August 1898

1 August 1898 • Monday

Finished Cutting for J W Tate & commenced cutting S Johnsons grain. Four horse runnaway on header wagon no one hurt box & wagon broken.

2 August 1898 • Tuesday

Cut grain for Johnson Bros.

3 August 1898 • Wednesday

fin at Johnsons Took dinner at home & Commenced cutting Spring grain of ours in afternoon.

4 August 1898 • Thursday

Continued cutting grain.

51 August 1898 • Friday

C " " "2

6 August 1898 • Saturday3

finished cutting our grain & took off header boxes.

7 August 1898 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting & spoke at latter by request of Bro Lyman. <Blessed N. Johnsons baby girl twice>

8 August 1898 • Monday

Administered Patriarchal blessing to Wm Dykes. Put boxes on wagons Repaired brakes &c.

9 August 1898 • Tuesday

Prepaired for threshers & put up header for the Season. Threshed 130 bu. & had threshers for supper.

10 August 1898 • Wednesday

Continued threshing.

11 August 1898 • Thursday

" "4

12 August 1898 • Friday

Finished threshing about 12:30 had 2050 <bu wheat> [p. 252] In the afternoon took wheat to mill & cleaned up threshing floor.

13 August 1898 • Saturday

Attended to business down town & wrote letters in fornoon and in afternoon attended Young Peoples Conference. In the evening I attended Lawn party sociable on Meeting house Lawn. Gave blessings to J Radcliff & daughter & 2 Durfee girls

14 August 1898 • Sunday

I attended School & meetings H. J. Grant present Gave blessings to Lizzy & Sophia Charlotte Pearson of Vernon.

15 August 1898 • Monday

Put up curtains to wagon shed cleaned up in granary &c & in afternoon took all the family up the Canyon. Broke carriage spring returning.

16 August 1898 • Tuesday

Hoed weeds out of corn at field

17 August 1898 • Wednesday

do do5

18 August 1898 • Thursday

Hoed weeds in forenoon & in afternoon Commenced hauling corn. Hauled two loads in wagon box

19 August 1898 • Friday

Irrigated the garden & hauled two loads corn One with wagon box & one with hay rack Took box off & put rack on wagon.

20 August 1898 • Saturday

We all went to Lake Tooele Co. Ex. I went in to S.L.C. & attended to some business Got home from Lake about 12 o’clock.

21 August 1898 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting here at Tooele & at 7:30 P.M. held meeting [p. 253] in the schoolhouse of Stockton The first of a series of monthly meetings which we hope to hold at Stockton the people & trustees having given us the use of the house.

Prest. Gowans & I went over & took singers & had a good meeting

22 August 1898 • Monday

Hauled Corn

23 August 1898 • Tuesday

" "6

24 August 1898 • Wednesday

" "7 Irrigation Bd. meeting in the eve.

25 August 1898 • Thursday

" "8

26 August 1898 • Friday

Irrigated garden & hoed in garden all day.

27 August 1898 • Saturday

Attended Stake S.S. Conference at Tooele. With others went up in canyon & saw Mr Hill’s works digging for water. Took my wife & little girl for a ride in evening. Wrot[e] Mother long letter

28 August 1898 • Sunday

Attended Stake S. S. Con. meetings. Teachers & Sup. meeting Funeral of Sister Hynes & Lecture of John Mills on Book of Mormon in evening. Prayed at one of the Con feetings [meetings] Dedicated Sister Hayne’s grave. Bros Jas Rowberry & Dykes from Batesville took dinner with us.

29 August 1898 • Monday

Continued corn hauling. Rained some in evening. Recd $50.80 int from Boweln

30 August 1898 • Tuesday

Continued corn hauling. Rained again.

31 August 1898 • Wednesday

<Sent 50.80 to mother.>

Started George to plowing with hand plow 3 horses I made divers repairs. In the evening [p. 254] Hyrum and Estella came from Mercur. Stayed with us over night.

<We cleaned off cemetery lots towards evening.>9

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August 1898, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]Richards mistakenly dated this entry as 6 August.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Continued cutting grain.”

  3. [3]Richards originally wrote “Fri” before writing “Sat.” over it. He also mistakenly dated this entry as 7 August.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Continued threshing.”

  5. [5]Ditto abbreviations for “Hoed weeds out of corn at field”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Hauled Corn”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Hauled Corn”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Hauled Corn”.

  9. [9]This was written at the top of the page above the 31 August entry.