April 1890

1 April 1890 • Tuesday

Wrote letters to Charles H Sanders about buying my land on Bear River and to Joel F. Grover. Made out monthly report; wrote to A. F. D. Sent out bills to parties owing us &c &c. A Letter from A. F. D Clear but cool day

2 April 1890 • Wednesday

Telephoned to A. F. D. Went to the Canyon with David James E Herran & M Symeon to view springs grounds &c. Attended a meeting of the proposed Water Co. to Supply water for th[e] Tooele City in pipes &c. [p. 265]

3 April 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Utah Went to the Basin pasture in cart Took Alice & baby. Attended fast meeting and went to S.L. City and on to Farmington where I met all of Mothers children.

4 April 1890 • Friday

Went to S L City and attended two conferance meetings and returned to Farmington in the evening. Spent a pleasant evening at Mothers.

5 April 1890 • Saturday

Went to S. L. City, attended two meetings during the day and a meeting of the Priesthood in the evening. Staid all night at Sarah’s.

6 April 1890 • Sunday

Attended two meetings and returned to Farmington in the evening spent the evening at Mothers and went over with Nerva where I remained for the night

7 April 1890 • Monday

Breakfasted at Mothers and went to S.L.C. on the D. & R, G [Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad]. Attended meeting of the Stake presidencies and me[t] Apostle Lyman & Gowans at F. S. Richards office in the matter & interest of the Tooele Irrigation Water works. Attended the theatre in the evening and [p. 266] staid all night at Sarah’s.

8 April 1890 • Tuesday

Breakfasted at Polley’s and came home O.K. Attended to some writing &c.

9 April 1890 • Wednesday

Went to the Switch for sack of sugar, carpet &c. Went and saw Marshall & Henwood about working. Telephoned to A. F. Doremus. Loaned out at one per cent $300.

10 April 1890 • Thursday

Went up the creek with Judge Herman. Commenced sowing lucern in old field where killed out by drouth of last year. Sowed orchard grass in Apricot orchard and harrowed it in. Bought Edward Dalton’s note of Steve Lee of $150.00 due June 1st for $150.00 Weather fine.

11 April 1890 • Friday

Sowed lucern seed all day. Attended a meeting for incorporating a company to lay pipes to supply the city with water.

12 April 1890 • Saturday

Sowed lucern seed in east field and attended meeting in the afternoon and evening on the Water Question— Was made Treasurer of the company which is entitled the Tooele City Water Company. [p. 267]

13 April 1890 • Sunday

Tooele City Attended Sunday School, Afternoon and evening meeting. Addressed the meeting for 25 or 30 minutes in the evening.

14 April 1890 • Monday

Filed & Signed my bond as Treasurer of the Tooele City Water Company.

Took Alice on errands about her Carpet. Engaged Beauchamp to white wash. Sowed lucern seed and in the evening attended a meeting of the Water Board for the Tooele City Irrigation Company. Weather fine.

15 April–16 April 1890

Went to S.L. City on business for the Tooele City Water Company. Met D. James H. S. Gowans & A. F. Doremus at David James’ office in the evening where we discussed matters pertaining to the pipe laying trench digging and cistern building of the Company. Staid all night at A. F. D’s visited with Sarah Ellen & Family. Took Breakfast there in the morning <of the 16> and Returned home by rail. Entertained St Jar of Clover who ate dinner with us. Met Apostle Lyman and Alex Herran and talked over the pipe business and telephoned David James the result of our talk. Attended to some writing for the Company and private. [p. 268]

17 April 1890 • Thursday

Tooele City Attended to the irrigating; sowed lucern seed and put down carpets. and in the evening attended a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Water Company where I was appointed one of a committee of three on construction.

23 April 1890 • Wednesday

Tooele Stormy weather. I took sick but on the Sunday and Monday following I attended our Quarterly Conference. Addressed the Conference in the afternoon forenoon of Monday for about 50 minutes. Had on Sunday Pp. [Bp.] Shields, O. Bates, C. L. Anderson & B. S. Wife & Bro. & Sis. Hale to dinner. Monday had Apostle A. H. Cannon and Bro. Sam’l Woolley to dinner. Was taken to my bed with what Dr Dods called Typhoid fever. On Friday May 9 I sat up for several hours and on Saturday was up nearly all day & Did considerable writing.

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April 1890, George F. Richards, accessed January 17, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1890/1890-04