May 1908

1 May 1908 • Friday


I spent at [an] hour with my mother who is confined to her bed. Did some studying and made preparation to leave for Logan which I did on the 4 P.M. O.S.L. Train.

Folks fairly well. Weather fine

Was met at Logan depot by Pres. Isaac Smith & taken to his home. From there I went with him to a social gathering at the Thatcher Pavillion where I was introduced to many people. A programme was rendered including speeches from Pres. Jos. F. Smith & Bp. C. W. Nibley.

I spent the night at Pres. Isaac Smiths.

2 May 1908 • Saturday


I attended the Cache Stake Conference meetings. At 10 A.M. session there were present 454 Pres. Jos. F. Smith was at a B.Y.C. Board meeting. Bp. Nibley and I were at AM meeting. [p. 188]

The speakers at the A.M. meeting were in order as follows.

Pres. Jos. E. Garden Cardon, Edwin W. Smith Pres. H Priests & James Anderson Pres. Seventies & myself. Bp Nibley requested that I occupy the time I spoke with liberty for 50 minutes and felt satisfied after.

I took lunch with the visiting brethren at B.Y. College

At 2 P.M. meeting the speakers were in order as follows.

Pres. Jos. R. Shepherd of Bear Lake Stake Pres. [blank] Linford of BY College & Pres. Jos. F. Smith.

After afternoon meeting <Present 760> I accompanied the Stake Presidency Pres. Jos. F. Smith & Bp. Nibley being in another conveyance up to agricultural College from which point we viewed the 7th Ward below and the River heights beyond and assented to the dividing of the 7th ward and the organizing of a new ward on River heights.

Pres. Anton Lund came upon 5 PM train and was with us at the Priesthood meeting at 6:30 P.M. and he & Pres. Jos F Smith were the speakers. I offered the benediction After the meeting we went [p. 189] to the opera at Thatcher Opera house. given by Prof Lund & Students from Provo B.Y.U. It was excellent After the Opera I went home with Bro Isaac Smith & got my grip & went up to Pres. Jos. E. Cardons for the night giving my place at Bro Smiths to Bro Lund.

3 May 1908 • Sunday


I attended Stake Conference in the Tabernacle at 10 A.M. Present. 1141 The speakers were in order as follows. Pres. Jos. F. Smith and Pres. Anthon H. Lund. Pres. Smith’s testimony was especially inspiring. Sacrament. At 2 P.M. Meeting present 2081. Authorities presented.

I was first speaker and occupied 35 minutes with good freedom but not the satisfaction I sometimes have. Subject. Creation of world at word of God representation of his power. Our existance an honorable birth being sons & daughters of God. Commanded to be perfect. Order comes from obeying the word & will of the Lord. Confusion & disorder from disobedience. Man of all Gods creations refuses to obey. He will have to give an accounting for the use he makes [p. 190] of his agency.

Bp. C. W. Nibley spoke about 15 minutes and Pres. Smith followed with a most powerful testimony referring to the Crucificion of the Savior & the Martyrdom of the Prophet. Those who loved the world & sought their salvation murdered by their friends. Many tears were shed in the congregation & the President him self broke down in his feelings.

At 4 P.M. we had a High Council meeting in vestry where some business was attended to and the following ordinations took place.

Christian J Larson was ordained a Patriarch by Pres. Jos. F. Smith

Jos. Quinney a H.P. [high priest] by Pres. Lund.

Aaron D Thatcher H.P. by Geo F Richards

Ole J Hansen H.P. by Pres Isaac Smith

John Gilgen H.P. by "1 Newel W. Kimball

At this meeting Pres. Smith gave some valuable instruction with reference to being true to each other & to the Priesthood.

At Conjoint meeting in the evening 7:30 oclock. present 1524 A lecture was given by a young man & another by a young lady each of about 15 minutes duration The speakers were in order as fol. [p. 191] Bro. Martineau of the Gen’l B’d. about 30 minutes, Pres. Lund about 20 minutes, I about 15 minutes and Pres. Jos. F. Smith about 30 min. A very interesting session. I had good liberty & spoke of accomplishments among the mutual workers elsewhere & of the additional 421 enrollment in this stake last year. Extend usefulness & make our work effective. Praised the Loyalty of the young people. Staid at Pres. Cardon’s at night.

4 May 1908 • Monday


The other visiting brethren went home this morning. I remained to organize a couple of wards a circle in 4th ward & dedicate two rooms for Circle purposes &c. At 9 A.M. with Stake Presidency I met the members of the 4th ward Circle in the upper rooms of the Meeting house annex There were eleven of the 14 members present & 10 dressed later.

I took charge. Pres Isaac Smith offered prayr. We sang “We thank thee oh God for a Prophet.[”] The Bp. Jos. Newbold made a statement with reference to the Circle, its members House &c afterwhich I offered the [p. 192] dedicatory prayr dedicating the one we were in for circle purposes and the one adjoining for preparatory purposes, dressing &c. Then the brethren dressed and I gave further instructions and the brethren engaged in prayr.

At 10:30 we met at Presidencies office Bro. Nels Peter Johnson the proposed Bishop for the new 8th ward and learned that he was willing to accept the calling and we agreed that Bros. Delŏs W. Hyde and Peter W. Nilson should be his Counselors.

We met these three men at the 7th Ward meeting house at 1:30 and learned from Bros. Hyde & Nilson their willingness to labor where needed. Also discovered that Bro Nilson had been using coffee also his wife which he promised to dispense with and to try & convert his wife. Learned that Bro. Johnson’s wife uses coffee & advised him to convert her.

At the public meeting from 2 to 4:20 P.M. It was decided to divide the 7th ward, by unanimous vote The lines were defined and the name decided upon by the Presidency & High Council given it Logan 8th. By request of Pres. Isaac Smith I [p. 193] not only ordaned the Bp but his Counselors as follows.

Niels Peter Johnson ordained an High Priest and Bishop and set apart to Preside over the Logan 8th ward in Cache Stake by Elder Geo F. Richards.

Delŏs William Hyde ordained an High Priest and set apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Johnson by Geo. F. Richards.

Peter W Nilson ordained a High Priest and set apart 2nd Counselor to Bp Johnson by Geo. F. Richards

Several of the brethren including the Stake Presidency & New Bishopric & myself made brief speeches. The new Bishop & I shook hands with most all the people at close of the meeting.

At 5 P.M. The Stake Presidency and I met Bro. Erick Lehi Olsen of River Heights at Presidency’s office He having been selected for the Bishop of the New ward proposed at River Heights who accepted the appointment in a reluctant yet willing spirit i.e. he would have shrunk from it if he could have done so justifiably We with him selected Bros. Karl Kowallis & Wm T. Brown for his Counselors and made [p. 194] appointment to meet them at Bro Olson’s home at 7 P.M. in River Heights. Issued certificates of ordination to the Brethren whom I ordained.

At Bro Olsens home at River Heights at 7 P.M. met the above named brethren and learned from them that they were willing to accept of the callings. Learned that each had been violating the word of wisdom and each promised to do so no more.

At the meeting 7:30 there were present 53. Pres. Isaac Smith presented the matter of organizing a ward and it received the unanimous support of the meeting at least not a dissenting vote.

I presented the names of the new Bishopric which were sustained with but one opposing vote and that was a personal matter which can be easily adjusted. We then Ordained and set apart the brethren. I was mouth in ordaining Erick Lehi Olson an High Priest and Bishop and set him apart to preside over the River Heights ward & blessed him therefor. Pres. Isaac Smith ordained Bro. Karl Korwallis an High Priest [p. 195] and set him apart 1st Counselor and Bro. Newel W. Kimball ordained Bro. Wm. T. Brown an High Priest and set him apart 2nd Counselor in the Bishopric.

5 May 1908 • Tuesday


I left Logan at 8 + A.M. rodeover to Collinston at and from there phoned over to Chas. Earl’s requesting that they notify my Bro Fred’s folks that I was on my way over there 4 mi. on foot. E. O. Wilcox was with me. Leo Richards met us at the River with team. I spent the time until 1 3 P.M. at Fielding and Fred drove me over to Collinston and I took train for home arriving at 7 P.M. After Supper Alice & I went over & visited with the folks an hour or two. My Sister Alice was there also.

Looked over my mail on my return home and retired to bed about 11 P.M.

6 May 1908 • Wednesday


I bathed, trimmed my beard & Attended Council meeting in the Temple from 10 AM until 3 P.M. Attended to some business and attended Religion Class Bd. [p. 196] meeting between 4 & 5 P.M.

Went home to Supper. And later attended Circle in temple.

Alice & I visited at Asenaths in evening an hour and a half with Mother, Sister Alice & Fred & wife. Fred & wife came home with us & staid the night.

At Council meeting I received the Appointment to Wayne Stake and on my return to go to Canada and Big Horn.

Mother Still confined to her bed

My family pretty well.

Weather beautiful.

7 May 1908 • Thursday


I left home in company with Pres. Chas. H. Hart on R.G.W. train 7:30 A.M. for Loa, Wayne Stake. We were met at Sigurd Seviere Co. by Pres. Gearson S. Bastian and from there went by team. Arrived at Burrville 26 Mi at 7 P.M. Called a meeting for 8:30 which we attended. Present 42. I spoke first and occupied 40 minutes Subject the Love of God & of his Son. Our relationship to him. As he is perfect we should become. Jesus led the way & every point defined. The ordinance of baptism and confirmation must be observed [p. 197] Pres Hart followed for about 20 min. and Pres. Bastian closed with a five minute talk. I was mouth at evening prayr had at my suggestion. Had good care at the home of Bro. <Myron L.> Burr & family.

8 May 1908 • Friday


Cold windy weather all day.

Bro Bastian, Bro. Hart and I drove from Burrville to Loa 25 miles between 7:40 and 10:40 A.M. We put up at Bro. John R. Stewart’s. Spent several hours with Bro. Bastian & several of the High Counselors at the tithing office. Inspected the New Stake Tabernacle &c. Read & studied.

9 May 1908 • Saturday

Loa. Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting. Present 25 at time of commencing, others came in to the number of about 80.

On my suggestion we turned the meeting into one of testimony and sixteen testimonies were borne. Elder Hart & I each testified.

At 2 PM meeting there were present 126. Pres. Bastian made a brief talk reporting the Stake [p. 198] then the work of the High Counselors was reported by Senior member Callehan. followed by Pres. of Relief societies, two presidents of Seventies Pres. C. H. Hark [Hart] and myself.

I occupied about 20 minutes on Religion class work and work of the seventies both of which have been greatly neglected in this stake.

Referred to the Stake house as an evidence of the accomplishments of the people in that line.

After meeting we met at the Tithing office Pres. Hart, Pres. Bastian & I. Pres Bastian’s counselors being absent from the Stake, and there I gave instructions to Pres Bastian with reference to those matters which seem to be neglected here.

At 5:30 P.M. took dinner at Sister Pauline Brown’s where an excellent spread was served and a number of her friends were present.

At conjoint meeting in the evening Present 146 the two association Presidents reported and a Sister Hansen delivered a nice lecture. Subject Jesus’ obedience to the will of his father. Thy will be done. I occupied about 40 minutes. Subjects, Extend useful[p. 199]ness of these organizations. How.

1. By increased enrollment.

2. By more general preparations.

3. By missionary work.

I also spoke upon the subjects of reading and of marriage. I spoke deleberately with freedom of thought and good use of language & was well satisfied.

Pres. Hart spoke about 25 min. in conclusion. Divorces & Read<ing.> Pres Hart & I slept at Bro. Stewarts occupying as the night previous the same bed.

Weather cold. ground covered this A.M. with snow.

My health & spirits good. May the Lord be praised.

10 May 1908 • Sunday


Attended 10 A.M. Con. meeting Present 245. Sacrament administered. Speakers in order as follows.

Peter Neelson of Stake Suptcy of S.S.

Moroni Lazenby "2 Supt "3

Geo F. Richards

Pres. C H Hart.

I occupied about 30 minutes.

Subject. Christ & him Crucified.

the emblems. Sacrafices & Sacrament.

Took dinner with Thos P. Reese. [p. 200]

At 12 oclock attended a meeting of the Seventies 14 present.

I addressed them briefly Subjects, Singing & deliver lectures before the ward people as the Bps may disire you or give you oppertunity

At 2 P.M. meeting Present 243 the Authorities were sustained and Pres. Hart & I were the speakers. Pres Hart spoke upon the text “The fool hath said in his heart there is no God.[”] I followed & used the Same text also spoke upon the Subjects of fast offerings, assist in tabernacle construction Keep Sabbath day holy and increase attendance at Sacramental meetings. Occupied 40 minutes good liberty.

After meeting we set apart two High Counsellers and several officers of Auxiliary officers. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Geo. W. Stringham High Counselor by G. F. R.

Jas. S. Stabley " "4 by G. F. R.

<Sister> Eugene Blackburn Secy <of stake> YLMI. G. F. R.

At 4:50 P.M. Pres. Hart and I with Bro. Moroni Lazenby, as teamster left Loa for Koosharem which we reached at 8 P.M.

Attended meeting at 8:30 P.M. at Koosharem. Present 202. Bro. Lazenby occupied about 15 minutes I fol[p. 201]lowed for about 40 minutes & Pres Hart Concluded. We staid at Bp. Andrew Anderson. Administered to six people after meeting.

11 May 1908 • Monday

at Koosharem. Utah.

Pres. Hart & I with Samuel Brown of Koosharem left the latter place by team at 6:25 A.M. for Sigurd where we took train for home arriving in Salt Lake City before 6 P.M. Folks well at home.

Alice & I visited the folks at Grandmas. My sisters were all three there. Alice Ann, Asenath & Nerva. This is Nervas 50th anniversary of her birth. She was presented with a watch & chain bought by mother and her Brothers & Sisters and her children. Her health is good.

Mother has [i]mproved in health. My folks all well.

12 May 1908 • Tuesday5


Wrote letter to Presidency & Twelve reporting my labors in Wayne Stake Wrote to my son George at Chicago Visited my Mother who is yet confined to her bed. Attended to some business down town including arranging transportation. Alice & Nina & I attended [p. 202] the theatre (McBeth) I saw them on the Car for home & I took train for Canada. Left Salt Lake at 11:45 P.M.

13 May 1908 • Wednesday

On train between Salt Lake & Butte. Arrived at Butte at 5 P.M. Called at Elder’s head quarters Home of Bro Andrews 662 Maryland St. Found Elder Smith from Summit Stake. He went with us to see interior of the meeting house. We left on Gt. Northern Ry train at 7:30 P.M. for the North. On train between Salt Lake & Butte I committed to memory the Ten commandments. Deut. 20:

14 May 1908 • Thursday

Great Falls Mont.

Elder B. H. Roberts & I reached here at 3 A.M. took rooms at Park Hotel and went to bed. Arose about 8 A.M. breakfasted and went out to Eagle falls. Returning to hotel I wrote up my journal, wrote to my Son Geo at Chicago and to my wife at home. Took train at 12:30 noon for the north. Transportation arranged at Butte to Sweet Grass (Clergy 1/2 fare $5.15).

We changed cars at Virden and [p. 203] arrived at Sterling at 11 P.M.

Merlin Steed met me at train and Bro. Brandley met Pres. Roberts.

I received a kindly greeting at Aunt Annie Steeds where I spent the night. Weather has been stormy here for several days and is still threatening. My health is good as are my spirits.

15 May 1908 • Friday

Sterling Canada.

At home of my brother-in-law’s F. D. Steeds. After breakfast we drove over to Raymond 7 miles and attended Stake Relief society conference. Present about 40. I occupied about 45 minutes, subject chiefly word of wisdom. Took my grips &c to Pres. H. S. Allen’s where I made my headquarters at Raymond. Was met at the door by Sister Allen whom I had well known before her marriage as Amy Leonard. I received a hearty greeting & welcome. Pres Roberts having come over from Sterling by train was also staying with Bro & Sis Allen. We attended the 2 P.M. Relief society Conference where I met Sister Ella Smith dau. of Amanda Smith of Farmington, formerly. Sister Heggie lately of Tooele. I also had an invitation from my cousin [p. 204] Phoebe Longstroth Evans by phone to take supper with her which I did Pres. Allen & wife, Pres Roberts & B. S. Young and one Bro Lamb being present.

At Afternoon Pres Allen, Pres Roberts & I spoke in order as named above. I spoke about 30 minutes subject influence of wife upon husband Necessaity for her saving the husband for without him she can not be saved in the Celestial Kingdom in the highest glory.

In the evening Pres Roberts & I met with the Stake Presidency from 8 to 11:30 o’clock. Considered advisability or [of] organizing two new wards. One at Welling and one at Woodpecker also who could be used as officers. &c. Rainy weather. My health good.

16 May 1908 • Saturday

Raymond Canada.

I attended 10 A.M. Con. meeting. The speakers were in order as follows.

Bro. Brundley of the Stake Presidency.

Chas McCarty Sen Pres. of Seventies Quo.

Bro. Powelson Pres. Elders

Bp. Anderson of Raymond

Geo. F. Richards & B H Roberts

There were present by count 347 I occupied about 25 minutes. General subjects of Gospel. Pres Roberts [p. 205] defined the word Zion as used by the L.d.s.

At 2 P.M. meeting Present 449

Three recently returned missionaries spoke followed by Pres. B. H. Roberts who occupied one hour. Read 1 Cor. 12: and spoke upon the Body or Church with its two arms the Foreign ministry & the home ministry. The Church being the Repository of truth or archive of truth.

Elder Roberts & I went to Supper with Bro. B. S. Young.

Attended Religion Class meeting at night and I spoke to the meeting & told the Story of the Snake & the Bunnies. Pres Roberts followed & spoke of the Desecration of the Sacrament vessels by anscient King & the hand writing on the wall.

Held a meeting with the Presidency & High Council at 4 P.M. also with Presidency & Bro. Johnson from Woodpecker who had been selected to be Bishop of that place. He accepted the appointment with good grace and together we selected for him Counselors and made appointment to meet him & Counselors at 9AM Tues. next & his people at 10. [p. 206]

17 May 1908 • Sunday

Raymond <Canada.>

At Pres. Allen’s home.

I wrote up my journal. At 9:30 met Stake Presidency and Bro [blank] of welling the latter having been Chosen to preside over the new ward to be organized at Welling. He accepted the office with good grace and selected his Counselors with the assistance of the Presidency.

Attended 10 AM meeting. Present 785 Sacrament administered. Speakers in order as follows.

J. W. Allred Stake Sup. of S. Schools.

John T. Smellie of Stake Presidency

MySelf & Pres Roberts.

I occupied about 30 minutes with good liberty. Appeal to Parents & Story of the Dandeline.

Pres Roberts & I went home to dinner with Bro. Gordon.

At 2 P.M. meeting Present 838

Authorities Sustained. Pres. H. S. Allen and Pres. B. H. Roberts were the Speakers The latter occupied 65 minutes Subject Principles underlying marriage Pres. Allen having been speaking upon the Subject of marriage. Quoted Hymn if you could hie to Kolob. &c. Magnified man in his eternal existance. Some men in a few brief years learn to guide an empire or kingdom. [p. 207] what may not man accomplish in a thousand years or two thousand or a million and what may not his posterity become.

A meeting of the Seventies was held at 4 P.M. Present 93. Reports were made and Pres. Roberts & I each made brief talks. I offered benediction.

I went home with Bro. Aldred to Supper as did Elder John W. Taylor who was present at conference. We administered to Sister Aldred, who is nearing confinement and she received great comfort there from. Elder Taylor anointed and I sealed the anointing. Bro F. D. Steed & wife called in & Bro Steed assisted.

At evening meeting Conjoint Mutual there were counted present 507. An excellent programme was rendered. I made a brief talk & Pres Roberts concluded.

Spent the night at Pres Allens.

18 May 1908 • Monday

<Raymond, Canada> Tabor.

Pres. Roberts, the Stake Presidency i.e. the Pres. & 2nd Counselor & Bp. of Raymond & ward clerk, Bro. Budd, & I went down from Raymond to Welling and organized a ward from 10 A.M. [p. 208] to noon. Named the ward Welling. There are reported 18 families and 101 Souls in the ward. Present 58

John C. Peterson ordained High Priest & Bishop & Set apart to preside over the Welling ward by mySelf.

Abraham M Wilde 1st Counselor set apart by Pres. Allen. Hyrum H. Ririe ordained H. Priest and set apart 2nd Counseler to Bp. Peterson by Pres. Smellie. Bro Bitner set apart ward clerk by Pres. B. H. Roberts

Speakers. Pres. Allen, myself & Bro Roberts. After meeting we returned to Raymond & got dinner at Bro. John T. Smellie’s and then drove 35 miles to Tabor where we held meeting in the evening. Peace Meeting. Rev. Mr. Monroe, Prests. Smellie & Allen I and Pres. Roberts were the Speakers in order as named here. Present 375

After meeting we had the Seventies together and Bro Roberts ordained Bro. [blank] a President of Seventy & set him apart to preside in the Council of the 155 151 quorum. I ordained Bro Leroy A Cook a seventy & Bro Roberts ordained Bro [blank] a seventy.

We set apart the Presidency of the 4th Quorum of Elders. I set apart Bro. [blank] the President & Bro Allen set apart Bro. [blank] 1st Counselor [p. 209] and Pres Smellie set apart Bro. [blank] 2nd Counselor.

We slept at Bp R. A. Von Orman’s. At Welling we administered to a young lady named McBride. On trip from Raymond to Tabor we had quite a hard rain storm but we had good wraps hence did not Suffer.

19 May 1908 • Tuesday

Tabor, Canada.

We drove over to Leonard six mi. Pres Roberts Prests. Allen & Smellie and I and held meeting with the people 67 Present. Organized the ward of Leonard. Several names having been suggested Pres. Roberts proposed that I name the ward and all agree to it. Carried. I named it Leonard and it was satisfactory. As we had yesterday organized a ward and named it Welling after Job. Welling I thought it fitting that this companion ward be named Leonard after Pres. Allen’s wife Amy Leonard Allen & after her father.

Wm S. Johnson was sustained as Bishop and Niels Anderson 1st & Joseph S. Porter 2nd Counselor. I ordained Bro. Johnson an High Priest and a Bishop & set him [p. 210] apart to preside over the Leonard ward in Taylor Stake.

Pres. Allen <ordained H.P.> set apart Bro. Niels Anderson & Pres. Smellie, <ordained H.P.> set apart Bro. Jos. S. Porter. I occupied about 25 minutes and Pres Roberts about 40 min. At close of meeting I went with some of the brethren & administered to a Sister Johnson in bed with her first child three days old. Before leaving Tabor we administered to one sister [blank] who is going to be operated upon for tumor.

While at Bp. Johnsons in Leonard we had the Bishop and his Brother together and had them settle their differences amicably.

Took dinner at Bp. Johnsons & after dinner I rode with Bro. Smellie via of Sterling & I stopped off with Bro. & Sister Frank & Annie Steed over night & Bro. Smellie continued on to Raymond. Pres B. H. Roberts & Pres H. S. Allen rode together direct to Raymond. Arrived at Sterling 5:45 Cleaned up & wrote in Journal to date. Wrote letter while at Tabor to my wife this A.M.

At Sterling I wrote to the First Presidency & Twelve a report of our labors to date. [p. 211]

20 May 1908 • Wednesday

Sterling, Canada.

Frank Steed took me to Raymond 8 miles where I visited with my Cousins Phoebe Longstroth Evans, Eva Watt Obrian and Jane Watt Ellison.

With Pres. B. H. Roberts, Pres H. S. Allen & John T. Smellie I went to Magrath twelve miles and put up with Bp. Harker. Attended public meeting in the evening present 426 Population 920.

Pres. Roberts spoke first and occupied 50 minutes Subject Text [“]An Angel from on high” Coming forth of the Book of Mormon.

I followed 50 minutes. Subject Additional Scriptures, Church organization, gospel restoration & Proof that Joseph Smith is a Prophet. A good tree. Bore my testimony. I had good liberty and the Congregation was attentive.

After meeting we held meeting with the Seventies and ordained two Presidents and three Seventies. I was mouth in ordaining Peter G. Clark a President of Seventy in the 150th quorum and in ordaining Daniel Theodore Fowler and Bentley Leroy Jenson Seventies, same quourm. Pres. Roberts ordained the other two. [p. 212]

I have taken cold to-day and feel it in my nose & the roof of my mouth.

While at Sterling in the morning I wrote to my wife.

21 May 1908 • Thursday

Magrath, Canada

B. H. Roberts Bps. Harker and I administered to Sister Harker’s Sister who is lame. Pres. Roberts & I took train from Magrath at 11 A.M. to Cardston about 28 mi. We were met at Ry. Station by Prests. Wood & Druce with two single seated buggies & team on each and drove to the Cochran ranch 12 miles distant then about 16 miles along the ranch South west I think to the Fish Creek ranch of the Cochran ranch. We took supper with a son of John S. Smith of Kaysville and his son John. At night with the Olson family at Fish Creek ranch I met Sister Baker Olsen formerly from Mendon. I still have quite a cold.

The Cochrane ranch is owned by the Church and is being offered for sale at from $8.00 to $15.00 per A. There are 67 <thousand> acres. 3500 cattle. Terms of sale of lands 1/10th down & ten annual payments. [p. 213]

22 May 1908 • Friday

Fish Creek Ranch on Cochrane ranch.

We continued our journey South west over the Cochrane ranch to the extreme S. West end and took a boat ride on the Kootenay lake. Visited the saw mill on shore of lake. Called at Mountain view and took dinner with John Parish son-in-law of Wm H. Smiths of Centreville. Drove over to Wm Smith’s ranch Son of Jno S. Smith and administer<ed> to a sister Fog. She & her husband are from Rexburg. Drove on through Leavitt Ward. At the play ground I saw Eugene D Robinson, his mother and her present husband Howard Hinman. Reached Cardston about six o’clock. Went with Pres. Roberts to the Home of Pres. Edward J. Wood’s where I cleaned up & prepared for evening meeting. I still have cold.

The evening meeting was one of the Stake workers at which Pres. Roberts & I were the Speakers. I spoke first and occupied about 30 min. Pres Roberts about 45 min a eulogistic of great men in the Church.

I talked deleberately upon the Responsibilitie’s resting upon officers & teachers & what they can do for the child. [p. 214]

23 May 1908 • Saturday

Cardston, Canada.

I have a severe cold. Attended the 10 A.M. Conference. Pres Duce was first Speaker followed by Bro. Low Pres. of the Seventies & Bro. Grow.

Pres. Roberts followed for an hour and 15 minutes.

At 1 o’clock we met with the Presidency & High Council and others and ordained & set apart a number of officers. I was mouth in ordaining four Bishops who had been Sustained in their wards as follows.

Dinnis E Harris Sr. Bp. of Cardston Ward6

Willard Gilbert Smith Bp of Leavitt "7

Robert Nelson Bp of Taylor Ward

Daniel Andrew Thompson Bp of Kimball "8

At 2 P.M. meeting Bro Williams of the Stake Presidency spoke about 15 minutes. I followed for about 30 minutes & Pres Roberts for 40 min. Spoke of Canada lands advised the heads of families to secure lands & the people to be content here

Spoke upon the Subject of repentance & what man is to become A Son of God possessed of like attributes & qualities & commanded to perfect ourSelves Matt 5:48. Man is to be perfect in his sphere as God is in his. This leads us to be [p. 215] like our Father in perfection.

At 4:30 met the Council of Seventy at Tithing Office.

At 8 P.M. Public meeting in the interest of the Lesser Priesthood.

A number of reports were made and I occupied 20 minutes followed by Pres Roberts 35 minutes.

A letter from my son LeGrand written 14th inst. I wrote to him in ans.

24 May 1908 • Sunday

Cardston. Canada

I attended Conference meeting at 10 A.M. Sacrament administer<ed> Pres. Wood occupied about 15 minutes. I followed and occupied about 40 minutes & Pres Roberts followed for about 30 minutes. I spoke upon the subject of Father hood of God. His love for us. Jesus the Savior. His love for us. Read two verses of the Hymn “Oh My Father” and the whole of the sacramental hymn page 22 of SSS. Book.

Between the meetings while Pres Roberts & the Seventies were met, the Stake Presidency & I met some brethren who were to be ordained one Bp & 3 High Priests I ordained Josiah Orr a bishop and set him apart to preside over the Orton ward. The members of the Presidency of the Stake ordained the [p. 216] three high Priests as follows.

Josiah Orr ordained Bishop by Geo. F. Richards

Charles B Ockey ordained H Priest by E. J. Wood

Josiah Draper " "9 Thos. Duce

Edw’d Newby " " Sterling Williams

I issued certificates of ordinations to all the five Bishops whom I have ordained in this stake.

With the Stake Presidency I visited Bro. Henry L. Hinman Patriarch and we laid our hands upon his head and I blessed him. Also one Bro. B. O. Benson 85 yrs. of age who was present & requested it.

Thence to where the Seventies were meeting and I addressed them briefly.

At 2 P.M. meeting present 557 The Authorities were sustained. I occupied 55 minutes, read Hymn Earth with her Ten Thousand flours. Also read Job. 38th chapter and quoted The fool hath Said in his heart there is no God. I tried to magnify the Lord. Pres. Roberts followed 45 min. We took Supper with Pres. Thos Duce & family.

At conjoint meeting present [blank]

A short programme was provided and by request of Pres. Roberts I spoke & occupied 30 minutes or more followed by Pres Roberts who took 15 min. [p. 217] Subject. Time precious to young people.

1. Get schooling Higher schooling

2. Take a mission

3. Get married

4. Secure land & work it.

5. Sustain the Priesthood & be faithful Marry in the temple. Marriage a part of the Gospel. Nothing of more importance. When married do your full duty.

My cold continues about the same. Weather fine during conference. I have made my home with Pres. Edward J. Wood while in Cardston.

25 May 1908 • Monday


A stormy day to-day. Commenced in the night.

I wrote letter to First Presidency reporting our labors in Canada Alberta Stake. Wrote a letter to my wife.

Pres. Roberts & I left Cardston on 2:15 P.M. train and arrived in Sterling about 5 P.M. Were met at Station in rain storm by Brother-in-law F. D. Steed & taken to his home. After Supper we called at Bro Boyces and administered to Sister Anna Boyce. Attended public meeting. The night was dark, roads mud. [p. 218] and still raining. The Population of the ward is about 600 and we had in attendance 130.

I occupied about 60 minutes chiefly on Repentance and an appeal to the people to leave off all sinful habits. 1st Because God has asked it of us 2nd because it is necessary to our salvation, 3d because it brings peace of mind, a clear conscience and a joyous hope. It does not pay to sin. It is too expensive.

Pres. Roberts followed 45 minutes Subject. Possess the land & work it &c. At Conclusion of meeting we met the seventies, a large attendance and ordained one President Mark Y. Cannon and ordained 8 Seventies all of whom held only the Aaronic Priesthood. One other Amasa Merlin Steed we ordained at his home he being sick in bed. I was mouth in ordaining the follow<ing.>

Amasa Merlin Steed a Seventy

Daniel Ostlund a Seventy

Wm. H. Spackman, a Seventy

26 May 1908 • Tuesday

Sterling, Canada.

I wrote in my journal and wrote to my wife, to Pres. G. S. Bastian of Wayne and to Pres. John F. Smellie of Raymond. [p. 219]

With Pres. B. H. Roberts took train at 11 A.M. in rain storm for Big Horn. Arrived in Gt. Falls. Mont at 11 P.M. & went to the Park Hotel. We went out and got lunch and retired after 12 o’clock. Room No. 128. Read bible all day. Review.

27 May 1908 • Wednesday

Gt. Falls. Mont.

Still storming. I arose about 9 A.M. cleaned up overcoats, umbrella and Grips relieving same of Canada mud. Wrote lengthy letter home to my wife advising her with reference to educating our girls to house work. Wrote up journal for yesterday, read papers &c My cold still about same.

Took train at Gt Falls for Helena at 3:15 PM. Reached Helena about 6:50 P.M.

We walked from depot up into the business portion of town. Took supper there and returned to depot. Boarded Pullman at 9:45 for Billings due to leave at midnight. Went to bed & slept well.

28 May 1908 • Thursday

On train at Livingston

Sidetracked on account of washout ahead 8 A.M. Stormy time. Fine weather to-day. We arrived in Livingston 4:55 A.M. remained until 1:40 P.M. No. 2 the limited left 20 minutes ahead of us. We [p. 220] overtook them at the wash out about 50 or 60 miles East or about midway between Livingston and Billings where the breech is still widening and both trains at a standstill. While at Livingston I wrote cards to Geo. F. Jr., to Master Oliver L. and to Dau. Nerva. I contented myself in a study of the scriptures. We got into Billings at 8:50 P.M. Reached Toluca without changing cars at 11 P.M. where we spent the night.

29 May 1908 • Friday

Toluca, Mont.

Weather beautiful. My health good, my spirits cheerful, my train delayed in leaving for Cowley. I wrote a card to Geo. F. Jr. and one to my wife.

On account of a desabled engine we did not get out of Toluca until 11:45 A.M. and we arrived at Cowley about 7 P.M. Pres. Crosbey met us at Station and took us to his home, where we made our home. Spent the evening with Pres Crosby talking over Stake matters.

30 May 1908 • Saturday

Cowley, Wyo.

I attended the opening meeting of the Big Horn Stake held at Cowley Present 318. Pres Welch reported the stake. I occupied about 30 min. [p. 221] congratulating the people on their accomplishments. Pres. Roberts occupied about 40 min.

Between meetings we met the Stake Presidency and talked over Stake matters.

At 2 P.M. meeting Pres. Crosby, a recently returned missionary & Pres. Roberts were the Speakers, the latter occupying about 60 minutes. A Priesthood meeting was held at 4.30 and I occupied about 30 minutes counseling the Priesthood care for the boys and prepare them for the priesthood.

At evening public meeting Pres. Roberts was the only speaker. He occupied 75 minutes and treated the three subjects 1. A man can not be saved in ignorance, 2nd Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: 3rd Honor thy father and thy mother &c. An excellent discourse.

31 May 1908 • Sunday

Cowley, Wyo.

Attended 10 A.M. 2 P.M. & 8 PM Con. meetings also a meeting of the Seventies at 4 P.M. I spoke in each meeting except the 2 P.M. meeting. I offered the Benediction at conclusion of the Quarterly Con. 4 P.M. [p. 222] We prayed for Bro. [blank].

The meetings were not so largely attended as at the Conference of one year ago when held in Lovell.

I had a talk with the Burnham Bros. about their troubles in Lovell. I made the older one to confess that they knew before filing on Lovell bench land that Bp Jolley and others had been talking of bringing out a canal to cover that land.

Stormy time and muddy weather.

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May 1908, George F. Richards, accessed February 8, 2025


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Pres.”

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Stake”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “S.S.”

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “High Counselor”.

  5. [5]Richards wrote “Tuestay”.

  6. [6]All four names are enclosed in a brace to the left.

  7. [7]Ditto mark for “Ward”.

  8. [8]Ditto mark for “Ward”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks here and in the next line for “ordained H Priest by”.