August 1902

17 August 1902 • Sunday

George & Wm. Nelson came out to Salt Air last Night and by wheel came to Erda where we met them with Carriage & brought them home They return home to Salt Lake by wheel tomorrow early.

This has been the hottest or rather dryest season I ever remember.

Health of the family has been good

18 August–6 November 1902

Thu. Nov. 6, 1902.

Not having written in my journal since Aug. 17, I now proceed to Say something of what I have done in the meanwhile.

My Implement & lumber business with other duties engrossed my attention so that I have neglected my Journal.

I remember that I attended Stake Conference at Grantsville the last of August. <30 and 31st> Bros. Rulon S. Wells & Elder Hyrum M. Smith being present.

The first Sunday of Sept. 7th I Fasted and attended school and meeting at Tooele.

Sunday Saturday Sept. 12 13 I went to Vernon alone in open buggy with open top. Rained some and looked very stormy. I drove through Vernon and up to Ben Lomand & staid with Bp. Israel Bennion overnight

Sund. Sep. 14 Attended School & meeting at Vernon and returned home after meeting.

Sund. Sep. 21 Attended Y. M M I Convention in Grantsville.

Sund Sep. 28th At home I think. Attended school & meeting

Sat. Oct 4th Went into City to Conference and staid until Wed. A.M. Attended Conference meetings and the fair sat. eve. Attended special Priesthood meeting Tuesday 10 AM in Assembly room or hall.

Sund. Oct. 12 with my team Prest Gowans and I visited Clover ward school & meeting. Took dinner [p. 108] with Chas. Bush & family.

<Sat Oct 11 I attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Grantsville.>1

Sund. Oct 17 19. Prest Gowans with my team visited St. John School & meeting. Bro Arthurs family sick with typhoid fever. and up to date of writing this Nov. 6th his daughter Margaret and two grand children have died of it.

I administered blessings to Sister Sarah Ellen Evans and her mother at Sister Burridge’s

<Fri. Oct 24 administered to Hannah England.>2

Sund. Oct. 26. I visited Lake View School & meeting Put up team with Bro Hansen and took dinner with Bp. Shields.

Sat. Oct. Nov. 1st Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at Tooele.

Alice, the baby, Joel and Lucena have each had a sick spell a sort of Lagrip the past few weeks.

In business I have done very well this summer. Farming so far as grain raising was concerned was a failure. I went in to the City Mond 19th 21 Oct. and returned Tues. 22nd. Met Mr Sanford there and arranged later to furnish him bill of lum. for store $600. Staid at Hotel Herald Geo & Leg spent <the evening there.> I made another trip Monday Oct. 27th Returning Wed. 29th Staid at Sugar House My mother being there sick.

Nerva is preparing to marry about Thanksgivings day or the day before.

George thinks to marry about Christmas. Legrand is at school in City. Joel is helping at home.

<I attended County Rep. Convention as a delegate.>3

Sund. Nov. 2nd 1902. I attended School and meeting at Tooele. Fasted & paid contributions

Have this season builded Implement house Wagon shed & Lumber sheds. [p. 109]

Tues. Nov. 4, 1902. Election day The County, State and nation are largely Republican. The country is prosperous. Farm products are high and wages good with a good market for labor of all kinds. Money is easy where security is good.

Our nation is respected abroad, Our bonds can be floated at a very low rate of interest and our own financeres buy them. Our exports far exceed our imports and the stream of trade steadily runs from all nations into ours.

Notwithstanding my personal failures on the farm my prospects were never brighter. The increase in lumber sales and prospects of having at beginning of the year the exclusive sale in these parts of the C.W. & M. Co. goods the out look is good.

<attended Mutual.>4

Wed. Nov. 5, 1902.

Made sales of lumber, attended to general business, made collections &c, Wrote paper for Parents meeting

Thu. Nov. 6th Wrote up Journal from Aug. 17th from memory, to this date.

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August 1902, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 109.

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the two paragraphs covering 19 October.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the paragraphs corresponding to the November 4 entry.