July 1902

4 July 1902 • Friday

<Attended to the irrigating in lot and remained at home all day. Bro & Sister Silas Orme called on us.>1

5 July 1902 • Saturday

<Boys started heading for C Pocock noon Sat. July 5th & cut about 10 Acres.>2

6 July 1902 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting at Tooele Fasted, Bore testamony in meeting After meeting I administered to Patriarchal blessings to Bro. Silas Orme & Wife.

7–13 July 1902

Sund. July 13, 1902. The past week the weather has been hot. The boys have been heading grain & had lots of trouble with the machine. I have been busy with implement and lumber business, Assisted in fixing up header and did some work in lot.

Prest. Gowans & I administered to Lucy Martin Adamson Friday 12 11th and Administered to Sister Betsey Gowans Saturday evening 12th Nina has been ailing with Bowel trouble past week is better now. Alice is gaining strength & getting on well

24 July–17 August 1902

Tooele Aug. 17, 1902

Sund. At Home This day I attended School & Meeting at Tooele. Met the Brethren in Council after School in relation to order in filling vacancies. Meeting in Meeting house grove. I offerred opening prayr. Bros Spry and Otto Johnson did the Speaking.

Last Sunday Aug 10, I attended school & meeting here. After School I went down to Bro. Mayers and administered Patriarchal blessing to himself & wife. At meeting in grove (Meeting house grounds) J M Secrist’s son I & Prest Gowans in that order occupied the time. I spoke upon the subject of education of our children also upon the Subject of being good and consistant members of the church and membership in other organizations will be [p. 106] unnecessary. There is but one step between the member who observes the rules of the organization and him who does not yet if all were non observers the work would fall & Gods Authority be humiliated and God’s purposes be thwarted. On the other hand Were we all faithful, The organization would be what it was intended to be and the work would be soon consummated.

Sund Aug. 3d Fast Day. Attended fast meeting & the Bishop gave into my hands the blessing of Children. I called on P DeLaMare, Thos. Geo. Speirs, Charles Bush S. W Lee & Peter Nelson to assist me and we blessed six children and confirmed thirteen children members of the Church. I blessed our baby and named her Edna Moselle after Edna Moselle Miller R.

July 24. George and Sister Nerva came out to see us. We met them at train. Geo. staid until Monday following. Nerva staid about a week and our daughter Nerva went back with her & staid a week or ten day. Mary Richardson returned and staid 10 days & is still with us.

Claud M. Ridges met his death by falling from a horse on or about Aug 7th Had been married less than two months.

Our wheat harvest was 64 bu. 52 bu. after threshing was done. This was cut from near 100 acres. About 150 acres having been planted the fall before down west.

I think it time we quit wheat raising down west without water. [p. 107]

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July 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1902/1902-07


  1. [1]This entry was written in the top margin of page 106.

  2. [2]This entry was written vertically in the left margin next to the 6 July entry.