July 1914

1 July 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I met two Cache valley trains for Mother but she did not come.

Attended a meeting of the Apportionment committee at 10: A.M. Attended to business down town. Issued be checks in payment of bills Wrote letters &c. Attended my circle meeting in the evening.

2 July 1914 • Thursday


I arose at 4:30 A.M. Shaved, cut & watered the lawn back & front, bathed & after arranging my toilet, recorded temple work done &c.

Attended quarterly council meeting fasting.

Alice & Ray came home today from Georgetown & Logan having been gone nearly two weeks. We Called & saw Doctor about sores on Alices arms.

3 July 1914 • Friday

I borrowed $100 at bank & [p. 86] paid my bills. Worked on genealogical records all day.

4 July 1914 • Saturday


Pleasant in the morning. Rained hard from 6:00 P.M. on into the night.

The whole family went out to Salt Air on 9:30 A.M. train and spent the day, most of us returning on train leaving the beach at 6:30 P.M. in a terrific rain storm. While at the lake I with others of the family had a lake bath and first for me this season. I think the children enjoyed the day and that is why I went out there to please others. I would have enjoyed remaining home & reading.

5 July 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

Mama is having trouble with sores on her arms & neck.

Mama & I attended temple fast meeting, our ward fast meeting and evening meeting in our ward. At the ward fast meeting I blessed & named my grand child Franklin Dunn Richards, Catherine Ella Hardy and Margaret George. I read from III Nephi 11th & 17th chapter & bore my testimony.

George & Edith took dinner with us After the evening meeting Geo & Edith & children also Georgina called and staid for some time visiting.

I wrote up my journal for the day and read from “The Fair God” by Lue Wallace. [p. 87]

6 July 1914 • Monday


Pleasant day.

I remained home all day Finished reading “The Fair God” by Lue Wallace. Worked on genealogical & temple records.

7 July 1914 • Tuesday


Alice & I and Estella & Ray went to the Emigration Canyon depot to take 11:05 train to canyon but missed the car. On return trip home we stopped off down town and attended to some business. We made the second effort and took 2:30 P.M. train up the Emigration Canyon.

I offered for sale my Canyon property advertising in both Herald Republican and the Des. News also by posting notices in the canyon. I offered Wm Atkin all over $975, terms $500. down & bal 25.00 per month with 6% int. on deferred payments or all over $950 spot cash that he could get for the place.

8 July 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well. Mama’s sores same.

I spent the day at my desk until about 4:00 P.M. then made ready and Alice & I accompanied Geo. & Edith, Joel & Georgina & Dr Bird & wife to Salt air where we all had a bath in the lake. The wind was blowing and the lake was quite rough but we enjoyed it all. Alice & I took the 8:45 P.M. train for home. The others remained to dance. Mothers bathing in the lake while she [p. 88] has sores on her arms, neck & back was experimental. I was in hopes it would prove helpful and she thinks now that no harm will come of it & perhapse some benefit from it.

I increased my fire insurance policy from $2600 to $3900. and paid the premiums for three years from this July 2nd $25.05 as follows.

$3200. on house


500. "1 furniture


200. " barn


3900. Amt of Policy.

Cost. $25.05

9 July 1914 • Thursday


All usually well.

Mama & Ray went to Centerville with my sister Nerva on invitation of Sister Ford to spend the day leaving Salt Lake on 9:45 A.M. Car. I was in regular Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

Later I went down to my nephew’s Joel Grover’s 10th So. & 10th E and blessed and named their three weeks old baby Roscoe Richards Grover. This by their request.

10 July 1914 • Friday


All usually well

Mama’s skin sores about the same.

I worked at my desk all day until early evening when I sharpened the lawn mower & cut the lawn, hung screen door at cellar and read the News & later from “The Following of the Star.” by Florence L. Barclay, a book of 426 pages. [p. 89]

Our boy Oliver aged 10 yrs. went to Farmington to-day to spend a few days. visiting his cousins & others.

11 July 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Warm day.

I made some repairs about the home in the morning and then gave my attention to reading & Studying. In the after part of the day Alice & I took train to Salt Air & had a bath in the lake, this as much for her health as for pleasure.

12 July 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

This means that Mama’s eczema is abt the same as it has been.

I attended Ensign Stake High Priests’ monthly meeting in 18th ward Whiting Hall at 10:30. I was mouth in ordaining Albert Unger a High Priest. I also spoke briefly closing on the hour of 12. Subj Commenting of synopsis of current events & topic of healing in Christion Science Church. I stated my views that we all are God’s children. He love’s us with a perfect love & has said to ask & receive He will not give a serpent when a fish is asked. I doubt not there are healings & other blessings asked for in faith in all the churches. These are not evidences that those churchs are acknowledged of God but that the individuals healed or their friends who pray for them or both have faith & have found favor with the Lord. &c [p. 90]

I attended meeting in the tabernacle at 2: P.M. Speakers, Wm Morton & Pres C. W. Penrose. I offered the closing prayr.

Accompanied Pres. Lyman to Poplar Grove Ward in evening to attend dedication services of their rebuilt meeting house. I spoke 30 min. Subj: What the Gospel has done for me what it might have done if I had lived in comple[te] harmony with its laws. I am but a type of men & women in this respect. It would do as much for you. Story the Master & his servant.

That which is necessary for our salvation is also promotive of happiness here & we on that we may be happy or have joy. &c.

13 July 1914 • Monday


I spent most of the day home reading writing & Studying. In the middle of the afternoon Alice & I and others went to the Lake & had a bath. & while in bathing our lunch was taken from a table where it had been left.

14 July 1914 • Tuesday


Mother, Geo, Mamie, Nina, Edna, Estella, Ray & Alice Knowlton went up the Emigration Canyon and occupied our home for the first time this season. George & I worked on play & rest grounds leveling for that purpose. Assisted the folks in fixing up swings, hammock filling ticks &c. Geo returned at night. [p. 91]

15 July 1914 • Wednesday

Canyon home.

I worked with pick & shovel most of the day leveling for shaded rest in heat of the day. Read some and finished reading, “The Following of the Star” by Florence L. Barclay 426 p. and read, “Keeping Up with Lizzie.” 158 p. by Irving Bacheller.

16 July 1914 • Thursday

Canyon home.

Alice & I took 6:30 A.M. train for the city. After a general cleaning up I attended my weekly Council meeting from 10:30 to about 2:00 P.M. Met Pres Lyman at his office by request. Attended to sundry items of business and with Alice, Geo & Edith & Ruby out to the Lake & had a bath.

17 July 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

I answered correspondence, wrote up my journal for the past few days. Attended to Sundry items of business down town.

Having been given free tickets to Utah Theatre Alice & I attended in the evening I put her on the car for home & I went to Ry station and took train for Milford thence to Beaver accompanied by Geo Brimhall. Arrived at Milford 8:20 A.M. next day.

18 July 1914 • Saturday

Arrived at Milford at 8:20 A.M. and [p. 92] went to Beaver 32 miles in Auto arriving there in 1 hr 22 min at 10:05.

Attended the 10:00 A.M. meeting which was a conference meeting of the Reliefsociety & Primary workers. I spoke about 30 minutes Subject Reliefsociety work & incidentally Primary work. Conference opened at 2:00 P.M. I occupied 30 minutes. Subject, Service blesses the one that serves and the one served and makes both happy. We should also avoid that which makes others unhappy. Be fair in dealing and honest in meeting our obligations.

After this meeting Bro. Brimhall & I went up to the Murdock school & inspected the new building.

In the evening I attended a social given by the Reliefsociety & Primary officers. Staid at Pres. Toltons home. The Sisters visiting came a day earlier they are Sisters Nibley & Davis of the Reliefsociety board and Sister Milne of the Primary board.

19 July 1914 • Sunday


Am well.

Attended Primary officers meeting at 9:00 A.M. and the regular conference meeting at 10:30 A.M. I occupied 30 min. Subject, Ward teaching. attendance 472.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied 30 min. Subj. Word of Wisdom. Read Eph. 4:11– & Pres. Smith Con. sermon on that subj. Quoted Luke 10:25–37 If the hear not Moses & the Prophets. attce 432

Administered to an aged [p. 93] brother, Father of a Sister Owen who requested it.

We went in Auto to Milford & attended meeting. speakers Sisters Davis, Milne, myself & Bro. Brimhall I occupied about 30 minutes. Sub. The Gospel is Gods plan for the existance, redemption & glorification of the earth & of man. The effects of the transgression of our first parents on the earth & on man. Agency, the gospel to all, living & dead. Ordinances by proxy &c.

We took train at 9:15 P.M. for home.

20 July 1914 • Monday

Our train due in Tooele at about 5:00 A.M. arrived at 7:00 A.M. I got off & walked up to my daughter Nervas & staid until 2:45 & others walked back to Depot & took train for home.

Went up Emigration Canyon and Mama & the four little ones met me but I did not know it. I found in Canyon Sarah, Ruby Mami Nina & Alice Knowlton. Returning by same car I found Mama in bed suffering with sciatica. My Son George called in & we administered to her & Geo. called in Dr. Gambol the Austiopath who treated Mama. She had a bad night & I got but little sleep.

21 July 1914 • Tuesday


Mama better

Rained in night.

I wrote up journal & did other writing. [p. 94] Wrote a letter to LeGrand.

Geo L. & Nerva & children came in by auto. Stormy day.

22 July 1914 • Wednesday


Rained much during the night and day. I remained home with Mama who was confined to her bed with sciatica.

Attended Prayr circle meeting in the evening.

23 July 1914 • Thursday


Alice still in bed with Sciatica.

Attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to about 1:30 o’clock. Did some shopping & choring for several hours. Spent remaining time of day and evening at home.

Geo. & Edith & Geo. L. & Nerva & children and three of ours went out to Salt Air on 4:15 P.M. train. The girls came from the canyon just after dark. Read the Book. “Biography of a Grizzly” by Seton.

24 July 1914 • Friday


Mama better.

Others well.

Warm weather. Grand parade at Liberty park.

I went up Emigration Canyon on 9:30 A.M. train assisting George F. & Geo. L. & families to get up there & located. Did some work and returned on 1:00 P.M. train and spent the rest of the day home with Mama & the children.

Took train for St. Anthony, Ida. At 11.45 P.M. leaving S.L 11:45 P.M. [p. 95]

25 July 1914 • Saturday

Arrived at St Anthony in company with Pres. J. G. Kimball at 10:30 A.M. We were met at Ry. Station by Bp. Arnold D. Miller and taken to the Stake tabernacle where the Reliefsociety conference was in progress. Pres. Emeline B. Wells & Sister Ida Smoot Duesenbery of the Relief Genl Bd. were in attendance. By request I spoke & occupied 20 Min Subject Reliefsociety work. I took dinner with Pres. Myron J. Kerr & family

At 2:00 P.M. Stake conference proper opened. Attendance 295. I was the last of five speakers & occupied 25 Min Subject. Church history, scenes in early church history I have visited. Testimony of Sister Wells agrees with my mothers testimony as to the Mantle of the Prophet Joseph falling on the prophet Brigham in temple grove on temple hill, Nauvoo, &c.

I went home with Bp. A. D. Miller my wife’s uncle & staid the night. He took me for an auto ride down to his ranch at Parker.

26 July 1914 • Sunday

St. Anthony, Ida.

Am well.

Attended an officer’s meeting of the reliefsocieties at 9:00 A.M. and the Conference meeting at 10:30. I did not speak at this meeting. Took dinner with Pres. Lloyd.

At afternoon conference the authorities were sustained, I had [p. 96] the Clerk Bro. Mason read extract form discourse of Pres. Jos. F. Smith of Oct. last on subject of Word of Wisdom. Then congregation & choir sang “We thank thee for O God for a Prophet” &c. I took 45 min on the Subject of the Word of Wisdom & card playing.

Pres. Daniel G. Miller concluded with a talk of about 20 min. testimony.

The evening meeting was a sisters meeting & Sisters Wells & Dusenbery were the Speakers.

Pres. Kimball excused himself and went home on the 7:50 P.M. train. I took the 10:55 P.M. train.

Between afternoon & evening meetings by previous arrangements I ordained & set apart the bishopric of Rexburg 1st Ward, Fremont Stake. Pres. Mark Austin, his Counselor James Blake & Bp. A. D. Miller assisted me.

Robert G. Archibald ordained a bishop and set apart to preside over Rexburg First ward. Wm. E. Gee a H.P. set apart 1st counselor Lesly T. Perry an Elder ordained an High P. & set apart 2nd Counselor.

27 July 1914 • Monday

I arrived in Salt Lake at 7:30 A.M. Found my wife some what better of her sciatica than when I went away.

I cut the lawn back & front & gave it a good watering as I found it suffering with drouth.

Took a bath & change of clothes & went up Emigration Canyon [p. 97] and brought home my daughter Nerva & her children & my little girl Estella.

My son George called in the evening. Edith & babies & Sarah still up the canyon. Geo. L. went out to Tooele Sunday night. Nerva & children expect to stay with us all this week. Weather very warm.

Geo F. Jr. brought the electric fan from his office and we used it until 4:00 A.M. and appreciated it.

28 July 1914 • Tuesday


Very warm.

We are using the electric fan as Mama keeps her bed. Her sciatica still troubling her.

I went with my son George up to 9th N. & J St. to look at a house & lot a Bro. Morrison was trying to trade to him for his Tooele Land &c. Returning I wrote up my journal and other records, &c. Made a trip down town and attended to some business.

29 July 1914 • Wednesday


Mother’s sciatica is about the same.

Nina indisposed.

I took Alice & several of the children, my daughter Nerva & her children up the Emigration canyon where we staid the night. I made a seat about 9 ft. in length from matched flooring & set it on our pleasure grounds then Hung hammocks &c.

30 July 1914 • Thursday

I returned from [p. 98] the canyon this morning, bathed &c & attended weekly Council meeting in the temple. At this meeting the time of our meetings was changed to 10:00 A.M. instead of 10:30 or up to the present.

After meeting, I attended to some business & went up the Canyon to our home near Pine Crest Inn where my wife & children were. While there I studied the Y.M.M. Hand Book & Convention program preparing to take care of conventions of Y.M.M. being held in connection with our quarterly Stake Conferences.

31 July 1914 • Friday


I spent the day in the canyon Studying M.I.A. Convention work. Returned on 6:00 P.M. car. Went to Dr Geo’s office & had a tooth temporally filled.

I attended to my writing &c bathed & made ready to take 11:45. P.M. train to Idaho Falls to attend Bingham Stake Conference to be held at Shelton ward.

Sarah left here this A.M. for Manti to attend Conference & YLM. Convention Mamie is in Logan with Lucena she having gone up there last Saturday. Ruby & Nina here at home.

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July 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1914/1914-07


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