December 1912

1 December 1912 • Sunday


Attended 10 A.M. meeting. The attendance lighter than usual Sacrament administered & the counselors in the Stake Presidency Pres. Kimball & I were the Speakers. I occupied 25 minutes; subject—Responsibility. Each individual has responsibility. His influence is felt in the community, he by improper conduct offends his parents, his God & does an injustice to himself & society. 2nd Responsibility of officers & teachers as guardians especially ward teachers.

At 2 P.M. meeting the house was well filled; the authorities were sustained and the Speakers were Pres. Welling, Pres Kimball & myself. I occupied about 30 minutes on subject of tithing.

At 4 P.M. Attended a Seventies meeting and addressed the meeting briefly.

At 8 P.M. attended Conjoint Mutual meeting and was one of the speakers occupying about 30 min. Subject. Vocations, Athletics & Scouting.

I have enjoyed the meetings & the Associations in the Stake. [p. 11] I ordained Elder Axle W. Borgstrom an high priest and set him apart 1st Counselor to Bp. Richard G. Watt of the Thatcher ward this stake.

2 December 1912 • Monday


Pres. Kimball & I left Garland at 8.30 A.M. arriving in Salt Lake at 11.45 A.M. I spent the after noon fixing up my journal & bank account statement balance, Received photos & letter from Geo Minns of England of Gills. I made comparisons to try and identify them as relatives of my grand mother. &c.

3 December 1912 • Tuesday


I spent some time in the forenoon with my Sister Asenath at her home looking over papers received from England relating to the Longstroth & Gill genealogies.

I called on my cousin Sadie Longstroth Wright at C & 7th St. but failed to obtain any genealogical data but learned of a bible which used to belong to Grand father Stephen Longstroth now in possession of my cousin Stephen Longstroth of Garland which has in it some writing which may be valuable.

I called on David R. Syva at his home 435 E. St whose 15 yr old son was killed Sunday night coasting, Have arranged to send flowers with my sons Geo & LeGrand. [p. 12] I called on Cousin Levi W. Richards who is still indisposed and confined to his home. I called at Genealogical Society office and made enquiries as to temple work done for the Gills & found that Hyrum Bown of Manti did temple work for Yorkshire, Eng. people <Gills> in Manti temple <1888>. I wrote to him. I also found that Annie Fenton White of Pleasant Grove did work in Manti temple in 1892 for Nottingham, Eng. Gills. I wrote to her.

I called at temple annex and inquired and learned that one David R. Gill now dead had done work for Gills from Wales in the Salt Lake temple. I called at Des. News bindery and saw Albert gill, a son of David R. Gill who said his mother has the Gill record, but at present is quarantined for Small pox at next door to 42 Jeremy St. Take Jordan St. Car.

In my search, discovered three names of my direct ancestry to do temple work for and I listed their names and left at the temple to be baptized for next Tuesday. My second Gt. Grandfather John Gill Longstroth and his wife Mrs. John Gill Longstroth and my 2nd Gt. grand mother Mrs John Gill.

I attended a missionary meeting at the temple annex [p. 13] and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing them I officiated alone and set apart the fol.

1. Wm A. Morrell of Fremont, Wayne Co. Utah to the Eastern States.

2. Eyrus S. Walters of Mill Creek to E. States

3. John Thornton of Blackfoot Ida to N.S.

4. Arthur M. Taylor of Payson to N. States

5. Erven E. Brundage of Mesa, Ariz. to S. States.

This has been a busy day with considerable accomplishment and satisfaction.

4 December 1912 • Wednesday


I wrote to Geo. Minns and to my son Joel both of England.

Wrote up my journal for yesterday. Attended the funeral services of Bp. David R. Lyons son Allen held in 20th Ward meeting house at 2 P.M. I was one of the speakers.

I attended Religion Class General Board meeting, meeting of the General Board of Y.M.M. and my circle meeting.

5 December 1912 • Thursday


Snow on the ground & cold. Attended regular weekly meeting of the Council of the Presidency & the Twelve from 10.30 A.M. to 2 P.M. in the temple.

Elder Hyrum M. Smith and I met with the Primary workers at their office in the Presiding Bishop’s office for about one hour considering matters of interest to the Primaries.

I attended to some business [p. 14] down town and came home at 4:15 P.M. Called on Dr. Stauffer. I wrote a letter to my daughter Nerva at Tooele. &.

I go to Tooele next Sunday with Pres Lyman and the Sunday following attend Ensign Stake Conference.

6 December 1912 • Friday


Snow on ground. All well except for colds.

I spent the forenoon home studying and writing in my commentary Took Estella & Ray up to Ediths & Mama and I went down town shopping. Returned home at 5.20 P.M. Left Mother & Lucena at Auerbaughs.

Continued my study from commentary re-writing some pages. Ray sick in night. Adm.

Rega Card called and asked Alices & my consent to marry Lucena in the future probably 18 months hence. We gave our consent.

7 December 1912 • Saturday


Weather pleasant. Folks well.

I spent the day at home, reading, writing &c. Retired early.

8 December 1912 • Sunday


Pleasant but freezes hard at night. All the folks well.

I left Salt Lake in com[p. 15]pany with Pres. F M Lyman for Tooele on 7.30 A.M. train.

Arriving at Tooele at 9.30 we met Pres. C. A. Orme, Counselor, C. R. McBride, stake clerk J. W. Tate, Bp. Edward Atkin & counselor John Gillam Also the Grantsville bishopric in the Stake Presidency’s office and deliberated upon the question of dividing the Tooele & Grantsville wards and decided that with the approval of the people such division should be made. We considered with the Stake Presidency officers for the new wards and found material abundant and made selections the same to be presented to the High Council & the First Presidency and at approaching stake conference be enstalled.

We attended public meeting at 2 P.M. after I had eaten a sumtuous dinner at my daughter Nerva’s and the action of our council to divide the ward was sustained with one dissent. vote—Pres. Lyman & I were the speakers. I occupied 32 mins, Sub. Tithing. Had splendid liberty may the Lord be praised. We returned home leaving Tooele about 4.15 and arriving at Salt Lake at 6.15 P.M.

Spent the evening at home and retired to. bed early. [p. 16]

9 December 1912 • Monday


All usually well.

I went down town and had draft of $35.00 sent to Joel through church office.

I left bonds & stock of Portland Cement Co. at bank to be exchanged for stocks in the newly organized company.

I wrote letters to Portland Cement Co., to Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston, Canada and to my son Joel.

Alice & I spent the evening at my son George’s home.

10 December 1912 • Tuesday


Snow remains on the ground.

Cold nights.

I spent the forenoon home reading & studying.

Attended a missionary meeting in the Annex of the temple at 2 P.M. and assisted in setting apart missionaries and instructing them. I presided at the meeting being the senior present.

I set apart the following.

1. Niels J. Anderson of Raymond, Canada to Great Britain.

2. Geo. A. Browning Jr. of Annis, Ida. to Swiss & German mission.

3. Elmer Earl Anscough of Cardston, Canada, to Great Britain’s.

4. Charles S. Clark of Oakley, Ida. to the Netherlands.

5. Alma Aaron Moses of Whitney, [p. 17] Idaho to Swis & German Mission

6. Geo. Finley Macdonald of Mesa, Ariz to Great Britain

7. Isaac M. Dana of Mesa, Ariz. to Southern States.

I attended the 27th Ward mutual meeting at night.

11 December 1912 • Wednesday


All usually well.

I assisted in setting apart a company of seven missionaries at the Presidency’s office in forenoon & instructed them. Br. A W Ivins assisted me. I blessed & set apart the following.

1. Earl Stanley Paul of Rexburg, Idaho to Samoa.

2. Estus Nathaniel Hammond Jr. of Logan to Australia.

3. Cryal A Watson, LaGrand Ore to Samoa.

4. Ivan Lee Tanner of Blackfoot Ida to Australia.

I wrote to Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston about land sale prospects.

By courtesy of Bro H. J. Grant, Alice & I attended the Salt Lake Theatre & sat in his box with A W Ivins & wife & Jas. E. Talmage & wife. The play was A Fascinating Widow & was good.

12 December 1912 • Thursday


All usually well. Weather moderating.

I attended a meeting of the Presidency & the Twelve in the temple from 10.30 to 3 P.M. including lunch & a wait at [p. 18] the commencement for the Presidency as we usually have to do.

Called at my son George’s office and returned home did some writing and studying.

My appointment for next Sunday is at Ensign Stake with Bp. C. W. Nibley and the week following at Hinckley, the New Deseret Stake with Pres C. H. Hart. Much work to do at Deseret Stake. Add a counselor to the Stake president, reorganize the Hinckley ward Bishopric, organize a branch at West Burtines & a ward at Abraham. &c.

I spent the evening at home reading.

13 December 1912 • Friday


All usually well. Mild weather.

Received a Christmas present from Elder Heber J. Grant of a small book “The Strength of Being Clean” by David Starr Jordan. I read the book through before it left my hands and then wrote a letter of acknowledgements to brother Grant.

I read to Mama while she sewed “The Kingship of Self Control” by James Wm Geo. Jordan. This is the second time I have read it.

In the evening Mama, Ruby and I attended the theatre in the Garrick the L.D.S U students presented: [“]The Rose of Plymouth”. All the members of the First Presidency were present.

I was impressed with the Hoodlum spirit of many of the Students. Beans [p. 19] were scattered from the balcony, Senior students removed their coats & vests & ate doenuts, pie &c and drank from bottles. Their yelling was disgusting.

The playing was fair.

14 December 1912 • Saturday


All usually well. Weather moderating.

I spent the entire day at home reading & writing & studying.

Read the seven lectures on faith in D&C &c.

I wrote to Joel and Nerva, my son & daughter.

15 December 1912 • Sunday


Snowed afternoon. All usually well.

I attended Ensign Stake Conference meeting held in 21st ward house and was one of the speakers. I occupied about 25 minutes. subject. Tithing. Attended 2 P.M. meeting in the Large Tabernacle and Bp. C W Nibley & I occupied the time. I took about 35 minutes on subject of Faith, necessity for faith & how obtained. &c.

In the evening I attended 27th ward meeting. Dr C. F. Wilcox & Pres. Knight of stake Presidency were there & spoke as home missionaries and by request of Bp. Maxwell I occupied a few moments. Subject. Satans success with individuals, his failure with the Church. My son Geo & wife took dinner & supper with us. [p. 20]

16 December 1912 • Monday


Stormy day.

Word came by phone yesterday from Fielding that Barton Ashcroft died yesterday morning and would be buried Tuesday.

Today we received a letter from my son Joel in England written Dec. 3d in which he says he had safely returned from a visit to Holland & Paris in France and expects to sail from England for home Jan 3rd.

I took the clock works out of the frame and oiled same.

I accompanied Mama down town. We went to Auerbach’s & made some purchases and I opened an account there for the first time.

17 December 1912 • Tuesday


All usually well. Snowing.

I left Salt Lake on 8 A.M. Ry train for Collinston, thence by team to Fielding, accompanied by my sisters Sarah E. & Asenath and at Farmington we were joined by my sister Minerva. We were met at Collinston by a brother Hardy & driven to Fielding. We found my sister Alice in bed ill. Nannie Ashcroft & family in mourning.

Attended the funeral services of Barton Ashcroft held in [p. 21] the Fielding ward meeting house & was one of the Speakers. Bp Clark & Pres. Milton Welling the other speakers. I went to the Cemetery, my brother Fred offered the dedication prayr.

Minerva & I returned on 7.35 oclock train arriving in Salt Lake at 10 P.M. She came on to Salt Lake with me. We made up a purse of $60.00 for Nannie. I gave $10.00.

18 December 1912 • Wednesday


Weather thawing. All folks well.

I wrote my son Joel the last letter while he is in England as he will barely receive this letter when he will leave for home on Jan 3rd.

I went downtown in the forenoon; called at Dr. Stauffer & had the electric battery applied to my eyes as I do once or twice a week. I called at Pres. Office & got Evan Richards record from Morgan of temple work done for Richards. It had been left there by Chas. Heiner from Morgan. I examined the record and could not identify any of the names as being of our stock & returned the record in the afternoon to Bro. John Nebecker at Pres Bp’s Office who said he would return same to his neighbor Chas Heiner. Bought 9 electric globes. Attended to some business at [p. 22] two banks.

In afternoon I attended the meeting of the Y.M.M.I. Bd. and my circle in the evening. Later on invitation of my Son George Alice & I accompanied him & Edith to the Empress show. This is the 10th anniversary of their marriage day.

19 December 1912 • Thursday


All well.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the Temple from 10:30 to about 3 P.M. Did some shopping and in the evening Mama and I attended a birthday celebration of John A. West at the home of D. F. Riggs 1056 3rd Ave, 82nd anniversary. Pres. Smith & two of his wives were present and a Hawaii lunch was served on trays . John A. West married my wife’s aunt Mary Jane.

20 December 1912 • Friday


Weather cold. Folks usually well.

I spent the day until 4.15 P.M. home. Reading the life of Christ as given by St. Luke, I read B. H. Roberts’ answer to Bp. Spaulding on the Book of Abraham &c.

Took S.P. train at 4:50 for Lemington, in company with Elder H. J. Grant. Arrived in Lemington at 11 P.M. an hour late. We were met at the train by Bp. Ashley who [p. 23] took us to his home our staying place while there .

21 December 1912 • Saturday


Dry ground & very cold.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting and was one of the Speakers. I occupied about 25 minutes on the subject of religious activities. At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied 30 minutes on the Subject of tithing.

At 7.30 H. Priests meeting the public invited I spoke about 25 minutes on Priesthood gradation & shaperonage

22 December 1912 • Sunday


Very cold.

Attended 10 A.M. Con. meeting and occupied about 30 minutes on the subject of Gifts & Xmas. The Father’s gift & the Sons Gift, Love the incentive. We should love them in return and show it by keeping the commandments & loving others. Gifts should be but the tokens, the heart going out with the Gift. Recited “Aubo Ben Adhem” & Abram & Zimri story.

At 2 P.M. meeting I occupied about 30 minutes subject, Evidences of the divine mission of Jos. Smith. Read testimonies of the three & the Eight witnesses. and some extracts on Oliver & Davids lives. and recited Joseph’s first prayr & answer. At 4 P.M. We set apart officers. I ordained Wm S. Taylor an High Priest & set him apart second coun[p. 24]selor to Bp. Chas E. Hogan of Abraham ward. I set apart Bp Wm F. Pratt of Hinckley ward second counselor to Pres. Hinckley of the Stake Presidency.

At 7.30 Mutual meeting I occupied about 30 minutes on Gospel One only & evidences of same.

23 December 1912 • Monday


Very cold. We arose at 4.30 o’clock and waited for 5.05 train until 7 A.M. Arrived in Salt Lake 430 P.M. six & one half hours late. During the day I read the first fifty sections of Doctrine & Covenants.

This is the 107th anniversary of the birth of the Prophet Joseph Smith.

24 December 1912 • Tuesday


Weather moderated All usually well.

I spent several hours down town shopping for Christmas, and the remainder of the day making preparations at home.

My daughter Nerva, husband and children came in from Tooele to spend Christmas with us. Geo. F. & Edith came down in the evening and staid over night. We had a tree nicely ornamented and many gifts & presents.

25 December 1912 • Wednesday


Christmas. All well.

We retired at about 1 A.M. and arose soon after 5 A.M. LeGrand [p. 25] Ina & children came down early and took breakfast with us and with us enjoyed the presents. Later they went down to Ashtons & did not return to Supper;

Dr Bird & family came in and spent the evening. The Droubay girls also Rega Card & Bro. Price spent a part of the evening here.

We had a pleasant day and evening. Mama, Nerva & I called on my Sister Asenath in the evening.

26 December 1912 • Thursday


All usually well.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10.30 to 1 P.M. and then with others of the brethren walked up to Capitol hill and saw the ground broken for the new Capitol building. Walked back down to my son George’s office, then to Dr Stauffer’s office and received electrical treatment to my eyes & walked home.

I wrote a letter to Nannie Ashcroft, my niece, answering questions about temple work. Wrote to my son Joel at Liverpool. He is detained there until the 9th of Jan.

We had to Supper and to Spend the evening my sons Geo. & LeGrand & their families & Nerva & Geo. L. & children. An enjoyable evening. [p. 26]

27 December 1912 • Friday


All usually well.

Nerva, Geo & family went home. I accompanied them to the Station. Alice and I accepted invitation of Elder H. J. Grant to go to the Salt Lake theatre and sit in his box. “The Littlest Rebel.” It was excellent.

28 December 1912 • Saturday


All usually well.

Alice, the baby and I went out to Tooele on the 7:30 A.M. train. Estella went out the day before with Nerva & Geo. Elder Whitney O. F. also aboard. We went to attend the Tooele Stake conference.

The population of the Stake was a year ago 3842. There is some increase now. The attendance at the meetings was, 10 A.M. Sat. 106; 2 P.M. Sat. 137. At forenoon meeting the speakers were; Pres C. A. Orme, Jas. Martin returned missionary, myself and Elder O. F. Whitney. I occupied 25 minutes with deliberation and good liberty. Effect of organization and of habit, Faith & works &c.

At 2 P.M. meeting the Speakers were Pres. A. J. Stookey and Elder O. F. Whitney. I took dinner and supper at Estella Lees with my wife & daughter Nerva.

Attended a religion class meeting in the evening, the public invited & I occupied 20 minutes on R. Class work, good liberty.

Stayed over night at my daughter [p. 27] Nervas. Elder Whitney returned to Salt Lake on 4.30 train.

29 December 1912 • Sunday


All well.

Pres. F. M. Lyman came out on morning train and attended the conference. Attendance 10 A.M. 411 children present 2 P.M. 320. At forenoon meeting in meeting house the speakers were Pres F. M. Lyman and S.S.S.S. Bro Black. Sacrament administered and authorities sustained.

Between meetings the following business was transacted. Bp Edward M. Atkin was set apart to preside over the Tooele South ward by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

Peter M. Clegg was set apart First Counselor by myself.

Matthew Speirs was ordained a High Priest and set apart second Counselor by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

Joseph C. Orme was ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over the Tooele North Ward by myself. John J. Gillett was set apart First Counselor to Bp Orme by myself. Alfred L. Hanks was ordained a High Priest and set apart second counselor to Bp J. C.Orme by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

John C. Bryan was ordained a Bishop and set apart to preside over the Batesville ward by myself. Lawrence Thompson Ladell was set apart First Counselor to Bp Bryan by [p. 28] myself.

Wm Henry Cochrane was set apart Second Counselor to Bp Bryan by myself.

Alvin Asa Walters was set apart a High Counselor by Pres. F. M. Lyman.

I administered to Sister Wm Cassity at their home, Pres. C. A. Orme anointed.

At 2 P.M. meeting I was the first speaker and occupied 60 minutes with good liberty and satisfaction on the Subject of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the divine authenticity of the B. of Mormon. Pres Lyman followed me for about 45 minutes. At close of meeting Pres Lyman, my family & I took train for home arriving home about 7 P.M Later called on Pres Lyman at his request.

30 December 1912 • Monday


All fairly well. Snowed some this early morning.

I spent the forenoon at home reading & writing. Made deposit at bank and issued checks to pay bills rendered the first of the month. Attended to several important items of business down town and called on Dr Stauffer & had the electricity applied to my eyes. Paid the bishop $75.00 in settlement of my tithing of 1912. Called & saw Edith & Ina & children. [p. 29] I bought a set of dishes 46 pcs of Des. News Co. for $3.00 with payment of 11 mo. Subscription.

31 December 1912 • Tuesday


All usually well. Snowed in afternoon and at night.

I attended Quarterly meeting of the Twelve in the temple from 10 A.M. until 5 P.M. including a lunch served in the temple. Each one present spoke. There were nine members present. The absentees were Rudger Clawson, Reed Smoot & Geo. Albert Smith. Good fellowship exists in the council.

Alice and I accepted invitation of Bro. Grant to see “Red Rose” at the Salt Lake Theatre tonight.

Returning from theatre, Alice & I went directly to our son LeGrand’s and found that Ina had just given birth to a fine baby girl at about 11:25 P.M. We did not remain there long. They had a trained nurse & the Doctor, Isgren to assist them. We saw the old year out and the new year in.

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December 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025