February 1905

41 February 1905 • Saturday

I went to Grantsville with my reg. attended Stake Priesthood meeting. <at Tooele.>

52 February 1905 • Sunday

Fast Day Attended meeting at home also school. Since Prest Gowans has been acting as chaplain at the Legislature Senate we have been holding our meetings of the Presidency Sat evenings.

12 February 1905 • Sunday

Attended School & meetings at Tooele Heavy Snow storm Saturday and very cold at night and for several days & nights.

During January & February We built on to our Implement store an addition same size 24 x 30 also made new office furnished same &c. Remodeled inside of Implement House and painted office & addition outside. Got in good stock of Finish lumber Casings Bore Doors Windows Porch posts mouldings &c.

19 February 1905 • Sunday

Attended a Stake Union meeting at Tooele also S. S. & with Alice & the two youngest Children went to Salt Lake by train. Staid at Aunt Asenaths over night

20 February 1905 • Monday

From Seneys Alice went down to Aunt Lous and towards evening we went up to Farmington. Staid at Aunt Nerva’s Attended theatre Home Troop. Good.

21 February 1905 • Tuesday

We returned to City I in forenoon & Alice in afternoon Staid at Aunt Seneys

22 February 1905 • Wednesday

We returned home. That night I was quite sick of a cold.

23 February 1905 • Thursday

My birth day. Geo & Edith & Nerva & G. L. took dinner with us and staid the evening. Joel came out on his wheel from S.L.C. on 22nd and staid until Sund. 26th

24 February 1905 • Friday

Attended to business as usual. [p. 172]

25 February 1905 • Saturday

Attended to business in forenoon. In afternoon I bathed and went to bed sick of a cold. Got up about 6 P.M. and attended a meeting of the Stake Presidency held in my office at 7 P.M. After which I went to bed very sick with nauciated stomach and severe headache. Two pink pills for pains seemed to be effictive in relieving me of headache and a mustard poultice and drink of lemon of the naucia and with the help and blessing of the Lord I got a pretty good nights rest.

26 February 1905 • Sunday

I remained in all day, read considerable and nursed myself. Fasted & sent offerings to meeting.

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February 1905, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1905/1905-02


  1. [1]Richards originally wrote “Feb. 7” before writing “4” over the “7”.

  2. [2]Richards originally wrote “Feb. 8” before writing “5” over the “8”.