June 1885

1 June 1885 • Monday

Plowed on lower 80 acres.

2 June 1885 • Tuesday

" " " "1

3 June 1885 • Wednesday

" " " "2

4 June 1885 • Thursday

Rained all day

5 June 1885 • Friday

"3 nearly all day

6 June 1885 • Saturday

"4 part the day took Alice & Julia down to Smiths to visit, took calf down also. [p. 97] 5O. L. Robinson son came and stayed over Sunday.

7 June 1885 • Sunday

Hitched up team and drove around to see the grain & land &c.

8 June 1885 • Monday

Took Alice to Dueyville store & made a milk cupboard.

9 June 1885 • Tuesday

Plowed on lower 80 acres.

10 June 1885 • Wednesday

" " " "6

11 June 1885 • Thursday

" " " "7 part the day rained part day.

12 June 1885 • Friday

Plowed on lower 80 acres

13 June 1885 • Saturday

" " " " "8

14 June 1885 • Sunday

Read the papers & wrote letters to the folks.

15 June–2 August 1885

Commenced haying aboute June 15th 85 and quit on the last of the month. Started for Farmington July 1st 1885. with my family Put up hay for Mother commencing July 5th went to S. L.C. July 11th took dinner with Steve. Left Farmington for Plymouth July 13th and arrived July 14th/85. Commenced heading grain July 22nd after having made a trip to the canion and helping to load a car at Collinston with tithing grain, Headers left July 27th leaving 60 acres not cut made a trip to canyon and put up a shed 22 x 43 feet

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June 1885, George F. Richards, accessed February 11, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1885/1885-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Plowed on lower 80 acres”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Plowed on lower 80 acres”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “Rained”.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Rained”.

  5. [5]“Plymouth” is written at the top of page 98.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Plowed on lower 80 acres”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Plowed on lower 80 acres”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Plowed on lower 80 acres”.