October 1892

1 October 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant after the storm.

I worked on Ranch report & finished and issued bills to parties owing. In the afternoon raked hay and in the evening made my Quarterly report as Treasurer of the County.

2 October 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I engaged men to haul hay and took Alice with me over to St. Johns where we attended meeting. I spoke for an hour. [p. 67] After meeting I blessed a baby and assisted in blessing one other & consecrating oil. Called and took supper with J. D. McIntosh. Arrived home about 8 P.M.

3 October 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I commenced hauling hay again with two teams & three wagons got on nicely. Spent the evening at home reading and writing. All are well Homer Huff died last night.

4 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Worked in the hay all day and put in the stack all except that to be sold in field and hauled tomorrow. Wrote up Journal, acct’s &c in evening. We are all usually well.

5 October 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I raked hay and helped load several loads; used kelsey water &c.

6 October 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Chas. Pocock looking after things and I went to Salt Lake City to attend conference and Ter. Fair. Went from Depot to Fair & from there to Polly’s where I staid all night.

7 October 1892 • Friday

Salt Lake Weather threatening. [p. 68] I attended Conference meetings and in the evening a Priesthood meeting. Went to Stephens after evening meeting & met Mother. Met Fred while waiting for a car and he rode down with me and staid at Steve’s. Met Alice Ann, Nanny & husband, Nerva, May Grover & Joel F at Sarahs. Attended Sunday School Con in eve.

<attended Wax works>1

8 October 1892 • Saturday

Salt Lake Weather cloudy. I attended the Conference meetings Met Alice, Nerva & baby at Des. Nat Bk corner at 4 P.M. they having just come in from Tooele. Took Nerva to the Doctors who is treating her for her hearing. Alice & I went to the Fair and from there to Stephen’s in sugar Ward where we staid all night.

9 October 1892 • Sunday

Went to Conference Meetings & Y.M.M.I Ass. Meeting at 4 P.M. In the evening I attended meeting. Staid at Polly’s over night

10 October 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather Stormy & fine.

I attended a meeting of the Priesthood where in the Temple where $50,000.00 was subscribed for the Temple. Did my trading in the evening afternoon, spent the evening at Sarahs and staid there all night. Stormed in the night quite hard. [p. 69]

11 October 1892 • Tuesday

Salt Lake City, At Sarah Ellens.

Weather stormy & cold. I with Alice, Nerva & baby started home by cars arriving home about 11 A.M Attended to some school business Co-business.

12 October 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant, but cool. I cleaned up, put window lights in window, and in several way[s] prepared for cold weather.

13 October 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cool.

Attended to the regular business of the place.

14 October 1892 • Friday2

Tooele Weather windy.

Worked on the Ranch preparing for winter

15 October 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather windy.

I put down carpets, hauled coal from Depot &c. Mariar Sarah Jane & Husband and Annie came in the evening.

16 October 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant in afternoon but snowed in forenoon.

I attended school and meeting here. offered the benediction in School and Spoke for 20 minutes in meeting.

The girls five sisters had a group picture taken. [p. 70]

17 October 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather stormy.

The sisters to Alice staid with us & go home tomorrow. Sat for their pictures in a group.

I took them around Town to see the town.

Took Jumbo up to the Lee’s Shop and had new shoes put on him. Got vegetables from Cassity’s. <Evening at home>

18 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cold in the morning but pleasant during the day.

I repaired yards on north of barn yard. Attended to some business at the Court House bought an acre of water of S. R. Gee on No 7 Creek for $60.00 had transfer made. plowed and picked up potatoes in lot. used Kelsey water on lucern. Perry Hawks got killed to-day by a log falling on him. Evening at home.

19 October 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I hitched Jumbo in the cart and went down to John Stewarts and made collection 3.00 Called on Thos. Hormans and engaged him to help me tomorrow. Spoke to James James about purchasing water in Settlement canyon Stream. Took breakfast & plowed in South field among sages first plowing this fall. Spent the evening at home.

[5 lines blank] [p. 71]

20 October 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I had Thos. Horman helping me and we went up Settlement Canyon with team and got sixty (60) evergreen trees and planted them out.

I called on Apostle Lyman in the evening.

21 October 1892 • Friday

Columbus day.

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I went with family in the forenoon and sat for a group picture and in the afternoon I attended the exebition or celebration gotten up by the Teachers and the banquit in the evening. Made a brief speech in evening.

22 October 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather cool.

I attended Republican primary for nominating City officers at one o’clock p.m. adjourned until evening Attended in the evening. Attended County Rep. Cent. Com. meeting at Eleven A.M.

23 October 1892 • Sunday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

Stake Conference at Tooele. Present, Apostles Lyman & Grant.

I attended meeting in fore & afternoon & Council meeting at noon at Aposlte [Apostle] Lymans Had Prest C. L. Anderson & Orson Bates to dinner. James Wrathall to supper and he Bro. Gowans & Bro Anderson spent the evening here allotting to the people their proportion on Temple offering. [p. 72]

24 October 1892 • Monday

Tooele Weather fine.

I attended Stake Conference meetings in the fore & afternoons. Had Pps. [Bps.] St. Jeor & Shields here to dinner. Attended Water Co. Board meeting in the evening.

25 October 1892 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I plowed all day in South field.

26 October 1892 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather pleasant. I plowed all day in South field.

Spent the evening at home.

27 October 1892 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant

I plowed in South field and attended a Trustee’s meeting in the evening.

28 October 1892 • Friday

Tooele Weather pleasant for work, little cloudy and some sprinkle of rain.

I hauled hay into Vicks stall, picked apples and tried to plow in South field but had to discontinue the ground being so dry and hard. Spent the evening at home read the News alout [aloud] to the folks.

29 October 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather stormy all day. I sharpened ax & grub hoe, put handle on fork, repaired hay press, cleaned out weigh scales shaved, paid my taxes &c. [p. 73] In the evening I attended a Rally where B. H. Roberts was the advocate of Democracy.

30 October 1892 • Saturday

Tooele Weather pleasant part of day stormed some. I attended School & Meeting at home. Taught Bro. Stookey’s class of Young Ladies. Spoke for nearly an hr. in evening.

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October 1892, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1892/1892-10


  1. [1]This insertion is written between the 7 October and 8 October entries, so it is not entirely clear which entry it belongs to.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Wed. Oct. 14” before crossing it out and beginning the date again on the following line.