office in council.

At 2 P.M. meeting the vacancy in the First Presidency caused by the death of Pres. Jno R. Winder was filled by sustaining Pres. Anthon H. Lund as First Counselor. This created a vacancy which was filled by John Henry Smith and the vacancy occasioned by the call of J. H. Smith to the First Presidency was filled by calling Joseph F. Smith Jr. to the Apostleship. Elders Clawson & Smoot were released from the Auditing committee and John C Cutler & Heber Scocroft sustained in their stead.

In counseling with the Beaver Stake Presidency Pres. Lyman instructed them to have Bro. [last name redacted] handled by his Bishopric and if disfellowshiped then he should be handled by the Presidency and High Council and that this [p. 117] should be an example of how they should proceed in the future in all such cases. He called their attention to the fact that Bro [last name redacted] had been disfellowshiped by his bishop & later excommunicated by the High Council of Liberty Stake. This is a pattern of how to deal with such cases. And the Bishops & Stake Presidents should assume the responsibility belonging to them and not run to the First Presidency with their troubles stating that if they get far wrong the First Presidency or Twelve would put them straight.

Alice and I attended a reception tendered by Elder Heber J. Grant to those who presided over conferences in the British mission during Bro. Grants presidency, the members of the General Authorities & wives being invited. The reception took place at the Lion House from 5 to 9 P.M. We went from there to the Social Hall by invitation from the Genealogical society under whose auspices a reception was given to the descendants of the Six who were the number in the incorporation & organization of the Church eighty years ago this day

7 April 1906 • Thursday


I attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. At this meeting there were present Prests. Jos. F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, John Henry Smith & Francis M. [p. 118] Lyman and Elders Heber J. Grant, Rudger Clawson Hyrum M. Smith, Geo F. Richards Orson F. Whitney, David O. McKay, A. W. Ivins and Joseph F. Smith Jr.

All laid their hands upon the head of Pres. Anthon H. Lund except Jos. F. Jr (not yet ordained) and Pres Joseph F. Smith Set him apart First Counselor in the First Presidency. Then all with same exception laid hands on Bro. John Henry Smith and Pres Smith set him apart. Then all laid hands on Joseph F. Smith Jr. and Pres Jos. F. Smith ordained him an apostle and set him apart a member of the Council of Twelve.

Other business received our attention and Pres. Smith said he thought Bro. Chas. W. Penrose had presided long enough in Europe and should be released to come home. He said the members of the First Presidency had each had a turn of presiding over the European mission also bros. Francis M. Lyman & Heber J. Grant and that he felt that Elder Rudger Clawson should succeed Bro. Penrose. Bro. Penrose will have been gone 3½ years before he gets home and he thought i.e. Pres. Smith thought the brethren ought not to be kept there so long a time ordinarily. Bro. Penrose had been detained there so long because of his peculiar fitness for the position.

By motion of Elder Hyrum M. Smith the nomination of Elder Clawson to succeed Elder Penrose & that the latter be released was ratified. Elder Clawson [p. 119] was asked how he felt about it and replied that he was on hand for any labor the brethren had for him or words to that effect.

The six members of the Church when organized in [blank] Seneca Co., N.Y. Apr 6, 1830 were

Joseph Smith

Hyrum Smith

Samuel H. Smith

Oliver Cowdry

David Whitmer

Peter Whitmer

Alice and I attended a reception given at the Beehive in the evening at which the First Presidency & the Twelve, their wives and others were present, supper was served and a general good time had.

8 April 1910 • Friday


Weather beautiful. Folks well. I spent the day home studying until about 4 P.M. when Alice and I went bug[g]y riding with Bro & Sis A. W. Ivins for a couple of hours.

Alice and I attended the theatre in the evening, “The Thief.”

9 April 1910 • Saturday


I worked on temple records, listed names for sealings &c. Wrote Agnes L. Taylor of 1981 1801 Pine St Phila. enclosed information from my mother relative to Longstroth family.

I called and saw my mother who has taken cold the last few days. Alice and I went to Farmington towards evening to attend a [p. 120] gathering of members of the Robinson family at Alice’s Sister Maria Clark’s. I spoke by request. Retired after 12 o’clock at Aunt Maria Clarks.

10 April 1910 • Sunday

Home. <Farmington>

Alice, our Estella and I without breakfast went to S. School. I addressed the School and the Parents Class Dep’t.

Took dinner with my Sister Minerva, Attended afternoon meeting. There were four speakers besides my self. Two home missionaries and two recently returned missionaries. I occupied about 40 minutes on Joseph Smith’s First Prayr and evidences of the truth of what Joseph claimed. The apostasy is predicted, History attests its fulfilment. The Erroneous doctrins of the Sects show their abomination. The three & eight witnesses testimony is also testimony of the truth of Joseph’s story for had he been an imposter the things of which the witnesses testified could never have been. Their testimony is also a testimony that Joseph did receive both Aaronic & Mel. Priesthood at the hands of Angels as the event transpired just prier to the things testified of by the witnesses & which they would not have seen had Joseph been an imposter.

We called on Frank Steed & family thence home on 5:21 P.M. O.S.L train [p. 121] LeGrand’s wife Ina and baby came in from Portland, Ore. this morning and in the evening came up from her mothers and staid the night with us

11 April 1910 • Monday


I spent a couple of hours with my mother who is not very well and a lone. We conversed about family genealogy and temple work. I did work on temple records and Genealogical history of Longstroth family. I sat up until 10:30 P.M. working on sheets for temple work. My daughter Nina assisted me. Alice sick. Joel & I administered to her.

12 April 1910 • Tuesday


My sons Geo. & Joel and I went to Farmington on 7:45 O.S.L. train where we were met at station by Livery man Tippetts and three saddle horses and we three went up the Farmington Canyon as far as the Rice Ridge Slides. We found the bridges all gone and had to ford a turbulent stream a number of times. We could go no further than we did on account of Snow. We spent about two hours while up in the canyon target shooting.

Returning we followed the power plant line and avoided fording the Creek several times. We got the 5:21 P.M. Short Line train for home.

I bathed and retired to bed early, tired. Alice not very well. Severe Cold. George came up and brought her medicine [p. 122] after I had gone to bed.

13 April 1910 • Wednesday

I spent the forenoon at home studying & reading. I called to See my mother and found her in bed, she having been up but returned to bed not feeling well. I administered to her. I walked down town. Attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex at 2 P.M. where about forty missionaries were set apart I being the Senior took charge and had a company alone and blessed and set apart ten regular missionaries and two sisters going to the Eastern states one to meet her husband and the other to study music & both to do missionary work. I also instructed the missionaries. Attended General Board Meetings of the Religion Classes and of the Y.M.M.I.A. also attended my circle meeting in evening. On returning home called my Sister Asenath and learned that my mother had had a serious sick spell since I left her at 1:30 P.M. during which time the folks almost despaired of her recovery. I spent an hour or two with her and left her feeling easy. She had a fairly good nights rest & sleep.

Following are names of Missionaries I set apart this afternoon.

<1> Charles Naylor of Providence, Ut. to Gt Britain

<2> Jos. Andrew Smith of Winter quarters, Ut. to " "1

<3> Jas. Christian Hansen of Lehi Ut. to Scandinavia. [p. 123]

<4> Nils Erick Swenson of Ephraim Ut. to Sweden

<5> Jos. Victor Ford of Cedar City, Ut to Gt. Britain

Alfred Fallows of Hyrum, Ut. to " "2

<7> John L. Besendorfer of Midway, Ut. to Switz. & Germany

<8> Christian Christensen, Pleasant Grove to Scandinavia

<9> Herman Karpowitz of Salt Lake to Eastern States.

<10> J Les Paul of Rexburg, Ida. to Australia.

Visitor Missionaries.

Ida Maughn Parkinson to Eastern States.

Laura Maughn " " "3

I spent several hours on temple records & sheets. And spent an hour or longer with my mother at night. Administered to her twice during the day.

14 April 1910 • Thursday


I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Presidency and the Twelve and received an appointment with Joseph F. Smith Jr. to the Bear River Stake conference to be held at Garland. Bro. Jos. F’s maiden trip since he became a member of the Council. I attended to some business down town. Later met train and met Lucy Robinson Read & her little girl and her brother Leo and brought them home. They later took train for Cassia Co.

I spent some time with my mother who is some what improved and improving.

Alice quite indisposed.

Others usually well.

Weather cold. [p. 124]

15 April 1910 • Friday


Weather cold.

Alice feeling much improved My Mother making improvement I spent about 4½ hours with mother. A part of the time I read the Era. I administered to mother before leaving.

Alice and I attended an entertainment by ward members for the benefit of the ward choir in the evening. Joel recited and Nina gave an instrumental. I offered the benediction.

LeGrand’s wife & baby came up towards evening to stay a few days with us.

I made ready to go away in the morning to Garland. I wrote letters this day to my Sister Alice and Bro. Fred; Mailed out checks with bills for payment. &c.

16 April 1910 • Saturday


I left home in company with Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr. on 7:10 A.M. train Arriving at Garland at 11 A.M. and went direct to the meeting of the Stake Presidency, High Counselors, Bps & Patriarchs in tithing office 11 to 1 o’clock. After reports & business &c I occupied about 30 minutes instructing the brethren, answering questions &c. Elder Smith also spoke We staid at Pres. Joseph Jensens home At 2 P.M. attended general Priesthood [p. 125] meeting. Attendance 169. President M. H. Welling made remarks and read some statistics and percentages and Jos. F. Smith Jr. Elder Lyman Martineau from the Genl Bd. of. Y.M.M.I.A. and I addressed the meeting.

Met with the seventies, answered questions, interviewed four elders who had been recommended for ordination to office of Seventy.

I rode to Fielding with Pres. Welling and staid over night at my Sister Alice Ann’s the first time, so far as I can remember, that I ever slept in her home.

17 April 1906 • Sunday

Garland <Fielding>, Utah.

I rode to Garland with my Nephew Albert Smith and Attended public Conference meetings at 2 P.M. 10 A.M. 2 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. the last named a mutual conjoint meeting.

At the forenoon meeting the Sacrament was administered and the speakers were, Pres Welling and Jos. F. Smith Jr.

At 2 P.M. meeting, the business of the Conference was attended to including the sustaining of the General & Stake authorities. The Speakers were in order as follows. Pres. P. M. Hanson, Jas. Jensen, G. F. Richards and Lyman Martineau. I complimented the officers and people on their accomplishments and Spoke upon Genealogy & temple [p. 126] work.

At evening meeting Pres. Frank Welling of the YMM and Sister Rose Vanfleet of the YLM reported, Lyman Martineau occupied about one hr. I spoke on Era & Manuel about 10 min Elder Smith made an announcement. The attendance was good The house being well filled at all meetings.

After the afternoon meeting we ordained four Seventies and counseled with the Presidency about stake house &c until 6 P.M.

After evening meeting we by invitation went to the home of Bro. [blank] Baxter and administered to his wife and blessed her for confinement.

I ordained Joseph Bitters Bitter and James Christian Hansen Seventies and Jos F. Smith Jr. ordained Ephraim Madsen and John Albert Simmons Seventies. These all are of Beaver ward. I staid over night at Pres. Jos. Jensens. Weather pleasant.

18 April 1910 • Monday


Left Garland at 8:20 A.M. and arrived in Salt Lake at 12 noon. Found Alice, Oliver and Estella in bed sick. Administered to Oliver. Visited my mother who is very Sick and administered to her. Wrote up my journal, wrote letters, made certificates of ordination &c. I wrote to Pres [p. 127] C. W. Penrose of Great Britain asking him to have his Elders laboring in the vacinity of Longstrothdale, Yorkshire, Eng. make inquiry about Longstroths &c.

19 April 1910 • Tuesday


Joel & I went to the temple. I spoke at the meeting at 9 A.M. and was later baptized for 20 males and Joel was baptized for 33 males.

I attended a missionary meeting Instructed the missionaries and set apart the following.

James McDonald, Heber City to Northern States

John F. Jones, Irwin, Idaho, to " "4

John Heber WhiteSides of Layton to Eastern "5

Erastus Franklin Birch, of Provo, Ut. to " "6

I spent several hours on temple records. Spent 30 or 40 minutes with Pres. Lyman in the evening. I called on my mother twice and before leaving in the evening I blessed her.

20 April 1910 • Wednesday


Joel & I went to the temple he for himself and I for the dead. Alice met us when we got through and we were sealed for a couple and with the assistance of Joel & some of the temple workers we had the children of four families sealed to their parents.

I attended the General Board meeting of R. Classes and of Y.M.M.I.A. and my Circle. Called and [p. 128] saw my mother and had prayr with her aunt Sarah Asenath & Jay I prayed.

My mother very poorly, in bed Her cough is very troublesome. Alice and the children are much improved.

21 April 1910 • Thursday


I went to the President’s office on call for 9 A.M. but accomplished nothing. Attended regular council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. until about 2:30 P.M. I received an appointment to attend the Liberty Stake Conference next Sunday with J. G. Kimball.

I spent two or three hours with my sick mother. Did some work on the lawn &c.

The ward teachers called in the evening. I did some reading and studying.

My mother has an aggravating cough and is quite weak and confined to her bed. Alice, Oliver, Estella, Ruby & Lucena are poorly. Weather beautiful, temperature right.

22 April 1910 • Friday


Weather pleasant. Folks improved. I arose at 6 A.M. and worked about three hours on lawn. Attended a meeting at Pres. office at 10 to 12 o’clock Pres Junius Romney of Juarez Mexico presented School matters. [p. 129] I received a letter from my son LeGrand and answered it.

I worked on Commentary & studied most all the afternoon.

23 April 1910 • Saturday


I spent the most of the day studying, called & saw my Mother And towards evening Alice and the children & I went down to my son George’s on invitation it being his 27th birth day. Had a good supper and spent a pleasant evening.

24 April 1910 • Sunday


I attended the Liberty Stake Conference. At the morning Session in the Assembly hall the attendance was 1200 or 16½% of the population of the stake. The Sunday schools in the ten wards were in progress at the same time. The speakers were in order as fol. Prests Shultz & Hinckley of Stake Presidency, Pres J G Kimball & myself.

At afternoon session in the Large tabernacle I spoke first and occupied 40 minutes. Subject Necessity for faith and how to obtain it & promote it &c.

Pres Kimball occupied about 20 minutes in conclusion.

In the evening I went to the ninth ward by appointment. My Son & his wife accompanied [p. 130] me. I occupied the time about 47 minutes. Read Lect. 6 in D&C & spoke upon Sacrifice & self denial & Genealogical & temple work. After meeting we went with Bp. A. H. Woolly to his home and had ice cream, cake &c recitatives, music & songs.

25 April 1910 • Monday


I called & saw my mother and administered to her, went down town and filed records for temple baptisms tomorrow. Worked on temple records about 8 hours.

In the evening Alice, My daughter Nerva & others with me went down to Ina Ashton’s mothers by invitation

26 April 1910 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon working on temple records. Attended a missionary meeting in temple annex from 2 to 3:40 P.M. I blessed & Set apart the following.

Mamie W. Anderson, City, to Western States

Thos. Carl Blackburn, Blackfoot, Ida. Eastern "7

Wm H Auger, Glendale Ut. Ida to Southern "

Geo Allen Lufkin, Shelley Ida to Central "

Ray S. Hansen, Plain City, to " "8

I addressed the missionaries.

Spent 2½ hours with my mother from 4 to 6:30 o’clock.

Spent an hour writing in evening read paper &c.

My mother & members of my family improving in health, weather beautiful. [p. 131] Ruby & Nina were each baptized for 20 persons and Jeanetta Smith for other 20 all of Longstroth family.

27 April 1910 • Wednesday


Weather ideal. My health good I attended a meeting of the Committee appointed by the First Presidency to apportion school funds to church Schools which lasted from 10 AM to 1 P.M. Considering Juarez Stake.

Alice and I went to the temple at 2 P.M. and had the children of five families sealed to parents. She & I stood for the parents.

We took dinner with my Son George. Attended meeting of Gen’l Bd. of R.C. at 4, of YMMI at 5 PM and my Circle at 6:15 P.M. and after meeting hired a large auto & took the family for a ride of one hour, cost $5.00 Besides the driver there were seventeen of us grown ups & children including Geo & Edith, our daughter Nerva & baby, Ina & her sister Dolly & the babe. I administered a blessing to Ina’s baby Ina Mercedes.

28 April 1910 • Thursday


Weather threatening rain.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M.

Did work on temple records &c. Alice & I went to depot at 10 P.M and Saw Ina (LeGrand’s wife) on [p. 132] the cars. She was starting to her home in Portland Ore.

29 April 1910 • Friday


I spent the forenoon working on temple record. Went down town and attended to some business and Called on my mother who was sitting up & considerably improved.

I took 4:15 P.M. train for Cache accompanied by Pres R. S. Wells to attend Conference. We were met by Pres Isaac Smith and taken to his home where I took supper and then went down to the home of my Brother Fred where I spent the night.

30 April 1910 • Saturday


I arose at 6:30 breakfasted and studied until meeting time.

At morning session roll call of wards showed three wards with 6 representatives and the highest 32 of any ward a total of 225 in attendance & strangers or visitors. The speakers were in order as follows, Prest. Isaac Smith, myself and Pres. Rulon S Wells. I occupied 30 minutes principally upon attendance at Conferences, emphasizing the necessity of being at first Session.

At afternoon session the Speakers were Pres. N W Kimball, Bp. Oscar Rice & Jas H Rowland & Pres R. S. Wells.

After meeting Pres Wells and I accompanied Pres. Isaac Smith to see the Gymnasium & reading room fitted & being fitted up for the public. We [p. 133] three & Sister Isaac Smith took a ride about town in Elder [blank] Thatcher’s Conveyance. I spent the evening at Pres Isaac Smiths until about 9:3[0]9 and then went to my Bro Fred’s where I staid the night. My Brother and I sat up until after 11 o’clock It rained some during the day and evening but not to interfere much with Conference.

My health & spirits good.

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April 1910, George F. Richards, accessed January 17, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1910/1910-04


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