July 1894

1 July 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I fasted and attended School and meeting at Tooele. Bros. McCalister & Griggs were present and spoke. I spoke in Theological class & offered the benediction in meeting. Took Bro. McCalister over to Lake View & held meeting there I offered the opening prayr & Bro. Mc. occupied the time on Temple work.

2 July 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm, light shower of rain.

I made ranch report attended to several items of business, Sold about 160 muttons [p. 3] to Mr. Sampson of Salt Lake @ 2¢ on foot Received $108.75 from P. A. Droubay Mothers money which I arranged to borrow. With it I paid sundry accounts I was owing.

In the evening I attended a meeting of the Tooele City Agricultural Society and presided. Election of officers was attended to and I was made President of the permanant organization. During the day Prest. H. S. Gowans and I by request visited Bro. Lewis Bowen and administered to him.

3 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather hot, sultry & rain at 5 P.M. Hauled 18 loads of hay before the storm, raked hay &c Did some writing. Ry. Trains having been tied up by strikers for two days no mail yesterday but train & mail got through to-day. Shaved &c.

4 July 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot in forenoon Rained hard in afternoon. Attended Celebration services and gave a sentiment. Bp Shields and family came to dinner and stayed until 6 P.M. Took the family for a ride and made Ice cream. Retired to bed early. [p. 4]

5 July 1894 • Thursday

Tooele. Weather changeable. hot & cold, clowdy & bright.

Went to Switch for shingles, nails, twine &c. but did not come. Train late & no freight. J M Isgren commenced work on granary. I hauled lumber down from Parkers &c Attended School Trustees meeting in the evening.

6 July 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I had men haul off several loads of hay from stack to dry. I raked some hay and pulled out of Hanks, herd 220 of my weathers to send to Salt Lake. Notified haying hands that we would continue hay hauling to-morrow.

7 July 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather hot.

Hauled hay full force. Used Cemetery water. All usually well.

8 July 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot.

I took team & wagon and my boy accompanied me and we went to Salt Lake Arriving at Slaughtering yard on Jordan farm & not finding A. Hanks there with sheep I borrowed a horse and came back six or 8 miles to the Lawrence farm and found him with his herd of 300 muttons [p. 5] 220 of which were mine. Leaving there at 8 P.M. with sheep arrived at Slaughter yards at about eleven P.M. Put our quills on the ground & slept until early morning.

9 July 1894 • Monday

Salt Lake Tooele Weather hot.

Arose at break of day, cared for team made yard around weigh scales and weighed up our muttons. Went out up town & got our pay. Did some trading & left for home with about 1000 lbs freight at 4 P.M. & arrived home at 11 P.M.

10 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm. in Worked in the hay until after 6 P.M. & then went up to Parker’s mill and got a load of lumber for granary. Attended meeting of the Board of Directors of the Tooele City Agricultural Society in the evening.

11 July 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather hot in forenoon and stormy in afternoon Hauled hay in foreno[o]n, took my family all for a ride to-wards evening.

Wrote to Implement Companies S.L.C. for quotations on twine & machine extras Attended to other business & wrote other letters. [p. 6]

12 July 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather pleasant.

I raked hay & turned hay in field to dry.

13 July 1894 • Friday

Tooele We continued the hay hauling. I made hay most of the day. Hauled load of lumber from Saw mill after 6 P.M.

Harvesters commenced cutting my grain towards evening.

14 July 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm. Little rain but not enough to stop the hay hauling. Hauled & made hay all day until after 6 P.M. when I went up to Sawmill & got load of lumber for granary. P P Christensen called on me late in the evening.

15 July 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended Sunday school and Alice and several of the children accompanied me. Also attended afternoon meeting & Alice accompanied me.

16 July 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm.

I continued the hay hauling. Administered to James Martins Daughter Sarah in her confinement. In the evening I attended the Agricultural [p. 7] society meeting.

17 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather cloudy.

Some hay hauled from the field by work hands. I raked hay and went to the canyon with horses. Administered to Mary Ann Nix in evening.

18 July 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I raked & loaded hay. A number of loads of hay went out to pay work hands and to others. In the evening, I administered to Mary Ann Nix again with Bro. Geo. Atkin. Wrote to Mother enclosing my note of $150.00, School Trustee’s note of $200 & check of $24.50. This $150.00 is practicably all I owe.

19 July 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather warm.

Finished paying hands from hay in the field. Retired early.

20 July 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm.

I pulled weeds and did other work. Took the City water @ 4 A.M. & used it 24 hours.

Called to see Lewis Bowen just as he had passed away in death.

21 July 1894 • Saturday

Tooele Weather warm.

I worked in the garden & hauled weeds up into South field and with them re[p. 8]paired water ditch. Used Cemetery water Bought two sacks of sugar at Geo. Speirs Store @ $6.50 pr sack.

22 July 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended School and meeting & Funeral Services of Lewis Bowen and spoke Wrote to Nerva, Mother & Abram and read the News paper. Visited with Alice & children several hours. All usually well.

23 July 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather changeable. rained some during the day. I went on horseback & saw Henson about hauling wheat & went up on the bench and showed him where to stack the grain. Went down to Tates and arranged about threshing. Got lumber from Broads. battins & took up to granary Made order for trees & bushes.

Received Check of $153.65 from A. F. D. & paid off work hands. Attended School meeting in evening & talked with John McKellar Jr. after until a late hour. Mailed letters to Mother Nerva & Abram & card to Fred.

24 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm. Took the Kelsey water at 5:15 A.M. [p. 9] Attended celebration at Meeting-house attended to the irrigating, took a sleep in middle of day. Took folks to the races & for a ride, made ice-cream &c.

25 July 1894 • Wednesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I attended to the irrigating, picked six bu. apricots with the children’s help, Took the whole family up in canyon in lumber wagon on the dugway to Butterfield canyon pass. George rode horse & drove horses in canyon. Attended school meeting in the evening. Presided at meeting.

26 July 1894 • Thursday

Tooele Weather cooler. I attended to the irrigating, repaired south field gates &c. Attended the funeral services of Sarah Martin and spoke for 25 minutes and at the Cemetery dedicated the grave. Made Ice-cream in evening & Bro. E. Beesley took some with us. Wrote letters to Alice Clark about school teaching and to Dr. Stephen. Letter from Sister Nerva.

27 July 1894 • Friday

Tooele Weather warm

I attended to the irrigating & cleaned up stack yard. [p. 10]

28 July 1894 • Saturday

Weather warm.

Tooele Irrigated and cleaned up the Stack & barn yards.

29 July 1894 • Sunday

Tooele Weather hot, windy & dusty. I took my family conveyance & Alice, Bro. Lyman & Bro. Gowans to the Conference at Grantsville. I opened the conference by prayr, took dinner at C. L. Andersons attended a Priesthood meeting after 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. when the brethren under went a catechising by Bro. Lyman. Returned in evening with my wife.

30 July 1894 • Monday

Tooele Weather warm. I took Bp Atkins 2 seated conveyance & he took my one seated buggy to conference. Took Estella & Elizabeth Gowans with me & brought back with them Prest. Gowans & Apostle Lyman At forenoon conference meeting I made report of my labors and took dinner at Sister Rittings & gave her & her sister Sister Robinson Patriarchal blessings Took my wife & small children for a short ride on my return home. In the evening I attended a lecture given by prof. Whiting (Our Duty to OurSelves). [p. 11]

31 July 1894 • Tuesday

Tooele Weather warm.

I prepared for threshing measured plowing done by atkin and Lougy. &c.

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July 1894, George F. Richards, accessed February 15, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1890s/1894/1894-07