September 1914

1 September 1914 • Tuesday


Mama is having trouble with skin disease again. [p. 114]

My sons George & Joel and I took 7:00 A.M. train for Farmington where we got saddle horses at Livery Stable and Uncle Frank Steed & his Son Blain joined us & we went up on to the mountain where. I used to take our cattle each year between Steed & Reed Canyons and back along the high ridge south of the Farmington Canyon to the lake at the South-west corner of the Flat. We left Steeds at 8:45 and arrived at the lake at 12:45. After resting 1:45 Minutes we started home via of Farmington canyon and arrived in Farmington in time to take 6:00 P.M. train for Salt Lake. We had a hard days work but had beautiful scenery

I bathed and retired earley.

2 September 1914 • Wednesday


All feeling about as usual.

Mamas skin disease no better.

I spent most of the day down town. Attended to some business in forenoon and in the afternoon attended Religion Class & M.I.A. Bd. meetings, also circle meeting and after the latter went down to Alfred Aspers & administered to Sister Asper. Alice & I attended the wedding reception of my Nephew Willard Richards & Evelyn Crawford. We gave them a nice clock.

Retired late.

3 September 1914 • Thursday


Folks same as yesterday. [p. 115]

I sprinkled the lawn from 6:00 A.M. to 7:45 A.M. Read paper while sprinkling lawn.

Met Pres. Lyman at his office at 9:20 and considered the matter of the organizing of the new stake of the wards in Malad stake western division and at our council meeting later I presented the matter recommending division.

Attended weekly Council meeting from 10:00 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M.

After the prayr at the Alter by H. G. S. the President called attention to the condition of Dr Jos. S. Richards and requested me to be mouth at the altar and a special prayr was offered for him.

After meeting Pres. Lyman, Elder Talmage & I met Bro Showdahl by request of the Presidency & interviewed him having in view his appointment to edit the Millennial Star.

I went up to Dr Joseph S. Richards’ & saw him remaining but a short time by request of his wife. Called on my way home at Simpson barber shop on 4th & E streets & had a hair cut.

Worked at my desk until bed time.

Monday night last I had an impressive dream. I thought I heard a lady sing with much feeling a song in which a sentence like the following occurred as nearly as I can remember “Have I in truth a soul or is it but a dream.” I was impressed with the thought, How thankful it is no dream with me but [p. 116] a truth that I have a soul.

4 September 1914 • Friday


Warm day. All usually well.

I spent several hours on the front lawn trimming the edges along the walks, transplanting grass from edges of walks to where the grass had been tramped out.

I bathed, shaved & otherwise arranged to leave for LaGrand Oregon and took 2:05 train with Pres. Lyman & Oscar Kirkum aboard also Sister Adams.

5 September 1914 • Saturday

Arrived at La Grande, Ore. at 10:10 A.M. Western time, 75 minutes late. We went directly to a meeting of the Y.M. & Y.L. MI Convention.

I spoke briefly on one of the topics In the afternoon we continued the convention work and in the evening attended a Primary Social. Between these meetings I was met in council with Pres. Lyman & the Stake Presidency. At 4:00 P.M. attended a meeting of the Priesthood 36 only being present. Slips of paper were passed around and each man wrote the names of one or more whom they could recommend for presiding positions. It had been decided by the Council of the First Presidency and the Twelve that Pres Bromwell should be released so we contemplated making a reorganization of the Presidency. I staid at night [p. 117] at the home of bro. Jos. R. Price. His wife formerly Mrs Davis told me that her mother Mrs Julie Freke Lyon Sampson told her that my father before his death asked her to be sealed to him when it could be done which meant when one should die, that her mother was very happy over it and when she was about to die which was soon after my father’s death she requested her daughter to have the work done. I told her I would speak to the president of the temple Pres. Jos. F Smith and if he consented we would have it attended to. Sister Julia Freke was released from her first husband (Lyons) by church divorce by Pres Young. Lyons had gone to the bad. Her second husband H. F. Sampson still lives & is an unbeliever.

6 September 1914 • Sunday

LaGrande, Ore.

Pleasant day Am well.

I fasted until about 6:00 P.M.

Met with Pres. Lyman and others preparing our work to present to the conference. Met at 9:00 A.M. for this purpose. At 10:30 conference convened. Pres. Lyman & the retiring Stake Presidency were the Speakers. At 2:00 P.M. I was the first speaker and occupied 40 minutes Subject, Order & Disciplin of Church. Effects of every individual’s course upon others We bring shame or honor on others particularly, home & relatives & the church [p. 118] I recited the Poem by Margaret Johnston Graflin “A Mother to her Son.”

Pres. Lyman followed and occupied 45 minutes & presented the business of the conference. After this meeting we ordained & set apart the officers a list of whom is here attached.

Attended a meeting at 6:30 P.M. of the Mutuals & Primary at which Oscar Kirkham, Sister Emily Caldwell Adams & Edith Hunter of Salt Lake were the speakers & all spoke well.

We took 8:25 P.M. train for home & arrived in Salt Lake next day Mond. the 7th at 4:35 P.M. On this trip I read “From Cattle Ranch to College” & The young man Four Square” by Vance. After taking a bath watering the lawn &c. Alice, Mamie, Oliver Nina, Ray & I went in Auto with Clarence Silver for a ride. This is Labor day, a public holliday.

8 September 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Pleasant weather

I spent the forenoon writing up my journal & other records, entertaining a Dutch brother John Klaphoak who recently came from Holland where my Son LeGrand is laboring. &c.

Attended a missionary meeting in temple annex at 2:00 P.M. and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing them.

I set apart the following,

1. Lester Harris of Roosevelt, Ut. to NW. States.

2. Lawrence J Barclay of [blank] to Northern "1

3. Rosewell Hirst Coon of Pleasant Grove Ut. to E. States [p. 119]

Geo. & Edith & Joel & Georgina visited us in the evening.

The war news of Europe claims a part of my time each day though I scarcely ever mention it in my diary. It is in its bloodiest form just now. Many nations involved.

9–10 September 1914 • Wednesday–Thursday


Pleasant day.

I attended my weekly council meeting from 10:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M.

Wrote letters to LeGrand, Nerva, Pres C. A. Orme & Bp. Jos. C. Orme of Tooele & to my sister Alice A. Smith. Read papers &c. The above for Thurs 10th

Wed. 9th I spent the forenoon & until 4:00 P.M. at my desk on temple records & sheets & at 5 P.M. attended M.I.A. Bd. meeting & later my Circle.

11 September 1914 • Friday


All usually well.

I spent the day until 2:00 P.M. at my desk studying & writing.

I went down town and met Pres Lyman at his office at 3:00 P.M. & spent an hour or more there and as long at the President’s office. I assisted in setting apart the bishopric of Granger ward in Granite Stake and I ordained Thos. Benj. Barton an High Priest & set him apart First Counselor to Bp. Wm Albert Grant of Granger ward.

Got permission of Pres. Smith to have Eliza Ann Pearson sealed to Willard Richards and Julia Freke, Sampson [p. 120] sealed to my father F. D. Richards. Spent an hour at my son George’s in the evening.

12 September 1914 • Saturday


Change in weather

Cold & some storm.

Snow quite low on the mountains.

I took 8:00 A.M. train for Brigham City in company with Andrew Jensen to attend Stake Conference. The 10:00 A.M. meeting was for the Stake Presidency, the High Council and bishops & counselors. I addressed the meeting occupying about 30 minutes Subject, The Presidency standing for that which is right on every point forms a nucleus about these the Stake officers & Bps. & counselors should gather until it is made popular. The Bishopric is another nucleus about which all the ward officers should be gathered. The quorum presidency should form another nucleus about which the members should be gathered one by one if necessary until at least it will be popular in that organization to do the right thing and unpopular to do the wrong thing.

<Make it Popular to do Right>2

A 2:00 P.M. the Stake priesthood & officers met. I addressed the meeting for 20 minutes. Subject, Offices & officers likened unto talents. Will we be accounted as slothful servants & have our offices taken from us on that account or be faithful & receive the plaudit “Well done thou good & faithful servant.”

The officers went to their various departments for departmental work. I went with the Primary Convention [p. 121] I addressed this meeting briefly. and was met with them from 3 to 6:30 which included social, dance & refreshments. I took dinner with Pres Stohl and with him & Bro Andrew Jensen administered to Sister Mary Jane Anderson who later in the day underwent an operation by which her appendix & gall stones were removed. I spent the evening & night at my brother Myron’s home.

13 September 1914 • Sunday

Brigham City.

Still cold.

Am well.

I attended 9:00 A.M. meeting. A convention of Primary officers.

Attended 10:30 Conference and occupied 30 minutes of the time on the Subject of Tithing & the necessity for paying it in Season.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting I occupied 30 min. Subject Genealogy & Temple work. Pres. Jensen of the High Priests quorum & H Council said he had never been so impressed with the importance of that work before. I read Luke 16:19–31 Lazarus & Rich man & applied it I called on Ida Knowlton Lee & family & May Whitny Dunn my cousin. Took dinner at Pres Stohls & supper at my brother Myron’s. He gave me some peaches to take home with me.

At the evening meeting I occupied about 15 minutes all that brother Jensen left to me on Subject of the benefits the gospel had been to me & might have been of more benefit had I lived more in harmony with its teachings. I have no right to be other than good. My life influences others & I bring harm or [p. 122] reproach upon my family & the church. Recited “A Mother to her Son.”

Defined the Gospel as Gods plan for the existance, fall, redemption & glorification of both the earth & of Man. The laws given man for his guidance are as perfect as those by which the universe is governed. We took 9:00 P.M. electric car and at Ogden the Bamburger Car arriving in Salt lake at 11:30 & home at 12 mid night having had a busy pleasant time.

14 September 1914 • Monday


Pleasant day.

I went to our home in Emigration Canyon, Alice, Ruby & Ray accompanying me. We took 9:30 A.M. Car and got home about 4:30 P.M. We put away our things for winter and brought home our bedding & other things for the winter. We walked from Ry Station and on the way called & saw my Sister Sarah Richards Robinson & family. I cut the lawn & watered it. Wrote up my journal for the past three days.

15 September 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

I spent the day at home writing and Studying & Reading. I read two daily papers & the war news of the far East is voluminous.

16 September 1914 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I worked steadily at my desk un[p. 123]til about 4:15, then I took dinner & went to my meetings, the Y.M.M. Bd. my Circle.

I suggested to the Salt Lake stake presidency the calling of Sam’l F. Ball to the office of a patriarch which they indorsed heartily.

17 September 1914 • Thursday


All usually well at home.

I attended regular weekly council meeting in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. I suggested the name of Sam’l F. Ball of 29th ward to be ordained a patriarch & he was sustained.

After meeting Alice & I went down to my sister Nervas on 9 S. 11th E and I administered to her daughter Alice who is having trouble with her ears. Spent the evening at home reading & writing except an hour Alice & I spent at my Son George’s.

18 September 1914 • Friday


Warm day.

All usually well.

I spent the day at my desk except the time necessary to go down town for Mama to make some small purchases. I took Ray with me. I enjoy having a day to myself to study the scriptures & Scriptural subjects pen in hand.

19 September 1914 • Saturday


All usually well.

Warm again.

Alice, Edna, Ray, & I took 7:30 A.M. train for Tooele. Bro. [blank] Romney [p. 124] passing Main & S. temple corner in his auto saw us waiting for a car and he stopped & took us in and to the depot. had he not done so we would likely have missed our train. We put up at my daughter Nerva’s and I there finished reading “The Crossing,” a book of 598 pages by Winston Churchill.

20 September 1914 • Sunday


All well.

Weather turned cooler about 9:30 A.M. when wind changed from South to North.

I attended S. School Officer’s & teacher’s meeting in Tooele North ward at 9:30 A.M. and the Sunday School at 10:30. I spoke to the parents class and to the school.

Attended 2:00 P.M. meeting in the North ward and occupied the time by previous appointment 1<hr>:20<min> on the Subject of Genealogy & temple work. Called on Bro. Philip DeLaMare who is sick in bed. He is 90 yrs. of age. Assisted by several others. I administered to him a blessing. Called on James Dunn & inspected his library of between five & six thousand volumes.

Attended a joint meeting of both wards in the evening held in the South ward house & occupied 30 min. of the time. Subject Man is that he may have joy. Joy & happiness not measured by amount of earthly possessions by in large measure by the amount of faith one has. Faith gives hope & hope gives joy. Why some have no faith. When it shall be proven [p. 125] that faith in God is necessary to Salvation as the scriptures teach, how much better off that the Atheist we will be &c.

After meeting I consecrated a bottle of oil in the Vestry. Hyrum & Estella went down to Nervas before meeting & had supper with us and after meeting & had melon. Retired late.

21 September 1914 • Monday


All well.

Cool day.

Alice & Nerva & our children & I went up to Estellas where we remained until train time 3:45 P.M. Had a very nice dinner. We took train for home at 4:10 P.M. and coming in I read a story from the Denver Post, “The Adjournment.” Spent the evening reading the paper, writing up journal &c.

22 September 1914 • Tuesday


Pleasant day.

All usually well.

I spent three hours going to the Ry Frt. depot for porch swing & setting it up & hanging it at back of the house. Wrote to my son LeGrand and to Hartman F. & C. Co. of Chicago for return home of frt. charges advanced 1.72 paid again. Worked at my desk. <The war in France rages.>

23 September 1914 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather.

All usually well.

I worked at my desk in forenoon. Alice & I by courtesy of Bro. H. J. Grant attended the afternoon Matinee at Salt Lake Theatre. I attended Y.M.M. Bd. & Circle meetings. Read papers. Sprinkled lawn &c. [p. 126]

24 September 1914 • Thursday


Beautiful weather.

All usually well.

I attended weekly Council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Did shopping.

Wrote a lengthy letter to Pres. Geo E. Stoddard of Union Stake suggesting how he could increase the attendance at conference meetings particularly the Saturday commencement session. &c. Worked at my desk, read the papers laden with war news, watered the lawn &c.

25 September 1914 • Friday


Weather delightful

All usually well.

I worked at my desk most of the day. I raked the lawn and carried off the leaves and sowed $1.00 worth of grass seed where most needed. I spend from 30 minutes to an hour watering the lawn each evening.

The war in France between the Allies French & English and the Germans is being waged with continued fierceness. Also the Russians & Austrians are doing bloody work. Other nations are also at war and Mexico is just in the throes of another revolution which may however, be averted by the Kind offices of the United States government. Surely there never was so far as I have heard such a battle of world powers. The casulties are reported by the thousands almost daily.

My son LeGrand is still in Holland presiding over the Netherlands Mission. [p. 127]

26 September 1914 • Saturday


All usually well

Pleasant day.

I took 9:00 A.M. Car to Clearfield, Davis Co. and with about 30 others walked about a mile through heavy dust & sand to place of meeting. Attended High Priests quorum meeting & occupied 35 minutes. Subject. No shelving of High Priests. There is a field ripe for harvest in which they can labor when not specially called to office. Referred to D&C 58: 36–40 & Ezek. 3:20–23. Labor with delinquent quorum members, non tithe payers &c Having come up through the grades of priesthood these should be skilled in living & teaching the gospel & teaching the Saints their duties.

We lunched at the meeting house by courtesy of the young worker of Clearfield.

At 1:00 P.M. Attended meeting of the stake priesthood and addressed the meeting for 35 minutes on topics suggested by the business presented, viz. Get quota of missionaries & 5% Subscription to the Improvement Era. Set an example that will reflect honor on the Church. Pay tithing in Season as received. Why? Our offices as talents. See Matt. 25:14. Att. 157.

After meeting I with others was taken 3 miles north to next Ry Station in Auto by Bp Wood where we boarded the car as the sandy road to clearfield prevented the use of the car to that point.

I wrote up my journal for the day. [p. 128] Last night Dr Spaulding was run down & killed by an auto run by Judge King’s daughter on So. Temple & E. Streets. Two men also met their death on the Interurbin road between Salt Lake and Provo yesterday by Accident.

27 September 1914 • Sunday


All usually well.

Pleasant day.

Pres. B. H. Roberts & I took S.L. & O. Ry. train leaving Salt Lake at 9:00 A.M. for Clearfield Davis Co.. We detrained at Layton where Bp. Wood met us with Auto and took us to Clearfield. Attended 10:00 A.M. meeting held in the Amusement hall Attendance 443 The Sacrament was administered and the following were the Speakers. Pres. Eldridge, W A Morton & B. H. Roberts.

At 2:00 P.M. meeting the attendance was 608. Authorities Sustained. The Speakers were; Pres. Jesse M Smith, J. G. Duffin, myself and B H Roberts. I occupied 30 min. Subj: the obedience of the earth & Elements & the intended obedience of man. How grateful we should be for peace & if grateful manifest it by being obedient &c.

Returning we took train at 4:18 P.M. & Arrived in Salt Lake in time to attend 27th ward meeting. I was one of the Speakers. Spoke of the war & our relations with the world. Our blessings: the prayr of a righteous man availeth much. Abram received the promise of the Lord that if 10 righteous persons could be found in Sodom he would not destroy that City but they could not be found. Only Lot his wife & two daughters. May not the prayrs of the Saints & their faithfulness save [p. 129] the land of Zion from wars & blood shed?

Joel & Georgina took supper with us after meeting and spent the evening until 10:00 P.M.

28 September 1914 • Monday


All usually well.

Mild weather threatening storm, light rain fall last night. I gave to John Klaphaok lately from Holland a letter of recommendation to the Continental Life Ins. Co. as an agent for them.

I went down town and attended to some business, made some purchases &c Spent the remainder of the day at my desk reading, Studying, writing &c. I find I can study religious subjects and get new ideas & can link them to-gether better when I have pen or pencil & paper at hand. The morning and evening papers furnish me much reading these times of war in Mexico and in Europe. To-days paper announces that Siberia has declared war against Austria & Germany in Sympathy with Russia. The war news indicates bloody fighting on enormous scale both in Austria and France with thousands laying down their lives every day and many thousands wounded daily. I think of the widows & fatherless; of Parents, sisters & others in mourning, and the poverty & distress & pestilence to follow.

May the Lord over rule all for good and strengthen those who are tried for their trials. I thank the Lord for peace here & pray its extension. [p. 130]

29 September 1914 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Warm day.

I attended council conference in the temple from 10:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. At this meeting we decided to recommend the division of the Granite, Utah & Davis Stakes and Malad Stake to the First Presidency. Also that there be organized a new mission in Canada with head quarters in Eastern Canada.

Rudger Clawson, Geo. A. Smith and I were appointed a committee to look into the matter of division of Granite Stake which has a population of 18,000. As to whether it should be divided into two three or four stakes.

We took action in the case of Geo. W. Tolley of Gridley Cal. who took a plural wife within the past three years, At Patriarch John Woolley performing the marriage according to his own confession. He was disfellowshiped.

I read before the meeting a letter from my son LeGrand dated the 16th inst. concerning discoveries of immoral conduct of missionaries which brot fort much comment and Pres. Lyman requested me to read it before the Presidents of Missions when they meet with the Twelve after conference. An important & interesting meeting.

After writing up my journal & reading the paper I retired to bed at 9:30 P.M.

30 September 1914 • Wednesday


Some rain fall.

All usually well except that Estella has a cold. [p. 131]

I wrote my son LeGrand in answer to his of the 16th inst.

Attended Y.M.M. Gen. Bd. & Circle meetings. Spent several hours at my desk and a short time in the evening at Joel’s & George’s homes.

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September 1914, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States.”

  2. [2]This text was written vertically in the left margin of page 121.