February 1899

1 February 1899 • Wednesday1

I wrote up my journal from Tues 24th until today from memory. Had a a letter from home last night saying the children continue to get better except that Nerva has very sore throat. Joel F. Grover called in to see me this A.M. Attended the legislature as usual.

2 February 1899 • Thursday

Continued my legislative work this day.

3 February 1899 • Friday

" " " " " ".2 <children better>

<Snowed Weather very cold>3

4 February 1899 • Saturday

" " " " " " 4 <children better> The Republican members in caucus agreed to stay together and vote for Republicans until the end. I met Mama at station at 6 P.M. She brought good word from home. Children getting on nicely. She staid with me at Whitehouse.

<Very cold>5 [p. 283]

5 February 1899 • Sunday

Weather very cold. good sleighing

White House S.L.C. Alice here with me. Took dinner at Gallagher’s. Bros. Welch & Callister spent the evening with us.

6 February 1899 • Monday

Weather very cold.

S L City I accompanied Alice to the Station on her way home. Attended to legislative duty.

7 February 1899 • Tuesday

Weather cold

S. L. City I attended to legislative duties and in the evening attended the Grand & witnessnessed Yon Yonson a Splendid play.

8 February 1899 • Wednesday

Attended to Legislative business.

9 February 1899 • Thursday

" " "6 and in the evening attended Frank J Cannon’s lecture in the theatre.

10 February 1899 • Friday

Attended to legislative work.

11 February 1899 • Saturday

do do do7 Met the train in the evening and greeted my wife who came in to see me and we both went to the Grand & saw Yon Yonson

12 February 1899 • Sunday

Alice & I went up to the Photographers and She sat for a picture. In the evening Bro. Thos. Callister & wife called on us and later Dr Steve & wife called on us at WhiteHouse. [p. 284]

813 February 1899 • Monday

S.L. City W.H. I went with Alice to depot & saw her off on the train. Attended to legislative work Dr Steve & wife accompanied me to Joint Session of Legislature. I did trading at Auerbaugh’s & elsewhere.

14 February 1899 • Tuesday

Continued legislative work. Attended card party at Mrs Jorns in the evening.

15 February 1899 • Wednesday

" " ".9 Presented petition of Wm Spry for 31.90 for overpaid tax of 1896 which was referred to State Bd. of Examiners.

16 February 1899 • Thursday

Attended to legislative work. Mining bill passed the house. Attended theatre in the evening. Bro McBride staid all night with me. Was sick last night & this A.M.

17 February 1899 • Friday

Attended to Legislative work.

18 February 1899 • Saturday

Went home on 7:45 A.M. train found folks pretty well. Telephoned in & learned condition of affairs here at Legislature. This Day Mr A. A. Law of Cache charged A W McCune with having bought his vote for $1500, $80 of which he had received & turned over to chief of police.

19 February 1899 • Sunday

Tooele I attended meeting and occupied 40 minutes of the time. Attended Circle & prayed at alter. Spent the remainder of the day at home

20 February 1899 • Monday

Tooele Telephoned in to City & learned news of Legislature. Came in to City on train in afternoon [p. 285] In the evening I attended banquet at the Alta Clubb rooms given by Senator Arthur Brown in honor of the present Republican Legislators. Eleven courses were served. I was given Miss Howel for a partner a daughter of Senator Howell of Wellsville, Cache.

21 February 1899 • Tuesday

Attended to legislative work and in the evening went up to Farmington where I staid all night at my sister Minerva’s.

This day introduced bill providing for the assessing and collecting of tax on livestock.

22 February 1899 • Wednesday

Farmington. Came down from Farmington in the morning. Attended Joint & Regular House sessions of the Legislature. Bro. Welch & wife occupied my room & Bro. Miller & I occupied another room. Received letters from home & answered and sent check of $20.00 to Dr Phipps full for medical service. Sent my photograph to Lorent Robinson, Sarah J. Dunn, Asenath, Henry Robinson, & Alice Ann. Gave one each to Maria & Anna. Will send others later.

23 February 1899 • Thursday

WhiteHouse S.L.C. Attended to legislative business Championed the opposition to poling wire fences on public roads and highways. [p. 286] The bill was defeated by a majority of one vote and a motion to reconsider was moved by Robinson.

24 February 1899 • Friday

Attended to Legislative work and in the evening met Alice at Station and we went to the theatre.

25 February 1899 • Saturday

Attended to legislative work and at 3 P.M. Alice accompanying me went with the Legislators to the Penetentiary and were banqueted there right royally.

26 February 1899 • Sunday

Alice & I went to Nephi and visited Mother & Seney and returned in afternoon, had but 4½ hours there.

27 February 1899 • Monday

Took Alice to Station on her way home. Attended to legislative work as usual. But from 8 am do until do 11 AM do visited the University.

28 February 1899 • Tuesday

Attended to Legislative work and in the evening attended University banquet.

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February 1899, George F. Richards, accessed September 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1899/1899-02


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Jan” before crossing it out and writing “Feb.”

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Continued my legislative work this day”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 1 February, 2 February, and 3 February entries.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Continued my legislative work this day”.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 4 February entry.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Attended to Legislative business”.

  7. [7]Ditto abbreviations for “Attended to legislative work”.

  8. [8]A slip of paper is pasted to the top of page 285. Typed on the slip is “Rule 60. That all Bills and Joint Resolutions coming up for third reading in regular or special order shall be noted upon up on the black-board the day previous to the final reading.” Written in graphite at the top of the slip is “Introduced Feb. 17 by Richards. Passed.”

  9. [9]Ditto marks for “Continued legislative work”.