November 1909

1 November 1909 • Monday


My brother Fred. who staid last night at my Sister Asenath’s called before I was up to see us and left at 9 A.M. Alice and I spent an hour or two at Grandma’s. I accompanied my Sister Alice Ann down town to the Dentist’s (My Son’s). and back. Spent remainder of the day at home writing, reading and studying.

Alice’s Sister Anna Steed called & staid the night with us.

2 November 1909 • Tuesday


I poled my vote for the Democratic-citizen’s ticket straight; Called on my Mother in the morning and again in the evening and administered to her in the evening.

I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where thirty missionaries were set apart in three companies. I set apart the following:

1 Ruport Best of Wilford, to North western States

2 Ralph Peter Andersen of Teton to Western States

3 Robert Lee Ison of Thatcher Ariz. to Southern "1

4 Orris Jerman of Eureka to " "2

5 Albert Walter Crosby of Eagar Ariz. to N W. "3 [p. 222]

I also took part in instructing the missionaries. I spent remaining time at home reading and writing.

Wrote to Pres. Welling of Fielding suggesing the name of Joseph H. Stokes of Bothwell for a mission. His name was suggested to me by Elder Harris of same ward whom I met in San Francisco. Also wrote to my Son LeGrand.

3 November 1909 • Wednesday


I bathed and attended regular Council meeting from 10 to 2 o’clock.

Received appointment with Elder A. W. Ivins to attend the Teton Stake Conference next Saturday & Sunday.

Attended religious Class board meeting at 4 P.M. and Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M.

Called twice during the day to see my mother.

The election of yesterday resulted in the <election of the> entire American ticket excepting the two councilmen from First ward.

I attended my Circle meeting in the evening, 16 present.

4 November 1909 • Thursday


Ruby has sore throat others usually well.

I left Salt Lake in company with Elder A. W. Ivins for Teton Stake on O.S.L. 8 A.M. train. We reached Sugar City about 6 P.M. went to Fremont Hotel where we staid all night. We got into communication with Bro Mark Austin by phone & he cane [came] & took us through the [p. 223] sugar mill while it was in operation.

5 November 1909 • Friday

Sugar City, Ida.

Bro. Mark Austin paid Elder Ivins, & my bills at hotel and furnished us a team which we drove to the Teton river 29 miles between 9 A.M. and 1:10 P.M. We took dinner at a Mr West’s and were met by Pres Don C. Driggs who took us to Driggs 13 mi.

After Supper we held a meeting with the Stake Presidency of about two & one-half hours duration where Prests’ Killpack & Youngs circumsta[n]ces were considered. The president having written Pres Jos. F. Smith that they were not in harmony with the people because of certain business transactions where in the people think they have not acted honorable.

A good spirit prevailed and the brethren expressed the desire to be as clay in the hands of the potter and asserted their intention to meet all obligations and evince more energy in their religious work.

6 November 1909 • Saturday

Drigg’s, Idaho.

Attended 10 A.M. conference and occupied 30 minutes, subject. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor & Repentance.

At 12:20 met the priesthood 38 in number & I presented the matter of the complaints against the Stake Presidency or the Counselors and [p. 224] asked the brethren to express their feelings as to how they feel towards the present presidency by each writing upon a slip of paper the names of those whom they want and can sustain as the Presidency of this stake. There were 37 papers handed in. Pres. Driggs names appeared 37 times, Bro Killpacks 28 times & Bro. Youngs 25 times Bro. F. N. Morgan 8 times and several others 3 or less times. We conclude the people will sustain the present presidency. The results not made public.

At 2 P.M. Conference meeting Elder Ivins & I each spoke. Both spoke in forenoon meeting.

I occupied 45 minutes. Subject. By grace are ye saved &c. An exposition of the First principles. This Gospel is the provision made by the Lord for our salvation but we must have a living faith such as will cause us to obey and live the Gospel law.

After meeting we met with the Stake Presidency & Bro. Homer who had been selected to be the Bp. of Darby ward the former Bp. having moved away. He reluctantly accept<ed> the appointment. We decided upon one counselor for him and decided to leave the other open for the present as a missionary expected [p. 225] home in the spring is thought of for the place.

At 7 P.M. we met with the Stake Presidency and after a three hour’s conference reached the point where they could all fellowship each other and sustain each other and all agreed that they would put forth more effort than ever before to make successful their administrations.

[end of twelfth volume]

7 November 1909 • Sunday4

Geo. F. Richards

1010. 3rd Ave.

Salt Lake City

Utah.5 [p. [0]]

Price $1.20 at Z.C.M.I.

Book XIII.

From Nov. 7, 1909


Sept. 20, 1910. [p. [0]]

Driggs, Idaho.

Fasted until 5 P.M.

Attended 10 A.M. conference meeting. Sacrament was administered and with Elder A. W. Ivins and others I spoke and occupied 30 minutes.

At close of the meeting I conferred with brethren chosen for the bishopric of Darby ward and attended a meeting of the 144th quorum of Seventy and addressed them.

Attended 2 P.M. Conference meeting and presented the buisness of the Darby ward to members of that ward seated by them selves. Willard G. Homer was sustained as bishop and Charles B. Valentine his first Counselor.

I made a statement of conditions as we had found them in this stake and what we had done towards bringing about a better condition and then presented the general authorities in a group and presented the members of the Stake presidency separately after which president Driggs presented the remainder of the Authorities. The members of the presidency then each spoke commencing with president Driggs then president Killpack and then president Geo. S. Young. These all admitted things had been going at loose ends and declared their intention to devote themselves more to the people’s interests and the interests of the Stake professing affection for each other and for the people. At conclusion there were many [p. 1] tear stained eyes and much hand shaking with the members of the presidency and some grievances settled We set apart the Darby ward officers as follows; I set apart brother William B. Homer to preside as bishop he having been previously ordained a bishop and presided over Hayden ward and Elder Ivins ordained Chas. B. Valentine an High Priest and set him apart first counselor.

We broke fast at 5 P.M. at Bp. Drigg’s all the Stake presidency and their wives being present.

Attended Conjoint mutual where I occupied 50 minutes. Subject, Apostasy as an evidence that Joseph Smith did receive the vision of the Father & Son as he has declared. Reports were made and Elder Ivins also spoke about 25 minutes.

After meeting we set apart the Stake Reliefsociety officers effecting a new organization or re-organization the former president having moved away. We also set apart some stake Y.L.M.I.A. officers. I was mouth in setting apart Sister Susie M. Wilson as Stake president of the reliefsocieties, Effie M. Rigby stake chorister of reliefsocieties and Marion H Price stake Aid in Y.L.M.I.A. The Stake presidency assisted us. ten or twelve in all were set apart. After meeting Bro. Norman of Driggs ward bishopric with president Killpack’s team drove us down to the river at Wests where we had left [p. 2] our team (Bro. Mark Austin’s) thirteen miles where we staid all night.

This conference has been most gratifying to the people in attendance, to the Stake Presidency and to Elder Ivins and myself because of the settlement of the difficulties and inauguration of the work anew.

8 November 1909 • Monday

Wests ranch. Teton Valley

Elder Ivins and I with Mark Austin’s team left the ranch for Sugar City 29 miles at 5:40 A.M. I at the lines and we reached Sugar at 9:40 A.M. Took train at Sugar at 10:25 A.M. Had (3:20) three hours, 20 min. wait at Pocatello and arrived in Salt Lake at 11 P.M. While in Pocatello we walked the streets for about 1½ hours taking in the town. My health is good and I have in my soul exceeding peace and may the Lord be praised for ever for all his mercies.

Folks at home better than when I left.

9 November 1909 • Tuesday


I wrote up my journal for past two days, answered a letter of 7th inst. from my brother Fred. and signed with him a note of $300.00 favor Davis Co. Bank with which in part to release another note bearing my indorsement for $600.00

I attended a missionary meeting at the annex of temple where thirty-one missionaries were set apart. They were divided into three companies and Pres. Lyman and I officiated together. I blessed and set apart the following; [p. 3]

1 Thos. U. Brunker of Willard Utah to Central States

2 Joseph Samuel Cooper of Carey Ida. to West. "6

3 Cecil Alonzo Call, Rigby, to Southern States

4 Romulus De La Mare, Tooele, to Mexico.

5 Walter Wm. Steed <Jr.> of Syracuse, Ut. to California

I also instructed the missionaries along lines about as follows; Why so much stress placed by us upon the subject and necessity for cleanliness & virtue. The success or failure depends so much upon it. Lost virtue means failure every time. It is the Lord’s work you are going to engage in. You enter into partnership with Him. The means by which He aids you is the Holy Spirit. This spirit will not dwell in unholy tabernacles. You can not receive His assistance if unclean or unvirtuous hence failure, shame and dishonor are the inevitable result. The office of the Holy Spirit is diversified as are the demands or your necessities. Its promptings means conviction. When a question arises ask the Lord which way and study it out and conviction will come. That is inspiration and the spirit of prophesy. You are a partner with the Lord in that you help to make efficacious his Atonement by presenting to men the plan by which they may avail themselves of the benefits of His Atonement. Until they receive the Law or hear it they are not capable of condemnation by the Law or salvation by the Law. But when the law is come to them they are judged and either justified or condemned. Hence your [p. 4] testimony faithfully born becomes a savor of life unto life or of death unto death according as you they obey or reject the Same. 1 Nephi: 14:7; D&C 20:13–16

I called and saw my mother also called at my son’s office and saw him. Spent the evening at home reading, studying and writing.

10 November 1909 • Wednesday


I attended my weekly council meeting in the temple from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M. Received an appointment to the Uintah Stake Conference to be held at Vernal next Saturday and Sunday. I was to accompany Elder Hyrum M. Smith but he was later excused on account of next Saturday being Pres. Jos. F. Smith’s birth day and a family reception to be held at which his presence was desired. I made my arrangements to leave and left home on R.G.W. Ry. train No 4 at 7:10 P.M. I quit the train at Mack Col. at 5:15 A.M. Thursday.

Before leaving home I made checks to pay taxes and land payments amounting to about $160.00 and left for mailing. Stormy night.

11 November 1909 • Thursday

Mack, Col.

Arrived at 5:15 A.M., took a room and went to bed and finished my night’s rest. I had a wait until 12:45 so wrote a letter home to Sister Richards.

I wrote to Pres. Francis M. Lyman the subject of a conversation had with Pres Jos. R. Murdock last evening [p. 5] while on train between Salt Lake and Provo relative to a case of supposed plural marriage.

I wrote Pres. Jos. E. Robinson of the California Mission.

I left Mack at 12:45 P.M. for Dragon and arrived there at 4:30 P.M. and put up at the Ry. hotel.

On the cars I met an aged lady, Sis. Ashby who is on her way to Vernal to visit her people. She entertained me much of the way from Mack to Dragon She is a great talker.

My health is good, my spirits also.

The weather is pleasant and I am in good quarters. A 60 mile ride is before me by stage for tomorrow.

12 November 1909 • Friday

Dragon, Utah.

Ground covered with snow and still snowing. I left Dragon on stage for Vernal 60 miles at 7 A.M. and reached Vernal at 6:30 P.M. It was a cold day but I had two over coats and did not suffer much. There were four men and a young woman on the Stage besides the driver. I loaned the young lady my gloves and my scarf. She seemed to be poorly dressed for such a trip.

I went direct to Pres. Wm H. Smart’s where I found comfortable quarters for the night. I administered to a sick baby in the home of Don B. Colton. Attended a meeting of the Stake presidency at which it was decided to postpone the conference on account of the small pox which disease had made its appearance last [p. 6] week and there <are> now reported eight families at Naples, joining Vernal ward, in quarantine and in one home nine persons afflicted. One woman has it in a Confluent form and is very bad. At Vernal one case reported. The people have been mingling together and there is no telling where it will next make its appearance. This decision having been reached I decided to return home leaving Vernal next morning.

No snow at Vernal nor the last 25 or 30 miles of our travel this day.

13 November 1909 • Saturday

Vernal, Utah.

I left Vernal on stage at 7 A.M. and reached Dragon at 7 P.M. A cold day but being well wrapped I did not suffer. There were on the stage besides the driver, a Mrs. Caldwell, a Mr Slade of Southern Texas and his friend a Mr. Carter of 666 Third Ave. Salt Lake, Utah. and myself. Weather quite cold.

I met at the nooning place Pres. Wm H. Smart’s brother of Logan and Bro. Webster formerly of Fremont Stake Presidency. The latter paid for my dinner. I staid at the Uintah Ry Co. Hotel at Dragon.

14 November 1909 • Sunday

Dragon, Utah.

I left Dragon on Uintah Ry train at 7:30 A.M. and arrived in Mack at 11:40, late by 40 minutes. Took train for Salt Lake at 11:55 AM. and arrived in Salt Lake at 10:45 P.M. Cold night in Salt Lake. I found my folks usually well at home. My mother somewhat improved. [p. 7]

15 November 1909 • Monday


Weather pleasant. My health good. My weight 191 lbs.

I spent the forenoon home. Cleand up and wrote up my journal and did other work.

Geo. F. Jr. took dinner with us and he cut my hair.

I went down town in afternoon and was vaccinated by Dr. Stephen.

I spent an hour with my mother now able to sit up.

Received word that Aunt Alice Watt is very sick of Colerymorbus [cholera morbus] at her home in Kays Creek ward.

16 November 1909 • Tuesday


I spent the forenoon at home reading, writing &c. Called on my mother between 12:30 & 6:30. Attended a missionary meeting at the Annex to temple where about 27 missionaries were set apart.

Pres. Lyman and Rulon S. Wells had a company, Elder Heber J. Grant and Pres S. B. Yound [Young] had a company, and I had a company of mine whom I unassisted by others set apart. they are;

1 Robert C. Graham of Eden, Utah to Central States

2 Richard M. Haddock, S.L.C. to Eastern "7

3 Lamoni C. Holbrook, Bountiful to N.W. "

4 James C. Jensen of Fountain Green to N. "

5 Seth Ira Johnson of Lovell, Wyo. to Southern States

6 Samuel Lee Knight of Hinckley to N.W.S.

7 Horace Layton of Frankburg Canada to N.S.

8 David Hyrum Miles of [blank] Ida. to S.S.

9 C. L. Cheney of Laketown to E. States

Pres. Francis M Lyman, R. S. Wells & I instructed [p. 8] the missionaries.

<I this evening administered a blessing to my daughter Nerva at her request anticipating Confinement>8

My sister Alice Ann took supper with us and she and our daughter Nerva took our complimentary tickets and went to the Tabernacle concert by Susa Band. I wrote up journal and retired to bed early.

Folks usually well. Weather pleasant.

17 November 1909 • Wednesday


Weather pleasant. My health good. My vaccination of three days ago is working nicely.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve and the Patriarch from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. I received the appointment with David A. Smith of the Presiding Bishopric to attend the Panguitch Stake Conference to be held at Tropic next Saturday and Sunday. We leave Salt Lake on the 7:50 train to-morrow morning.

I attended my Circle meeting in the evening. There were twenty in attendance. I called at my Sister Asenath’s before Circle meeting to see my mother who is now sitting up each day and went home with my Son George after Circle meeting.

My daughter Alice Minerva and her little girl Thelma went out to Tooele where they expect to make their future home after living in Salt Lake for more than a year. Geo Lawrence Tate hav[p. 9]ing with his brother Joe leased their father’s store.

I wrote to my Cousin N. K. Whitney at Rexburg, Idaho with a view to influencing him to turn away from and forsake his habit of drink to which he has lately resorted according to what his wife told me on the 4th instance when I met her on the train between Rexburg & St Anthony, Idaho.

I this day wrote to Pres. Wm. H. Smart of Uintah stake relation to Academy building plans &c.

I learn this evening that Aunt Alice Watt’s sickness is such a character that she is not likely to recover; also that Uncle Samuel W. Richards is sick in bed.

18 November 1909 • Thursday


My health good except for my vaccination which is working nicely. Folks well at home. Weather pleasant. Ground bare.

I left Salt Lake accompanied by Bishop David A. Smith for Panguitch on the 7:50 A.M. R.G.W. train. We had a pleasant train ride arriving at the terminus at Marysvale at 5:35 P.M. A team was in waiting for us at the Ry. Station driven by a Brother Luke of Junction and we made an immediate start for Junction 16 miles South reaching there at 9:15 P.M. This was a cold ride, several inches of snow and zero weather. The temperature had been as reported 5° below Zero the night previous & 11° below Tues night [p. 10] On the train I studied the Young Mens Manuel for 1909–10. “The making of the man,[”] covering 48 pages. A most interesting subject interestingly treated.

We put up at Bp. Morrells where we were furnished with supper and a bed for two. A cold night like mid winter

19 November 1909 • Friday

Junction, Utah.

Weather somewhat modified.

Bp. Smith & I with Joseph E. Heywood of the Panguitch Stake Presidency who had come from Panguitch the day before left Junction at 9:45 A.M. and reached our destination at Panguitch at 5 P.M. Took dinner at [blank] on the way. I found that my glasses had got broken someway the day before while in my case and when I reached Panguitch we called at the Oculist Optician’s Daily’s and he cemented them making a temporary repair and charged me nothing for it.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Presidency and High Council and gave some instruction. Tried to impress them with the necessity for prayrful thought and ardent effort in their callings keeping pace with other foremost stakes.

Had a splendid night’s rest & sleep.

20 November 1909 • Saturday


I attended the forenoon meeting at which there were five speakers Bp David A Smith occupying the time from 11:10 AM to 11:45 A.M. I did not [p. 11] speak at this meeting though I had intended to do so thinking that Bro Smith would divide the time. Am writing in the dark. Later.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting and was the last speaker occupying the time from 3 to 3:50 P.M. Religious class work and attendance at conference. The population of this Stake is reported 4000 and the Panguitch ward 1300. The attendance at the morning meeting was 97 and the afternoon 134 only 77 being present at commencement of the meeting 2 P.M. 57 late. At conclusion of the afternoon meeting I requested the Presidency and High Councilors to meet and we talked over the matter of selecting a Superintendent for the religion classes of the stake the present Superintendent having sent in his resignation and the working having been leglected [neglected]. The names of Brothers Brother Allen of Kingston and Bro. Prince of Panguitch were considered and the matter left in the hands of the Presidency & visiting brethren.

After meeting & before evening meeting I wrote up my journal for the past three days. At the evening priesthood meeting there were in attendance 66 of the brethren. Some business was transacted and David A. Smith and I each talked. I spoke of the responsibility the Lord has placed upon parents to teach their children the first principles of the Gospel before they arrive at the years of accountability. The Bps are the fathers of the people and the Visiting ward teachers the fathers of the people of their districts and the ordained [p. 12] teachers should be called to labor with the visiting ward teachers and feel this guardianship responsibility and all these should try to prepare all these 8 yr old boys to receive the office of Deacon when 12 yrs. old. These ordained teachers can do much with their associates and younger boys to reform & keep them from wrong pathes. The Priests have authority to administer baptism to people under proper appointment & regulation without which there can be no salvation for the individual and that ordinance will be just as valid as if performed by an Apostle. See the honer conferred. Let the Priests perform these ordinances and others pertaining to their calling and they will then appreciate the priesthood and will be magnifying the Same. These teachers & deacons will see what is ahead of them and be encouraged to be faithful. All should have something to do to show their appreciation of the priesthood and to magnify the Same.

After meeting I called the attention of the presidency to the necessity for arranging a roll for the priesthood and also for expedition in work. Taken with good grace.

21 November 1909 • Sunday


Attended S. School prayr meeting at 9:30 A.M. and spoke briefly to those present. Attended Sunday School session of the Conference at 10 A.M. <329 attendance> Sacrament administered, Articles of faith administered S. Supt Alma Barney I and Bp. D. A. Smith [p. 13] were the speakers in the order named. I spoke upon the Subject of the Atonement. We sympathize with those we love when they are in pain or in trouble. Jesus loved his brothers & sisters and his heart was broken by their prospects of sorrow and condemnation as a result of wickedness By our wickedness we give the Lord pain If we could appreciate what he has done for us we would love & obey him, &c.

After the meeting I consulted with the brethren about a Superintendency of Religion classes for the Stake. We agreed upon the following.

Marion Devalson Allen of Kingston Supt

Joseph Oscar Prince of Pang. 1st ass’t "9

Henry Geo. Excell "10 2 " " "11

These were sustained with other officers at afternoon meeting and after afternoon meeting set apart. I set apart Elders Allen & Excell and Bp. Smith set apart bro. Prince.

Bro. David A. Smith and I took dinner with brother Heywood of the Stake Presidency.

At the afternoon meeting the attendance was 330. Authorities sustained Ex Pres. Cannon spoke 15 min. How he got a testimony.

I occupied about 35 minutes subject Operations of the Holy Ghost or Internal evidences. Bp. D. A. Smith occupied 25 minutes subject tithes & offerings.

At evening Conjoint meeting a good program of song, recitation &c. Bp David A. Smith and I were the speakers. We occupied [p. 14] about 30 minutes. I spoke of idleness and mental idleness and referred to drones in the hive. Bees kill off those who will not work.

After the meeting we set apart three sisters the Stake Suptcy of Y.L.M.I.A. I set apart the Supt & 2nd Counseler.

22 November 1909 • Monday


Bro. David A. Smith and I left Panguitch at 7:30 A.M. with Pres. Houston who drove us to Circleville where we took dinner with Bp. Peterson and we administered to the bishop and his wife. Bp. Allen of Kingston met us at Circleville and drove us to Marysvale arriving at 6:40 P.M. We put up at the Grand hotel Mr. Burtheson Prop. Took supper across the road.

The weather mild and pleasant. I have written this in the office of the Grand Hotel while there is a conversation going on and my glasses being broken I can see but poorly. Thank the Lord we are this far towards home and well.

23 November 1909 • Tuesday


I left for home on R.G.W. train at 8 A.M. and arrived safely at Salt Lake at 6:05 P.M. Met Pres Lund who was returning from Manti. On reaching home I learned of the death of my Aunt Alice Watt at Layton last Sunday morning to be buried at Kaysville tomorrow. [p. 15]

24 November 1909 • Wednesday


I went to Layton and attended the funeral services and burial of Aunt Alice Watt. My wife Alice accompanied me. There were in attendance Uncle Will Longstroth & Wife; my Sisters Alice Ann & Asenath; Willard B. Richards & wife; A F. Doremus & wife & Son Cornelius & daughter Hattie; Aunt Louise Richards & others of our family. There were many teams and a large congregation of people. We left Salt Lake on O.S.L. leaving at 11: A.M. Were met at train and taken to Auntie’s home where we viewed the corpse. Before leaving the house I offered prayr. At the meeting house A. F. Doremus occupied about 20 minutes giving a life sketch and eulogy. I occupied 45 minutes having been requested of Aunt that I preach at her funeral services. Several others spoke briefly.

I was well sustained and showed forth the principles which the gospel teaches and which gave Aunt such joy; such hope and took away the Sting of death and prepared her for this change. She proved faithful to the end. Her great sorrow was that some of those whom she most loved could not see and believe and have hope & assurance of eternal life as she had. Her environment was not always favorable for her living her religion & attending faithfully to religious duty but she was always true to the faith. We followed the remains to the grave and after the interment went to the [p. 16] O.S.L. Depot and took train. Alice had gone to Farmington on earlier train before conclusion of Services. I stopped off there and we attended the wedding reception held at J. H. Wilcox’s of his daughter Alice & Merlin Steed. We staid at Jos. Clarks after the reception. I offered the prayr of blessing at the table.

25 November 1909 • Thursday

Farmington, Utah.

Alice and I arose with the day light and walked up to my sister Nerva’s and finding her with hemerage [hemorrhage] & bleeding at the nose I administered to her. We returned to Salt Lake on O.S.L. train leaving Farmington. We arrived in Salt Lake at 9:50 I called on my Uncle Samuel who is very sick. I administered unto him, assisted by Uncle Henry P. and Samuel W. Richards Jr. When I reached home I got my breakfast and Alice & I went over and spent an hour or more with my Mother.

I was informed that my appointment for this week is for me to accompany Elder Clawson to Oneida. I wrote up my journal in the afternoon. Called in to see Pres. Francis M. Lyman. Went to sleep writing my journal.

26 November 1909 • Friday


My mother had a bad night last and this morning I visited her and administered to her.

This day about 10 A.M. Uncle Samuel W. Richards passed away learning this fact I phoned to Geo Gibbs to ask [p. 17] President Smith if it would be all right to remain at home to attend the funeral services to be held Sunday next and received answer in the affirmative. I called at Uncle Samuel’s home in the afternoon and arranged to meet Uncle Henry and Cousin Samuel Jr at the Cemetery in the morning to arrange and decide the place of burial.

Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where twenty one missionaries were blessed & set apart for the islands. I blessed & set apart four of them and instructed them & offered the benediction, my Senyers [Seniors] having to leave (Pres Lyman & J. H. Smith[)] I was given charge. Following are the names of those I set apart: New Zealand

1 Thomas Josiah Tingey Jr. of Woodruff Utah to New Zealand

2 Geo. Earnest Ernest Peck of Salem, Idaho to New Zealand

3 John F. Lovell of Rigby, Idaho, to Australia.

4 Geo. Alma Porter of Ora, Idaho to Australia.

My son Geo. returned from Tooele and took supper with us.

A stormy day. My health good.

I wrote the U.S. School of music I would accept their offer of Plan B. for Mamie Mamie filled out the bland [blank?] and it is my intention to-morrow to mail $4.00 money order to pay for the first 24 lessons, the remaining 24 lessons to be had for $3.50. all music, instruction &c supplied by them. They represent that the regular price for 48 lessons is $24.00. This is a special offer a Scholarship. [p. 18]

27 November 1909 • Saturday


Weather cold after recent storm.

I met Uncle Henry P. and Cousin Samuel Richards at the Cemetery at 10 A.M. and we decided where Uncle Samuel W. Richard’s interment should be made. I attended to some business down town I did some reading and writing and Spent some time visiting with my mother. Called & saw Uncle Samuel’s folks.

28 November 1909 • Sunday


I attended the 27th ward Sunday School and offered the closing prayr.

I attended the funeral services and the burial of Uncle Samuel W. Richards I sat on the Stand and rode to Cemetery, Alice & I with Pres. Joseph F. Smith and Aunt Sarah. Uncle Myron J. Richards, my brother, went home with us from the Cemetery and after Supper we attended the 27th ward Sacramental meeting and Myron & I were the Speakers in the order named. I occupied about 30 minutes Subject operations of the Holy Ghost or Internal Evidences. After meeting Alice my Bro. Myron, Ruby, Lucena, Nina and I went down to Asenath’s and spent an hour with mother, Alice Ann and Asenath. Returning home I wrote up my journal &c.

The speakers at Uncle Samuel’s funeral services were in order as follows:

Bp. Geo. Romney, Pres. A. H. Lund, Hamilton G. Park, John Henry Smith and Pres Jos F. Smith. [p. 19]

29 November 1909 • Monday


I repaired rubber hose, flushed out toilet, went with my brother Myron to see the Presiding Bishopric. Wrote Pres. M. H. Willing and Counselors of the Malad Bear River Stake advising that they do not accept the resignation of Bp. M. J. Richards and Counselors of Riverside ward at this time for fear such action would reflect upon either the Stake Presidency or the Bishopric or both the cause for the tendering of their resignation being due to some trouble existing between the two bodies. This letter was suggested and written by me and was read to Bp. M. J. R. before mailing same.

I attended to several items of business down town and called on Dr. Stookey Specialist for eyes, ears and throat, who examined my eyes and placed cotton saturated with liquid medicine in both nostrils of my nose to contract the membrane to remove pressure on the eye tear duct. This seemed to be beneficial as my eyes almost ceased to water there after. Further treatment required. I took dinner with my Son Geo. & wife. Bought of A. A. Fuller of Murray 25 bu of potatoes @ 45¢ per bu. delivered. Called at Dr. Stookey’s office again about 4:40 P.M. and he put a probe down through the duct of my right eye lid into the chamber of my nose. He found some obstruction in the duct which required considerable pressure to overcome and I felt the jerk when the probe went through. Am to call [p. 20] again in a few days for similar treatment. This is all by way of diagnosis to find the cause of the overflow of tears. Alice and I attended the Salt Lake theatre in the evening. Called and saw my Mother in early evening.

30 November 1909 • Tuesday


I wrote up my journal for yesterday and to-day, wrote up my records &c.

Visited with my Mother & Sister at Asenaths and went to Farmington on 2 P.M. S.L. & O. Ry. train and returned on train leaving Farmington at 5:33 P.M. Had a good heart to heart talk about the action taken by the Church relative to the discontinuance of plural marriages and the disregard given to that action by some. I warned he[r] against her daughters being inviegaled into the meshes stating that all such were liable to be dealt with and to be excommunicated.

I spent about an hour with Pres. F. M. Lyman at his home in the evening in considering the matter spoken of above. I made checks in payment of several bills &c.

Weather cold, softened up towards night and rained. The health of the family is good. My mother up and about house.

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November 1909, George F. Richards, accessed October 22, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “States”.

  2. [2]Ditto marks for “Southern States”.

  3. [3]Ditto mark for “States”.

  4. [4]Richards originally wrote “Monday” before crossing it out and writing “Sunday” above it. He also originally wrote “Nov. 8” before writing a 7 over the 8.

  5. [5]This address was written vertically on the front flyleaf.

  6. [6]Ditto mark for “States”.

  7. [7]Ditto marks here and in next two lines for “States”.

  8. [8]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 9 and bracketed on the left side.

  9. [9]Ditto mark for “Supt”.

  10. [10]Ditto mark for “of Pang.”

  11. [11]Ditto marks for “ass’t Supt”.