September 1903

1 September 1903 • Tuesday

balanced up my books, listed names of those owing and amounts owing. Issued bills &c.

2 September 1903 • Wednesday

Continued work on my books, bills & reports. Sold $42.00 worth of lumber to Gt. Divide and other Small amounts to Sundry persons.

Received appointment from Y M M offic[e]rs to lecture befor[e] the joint convention meeting Sund evening 13th Subject amusements.

<administered to Lucy Martin Adamson in evening before confinement.>1

3 September 1903 • Thursday

Attended to business of the place put 3½ fish bed on wagon ready for trip to Salt Lake with G. L. Tates furnature. Phoned Geo & Legrand about the move and decided to not go in next day.

4 September 1903 • Friday

Attended to business until after mail time then took Nerva & Geo & our folks up Middle Canyon lift hand fork & got chokecherries Took dinner there & got home at 8 P.M. got lots of cherries.

5 September 1903 • Saturday

I attended to business in morning and in attended meeting of H Council & Presidency at 10 AM though I was late and Stake Priesthood meeting at 1 P.M. Had Israel Bennion & U. S. Cline to dinner with me at 4 P.M.

Geo. L. & Joel were loading the former’s things ready to move to Salt Lake.

Sold buggy to Wm F Tate. $65.00 <Administered to Susie Garner in evening.> [p. 131]

62 September 1903 • Sunday

I fasted until 6 P.M. Attended School, afternoon meeting and Circle. I was mouth in setting apart Robt. McLaws to labor as 2nd assistant Religion Class Supt of the Stake Wm Cassity being first Stake Supt & J L Lee 1st assistant. G L. Tate went by team with load of household goods to Salt Lake to live Nerva went by train

7 September 1903 • Monday

Joel went to City to attend LDS. University Rode his wheel in with attachment. <Legrand Phoned me about transfer of time>

I attended to the irrigation of the lot. picked fruit & sent to Geo & Edith also some to Geo & Nerva by J. M. Dunn. Sold single harness to W. F. Tate & lumber to Sund. persons.

<I this day made a step ladder and stand for desk in office room. Labor Day>3

8 September 1903 • Tuesday

Labor day. Phoned Legrand about schooling for Joel Transfer of time. Attended to the business of the place. Geo L. Returned from City with team

9 September 1903 • Wednesday

Car of lumber came and I got J P Skelton & Son to unload same using my team. I assisted them. Alice was called to go up to Estella’s at 11 oclock last night and at about 2 oclock this A.M. gave birth to a baby girl.

10 September 1903 • Thursday

Continued unloading Car lumber. Had Charles Green here fixing phone for about 4 hours. Attended to business generally.

11 September 1903 • Friday

Attended to my business as usual.

12 September 1903 • Saturday

" " " "4 Took my team surray & the family to Station & met Mrs Laura Squires Ridges who came & staid with us until Tuesday following. Assisted Prest Gowans & Jno. Gillespie in administering to Sister Maggie G. Bryans 2 yr old boy who was very sick and he got better right off. Attended a meeting of the Y M M. Convention speakers at Lindbergs shop. Had a talk with Bro. Miller’s Son on Subject of smoking.

13 September 1903 • Sunday

Attended Mutual Convention at 10 A.M. 2 P.M. & 8 P.M. and in evening meeting which was conjoint I spoke upon Amusements [p. 132] Had Bro. & Sister Dougal stay with us until Mond. 4 P.M. Bros Nephi Morris & Lewis Cannon were present at two meetings. Between morning and afternoon meetings I went with Prest Gowans and administered to Sister P. M. Clegg who was going to City that day to have operation performed for inward growth removal

14 September 1903 • Monday

Attended to the irrigating after 10 A.M. wrote Several business letters. Made deed of 1/2 A water to A. F. Doremus Henry having let former deed get destroyed. Attended to busines generally.

15 September 1903 • Tuesday

I wrote several letters, posted accounts took Mrs Laura Ridges to Station my wife & children accompanying me. Engaged team & buggy for Jos. Richards to go to Hickman Canyon as per phone request. Wrote Mother Sister Nerva & my children in City.

16 September 1903 • Wednesday

Good day in business. Attended to business and did work in lot. Counseled with Mrs Rhoda Marshall and Prest. Gowans at my home Thursday

17 September 1903 • Thursday

Attended to the business of the place Cared for animals &c. Phoned U. S. Cline several times through the day. Saw Thos Horman about putting up a building at St John’s Siding for Cline. Wrote letters &c.

18 September 1903 • Friday

Attended to business of place, Correspondence &c. Cared for chores animals &c. In the evening Alice & I went up to Estellas and I later called at P Cleggs to learn how his wife is who is very loy [low] & dangerously so as a result of an operation for removal of an inward growth.

19 September 1903 • Saturday

Attended to business and cared for animals &c. Set tires on single Seated buggy. & made ready to go to Grantsville on the morrow to attend Sunday School conference. George F. Jr. Came out from City on bicycle attachment on Ry & got here about dark. Sat up late at night visiting [p. 133]

20 September 1903 • Sunday

Weather dry & has been for more than three months. Roads very dusty. I took my team & buggy and went to Grantsville & attended three conference meetings and two Counsel meetings and Prest Gowans accompanying me we came home after evening meeting arriving home at 11.30 P.M. Sat up until 1:30 AM Irrigating & visiting with George. At Conference L Jno Nuttall & Wm Ure were present. I spoke in Afternoon meeting.

21 September 1903 • Monday

Attended to business & With my team took George down north to Crossing of Ry. where he made a start for Salt Lake on his wheel by Ry. Alice and two babies went with me. Left here at 5:50 A.M.

22 September 1903 • Tuesday

Attended to the regular business of the place Bathed and retired early. Baby was sick in night.

23 September 1903 • Wednesday


24 September 1903 • Thursday

P M Cleggs wife Agness died at Hospittal S.L.C. I wrote him a letter of condolence. <She may have died Fri 25th>

25 September 1903 • Friday

I was very sick for several hours in the night vomiting and purging. Results a severe hoarseness which lasted for about a week.

26 September 1903 • Saturday

With team I drove to Station to meet and escort P. M. Clegg & his Deseasd wife from station. Was requested by him to Speak at funeral services.

I visited Bro clegg later in the day.

27 September 1903 • Sunday

Attended school & then called at P. M. Cleggs prior to funeral service.

Took my team to cemetry. Attended Services but was too hoarse to talk. Prest Gowans was the only speaker [p. 134]

28 September6 1903 • Monday


29 September 1903 • Tuesday


30 September 1903 • Wednesday


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September 1903, George F. Richards, accessed January 18, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 2 September entry.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Sept. 7” before writing “6” over the “7”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 7 September entry.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “Attended to my business as usual.”

  5. [5]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  6. [6]Richards originally wrote “Oct.” before crossing it out and writing “Sept.”

  7. [7]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  8. [8]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.

  9. [9]Richards provided a date but no content for this entry.