August 1899

1 August 1899 • Tuesday

" " " " " " " "1 <finished> In the evening <Mond> I on Roan horse went down to Nels Johnsons & arranged at his wish to cut his wheat next week, Arranged with threshers to thrash for me Wed. and with Geo Remington to board the threshers at 25¢ per meal store pay.

2 August 1899 • Wednesday

Threshed 613½ bu. wht. today. Aunt Annie came.

3 August 1899 • Thursday

Continued threshing one stack only left at night <Rained in evening>

4 August 1899 • Friday

Finished threshing cleaned up about granary &c. Made & put up trough to eves of stable & to pig pen & took Alice & Aunt Annie for a ride. Legrand & Joel cleaned off cemetery.


5 August 1899 • Saturday

County Celebration to Garfield. I remained home. Geo., Nerva, Legrand & Joel went to Lake. I did some work fixing up accounts, &c. Wrote to Grandma & to Auditor about brands.


6 August 1899 • Sunday

Attended School & meeting offered the benediction at meeting. No Circle on account of room not prepaired. All well. [p. 325]

7 August 1899 • Monday

Rained hard during last night.

Tooele I worked nearly all day on header at home repairing same. The boys helped wash and worked in the garden. Took Alice for a ride in the evening.

8 August 1899 • Tuesday

Geo. & Joel headed grain for Nels Johnson Legrand commenced harrowing on bench. I helped get them off and on horseback visited both. Assisted Geo in regulating header. Attended to Sund. business. Nels Johnson’s team ran away with header box & I helped repair breaks.

<Was awarded the Contract to furnish the lumber for Creamery.>4

9 August 1899 • Wednesday

Lucenas Birth day 6 yr old. Alice not well. I repaired barrel, took team <Cows> to field horseback and repaired fence. Went down to Johnsons where the boys finished cutting 25 A grain at noon. We took boxes over to the field & took them off. Housed the machine with boxes &c.

10 August 1899 • Thursday

Nerva’s birth day. Alice not at all well. I sent by phone to Sister Maryetta Welling to meet us at Garfield in after noon. Geo went to Garfield & met her. I made two boxes with tills for nails, staples &c. Wrote to U. L. Co & cleaned out tool chest & straightened up at granary. We slept downstairs. Made Ice Cream.

11 August 1899 • Friday

I employed Mr Campbel to assist George [p. 326] in pulling sages, bought a grub hoe 75¢ & put a handle in it. They went to work on west farm Legrand & Joel went on bench to plow with two 3 horse teams & two attachments to O’chills I wrote to Parker Lum. Co & U. Lum. Co. for quotations on lumber by carload lots terms Cash. Wrote up journal &c.

12 August 1899 • Saturday

I worked in garden in forenoon, Alice commenced to have pain about 2:30 P.M. Sent for the Doctor Phipps about 7 P M and at 8:40 was born to us a little girl. I administered to Alice before hand.

13 August 1899 • Sunday

Alice got some rest during the night and during the day. I admininisted to her in the morning. In the evening Alice was taken suddenly sick, faint with swollen tongue & feeling of enlargement all over & in all her limbs. I administered to her twice while Nerva went for the elders Prest Gowans & C R McBride came & we administerd to her three times. She had relief & good results but all night she was very poorly & had but little rest. I administered to her several times through the night & in the morning Monday. The baby seems well. I wrote to the folks 8 letters in all. Sister Maryetta Welling was with us since the 10th Dr Jos. S. Richards called on us he having been out to [p. 327] operate on J. C. DeLaMare.

14 August 1899 • Monday

Weather quite cool at night.

Tooele Alice improved as the day advanced and at night slept and rested well. I did some choring about during the day. wrote letters &c. Sent 3 names of dead to Nerva to work for. The boys Joel & Legrand plowed on the bench and George & Mr Campbell pulled & burned sages on west field. Wind blew hard in forenoon.

15 August 1899 • Tuesday

Weather pleasant.

Home I had seven work horses shoed 4 with new shoes. One plow was at work all day on bench. Geo & Mr. Camp. continued work on west farm. Alice continues to improve. Had a good nights’ rest. I sold lumber & made some repairs &c.

<Helped Jos Tate put arm & centre pole in derrick.>5

16 August 1899 • Wednesday

Some wind.

Home I prepared for piling more lumber, weeded garden, wrote cards to Mother & Nerva &c.

<Alice Continues to get along pritty well. others well.>6

17 August 1899 • Thursday

I received by local freight from U. L. Co. 1204 ft lum & also two cars of lumber and with one team in forenoon and two in afternoon hauled lumber. Weather cloudy.

18 August 1899 • Friday

Alice continues to get on nicely

I continued lumber hauling & unloaded [p. 328] the cars. Hauled lumber to Bro Lyman’s grove for Volunteer’s Reception Committee.

19 August 1899 • Saturday

Folks well.

I unloaded two loads of lumber, covered lumber with sheeting, hauled lumber to grove, &c. Put two boxes on wagons. Leg. Assisted me. He got 35 bu. wht from Nels Johnsons for cutting & took to mill 21 bu. for Campbell for labor pulling sages.

Geo went to City to attend Reception of Volunteers. Joel plowed on bench. In afternoon I attended funeral services of the husband of Miss Nordquist & offered the opening prayr. H B Haynes & Wm Cassity speakers.

20 August 1899 • Sunday

Windy weather.

Home I accompanied Prest. Gowans to Clover where we attended school and meeting & each of us spoke at both. In meeting I occupied 40 Min on consistency. I also offered the benediction. Took dinner at F. J. St Jeor’s & lunch with sister Burridge. Arrived home about 7 P.M. and at 8:45 I blessed our baby without giving her a name.

21 August 1899 • Monday

Home Weather windy & in afternoon very cold. This day the Volunteers returned home and a grand reception was given them. A [p. 329] game of ball was played between Tooele & Grantsville with a victory to the former. I went up in the canyon with Peter & Matthias Nelson to McCuistions field to See about the water and Spoke to McCuistion later about it. Bp Shields & wife took dinner with us. Alice getting on nicely. I attended exercises & witnessed ball game

22 August 1899 • Tuesday

Weather Cool.

Home I bought a horse of Wm Caldwell for 1500 lbs barley. Went to Salt Lake with J. B. Gordon via Garfield & bought a Dist drill. Joel plowed on bench & Geo & Legrand hauled lumber home from Bro Lyman’s grove.

23–24 August 1899 • Wednesday–Thursday

Alice continued to get on nicely.

I started George to drilling wheat on lucern stubbles with old drill, Joel plowing on bench & Legrand & I went down to west farm & burned sages. Car of Lumber came for Creamery. With help of the boys and two 4 horse teams we hauled about 12000 ft. lumber.

25 August 1899 • Friday7

Geo continued drilling, Joel plowing Legrand & I finished hauling lumber from Station to Creamery & I went with McBride and checked up car of lumber.

26 August 1899 • Saturday8

I went to Station & got lumber for Creamery came by local freight. Put up drill Went on bench & harrowed with 3 horses. [p. 330]

27 August 1899 • Sunday

Weather windy. Alice usually well.

Home I went to Grantsville where I attended the annual conference of the Sunday schools of the Tooele Stake. Took dinner with Bro. C. L. Anderson. I drove Prest. Gowan’s team down & took his wife he being down there & I rode back with Geo & Nerva & others with my team.

28 August 1899 • Monday

Geo. finished drilling wheat on lucern ground in forenoon and in afternoon took sister Welling to Garfield on her way home. Joel plowed on bench & finished up at night 6:45 P.M. I finished putting drill together and went on bench & harrowed to a finish at 6:45 P.M. Bathed & did some writing in the evening. Weather threatening storm. some sprinkle & rainbow about 4 P.M. Took drill up on bench with me and am ready to commence drilling tomorrow. Sold lumber to sundry persons. Folks usually well.

29 August 1899 • Tuesday

Weather clowdy rained a little.

Home Irrigated garden. Geo & Joel took plows to West field & Geo plowed & Joel leveled. I commenced to drill but had to give it up the drill clogged up with clods. I went home & during the day succeeded in disposing of the drill to C. Pocock. Went over to Lake View to see Walter Adamson about getting my drill.

309 August 1899 • Wednesday

Geo & I went up on bench early & got press wheels off drill and took down to kirk [p. 331] and paid him for taking them to City and changing them for chains. I repaired buggy top and at 10:30 A.M. left here by team for Salt Lake via Garfield. Went in on 1 P.M. train and after calling at Co-op Wagon and Consolidated Cos. Bought a Leader Drill pin hoe 12 hoes for $59.50 on 60 days time. Made a few purchases, called on U. Lum. Co. & paid them $30.00 on acct. lumber. Came out on 6:45 P.M. train & arrived home at 10:15 P.M.

31 August 1899 • Thursday

Weather warm.

Home I went to station and got drill & set it up. Delivered 744 ft. lumber to Creamery & some to Court Hous[e]. Folks well. Mama getting on nicely.

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August 1899, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto marks for “We cut grain with header for J.W. Tate all day.”

  2. [2]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 4 August entry.

  3. [3]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 5 August entry.

  4. [4]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 8 August entry.

  5. [5]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 15 August entry.

  6. [6]This insertion was written vertically in the left margin next to the 16 August entry.

  7. [7]Richards originally wrote “Thu. Aug. 23” before crossing out the “Thu.”, writing “Fri.” above it, and writing “5” over the “3”.

  8. [8]Richards originally wrote “Fri. Aug. 23d” before crossing out the “Fri.”, writing “Sat.” above it, and writing “6” over the “3”.

  9. [9]Richards originally wrote “31st” before writing “0” over the “1”.