May 1913

1 May 1913 • Thursday


Stormed after noon.

Attended regular council meeting from 10:30 to about 2:30. Met with Elders Grant & Smith H. M. and considered a matter submitted to us pertaining to a home for girls. Met Pres. Lyman at his office on a matter between Big Horn brethren & Smoot Bros. of Provo Met Pres Lund at his office on business at his request. I met the train from Nephi at 6.05 P.M. which bore the remains of Joel Grover & his infant child Willard in charge of Wm Taylor moving them from Nephi Cemetery. I went to the grave & helped lower the bodies into the grave & I dedicated the grave & bodies. There were present Wm Taylor the undertaker and two men assisting him; my son George, his wife Edith, my son Oliver & my daughter Edna M. & my self the only ones present. Had my eyes treated. I made ready and left Salt Lake on 11:50 train for Hinckly, Deseret Stake.

2 May 1913 • Friday

Supt H H Cummings and I [p. 104] arrived at Oasis 139 miles from Salt Lake at 5:45 A. M. Took breakfast at brother Day’s and were driven over to Hinckley ward by a young brother Holley and attended the Millard Academy commencement exercises at 10 A.M. Went home to dinner with a brother Parker, brother of Aunt Mary Ann Richards.

Attended the dedicatory services of the Academy in the afternoon. I talked to the people a short time and then offered the Dedicatory prayr. The services were very satisfactory. After meeting we administered to a babe of brother & Sister Badger’s who had cataracts growing over its eyes.

We rode with brother Parker to Deseret where we saw brother Jerold S. Bennet about Pres. Lunds farm as per his request. We went from Deseret to Oasis and took train at 12:19 A.M. for home.

3 May 1913 • Saturday


Arrived in Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. and found all well.

I worked all the forenoon on the lawn outside and in trimmed up the edges and replaced sod where trumped out. Bathed and cleaned up and wrote up my journal, records &c. Wrote a paper for the Y.W. Journal Subject. Marriage.[p. 105]

4 May 1913 • Sunday


Beautiful day.

Alice & I attended the temple fast meeting in the morning where I bore testimony.

Attended our ward fast meeting and gave my usual offering of 1.00 and bore testimony.

My son LeGrand was this day sustained as ward clerk in 27th ward to succeed brother Fisher. We broke fast at 4:30 o’clock. Besides our own children we had to dinner, Rega Card, Georgina Felt, and daughters of J. W. Tate & J. E. Isgren Ice cream was served.

Attended evening Conjoint meeting in 27th Ward. Alma O Taylor lectured on the needs of the hour. Men.

5 May 1913 • Monday

I went down town and had my eyes treated and attended to several items of business.

Called at Genealogical Society office and learned that sister Cameron had gotten from the Yorkshire records something like one thousand names of Gills I arranged with her to record them in my temple record.

Returning home I worked until 5:45 P.M. on an article, on Marriage for the Young Woman’s Journal at request of Sister Connely and my daughter Sarah of the General Bd. [p. 106]

Alice, Ruby, Mamie & I went to the Colonial theatre at night & saw the play “My Partner.”

6 May 1913 • Tuesday


Beautiful weather. All usually well.

I adjusted & sharpened the lawn mower & the large pruning shears, issued bet checks to pay bills &c in forenoon. In afternoon I attended a missionary meeting at temple annex and assisted in setting apart and instructing a company of fifteen missionaries. I set apart the following;

Leslie Wm Peirce of Brigham to Western States.

Dow Lewis of Lewiston to Central States.

Flora Cleophea Meyerhoffer of 33d Ward to N. States.

Filed temple record with Genealogical Society to have recorded therein names of Yorkshire Gills obtained at that office.

7 May 1913 • Wednesday


Warm day All well.

I attended temple meeting and by request of Pres Lund was the speaker. I went through the temple in the forenoon for Martin Langstroth. Did some trading, attended R. Class Gen Bd. Meeting also YM Gen Bd. Meeting. and my circle meeting. A busy day.

8 May 1913 • Thursday


Warm day. All well.

I called at Dr Stauffers and received electric treatment and the Doctor looked into my eyes & said that while there is some [p 107] little deposit in the nerve requiring further treatment, the blood & nutrition are entering and recommended renewal of the medicine treatment prescribed by Dr S. L. Richards and Electrical treatment occasionally.

Attended the weekly Council meeting in the temple and after 1:10 P.M. when we finished & had lunch. I went through the temple & had endowments for Christopher Langstroth. I talked with the Widow of David R Gill who said she thought their folks came from England. She said the record of temple work done by them had been lost track of & could not be found but that brother Gill had been dead about seven years & that the last two years of his life had been spent in the Salt Lake temple. My mother’s mother Ann Gill came from Yorkshire England and we are doing work for all Yorkshire Gills that we can get track of.

9 May 1913 • Friday


Warm weather. All well.

I spent the forenoon home studying and reading and in the afternoon went through the temple for Thomas Longstroth. Bought a book giving instructions on genealogy & temple work & keeping records & mailed to cousin Minerva R. Young She has promised to keep the records of the Dewey family. [p. 108]

10 May 1913 • Saturday


All usually well Beautiful day.

I spent the day studying, reading &c.

11 May 1913 • Sunday


All well Weather same.

Alice & I, Joel & Georgina & Estella & Ray went out to Tooele on 7:30 A.M. train Spent the day attending meetings visiting &c.

Joel & Georgina Felt attended South ward meeting, a ward conference & I attended North ward meeting, ward conference at 2 P.M. I occupied 38 minutes principally upon the theme, Mother’s day. Attended the meeting in the South ward in the evening called for both wards Elders Anteus Orme, [blank] Martin & Joel Richards were the Speakers.

Alice & I staid at Hyrum Lees over night. I spent two hours in the afternoon with the Stake Presidency & Bishoprick of Tooele North ward considering matters of interest to both wards & the Stake.

12 May 1913 • Monday


All well Weather same

I spent two & a half hours with Pres. C. A. Orme and counselors & Bishopric of South ward. Visited my folks and returned to Salt Lake on the 4:36 P.M. train. Found Edna sick with headache on our return home Edith went to Corinne today to visit her sis Brother & George took supper with us. [p 109]

13 May 1913 • Tuesday


Weather cooler All well.

I spent the forenoon home studying and attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex at 2 P.M. where about 20 missionaries were blessed, set apart and instructed. I being the Senior there presided. I instructed the missionaries and set apart the following:

Alex. Robt. Carlson of Arimo, Idaho, to Sweden

Levi G. Leatham of Logan to Gt Britain

Sister Vera Jorjensen, Salt Lake, to Denmark on a visit.

After meeting Elders Jos. F. Smith Jr, Elder Jas. E. Talmage and I administered to brother Jones of Provo for his eyes. Called at Presidents office & saw Pres. Smith & Pres Penrose, did some shopping &c. In the evening I attended the 27th ward mutual meeting Received pass over the Ogden Rapid transit Ry. Annual.

My son LeGrand called after the mutual meeting and explained a proposition he and a brother Brown have in view buying a piece of land in Sugarhouse ward and starting a lumber yard. It looks good to me.

14 May 1913 • Wednesday


All well. Pleasant weather

This is the 49th anniversary of my wife’s birth.

I spent the forenoon home reading the History of Utah and in [p. 110] the afternoon went through the temple for Wm Langstroth. Attended M.I.A. Board meeting, my circle and Liberty Stake M.I.A. Contest in Assembly Hall.

15 May 1913 • Thursday


Beautiful day. All well. I called at Dr. Stauffers office and received electrical treatment for my eyes. Attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3 o’clock Attended to some business with the Presiding Bishoprick and Pres. Lyman of interest to Tooele. Did some writing, studying &c.

16 May 1913 • Friday


Clowdy All well.

Pres. R. S. Wells & I left Salt Lake on 8 A.M. train and arrived at Oxford, Idaho at 12:25 P.M. We were met by brother Geo. Smith of Thatcher, son of John S. Smith of Kayscreek formerly, who took us in conveyance to Thatcher a distance of 35 miles stopping on the way at former bishop Hymas’ and got dinner. We put up at Pres. Louis Pond’s home.

17 May 1913 • Saturday

Thatcher, Idaho.

Clowdy Am well.

We drove down to Central building five miles and attended two sessions of the quarterly conference and a meeting with the Presidency, high council & bishops and [p. 111] had lunch at the meeting house I addressed the morning meeting for 40 minutes on statistics and topics these suggested and conditions they revealed. I had good liberty and I believe it was a profitable talk. The Attendance was reported 125.

Attendance 2 P.M. meeting 209.

I addressed the afternoon meeting, which was a Conjoint Mutual Con, for 40 minutes principally upon the subject of marriage. I had good liberty and I believe the discourse was appreciated. I attended the special meeting referred to and addressed same upon duties of bishops to meet weekly, sustain counselors ward teaching &c. See next page for ordinations

18 May 1913 • Sunday

Thatcher, Ida.

Rained during the night and in the late afternoon.

Attended the conference meetings at 10 & 1 P.M. lunch at the Central building, the place of meeting I addressed the morning meeting for 45 minutes, subject missionary work & accomplishments, returned missionaries lapsing into indifference and sin. A note of warning. I also talked some on the necessity of faith & how to promote same.

At afternoon meeting I occupied about 30 minutes subject, sustain the stake presidency & be in harmony with them then you will be in harmony with the Gen. authorities and the Lord. [p. 112] To sustain these do not do those things which greives them; make them happy by your being good.

Pres. Wells spoke at all the meetings except Sat morning and the meeting of bishops.

On Sat. 17th I ordained Wm C. McGregor of Mound Valley a bishop & set him apart to preside over the Mound Valley ward. I also set apart Charles Panter first counselor and ordained John A. Tanner a high priest and set him apart second counselor in the bishopric of Mound Valley ward. Bp. Harris’ of Trout Creek ward with his daughter in law took Pres Wells and me from Central building to Oxford a distance of about 28 miles in an Auto in time to take 6 P.M. train for home. It rained hard on the way. We arrived in Salt Lake at 10 P.M. Found all usually well at home.

19 May 1913 • Monday


Rained hard in night.

Ray had a vomiting spell after his breakfast.

I did some phoning to Pres. B. Office, to Wm C. Spence & Pres J. W. McMurrin relative to my anticipated trip to Mancos, Col. &c. Wrote up journal & other records.

I attended to some business down town. Spent several hours at my sister Asenath’s assisting my niece Alice Grover with the Grover temple record. [p. 113]

20 May 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well. Stormy looking.

I spent the forenoon at home reading &c After dinner I went down town, Called at Dr Stauffer’s and received electric treatment for my eyes. Called at President’s office, bought birth ticket for Denver, called at Pres. Bishop’s off. and at Temple annex. Arranged with agents of Columbia Life Assurance Co. to increase my loan and pay premium. Paid Bank $30.00 interest. Obtained a new record of Yorkshire Gills numbering 1775 names. Recorded the book, searching & recording Cost $27.25 which I paid for from moneys in my hands.

21 May 1913 • Wednesday


All well.

I listed for baptisms 120 names of Gills and made read[y] and took O.S.L. train 5:40 for Denver & to Mancos. Arrived at Denver 22nd 5:45 P.M. Read Showdahl’s book “The Reign of the Antichrist or the Falling Away.[”]

Left Denver Thurs. 7:20 P.M. and arrived in Durango Fri. 5:30 P.M. Staid all night at Durang and Left Durango at 8:50 A.M. Sat. and arrived at Mancos at 11:25 A.M. same day. I finished reading “Pride & Prejudice” while on train. Attended afternoon meeting, attendance 198. I occupied 45 [p. 114] minutes on Origin and Oneness of the Gospel.

Attended a Seventies meeting where Pres. McMurrin & I organized the 172nd quorum of Seventies. We ordained eight Seventies & set apart four presidents of Seventies viz.: Wm E. Smith, Jesse Stalworthy, Vosco S. Burnham, Jacob Rothlisberger. I set apart David A. Christensen and Willard P. Burnham presidents of Seventy. Admin to Sis. Brown.

25 May 1913 • Sunday


Attended three conference meetings, a special meeting of the Bishops and a meeting where I set apart a number of brethren.

I administered an unwritten blessing to Patriarch Wm Halls & received a Patriarchal blessing from him.

At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied about 45 minutes on the Subject of Vicarious work, Genealogy & Temple work.

At Conjoint work meeting I spoke on MIA work. A strenuous day.

26 May 1913 • Monday


Left for home on 11:25 A.M. train and went as far as Telluride & staid all night. On the train I read William Halls’ book, extracts from his writings. [p. 115]

27 May 1913 • Tuesday


Left on 8:40 train and arrived in Grand Junction at 6 P.M.

28 May 1913 • Wednesday

Took train at Grand Junction at 12:20 A.M. for home & arrived at 1:15 P.M.

I wrote up my journal & did other writing. Took my alegator bag to the shoemaker to have it sewed where the thread is broken.

Engaged a carpenter to fix up our porch screen &c.

At Mancos, I with the brethren Reorganized the Elders quorum, organized a Seventies quorum, reorganized the Stake Superintendency of Religion Classes, ordained & set apart the bishopric of Kline ward, set apart a High Counselor, an alternate & several other officers. See book of ordinations.

29 May 1913 • Thursday


All well. Pleasant weather

With Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin, I left home on 8:10 A.M. train for Panguitch. We arrived at Marysvale the Ry. terminus at 6 P.M. and were met by Bishop Peterson of Circleville who took us by team to his home a distance of about 25 miles arriving there at 10:15 P.M. Staid all night. A dusty ride. I commenced to read “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens & read 200 pages. [p. 116]

30 May 1913 • Friday


We continued our journey to Panguitch about 30 miles with a brother Luke of Junction leaving Circleville at 11:15 A.M. and arriving at 6 P.M. Attended a meeting of Stake officers in the evening where the subject of holding classes to be taught in genealogical work and record keeping was considered. I addressed this meeting upon said subject. Continued reading “Oliver Twist.”

31 May 1913 • Saturday

Panguitch. Home

Pleasant day Am well.

We stayed at Pres. Houston’s. I occupied 45 minutes on the subjects of ward teacher’s work and attendance at sacramental & conference meetings. Attendance 138 Stake population 4573.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting attendance 205. I occupied 20 min. at closing on the necessity for the people to do as well as they know. Being impressed. Quoted Emerson, What I most need is some body to make me do as well as I can. The Church organizations do that & should be appreciated & supported. At night I attended Stake Priesthood meeting and addressed some on red cross items in their stake reports; Ward teaching, Bishops meetings &c. I ordained Emery Boulton of Tropic ward an Elder.

A busy day. I retired late & tired. [p. 117]

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May 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025