April 1894

1 April 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Did the regular work & after breakfast hitched up team on my family conveyance and took Abram, Polly, Willard & the two boys Geo. & Henry up in the Middle Cañon to see work on the springs. On our return Alice & aunt Lucy joined us and we went up to the Cemetery & down to the New school house. Took dinner and the folks left for the City at 2:30 P.M. I had an attack of diarhae [diarrhea] & pain in stomach. After a few hours rest & sleep I felt better & attended to the regular chores. Bro. & Sis. Lyman called in & staid about 20 minutes before the evening meeting. Joel has a very bad mouth supposed to be canker caused from stomach. I administer<ed> to him with good results. George is also ailing with apparently the same trouble. We retired early.

I wrote to to Mother and Fred.

2 April 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant, some wind I had seven men working in south field clearing sage ground. Sent load of hay to Bro Lyman. Accompanied Apostle Lyman & Prest. Gowans over to Bro. Lysander Gee’s & his name having been presented to the peo[p. 274]ple and sustained as to be ordained a High Priest we ordained him Apostle Lyman being mouth & pronounced his sins forgiven.

I made out my March Ranch report & wrote to Abram enclosing Report. Issued bills to parties owing, wrote to Mrs Cooley about trees & to McIntosh about lucern seed.

Settled with Joseph Henson for work done for me. Finished my work in early evening and retired. Enclosed in letter to Mother P. A. Droubays check for $105.75 on his note.

Joel is not much better, very sore mouth.

3 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had 13 men at work in south field in forenoon and 14 in afternoon. After getting every thing to moving in the morning I went with Vick & cart to Basin and got gray horse. In the afternoon I loaded hay to vowles and burned sages having general oversight of the work. Did my writing early and retired to bed early. Joel is feeling better and the others all well.

4 April 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had fifteen men at work cleaning sages. J D McIntosh & his brother Wm A. called and got calf bought on 26th ult. & I sold W. A. Mc. a heifer calf for 200 lbs lucern seed to be delivered in the fall. Made a level sold two loads of hay &c. I rec’d a check of 12.50 from Bro. [p. 275] Lyman and returned him check of $5.50 Sent checks to Sugar co., State Bank, W. A. & J. D. McIntoshes with letters. Joel is better. others well. Estella attended a sociable at Bro. Lyman’s & Legrand & Nerva at Dunyons in the evening. Cool nights.

5 April 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I harrowed all day and took a load of hay to Ekker after 6 P.M. Had 13 men at work cleaning sage ground. Did my writing in the evening & returned retired to bed early. Joel nearly well. Legrand is lame from the effects of a thorn stuck in his leg below the knee cap a couple of years ago.

6 April 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I hauled rock in forenoon and in the afternoon burned sages. Had nine men helping me in forenoon and three in afternoon. After 6 P.M. I sold hay to Stookey and made a new doubletree. Had my hair cut at noon.

7 April 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant in forenoon but stormy in the afternoon. I hauled rock in forenoon and went to Salt Lake to Conference on afternoon train. Took Alice & baby & Legrand. [p. 276] Spent the evening at Polly’s & Sarah’s & slept at Sarahs. Retired at 12 Mid Night. Mother & Aseneth staid there also & we visited together during the evening.

8 April 1894 • Sunday

Salt Lake Weather pleasant I attended both forenoon & afternoon conference meetings which I enjoyed very much. Took dinner at Sarahs & Supper at Polleys. Rode out with Abram about the City in the early evening. Slept at Polley’s.

9 April 1894 • Monday

Salt Lake City Weather pleasant. I staid at Abram’s all night and got up early in the morning, went over to Sarahs & got my horse from Fred ready for James Kirk who called for him about 6 A.M. & took him out home. Left Town for home on train at 7:45 leaving Alice in Town for another day.

On my arrival home changed my clothes & went to work hauling rock off plowed ground. Repaired yard fence and sold hay on acct. All are well. Did my writing and retired early.

10 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had several men working in south field. Jos. Henson was sowing lucern. I met [p. 277] Alice at depot with horse & cart. Assorted potatoes, sold hay, went horseback up to see my wheat &c. Cut potatoes for planting. Retired early to bed. All well.

11 April 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather cold.

I hauled rock, sold hay & harrowed. Had several men working. Finished sowing the lucern seed. Retired to bed early. All pretty well. John Ford with herd of calv[e]s camped.

12 April1 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant, some wind. I sold hay, met the train with team and got 250 Poplar trees & plowed for planting & commenced planting trees. H. Marshall helped me & my boy. In the morning they set out 18 peach trees for me on the Main st. lots. Redeemed my note to hanks of $118.00 given on purchase of land. Retired about 9:30 P.M.

13 April 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant, a little shower but not to stop work. We were planting poplar trees in South field & had two a team harrowing lucern seed which finished it.

14 April 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant light shower during the day. [p. 278]

Continued the tree planting in South field to a finish, made ditch to water them and used the water on them from 5:30 to 8 P.M. Bathed & retired to bed about 9:30 P.M. the three little girls are ailing with sore throats &c.

15 April 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Commenced raining about 7:30 P.M. I attended school and was called out by Prest. H. S. Gowans and accompanied him to his office where we considered the evidence in the Parkingson Wrathall case before the High Council. Returned with him to school before it closed. Attended meeting in the afternoon and occupied 35 minutes speaking to the people. Attended meeting in the evening where Prest. Gowans occupied all the time speaking.

16 April 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy all day. 9 inches of snow at 9 A.M. & continued snowing all day melting, however, about as fast as it fell. I made paths, wrote to Abram & others, shoveled snow &c. A. J. Stookey was up to see my saddle horse. Spent the evening at home. Played games with the Standard children.

17 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant Snow about a foot deep.

I sold hay to several parties repaired shoes &c. [p. 279] In the evening I attended a School Trustee’s meeting and called in the indian show on my way home.

18 April 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant but awfully muddy under foot.

I hauled a load of hay into the barn & sold eight or ten tons. Repaired sheds About 100 feet of our sheds fell down The heavy top & rotten posts, Cause. In the evining by request of Father bowen I went down & his son & I adminstered to him.

19 April 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I sold hay, measured land plowed by B. L. Bowen 5½ A & paid him for plowing same I went up to Hank’s horseback to see his horses Went down to T. Hormans’. &c.

In the evening I attended School Trustees meeting until after 12 mid night.

20 April 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I sold hay to Bruneau & st. Clair, repaired shoe. Wrote to Thos. Williams & Went to Basin pasture took Gray horse & turned out. My boy George went with me.

Sarah & Ruby have sore mouths but are getting better. Spent the evening at home writing & reading the News. [p. 280]

21 April 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant, light rain towards evening. I sold hay to Bruneau & settled with him or he with me. hauled straw & stuff off north sheds and in the early evening took the folks for a ride & saw the indian balloons go up at the Hall. Bathed & retired early.

22 April 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant. Cloudy towards night.

I attended school and after school took all the folks except the three boys and walked over to our Main street lots. Got asparagus Called at Bro. Craners and took dinner left Alice & girls there with his daughter Mary Ann Dunn while I went to Afternoon meeting. Remained to Teachers meeting and went and brought the folks home, read the paper, took supper did the chores, wrote to Abram & Dr Stephen wrote in my Journal & retired to bed early.

No evening meeting.

23 April 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had four three men working on water ditch and two making sluice & putting in. I worked in garden. Had Arab. horse castrated. Georgies Birthday & he had some young ones here & spent a pleasant evening. I went up to John Adams’ & bought a sack of oats. [p. 281]

24 April 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I had Henry Marshall helping me and we worked in the garden, plowing, raking & planting. Gave F D Horman an order for nine fruit trees of various kinds to replace some that died on my Main St. Lots. Pruned trees on my lots about a half hour before dark, bought pr. pants at Speirs’ Spent the evening at home & retired early.

25 April 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant until towards evening when the wind commenced to blow hard.

I worked in the garden all day & had H. Marshall helping me. Trimmed trees on my lots from 7 until 8 P.M. All tolerable well. I have a cold. Read from the Bound volumes of the American Agriculturist in evening.

26 April 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant with some rain & hail. I worked in the garden and during the Storm I drew out an ax, put handle in it made short singletree for plowing among trees.

In the evening I wrote & read from American Agriculturist. [p. 282]

27 April 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant part of the day. Some wind and snow after 3 P.M. I worked in grape vines until storm commenced, then took dinner and did some shop work, bought shoes for self & ordered stay straps at England’s. Spent the evening at home. Read from News paper. &c.

28 April 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Snowed most or all the night and all day, melted fast but had about 15 inches depth of snow at one time. I made paths & shoveled snow & sold some hay. Did some shop work, drew out ax & put in handle &c.

29 April 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant & snow going fast but lots of slush under foot I attended Conference meeting & in the evening took team Prest Gowans, Bp. Caldwell & John Alstrom of St. John over to Lake View to attend meeting. I opened meeting & Elder H. J. Grant occupied the time speaking. H J Grant was the only apostle with us during conference. Caldwell & Alstrom Staid all night with us. S. W. & S. E. Woolley & Bp. Shield & Prest Anderson took dinner with us.

30 April 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant. [p. 283] I sold three loads hay. Attended the Conference meetings & occupied 25 min of the afternoon meeting speaking Apostle Grant spoke at all the meetings. Took the wife & small girls out for a ride & at same time engaged men to work on water ditch. Did some writing in the evening & retired early. Estella, George & Nerva attended the theatre.

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April 1894, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1894/1894-04


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “May” before crossing it out and writing “Apr.”