June 1884

1 June 1884 • Sunday

Sunday at Bear River Flat. (Plymouth) Cleaned up my house & self and went to meeting, preached, wrote home.

2 June 1884 • Monday

Put my plow together, and plowed in the afternoon with one team.

3 June 1884 • Tuesday

Plymoth Started plowing with 3 animals, wrote home.

4 June 1884 • Wednesday

Plymoth plowed all day.

5 June 1884 • Thursday

" " " "1

6 June 1884 • Friday

" " " ",2 Steve came over from Mendon and returned in the P.M.

7 June 1884 • Saturday

Plymoth Plowed till about 2 P.M. and went over to Mendon with Herbert S. rained in afternoon.

8 June 1884 • Sunday

Mendon visited folks in Town.

9 June 1884 • Monday

Plymoth Returned from Mendon about noon and plowed in the P.M. Rec’d victuals from F’n. [Farmington] by Myron J. R.

10 June 1884 • Tuesday

Plymoth wrote home & plowed all day.

11 June 1884 • Wednesday

Plymoth Rained in A.M. Plowed in P.M. and rec’d a letter from home also wrote one home

12 June 1884 • Thursday

Plymoth Plowed all day. rained in night

13 June 1884 • Friday

" " " "3

14 June 1884 • Saturday

"4 Went over to baptismal & thence to Mend[on] [p. 73]

15 June 1884 • Sunday

Plymoth (Mendon) Drove from Mendon to Plymoth and attended meeting.

16 June 1884 • Monday

Plymoth Plowed all day & Bo’t grain of J. Peart.

17 June 1884 • Tuesday

" " " "5 with 4 horses

18 June 1884 • Wednesday

" " " " " " "6

19 June 1884 • Thursday

" " " " " " "7

20 June 1884 • Friday

" " " " " " "8 Rec’d provisions

21 June 1884 • Saturday

" " " " " " "9

22–23 June 1884 • Sunday-Monday

"10 Got B. F’s Gray mare up & polticed her shoulders, went over to Mendon. 23d Returned from Mendon with Steve and assisted him to get his mare out of pasture.

24 June 1884 • Tuesday

Plymo<u>th Plowed all day with one team and walking plow.

25 June 1884 • Wednesday

Plymouth Plowed with walking plow.

26 June 1884 • Thursday

"11 Repaired my harrow and harrowed 5 acres.

27 June 1884 • Friday

Left Bear River for Fn. [Farmington] via. Hampton bridge. Camped for night at the cold springs (point mt.) was sick in eve.

28 June 1884 • Saturday

Arrived at Farmington. OK.

29 June 1884 • Sunday

Attended Conference of the Young People in Farmington <also Seventies meeting.> Meeting-house

30 June 1884 • Monday

Unloaded my wagon rested.

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June 1884, George F. Richards, accessed February 10, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1880s/1884/1884-06


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “Plymoth plowed all day”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Plymoth plowed all day”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day”; arrow pointing to “rained in night” on the previous line.

  4. [4]Ditto mark for “Plymoth”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day with 4 horses”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day with 4 horses”.

  8. [8]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day with 4 horses”.

  9. [9]Ditto marks for “Plymoth Plowed all day with 4 horses”.

  10. [10]Ditto mark for “Plymoth”.

  11. [11]Ditto marks for “Plymouth”.