June 1907

1 June 1907 • Saturday


Attended 10 A.M Services.

Present 3% + of the Stake population 246 Sisters Bennion & Romney from Salt Lake were present in interest of Primary work. Sister Romney spoke as did Bro. Horsley of the Stake Presidency and we had reports from heads of Relief Society Religion Classes & Primaries.

The President Oleen Stohl talked a Short time and I concluded with a talk of about 15 minutes Commented people on condition as shown by statistics obtained [p. 79] from the Presiding Bp’s office &c.

At 2 P.M. Meeting there were present 511 out of a total population of 7984 about 6%+ Speakers were Sister Bennion, Bro Nephi Anderson and myself. I occupied about 25 minutes, Subject comments on previous speakers, teaching children, supporting auxiliaries Loving one another and doing good to one another. Read from 25 Ch. of Matthias. When the Son of man shall come in his glory &c.

At 4 P.M until 6:30 was in attendance at Primary Convention. Took supper at Bro. Hoops’ where Elder H J. Grant was staying having arrived on the 6 PM train. I was mouth in praying with the family and had a nice supper after which we went to priesthood meeting. I occupied about 20 minutes instructing the Priesthood and Pres Bro Grant occupied about 25 minuts. [p. 80] We ordained & set apart the Bishoprick of the Beaver [Brigham?] ward. Pres. Grant ordained the Bishop & the 2nd Counseler & I set apart the 1st Counselor Bro. [blank]

Returned to Bro. Stohl’s where I spent the night.

2 June 1907 • Sunday


I attended AM meeting and spoke about 18 minutes subject Story of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniels interpretation of sam[e] Present at this meeting 1628 18 out of 20 Bps & 25 Bps Counselors 11 High Counselors & 3 alternates.

Elder Grant spoke twice and sang twice.

At 2 PM meeting 1161 present I occupied about 35 minutes Subject gathering principally. After meeting I returned home Elder Grant remained to mutual meeting. Found Joel in S L. City.

3 June 1907 • Monday


Joel & I went out on the [p. 81] 7:10 A.M. train to Evanston arriving there at about 11:30 and the train from the east did not get in until about 4:30. Had a nice visit with The folks coming home. Arrived in Salt Lake about 8 P.M.

4 June 1907 • Tuesday


Alice and the two children Oliver & Estella and my son George & I accompanied Joel to Tooele. Peter Cleggs train met us. We staid at Estellas.

I had deed & abstract made for my land and attended Ward Social held in honor of Pres. H. S. Gowans from 4:30 to 9:30 P.M. and made a short talk by invitation.

5 June 1907 • Wednesday


Slept at Hyrum Lee’s and left for home on early morning train. My Son George took me to Station with Hyrums horse & buggy. Attended our regular [p. 82] Council meeting of the Presidency & Twelve at 11 A.M. the time having been changed from Thu. of each week at 10 AM to Wed. 11 A.M. This being the first meeting after the change & the Same was ratified by the vote of the Council at this meeting. I received an appointment to attend Tooele Stake Conference next Sat & Sunday. Have the promise of Pres. S B Young to accompany me.

I called on my mother twice during the day. My wife & Son Geo. & babies returned from Tooele in evening.

Folks well & happy.

I attended a meeting of the Gen’l Board of Religion Classes. 4 P.M.

6 June 1907 • Thursday


I attended the temple meeting at 9 A.M. and Spoke. Attendance large.

Alice had a fall on rear [p. 83] door step and hurt her back & head quite severely. My Son George & I administered to her & she received a blessing through it.

Bro H. J. Grant & I went down to Bro Teasdales in the afternoon and found him sitting up to the table eating. Before leaving we administered to him. I anointed & Bro Grant sealed the anointing. Bro. And. Kimball assisted us. I attended Circle meeting in the evening.

At night I had a tussle with my boy Oliver who disturbed our evening prayr and resisted my efforts to undress him & put him to bed. I think it will be profitable.

7 June 1907 • Friday


I went to Farmington and attended the funeral services of Bro John S. White aged 89 yrs [p. 84] A member of the Mormon Batallion and talked about 25 20 minutes. Alice & baby accompanied me to Farmington and Ruby Lucena and Mamie went up to Lagoon with School Excursion. In the evening my Son Geo. & I attended the theatre “Peter Pan” by Maud Adams.

8 June 1907 • Saturday


I left home for Tooele on 7:40 AM Train for. Tooele to attend Stake Conference. Pres. C. A. Orme met me at Station. Went to Pres. Gowans where I had my head quarters.

Attended meeting at 10 A.M. Weather Stormy and Young Peoples Conference at Salt Lake militated against the attendance at our conference which was very light.

We heard reports from the Bps. and others and I occupied 30 minutes, complemented the people for good deeds and [p. 85] spoke upon the Subject of obedience to Gospel Law.

In afternoon Meeting I occupied about 20 minutes in conclusion. Subject Mercy towards the Repentant Sinner. Save & not destroy.

After Afternoon meeting, Joel Ina Ashton, my daughter Nerva & I drove over to Lake View to See Bro Leaver. I also effected a settlement with Dr. F M Davies account of long standing.

Took Supper with Nerva at Estellas. Attended a two hours meeting with the Stake Presidency at Pres. Gowan’s home in the evening which I think will prove profitable. Slept at Pres. Gowans & had good sleep & Rest.

9 June 1907 • Sunday

Tooele. I attended 10 A.M. meeting Bro And. Jensen came out from the City & joined me. We [e]ach [p. 86] spoke. I related the dream of Nebuchadnezzar & its interpretation as a Story.

Between Fore & After noon meetings I met with the Seventies and Elders and took the initiative in catechising a number of Elders who had been suggested to be ordained Seventies. Bro. [last name redacted] was rejected because he does not pay tithing nor keep the Word of wisdom and does not know whether he believes Joseph Smith to be a Prophet or the Gospel to be true. Ten were ordained Seventies. as follows

Alfred Frederick Hanks by G. F. Richards

Peter Wm Nelsen by J A Bevan

Moroni H. Ostler "1 J M Dunn

David Lewis Bowen by J L Lee

Warren Grover McBride by W. H. Cassity

Wilmer Lougy by Matt Speirs

John David Gollaher by G. F. Richards

Geo Henry Gowans "2 J A Bevan

John Leroy Lee " J M Dunn

Peter V. Clegg " J. L. Lee

I ordained Chas Pocock a President [p. 87] of Seventy and set him apart to preside over in the Council of the 43 Quorum of Seventies.

Attended afternoon meeting and occupied 15 minutes in conclusion of meeting.

After meeting took train and went to Salt Lake and in the evening attended a meeting in the Large tabernacle addressed by Pres. B. H. Roberts answering the ministerial association address of recent date.

<This day Sunday June 9th Apostle Geo. Teasdale died at 9:15 PM at his home.>3

10 June 1907 • Monday


I made two trips down town. Redeemed my note of $1200. at Z. S. Bk. Bought suit & hat at Gray’s clothing Store $22.50 My brother Wilford W. Richards was this day operated upon at the Des. Hospittal for Varicose vein. I went up and saw him and administered to him also to one man 27 yrs old who was in the throes of death name Longhurst [p. 88] also to one Sister Knight, her husband assisted me in the two last adminstrations. Wilfords wife Emily staid at our house over night.

11 June 1907 • Tuesday


I worked on the lawn in the forenoon. My Son George trimmed my hair, I bathed and attended the funeral services of Bro John E Hansen held in the assembly room and after meeting I went down to Bro Teasdale’s home and saw his body and administered comfort to his widow.

12 June 1907 • Wednesday


I attended our Council meeting from 11 AM to 1:30 P.M. & Received an appointment to Freemont Stake with Bro Rudger Clawson. Attended the funeral of Apostel Geo Teasdale at 2 P.M. and acted as pall bearer [p. 89] with other members of the Quorum of the Twelve. I offered the dedicatory.

Met at the Presidents offices and heard a paper prepared by Elder Reed Smoot for an Eastern magazine Answering Senator Beemons article in Same magazine. Frank Peart called and saw me and asked counsel as to place to locate as he is just now selling his Fielding farm.

Alice & George attended the Grand theatre & the Girls were at the Wandamere until about 10 P.M. i.e got home at that time.

13 June 1907 • Thursday


I subscribed for the Standard Encyclopedia of Chas Von Falck for San Francisco Examiner Price $55.90 $55.50 Mince Binding Terms 5.00 down & 3.00 per month there after. [p. 90] also 1 book stand oak 3.00 to be paid 1 mo. after the encyclopedia is paid for. Delivery to be made in about 10 days.

I remained home until nearly 6 PM & then attended Circle meeting in the temple and after Mama, Geo & I took a walk up in the Cemetery. I read mostly from the Book of Covenants during the day. Weather cold and Stormy. Several of us have colds & cough.

14 June 1907 • Friday


I spent the day home studying and writing. Stormy day. Several of the family have colds, I included.

I Spent the day home reading & writing and took 11:45 PM train for Rexburg where I went with Bro Clawson to attend the Fremont Stake Conference. Took sleeper & went to bed 10:15 P.M. [p. 91]

15 June 1907 • Saturday

On train for Rexburg. Arrived at latter place 11 A.M. Bro. Rudger Clawson with me. Were driven to meeting by one Bro. Harris. I occupied 30 minutes in Conclusion of meeting. We went to home of Pres. Basset where we were in council with the Stake Presidency all the time we had between meetings. At Afternoon meeting Bro Clawson spoke about 40 minuts Subject two great influences We were in council again between afternoon and evening meeting Priesthood and again after Priesthood meeting. I spoke about 20 minutes at Priesthood meeting. The business done before the priesthood initiative steps having been taken by consulting the brethren intrested &c was to disorganize the two ward Bishoprics of Rexburg and organize three wards & appointing Bishoprics for same. Changes in Bishop[p. 92]rics of two wards north. Vernon and Ora. Also made new Bp. of Egin Ward i.e. decided on new Bishop.

This has been a very busy day. Slept at the home of my wife’s brother Oliver Legrand. Bp. D. G. Miller staid there also. Weather cold & Stormy.

16 June 1907 • Sunday


Attended 10 A.M. meeting in Flam’s Hall. Crowded house exclusive of children.

I occupied about 30 minutes Subject. What these officers are expected to accomplish. Duty of officers to the people & duties of the people to the officers and to the one another and especially to the poor. Quoted Ephesians 4: Officers placed in the Church for the perfecting of the Saints &c. & Matt 25: “In as much as ye did it unto the least of these ye did it unto me.” I had [p. 93] good liberty. Between the meetings we engaged in Council for an hour with the people of the Egin ward members who sustained a new Bishopric Called on my Cousin N. K. Whitney & family and took dinner with them. Found Newel looking and feeling well. He was at morning meeting & went with me to the afternoon meeting at the Academy building. Meeting crowded. This was the overflow meeting. I occupied about 40 minutes Subject Apostacy from the Primative Church. After meeting I repaired to the Flam’s Hall and assisted Elder Clawson & Stake Presidency in ordaining and setting apart many officers. I was mouth in blessing the following.

I ordained John A Palmer an High Priest and set him apart 1st Counselor to Bp Rodehouse of Egin Ward. [p. 94] I set apart Nathan Ricks an a High Councilor

Set apart John E. Pincock president of the High Priests quorum.

I ordained Geo. Briggs Jr a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Archer ward. I set apart Fred Schwendiman Second Counselor to Bp Alfred Ricks of the Rexburg Third Ward Sugar Ward. I set apart Sister Julia Miller an aid to the Reliefsociety of the Fremont Stake. I set apart Susan Stephens second counseler in the Stake Primary Presidency.

I set apart Eli C McIntire First Counselor to Bishop Oliver C Dalby of Rexburg First ward. I ordained Conrad Steffen a High Priest and Set him apart Second Counselor to Bishop Hyrum Ricks of Rexburg Third Ward.

I issued certificates of ordi[p. 95]nation to those I ordained. I, accompanied by my cousin N K Whitney called on his brother my cousin John Whitney & his family whom I had not seen for perhapse thirty years. Took lunch with Newel and attended Mutual Improvement Conjoint meeting in the evening and occupied about 25 minutes. Subject Books to Read. Bible & other Church books. Related Story of Nebuchadnezzor & his dream and its interpretation by Daniel. We should read of these truths then reflect upon & converse upon them and get them so riveted upon the mind that they become a part of us as familiar as are our farm & Stock interests I staid all night at Bro. Oliver LeGrand Robinson’s. A Strenuous days labors but the Lord was with us. [p. 96] On recommendation of the Stake Presidency and High Council, we disorganized the Bishoprics of the two Rexburg wards and made of them three wards and gave them new Bishops other changes in office were effected.

17 June 1907 • Monday


Elder Rudger Clawson, the Stake Presidency. & Clerk & I took the 4:30 A.M. train and went as far north as Ashton From there we went by train to Ora ward about 4 miles where at 10 AM we held meeting and there released the ward Bishopric and gave them a new Bishop his counselors yet to be chosen. Bro Kerr released & his 1st Counselor Bro Andrus took his place. We then went to the Vernon ward & held meeting at 1:30 P.M. Here we released the Bishop[p. 97]ric and gave them Bp Kerr to be Bishop. We then changed the name of the Ward to Ashton with headquarters at that place. At close of public meeting we considered plans for a new meeting house to be built at Ashton also change of boundry lines between Ashton & Marysville wards. Then held a generl Priesthood meeting and submitted same to the people who indorsed our suggestion All that was done was done by consent of the people.

We took supper at Bro McIntosh’s Boarded the train at ashton about 9 P.M. for home.

18 June 1907 • Tuesday

On train from Ashton Idaho to Salt Lake City. Arrived in Salt Lake 7:35 A.M. All usually well at home. I wrote up my [p. 98] Journal and did other writing. Went to temple annex to assist in Setting apart and instructing missionaries and just after opening exercises I was appointed by Pres. F. M. Lyman to attend the Services of funeral of Bro. Jos. H. Felt which was largely attended and a good Spirit prevailed. Many good things were said of the life and labors of Bro Felt and much comfort administerd I occupied about 10 minutes in conclusion and went to the Cemetery and dedicated the grave. Met Sister Felt who expressed pleasure that I should dedicate the grave. I administered Comfort to her and myself felt blessed.

I met Bishop Graham McDonald at Pres. Lymans and after a conversation [p. 99] with him, we blessed him I anointed him & Pres. Lyman sealed the anointing. Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin being present assisted us.

We three prepared a letter to Burnham Bros. of Lovell in answer to one received from them.

In the evening, Alice, George & I went up to the L.D.S. Hospittal and visited Bro. Wilford W.

19 June 1907 • Wednesday


Met Bros. Samson & Winters of my Circle and considered the advisability of discontinuing the holding of circle meetings on Fast days. I proposed in lue of same that we meet at 6:20 P.M. every Wednesday. They as a committee will report accordingly Attended our Council meeting at 11 AM until 1:15 P.M.

Accompanied Alice & children to Salt Air on 2 P.M. [p. 100] train. Salt Lake & Ensign Stakes day at that Resort. Returning on early train Alice & I went to the theatre.

20 June 1907 • Thursday


I studied the Church works most all day. Attended Prayr Circle in the evening. Called at Sister Asenath’s on way down Town and spent a half hour visiting with the folks my Sister Alice & Mother being there. Word came from sister Emily Orme of Tooele requesting that the name of their baby Marcellus Lafayette be handed in to the Temple to be prayed for. He has what is thought to be Spinal Meningitis. I had had a similar request two days previous and I reported to Bro Salmon. This time I reported to the Cousin Levi W. Richards. We remember him in our Circle & in our family prayrs The father is in England on a Mission [p. 101] In the evening I wrote to Lafayette Orme, England, and to his wife at Tooele.

21 June 1907 • Friday

Home. I attended to some business down town. On prayr Circle business I called on Arthur Winter, Wm Asper and Hamilton G Park Circle members and obtained their indorsement to a change of time of meeting from 1 P.M. Sundays to 6:15 PM Wednesdays.

We had some of our family folks here to dinner. Mother, Sister Alice & others.

I did some studying & visiting Alice, George and I accompanied Mother, Alice Ann & Asenath home in the evening.

I left Salt Lake on 11:45 train for American falls thence to Rockland by team 16 miles.

22 June 1907 • Saturday

On train for American Falls. [p. 102] Raining. Arrived at Pocatello 6:45 A.M. Arose and went out to breakfast. Fed another man. Arrived at American Falls at 11:40 A.M. Bro. Hyrum Walker was in waiting with a team and took me and three others over to Rockland 16 miles south. It was an open conveyance & it rained, the roads were muddy and the team weak so that it was 3 P.M. when we reached the meeting house at Rockland. Elder O F Whitney was talking and continued until 3:25 P.M. and I followed for 32 minutes. Spoke of the Scattering and gathering of Israel and the preparation being made by this people to receive those who come among us. We should be friendly to those not of us and convert them if possible. The lands reserved by the lord for his chosen people. The resources develop waters increase & climate change as we are able to take care of the lands & waters. When blessed of the [p. 103] Lord we should not forget him. Because of His love for us He will not give us more of wealth than we have faith to use aright. When we pray for wealth we should also pray for faith commensurate with our means, Wealth being a mere incident in our lifes mission. &c.

After meeting Elder Whitney & I met with Bros. Hyde & Woodland of the Pocatello Stake Presidency at the home of of Bro. Frodsams where we remained for the night and for two hours considered affairs of the Stake brought forward by my self from Statistics obtained from the Presiding Bishop’s office & other means. This meeting I feel sure will prove profitable. I offered prayr in the family at night.

23 June 1907 • Sunday


I am feeling well this A.M. A beautiful morning.

At A.M. meeting Bro. Pond of [p. 104] the Stake Presidency occupied about 25 minutes. Subject. Eternity of the marriage covenant.

I occupied 22 minutes. Duties of parents to children and what the organizations are doing for our children. We should indorse the teachings by example & precept & thus sustain the organizations I met Bro & Sister Butterfield and went to dinner with them Charles Robert Butterfield married Adelia Quigley now 35 yrs old Also met Bro. Washington McLellan who married Sarah Quigley older Sister. They live at Demp[s]ey 12 miles east of McCammon. David T Quigley lives at Pocatello & is Co. Sheriff. Bro Whitney occupied 17 minutes of AM meeting. And after the business of the afternoon occupied 55 minutes. At the Conjoint meeting 4:30 P.M. I occupied 40 minutes Subject Covenants we make & break or keep acting on agency [p. 105] We set apart some officers.

I was mouth in setting apart Geo. T. Hyde who was already a Bishop to preside over the Downey ward. Also set apart Ediom D Harrison Stake Aid in Sunday School organization. Took supper at Bro Frodshams And by team returned to American Falls where I took train at 12:15 for home. Before leaving Rockland We administered to Sister Mark Walker. I anointed her and Bro Whitney Sealed the Anointing. We were about four hours going from Rockland to American Falls a distance of 17 miles.

24 June 1907 • Monday

On Cars from American Falls. Arrived in Salt Lake at 8:10 A.M. I did some reading of the Scriptures Luk. 1 to 5th ch also from Outlines of Ecclesiastical history &[c]. After 6 P.M. My son Geo. & I went down to [p. 106] Wandamare where our family folks were and had supper with them and otherwise a good time. Got home at 10 P.M. Wrote up Journal &c.

25 June 1907 • Tuesday


I studied in forenoon.

After dinner, I went down town Had watch Set, called on Arthur Winter on business pertaining to my Circle, Called on Bro Wells of the Tithing Office on business pertaining to procuring statistics showing number of officers in each stake & ward organization & how many keep the word of wisdom & pay their tithing.

I attended a missionary meeting at temple annex and assisted in setting apart more than twenty missionaries and instructed same. I was mouth in setting apart the following.

Geo. T. Hutchings of

John Ivo Gledhill of S. Jourdan to Great Britain [p. 107]

Peter A. Clayton, S L City Netherlands

Ralph B Sperry. of S.L.C. to Great Britain

Arthur K. Chatfield " " "4

John S. Mason. Fielding to "5

I went down to Sister Sarah’s and took supper and visited for several hours. Had supper Mother Alice & Asenath & my wife being among those present.

On my return home I did some writing until eleven oclock. This day my Son George took state examination in Dentistry.

Weather beautiful. Our health good also spirits.

26 June 1907 • Wednesday


I wrote my son LeGrand. Attended Council meeting at 11 A.M. Studied in afternoon and evening.

Geo. Arnold was sick in the night and Geo. & I administered to him.

27 June 1907 • Thursday


This day 63 years ago the Prophet Joseph & Patriarch Hyrum Smith [p. 108] were murdered in Carthage Jaiol [Jail]. I spent most of the day at home studying the Scriptures. Took supper at Sister Asenaths. Attended Pres. Lyman’s Circle meeting at 6:15 P.M. Called at Asenath’s on my way home and visited until after 9 P.M. Had cream & cake. Geo. Arnold feeling pretty well again.

28 June 1907 • Friday


I spent most of the day and evening at home reading & studying. I assisted Elder Rudger Clawson in presenting before the Presidency the matter of appropriating to the Ashton Ward in Fremont Stake $1500 towards building a meeting house Pres. Smith presented me with a morocco bound volume of Church General Conferences April 1903 to April 1907 with my name on back in gilt. My Son George cleaned my teeth. It required 1 hour [p. 109]

29 June 1907 • Saturday


I took 9:30 A.M. OSL train in Company with Pres. Lyman & Bro H. J. Grant for Syracuse to attend Davis Stake Conference meeting. High Council meeting in forenoon and Stake Priesthood meeting at 2 P.M. At the 2 P.M. meeting I occupied 40 minutes Subject Obedience & willing Spirit manifest in observance of the word of wisdom & other minor commandments. Only the obedient can be used by the Lord. Lesser Priesthood.

Bro Wood’s team met us at the Station and took Bros Lyman & Grant & me to the meeting 4 mi. distant. Then from the meeting to Bro. Woods to dinner a distance of two or three miles and back to meeting and then to Station where we took train for home. Called & visited with Mother, Alice Ann & Asenath in the evening. [p. 110]

30 June 1907 • Sunday


I attended Sunday School at our (27th) ward and by request spoke upon the Subject of the Prophet’s martyrdom. Visited the departments and am favorably impressed with the School. Disciplin & Order excellent. My Son George & Supt. Andersen accompanied me through the departments & my son made a few appropriate remarks at closing of School.

I attended my Circle and presided and was M at A. There were as I rember [remember] 25 present. We by vote decided to meet Wed. evenings at 6 P.M. No dissenting voice though it will be very inconvenient for some.

E M Orme phoned to say that His brother Layfette Lafayette’s baby died yesterday and will be buried tomorrow July 1st and asking me to go out and at[p. 111]tend the funeral services.

<A Prophesy Made 1739>6

I obtained this day from Bro. Cardwell teacher in the 27th Ward S. School a copy of an excerpt or extract from a work entitled. “Hope & Zion” by Lutius Cration found in the University Library in Basil City Switzerland. Which is a prophesy on restoration It reads as follows.

[“]The old time Gospel and the gifts thereof are lost. False doctrins prevail in every church and in all the land. All we can do is to exhort the people to be just, fear God, shun evil and to pray, pray, pray Prayr & purity may cause an angel to visit a deep and distressed soul; but I tell you that God in one hundred years will have Spoken again from the heavens. He will restore the old church again. I see a little band of people led [p. 112] by a prophet and faithful Elders; they are persecuted, burnt out and murdered; but in a valley that lies on the Shores of a great lake, they will grow and make a beautiful land, have a temple of magnificent Splendor and also possess the old priesthood with apostles, prophets, teachers and deacons. From every nation shall the true believer be gathered, by Speedy messengers and then will God the almighty speak to the disobedient nations, with thunder, lightning and distruction such as were never heard before in the worlds history”

<A Prophecy of Import:>7

<Presented to Pres Winder & Pres Lyman who say same is remarkable They had seen we believe>8

I attended the 27th ward meeting in the evening and my Son George was the only speaker. After meeting 7 PM Alice, Geo & Edith & all our children with me went for a walk through the Cemetery [p. 113] and then we all called on Aunt Seney, mother & Sister Alice Ann.

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June 1907, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1907/1907-06


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “by”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark here and in the next two lines for “by”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 88.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “to Great Britain”.

  5. [5]Ditto mark for “Great Britain”.

  6. [6]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 112.

  7. [7]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 113.

  8. [8]This insertion was written in graphite in the top margin and vertically down the right side of page 113. For information on the inauthenticity of this prophecy, see Paul B. Pixton, “‘Play It Again, Sam’: The Remarkable ‘Prophecy’ of Samuel Lutz, Alias Christophilus Gratianus, Reconsidered,” BYU Studies 25, no. 3 (1985): 27.