January 1907

1 January 1907 • Tuesday


Weather Stormy Commenced to snow about 8 A.M. and Continued about 5 P.M. about 3 or 4 inches fell.

I spent a pleasant forenoon at home and about 4 P.M Alice & I went to the Lion house where we attended a social for the Vermont party gotten up by the girls of the party I took Alice home about 8 P.M. to the baby. I was appointed one of a committee of four to get up a party social for Dec 23rd 1907. Committee Consists of Hyrum Smith, Rulon S. Wells. Jos. F Smith Jr. & myself.

2 January 1907 • Wednesday


I met in Council at President Lyman’s home Prest H. S. Gowans and C R McBride of Tooele in the morning, talked over the Droubay Case.

Attended the quarterly Conference of the Twelve at temple [p. 97] from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M.

I made a talk as did all the brethren. Prest Lyman said he thought we all feel as Bro Richards had expressed himself and that we might adopt his sentiments as ours. Among other things I told the President my health is good & my shoulders broad and if he had any work more difficult than any other that he could trust to me to lay it upon me. That my greatest hope & most earnest prayr is that the Lord will sustain me in my calling & the discharge of my duties.

Prest Gowans came home to with me & took supper. Bro. Charles R. McBride called in the evening and we had a pleasant visit. He informed me that he & his wife had decided to grant a request I made of them about six months ago to have sealed to me their dau[p. 98]ghter May who died nearly ten years ago. I had a dream which lead me to take this step. I told my dream to Prest Lyman and he advised it.

3 January 1907 • Thursday


I fasted and attended Council meeting with the Presidency & Twelve. Partook of the Sacrament with them. Attended Circle at <evening.> Alice & I went to the theatre at night Wrote Bro Fred ck $150. to [rainy ?]

4 January 1907 • Friday


I wrote to my son George. Settled tithing read from Spencers Letters. Went down to my Bro. S. L. Richards’ in the evening attending a family gathering Alice & I.

One Percy Thorpe from Ogden called and asked if we had any old shoes to give away. We gave him a a pair of shoes & a pair of rubbers and his breakfast [p. 99]

5 January 1907 • Saturday


I took D&RG train and went to American Fork where I met Bro. Rudger Clawson and Bro Duffin and with them attended the Stake Priesthood meeting. I occupied about 25 min. Subject Church officers & their duties. Returned home on the Salt Lake rout.

6 January 1907 • Sunday


I accompanied Bro. Rudger Clawson to Alpine ward where we released the Bishopric and tried to give the people another but failed. We nominated Benjamin Fulmer but the people rejected him by their vote. We left them to think over their condition a week or so.

We returned home in the evening. Stormy weather. My health good.

At meeting to-tay [today] I spoke about 20 minutes. Subject. [p. 100] Forgive one an other that your sins may be forgiven, there is no other way and no forgiveness without it. Man can not be saved in their sins and we can not get forgiveness except we forgive others as well as to repent & be baptized &c.

7 January 1907 • Monday


I spent several hours down town. Sat for painting, did some trading &c. Read sermons delivered last Confernce by Elders Whitney & McKay, The Christmas greeting by the Presidency to the L.D. Saints and other readings News papers &c.

In the evening Alice & I went to the Theatre and Saw Florence Roberts in “The Strength of the weak.”

8 January 1907 • Tuesday


I remained at home in forenoon and in afternoon attended a meeting of the missionaries at the [p. 101] Temple Annex where Prest Lyman presided. I opened by prayr, blessed and set apart three Elders for missions (see Record) and gave instructions to missionaries. Talked with Arthur Winter a member of my circle about Circle matters. Read until after 11 oclock at night. Folks well.

9 January 1907 • Wednesday


I spent the day at home reading and in the evening went to Farmington and attended a cottage meeting held in Relief society hall & presided over by the Bishop. There were perhapse half dozen Patriarks present and some of them spoke. I also occupied a few minutes counseled the Patriarchs to moderation giving them a key. When the spirit speaks all doubts vanish and there is assurance & reality. This is the Spirit of Prophecy. When men exceed this spirits promptings i.e. make extravagant promises & statements [p. 102] not inspired of the Lord through his spirit they themselves become embarrassed, the people who by the Spirit know are also emparrassed [embarrassed] and the Evil one is likely to take possession & advantage of them. Patriarch Toleman had promised the Sisters that if they would be faithful they should not lose their children while Carrying them neither should their children die. I thought that an extravagant statement.

There were 15 persons administered to of whom I was mouth in administering to J. D. Woods son who has stiffness of the joints & neck, Sister Turner Clawson and Josephine Rose.

22 testamonies were born and a good handshaking had after meeting. I staid at my sisters house over night.

10 January 1907 • Thursday


I returned from Farmington [p. 103] on OSL Ry train and attended a council meeting of Presidency and Twelve at 10 A.M.

Called on Aunt Alice Watt.

Attended Prest Lyman’s Circle and an entertainment under the Auspices of the Faculty & teachers of the University of the L.D.S. or LDS University given at the Lion House. from 8 to 11:30 P.M. Alice was with me.

Snowed in the evening.

11 January 1907 • Friday


I spent the day home, reading, writing and phoning and by last means attended to considerable business. I authorized Jas Nelson to buy for me 6 shares of Utah Commercial National Bank stock @ $150. per share of $100. ea and for mother 6 shares I to pay $700. on hers. and take up a note of mine which she holds of that amount. Phoned Joel [p. 104] at Tooele, wrote my bro Fred at Collinston Fielding. Took train which leaves for the north at 1145 PM and went to Blackfoot Prest McMurrin accompanying me.

12 January 1907 • Saturday


Arrived here about 9:40 A.M. Met at depot by Prest Elias Kimball and went direct to meeting where I occupied about 30 minutes after hearing some reports. Subject Duties of Bishopric & ward teachers to the People. They can move the people to faithfulness if they do their duty. Related effect of Bps visits in Spring City ward. Get the people to the sacrament meetings.

At afternoon meeting

A returned Missionary Hosaih Bird, Dan Kimball & J W McMurrin Spoke.

At my request a stake Priesthood [p. 105] meeting was held 60 present I occupied nearly an hour with good freedom Subjects Presidency of Stake should sustain well one another & respect the High Council so the Bishop should respect their Counselors & know them once a quarter Quartrly Conferences of Prsidency & High Counselers. Sustain the Rex Academy & Religion Classes.

Prest McMurrin spoke about 15 minuts. Both he & Prst Elias Kimball suggested at the opening that I occupy this time. A good meeting. Bros Elias & Dan Kimball called on us at hotel in evening. Snowed some at night. My health good.

13 January 1907 • Sunday

Blackfoot Ida.

Attended Sunday morning meeting. Attendance 423.

Three recently returned missionaries Prest Walker of Stake Presidency [p. 106] were the Speakers. After forenoon meeting Prest McMurrin, the Stake Presidency and I met at President Kimballs office where we talked over causes for disunion of stake presidency. Were together about 1½ hours and could do nothing to reconcile Prest Kimball towards Prest Walker who offered to do any thing required of him.

At afternoon meeting Sacrament administered, authorities presented, Prest Thomas spoke upon subject of defending one anothers Character and not indulde [indulge] in bearing false witness against our neighbors.

I followed occupying the remaining time about 35 minutes. Subjects defend, one anothers character and do not bear fals witness, Parents teach your children, sustain the Auxiliaries, obtain your geneologies, do temple work Convert the Stranger who comes among us. <Sister Hesse told how she was converted.>1 Keep the [p. 107] daughters at home and have them keep good company and marry those of our faith. Cited attention to the tragety at [blank] where a young lady school teacher Miss Miller was shot by her rejected lover & he then shot & killed him self. A man without conscience can not be trusted.

After afternoon meeting I ordained Andrew C. Jensen a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Lost River ward. Daniel King was ordained an High Priest and set apart 1st counselor by Elias S Kimball & Wm L Waite ditto by Lorenzo R. Thomas. I assisted in ordaining six Seventies. I was mouth in ordaining the following Elders to the office of Seventy

James A. Cuttler

John V. England

Wm T. England all of Blackfoot. [p. 108]

Attended evening meeting. Reports were made and Prest Jos W. McMurrin occupied the remaining time.

Returned to hotel where we awaited the midnights’ train.

14 January 1907 • Monday

Left Blackfoot at 1 o’clock A.M. and arrived at Salt Lake at 10:30 A.M. Called at President’s office. Called on Prest Lyman later in the day and reported our findings. I read Journal (Elders) Religion Class Outlines and a pamphlet by Wm. Budge Evening News &c.

15 January 1907 • Tuesday


Spent the day home reading. &c. Frank Steed of Canada Staid with us all night and I spent the evening visiting with him.

16 January 1907 • Wednesday


I spent most of the day at [p. 109] home. My brother Fred, his wife and Son Fred called on us and took supper. Joel came in in the evening.

I attended a meeting of the Religion class Board held in the Presiden’ts Office, the first of the Kind I have attended having been chosen & sustained as a member of the Board at their previous meeting.

Alice Joel & I went down to my Sister Asenaths in the evening & visited with Grandma, my brother Fred & wife Carlie who came down to consult the doctors and at whose request she goes to the hospittal tomorrow for further examination & treatment.

We administered to her, Fred being mouth & I sealed the anointing. During the night our baby Estella was quite sick and cried considerable. I administered to her and she cried no more but slept. Others well. Nerva & Sarah went to Theatre. [p. 110]

17 January 1907 • Thursday


I attended my Council meeting at 10 AM until 2 P.M. was mouth at A. Reported my findings at Blackfoot Stake last Sat & Sunday, and recommended a reorganization of the Stake Presidency. Received an appointment with Bro Clawson to Alpine to reorganize the Bishopric of the Alpine ward next Sunday which work we undertook to do two weeks ago but did not complete. Later I received word from President Smith through Bro Geo. F. Gibbs asking me to go to Emery Stake leaving here tomorrow on RGW. No 6. 8 A.M.

Attended Prayr Circle at 6:15 and later with Alice attended the Salt Lake Theatre “Under Southern Skys”.

18 January 1907 • Friday


I left Salt Lake on the 8:50 A.M [p. 111] R.G.W: train for Price Emery Stake in a hard snow storm. Arrived at Price at about 3 P.M. Bro Benj Goddard was on train going to Denver. After getting supper at Bro. Arthur Horsly’s I went with him and Bro Bryner by team to Huntington 23 miles south arrived about 7:30 and attended the meeting of the Presidency & High Council and Spoke to them for about 30 minutes after they had transacted their business. Prest Miller is in California and his Counselor Bro. Mathis was away on account of sickness Prest Pace presided Nine H. Counselors present. Good instructions given, good spirit prevailed. The Council indorsed the Nomination for Bishopric of the Willington Wellington Ward of the persons named by the Stake Presidency. After meeting on account of the prevalance of whooping Cough I put up at the hotel Braziers. Snow blocked cars [p. 112] in Salt Lake. Very little snow at Price & Huntington.

$70,000 worth of Lucern Seed <Reported> raised in the ward of Emery

19 January 1907 • Saturday


146 miles from home

I attended Sat A.M. Conference meeting and occupied 40 minutes. Subject, responsibility of Parents, to teach their children & sustain Auxiliary organizations Afternoon session a Stake Priesthood meeting. I spoke about 40 minutes mission work, Ward Teachers. Observe the order of the Church and effect the ends desired through the organizations the Lord has appointed.

Sat. Evening I attended mutual meeting.

20 January 1907 • Sunday


Attended Sunday School Union meeting at 9 A.M. and Conference at 10 A.M. and 2 P.M. At latter I spoke [p. 113] about 40 minutes, Subject Lucifer’s down fall. What Jesus stood for & we with him and it was intended that we should stand for same principles here “Thy will be done and the glory be thine for ever”. &c.

Left Huntington for Price after meeting and staid at Prest Reuben Millers at Night

21 January 1907 • Monday


Accompanied Prest Pace & Stake Clerk Arthur Horsley to Wellington 6 miles east where we held a council meeting at 9 AM with Bro Thayne and agreed upon Edger Thayn for Bishop, Eugene E Branch for 1st & David A. Tidwell 2nd counselors in the Bishopric. A general meeting at 10 AM. and house well filled The above names were Submitted after I had made a 20 minute talk upon the [p. 114] necessary qualifications for a Bishop and they were well sustained and no opposition votes. I was mouth in their ordinations and settings apart see Record Bro Pace waved his right and requested me to ordain the brethren. Each of the three brethren spoke briefly manifisting a willing spirit Bro Pace, Horsly & I each spoke I in conclusion and occupied about 25 minutes upon Tithing. At close of meeting I stood at the door and shook hands with the people. A good and friendly spirit prevailed.

Left Wellington at 1:20 PM and took train at Price at 3 PM & arrived in Salt Lake at 9:40 9:45 P.M. Joel had come in to attend a Banquet of CW&M officials & staid with us all night. [p. 115]

22 January 1907 • Tuesday


I spent the day home reading and writing. In the evening Alice and I spent an hour in Prest F. M. Lymans visiting, Bro. C R McBride & wife being there also Thos Callister.

23 January 1907 • Wednesday


I did some reading writing &c Called on my mother at her home. Attended a meeting of the Religion Class Gen. Board at the President’s office at 4 PM. Folks well.

24 January 1907 • Thursday


I attended regular Council meeting at temple, a dinner at Lion house by Domestic Science students at 5’ oclock. Circle at 6:15 and Alice & I went to theatre in the evening. “She Stoops to Conquer.” I this day received appointment to visit the Conferences of Boise, Anaconda & Butte of the NW States Mission the next three weeks by request [p. 116] of Prest Nephi Pratt of that mission.

25 January 1907 • Friday


I went down town and secured birth on train to Boise and Alice and I went up to the L.D.S Hospittal and visited a short time with my brother’s wife Carlie and walked home about 17 blocks. Spent the remaining portion of the day at home, reading &c. In the evening I took train for Boise, Ida.

26 January 1907 • Saturday

On train

I reached Boise about 5 P.M. and was met at station by Prest Nephi Pratt and Elder Jaction Jackson who accompanied me to the home of Bro. Geo Stall where I slept each night while in Boise. I spent the evening visiting with Prest Pratt. Bro Denmark Jensen of Oneida Stake who is attending the Legislature called in and visited with us.

Weather mild. [p. 117]

27 January 1907 • Sunday


Weather mild some snow on ground. Rained at night.

I attended Sunday School and addressed the little children for about 15 minutes and then told them a story. The blind boy of City Creek. Subject or moral Prayr. Attended Afternoon meeting Sacrament administered, Authorities presented. Reports by the Presidents of the two branches of Boise and Nampa by their Presidents Bros. Hale and Merril. Took supper at Mrs Smith’s Attended evening meeting at Prest Thomas of Blackfoot Stake spoke about 20 minutes, Prest Pratt about 30 minutes and I about 40 minutes. My subject was. Officers placed in Primitive church, their duty. What they accomplished, The children were tossed to & fro when they had no officers hence the the multiplus Sect Sex Sects. The necessity for a prophet never was [p. 118] greater than when Joseph Smith came forth. No Prophet except Jesus ever brought forth such a work. such an organization, such officers such gifts & blessings & signs Such a volume of truth and all scriptural. The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants & Pearl of Gt Price and such instruction to the people not written. The vision of the Father & Son were of the utmost importance The world had been so long taugh[t] that the Father & Son are one being without body parts & passions Their identity is now established & their personality & it is scriptural. They taught Joseph that all the denominations had gone estray. None were right and their creeds are an abomination in His Sight. How an abomination? The doctrine of damnation of infants and all who from any cause whatever confess not Christ. [p. 119] Such consigned to hell while the most corrupt who confess go to heaven with the most devout saint. How abominable even in the Sight of man. &c. I spoke with more freedom & force than usual for the Lord greatly Aided me. After meeting One Mrs Schruggs requested to see me and I talked gospel for some time. She is an investigator who liked the principles but wanted to Know if she would have to believe Joseph Smith to be a Prophet.

28 January 1907 • Monday


I attended Priesthood meeting at 10 AM to 12. Took train for Nampa arriving about 2:40 P.M and with James E Hart and Ezra Merril looked over the ground with a view to locating a meeting house site which we did and were agreed upon. I to [p. 120] report to the Council with a recommend that we buy same conditions being favorable. We talked over the proposition to organize a new stake to comprize the following wards. Brammell Emmet, Indian Creek Boise & Nampa and several scattered branches. Spent the evening at Bro Harts. My train which Should have reached here about 5 P.M. did not come in until 1240 A.M. I waited at Depot from 10’ o’clock and took train for Salt Lake at 1 A.M.

I have had a most enjoyable visit. Made appointment to meet Prest. Nephi Pratt at Pocatelo for Anaconda Mont next Sat A.M. where we will hold Anaconda Con. 437 miles ea. way = 874 miles travel. 4 meetings Attended One ordinance performed Set apart Geo Stall Branch Clerk.

Reached Pocatelo at 8:15 A.M. and [p. 121] lay over there until 5<:20> P.M Reached Salt Lake at 2 A.M. Slept until 5 A.M. & quit car for home

At Sunday night’s meeting there were present nine Legislators Several other prominent Church leaders and a number of strangers.

30 January 1907 • Wednesday


Arrived home at 7 A.M Attended a Council meeting of the Twelve in the temple. We considered a petition from the First Council of Seventies asking that we join them in asking the First Presidency to allow the Seventies every where to hold their quorum & class meetings Sundays from 9 to 12 o’clock. The subject was discussed freely for about two or three hours and finally a vote was taken and stood unanimous for granting the request.

At 4 P.M. I attended a [p. 122] meeting of the Gen’l Board of Religion Classes. I visited with my Mother a short time.

312 January 1907 • Thursday


I attended Council meeting at Temple from 10 AM until about 2 P.M. Attended prayr Circle at Temple in the evening and in the absence of Prest Lyman presided. Did some reading and writing.

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January 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-01


  1. [1]This insertion was written at the bottom of page 107, with “verted” written vertically on the right side of the page.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “21” before writing “3” over the “2”.