February 1912

1 February 1912 • Thursday


Alice improving. Others well.

Beautiful weather but quite cold still. Attended weekly council meeting from 10.30 to 3 P.M. Received appointment to Bingham Stake, Ida. also to San Juan Stake Conference on 17th & 18th inst at Bluff ward.

Attended to some busines down town and in the evening my son George & I compared our accounts &c.

2 February 1912 • Friday


Weather pleasant. Alice able to be out & others well.

I bought a suit of clothes at Rowe & Kelly’s for $15.00 which ordinarily would cost $30.00 or $35.00 Sale on.

I spent most of the day home studying, writing, reading &c.

I took 11.45 P.M. train for Idaho Falls at 10.20 and occupied Pullman Standard Lower 7 car 1. Pres. Lyman & Jos. F. Smith Jr were also on same car bound for St Anthony. Pres. S. B. Y. should have been on also to join me but was not.

3 February 1912 • Saturday

On O.S.L. train.

Am well Cold weather

Arrived at Idaho Falls at 9.55 A.M. Was met at station by bishop of [p. 131] Idaho Falls, C. S. Crabtree and his counselor Oscar Johannson and accompanied them to Confernce meeting held in the Ward house. The attendance was 186. The stake population is 3380. The speakers were in order as follows; Chas. W. Hansen of the Stake presidency, Oscar Johannson, Jesse Nielson, Sister Elvira C. Steel, Bp. Chas. W. Rockwood and myself.

I occupied 45 minutes. Subject Example we should show and do missionary work. Only about 10% of the population of Idaho Falls is LD Saint. Room for much work.

We took lunch in the basement of the meeting house & during the noon hour administered to one brother . . . . . .

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 289. The speakers were in order as follows: Pres. Heber C. Austin, Bp. Christian Anderson of Ammon ward, Elder Tracy, Patriarch Robert L Bybee and myself. I occupied 45 minutes on the Gospel Gospel origin, Gospel One only, The law by which all shall be judged. Sacrifice entailed but reward 100 fold here and Eternal life hereafter.

After meeting I went to the home of brother Oscar Johannason and [p. 132] Staid all night. Wrote up my journal in the evening. &c.

4 February 1912 • Sunday

Idaho Falls.

Weather Cold. Am usually well.

Attended morning and afternoon conference meetings, a Seventies meeting during the noon recess and conjoint mutual in the evening.

At the morning meeting the attendance was 345. Sacrament administered. The speakers were in turn as follows; Pres. A. J. Stanger, Pres. Steel, myself and Pres. S. B. Young. I occupied 25 minutes Subject, Obedience as observed by the savior, as it should be observed by us that we might progress as he did from one stage of life to another and become joint heirs with him in the glories of our Father’s Kingdom. “Thy will be done adorned his mortal life.”

I gave instructions at the Seventies meeting. At 2 P.M. the congregation was divided and we had an overflow meeting, the latter being held in the basment room of meeting house. There were 356 in upper room filling the room and 176 in room below. The authorities were presented and sustained in both meetings. I occupied the time in the upper room 90 minutes and Pres. Seymour B. Young and Elder Dinwoodey below. [p. 133] Before meeting began I was introduced to Mayor Bowen Curley of Idaho Falls who was present. I talked upon the Subject. The divine authenticity of the Book of Mormon and the Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith and bore my testimony. After meeting I visited a brother Pike & family on his invitation. Visited a sister Plant of Salt Lake who is very sick, living with her daughter and we administered to her.

A the evening meeting the people could not all be seated. Pres. Lyman & Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr. returning from YellowStone Stake on our invitation visited us and each Spoke. A brother Jesse C. Nielson gave a 20 minute lecture on “The Struggle for the life of others,” a manuel lesson and Sister Warwick for the young ladies gave a splendid 15 minutes lecture on their work. I also talked about seven min. on accomplishment a result of effort and Knowledge & intelligence means salvation & glory when accompanied by the good life the gospel portrays &c. Pres. Young came up to the Falls the night before but I knew nothing of it until 10 A.M. to-day. Splendid choir music.

Pres. Lyman, Jos. F. Smith Jr., and I [p. 134] took train at Idaho Falls going to bed on waiting tourist car which was picked up about 2 A.M.

5 February 1912 • Monday


Weather pleasant. I took some cold yesterday and last night.

Arrived in Salt Lake at 10.30 A.M. I addressed to some business down town. Offered my Tooele land for sale. Put add in the Herald Republican. Had shave & shingle at the Matt Lyons shop. I wrote up my journal, read the papers and having taken cold I took a hot bath and after doctoring myself retired early.

6 February 1912 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant. Am feeling better. Alice has seveir cold and some of the children are ailing with colds. Before 9 A.M. I had a phone inquiry about my Tooele land. I went down town and saw parties, more anon.

Bought a $35.00 black suit for LeGrand this being his 26th birth day a present from Mama, George & myself. We got it at Rowe & Kelly’s Sale for $18.50. I went with my Son LeGrand to the Office of the First Council of Seventies and I ordained him a Seventy, Pres. J. G. Kimball assisted me. He had been sustained [p. 135] for this position by the priesthood of the Stake & members of the 4th quorum of Seventy to which quorum I also set him apart.

I saw Elder H. J. Grant and gave notice of my intention to withdraw from the Board of Directors of the Utah Implement Vehicle Co of which he is president also to dispose of my stock in the company.

I called at Elias Morris Co. & inspected their grave monuments.

Paid some bills &c.

Alice, George, Edith and I took supper at Ina’s and we all with LeGrand & Ina went to the Empress theatre.

7 February 1912 • Wednesday


Weather same Several of our family including myself have severe colds. Mine no better.

I spent the day at home until 3.30 o’clock. Attended RC & Y M general board meetings and my circle.

8 February 1912 • Thursday


Weather milder Rained some. My cold no better. Others about the Same.

I attended weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10.30 A.M. to 5.45 P.M. Lunch at 3 P.M. in temple.

I received appointment to Juab Con. [p. 136]

9 February 1912 • Friday


Weather moderate My cold no better.

I spent the day home nursing myself and reading. I commenced reading Beariers Burned Away” by Roe.

10 February 1912 • Saturday


Weather same. My cold same.

I went to Nephi on SL Route train 8 A.M. and attended Juab Stake conference. Bp O P Miller accompanied me. We arrived at Noon. At afternoon <meeting> the Speakers were in order as follows; Pres. Isaac Grace, Bp O. P. Miller & myself. I occupied about 30 minutes. Subj. Membership in Secret orders & Fraternal cocieties by L.D.S. advised & counseled against.

Bp Miller & I considered with the Stake Presidency the matter of building a tithing & Bishop’s office and an addition to the Stake house for the First ward.

11 February 1912 • Sunday


Weather same

My cold "1

Am staying at my Nephew’s Roscoe Grover’s.

Attended the Sunday School Session of the Conference. The speakers were in order as follows after Sacrament was administered. SS SS Nielsen [p. 137] myself, Pres. Jas Paxman & Bp Miller I occupied 30 minutes with deliberation but good liberty, subject, What we owe our parents, What we owe the Lord. Why? How Show our appreciation & love.

A. Being obedient.

B. Being good to one another

C. By being good generally.

Attendance was 647.

At 2 PM meeting the attendance was 538. Stake population 3500. Authorities Sustained. The speakers were Bp. O. P. Miller & myself. I occupied 45 minutes with good liberty on faith necessity for it. How obtained & promoted &c.

Administered to the little child John Sorenson who is very low.

At conjoint Session reports were had and I spoke followed by Bp Miller I occupied 40 min on Character building &c.

12 February 1912 • Monday


Weather pleasant My cold still on.

Bp. O. P. Miller & I left Nephi at 10.30 AM and arrived home about 2 P.M. I finished reading “Beariers Burned away.” Commenced last Saturday a very interesting book.

Received letter this day from Acme [p. 138] Cement Co of Spokane enclosing a check of $1893.85 part payment of my share on $1250.00 investment. More to come.

I mailed check of $1288.32 to the First National Bank of Utah Ogden to redeem my notes. I also mailed check of $750.00 to pay for two $500. bonds & 8 shares com stock bonus. Attended to other correspondance & business.

13 February 1912 • Tuesday


Weather beautiful. I have some cold yet.

Attended a meeting of the Share holders of the Utah Implement Vehicle Co at 10 A.M. Attended to some other items of business returning home at noon. I took a card at the public library entitling me to draw a book as I want.

I wrote to my daughter Nerva at Tooele and to my son Joel in England.

I took 7.10 train and arrived at Thompson on time 3.22 P.M. Left Oliver sick with a chilliness.

14 February 1912 • Wednesday


Valentine Day. Weather cold, ground dry. My cold some better.

Pres. Wells & I took stage at 7.35 A.M. and arrived at Moab at 4.30 P.M. One of the first to cross the 600 ft bridge across the Grand river. The approaches to same not finished. We were taken to the home of Dilworth Hammond [p. 139] counselor in the Moab bishopric.

Here I finished reading “Beyond the [illegible]”2 commenced yesterday at home.

15 February 1912 • Thursday


Weather cold. My health good.

Pres. Wells and I left Moab at 4 A.M. on stage and rode to Monticello 65 miles. Pres. Wells was sick in afternoon and when I reached Monticello I found I was all broke out with hives. I bathed and retired about 9.30 At Bp. Adams’. Bro. Wells & I both had a disturbed nights rest. We slept in same room but separate beds.

16 February 1912 • Friday


Weather cold. I am feeling some better but the hives are still out.

We left Monticello with a made up team at about 7.30 A.M. and arrived at Grayson about 23 miles from Monticello & took dinner at Bishop Bayles’ and drove on 25 miles with fresh team to Bluff arriving about 5.30 P.M. I took a bath before supper and ate but sparingly. My hives still out.

I wrote up my journal. Visited with Pres. Redd & others and read from “Crisis.” Hives still bad. [p. 140]

17 February 1912 • Saturday

At Bluff.

Weather fine. I am feeling pretty well excepting for the hives.

Attended Stake Priesthood meeting at 10 A.M. where reports were had from all the bishops present. Pres Wells & I each spoke. I occupied 25 minutes subjects. Care of the boys and the promotions, care for the indifferent & the wayward. Fast offerings, Stake divisions. Only the good came into the Church. There should be only the good, better, best, no bad or indifferent in the Church.

At 2 P.M. the first session of the conference, convened 175 present. There were five speakers including Pres. Wells & myself. I occupied 25 mins. Establish 9th & 10th grades in dist. schools. Effect of prejudice in precluding the gospel. Learn to serve others. Recited “Don’t look for the flaws.”

Went out with Pres. Redd and saw the effects of the flood and the dam built by the people. A number of people came in and spent the evening. Retired about 10 P.M.

18 February 1912 • Sunday


Beautiful weather Am felling will. Hives nearly all disappeared.

I attended the 10 A.M. meeting. The [p. 141] speakers were Pres. Albert R. Lyman Elders Wm Smith & Thos D. A. Jones, Pres. Wells & myself. I occupied about 40 minutes in deliberation & freedom on the Eternity of the marriage covenant, suggested by a Mrs. Palmer a rangers’ wife from Monticello who had come to conference and who had said to Bp. Jones that she would like to hear a discourse on the subject of our marriage doctrines.

At 2 P.M. the Sacrament was administered and the authorities sustained. Ex Pres Walter C. Lyman spoke and I followed occupying about 45 minutes, Subject, What is true is Joseph Smith was a true prophet & Evidence that he was a true prophet. I spoke with deliberation and freedom and read the testimonies of the Three & Eight witnesses as evidence that Josephs story of the visitation of the Father & Son & what he says they told him are true. Referred to that message & evidences of its truth the falling away & the abominableness of some.

After meeting I ordained two High Priests and administered to a little boy Reed Wood. who had injured one eye & the other is being effected through sympathy. A very pathetic case.

Pres Wells & I took supper with Bp. [p. 142] Jones & familiy.

Pres. Wells & I accompanied Pres. L. R. Redd to his store and at his request selected each a Navy’s blanket from a large lot which Pres Redd kindly gave us. I selected a small one of bright colors & Pres Wells a large one I heard Pres Redds son say it was worth $25.00.

Our treatment here has been glorious and a splendid spirit has prevailed. A good conference. May the Lord be praised.

At 7 P.M. House well filled. SSYM Jens. J. Jensen occupied 38 min. reporting Sister Lyman, Mary, reported Y.L.M.I.A. Pres. Wells occupied remaining time 35 min. & I offered the closing prayr.

19 February 1912 • Monday


Weather cold Wind blowing from the North. Bp. Jones & wife & Pres Wells & I went up to the head of the Canal a distance of three miles from town. We left Bluff at 10 A.M. and arrived at Grayson at 3.30 P.M. and put up at Bp. Bayles’ home.

Attended a special public meeting in the evening. Bp Adams spoke about 5 min. I occupied 45 min taking for my text the first hymn [p. 143] sung. “Though in the outward Church.” Pres. Wells occupied about 30 min. “Prayr the Fullness of the Gospel.”

20 February 1912 • Tuesday


Cold but clear. Am pretty well. My cold & the hives pretty well rid of.

Attended religion class meeting & spoke to the Children.

Left Grayson at 10.30 AM & arrived at Monticello 22 miles about 3 P.M. a cold ride. Attended public meeting at Monticello 7 P.M. Pres Wells occupied 40 min. generalities I occupied 55 minutes, “What man has accomplished evidences Gods power Now is the time to prepare for judgment Related my experiences on Bear River and contrasted my opportunities then with theirs now. Advised insuring meeting house.

21 February 1912 • Wednesday


Pres Wells & [I] left on the stage at 5.30 AM & reached Moab, 60 miles, at 7 P.M. Put up at the hotel. I had a shave at barbershop and retired early.

22 February 1912 • Thursday


Washingtons birthday Am well.

Pres. Wells & I left Moab on the Stage at 5 A.M. and reached Thompsons 36 miles at 2 P.M. The train due at 2.20 P.M. did not arrive until 3.50 PM [p. 144] We arrived in Salt Lake about 12.30. I finished readind the “Crisis” by Churchhill commenced while on this trip.

I found my folks well.

23 February 1912 • Friday


Snowed several inches during night.

This is the 51st anniversary of my birth. I spent much of the day answering correspondence & other writing.

Received letters from Joel & Nerva.

Mama and the girls got up a good supper and we had my sisters Alcie Ann & Asenath, Rosco Grover, my Sons George & LeGrand and their families to supper with us. I phoned my sister Nerva & invited her but she did not get here. I spent a very pleasand day and evening.

24 February 1912 • Saturday


Cold Am well.

I attended to some important business down town. I met my sisters Alice & Asenath down town and we went to Elias Morris’ and selected a tomb stone for Mother’s grave and I contracted with them to pay $175.00 for same set up, lettered &c.

I borrowed from State Bank of Utah $1500.00 giving two $500 bonds of Portland Cement Co and $1500.00 of W I & V. Co. stocks [p. 145] as security. With this I paid off a $900.00 note at State Bank signed by LeGrand & myself $500. of which was my portion. $200. I owed LeGrand was thus paid off and he gave me a note for other $200. I mailed check of $463.90 to Pres. E. J. Wood of Canada payment on my Canadian lands. I also sent a check of $147.40 to Portland Cement Co. being final payment to them for bonds & stocks. Paid minor bills and over drew my account.

Alice and I by courtesy of Elder Heber J. Grant attended Salt Lake Theatre in the evening.

25 February 1912 • Sunday


Cold & clear All well.

I attended 27th ward school and spoke briefly. Attended large tabernacle services and offered the opening prayr. Pres. Penrose presided and a Mr Geo. Washington Grandes and Mr Kellog were the speakers. The latter spoke first & being a Naturalist spoke on that subject. “Speak to the earth and it will teach you.” The former spoke last & his theme was the 4th commandment which he characterized as of more importance than [p. 146] any other of the ten or than all the other since.

I attended the evening sacrament meeting in the 27th ward. Bp. M S Woodby occupied 30 min. and I followed him 30 minutes on same subject “The Eternity of the marriage Covenant.” Returning from meeting I found my daughter Nerva, Geo L. & their children they having come in on the 6 PM train.

26 February 1912 • Monday


Milder weather Am well.

My sister Asenath was operated upon at L.D.S. Hospittal and a tumor removed (Uterus) also her appendix. I was at the Hospittal and before the operation laid my hands on her and blessed her. The operation was performed by Dr Ralph Richards between 11 AM & noon.

I bought a beauquet of flowers & had them sent to the hospittal.

I phoned Sister Nerva at Farmington. Spent the afternoon at home. Spent a part of the evening at my son George’s, with Mama, Nerva, Geo. L. LeGrand & Ina.

27 February 1912 • Tuesday


Weather same quite cold. [p.147]

I visited my sister Asenath at the hospittal and administered to her. Spent most of the day at home reading. I took Alice & Nerva to the Empress.

28 February 1912 • Wednesday


Weather moderated Am well.

I spent the forenoon at home & in the afternoon went to the hospittal and administered to my Sister Asenath. Attended General Board Meetings of Religion Classes & Y.M.I.A. Attended my circle and administered to Sister Anna M Meyers of Riverton. Alice and I attended a reception tendered to Sister Emeline B. Wells at Bps. Building by Press Clubb, the 29th being her 84th birthday aniversary.

29 February 1912 • Thursday


Weather fine. All well.

I attended a weekly council meeting of the First Presidency & Twelve from 10.30 to 4 P.M.

On my recommendation it was voted to divide the San Juan Stake three months hence I received appointment to the Malad stake. Spent the re[p. 148]mainder of the afternoon at home writing letters &c and spent the evening at George’s with other family members.

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February 1912, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1912/1912-02


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “same”.

  2. [2]Possibly “Eats” or “Ears”.