February 1913

1 February 1913 • Saturday

St Anthony Ida.

Am well Cold weather and good sleighing.

I arrived in St. Anthony at 11 A.M. Was met at Ry. Station by my wifes Uncle Bp. Arnold D Miller of St Anthony and we went to the stake house where the Yellowstone Stake Conference was in session. I occupied about 30 minutes The reports generally show a large percentage of the people who do not attend sacrament meeting. This class should be looked after by the Bps and their aids the ward teachers. The class of work they should do &c. There is a large per cent of those eligible to membership in the auxiliaries who are not enrolled & another class who are enrolled who do not attend their meetings. These should be enquired after by the teachers and missionaries should be appointed from each of these associations who should visit these in their homes. Parents should be urged to sustain these organizations and children to attend them. Present 270.

At 2 P.M meeting the attendance was 537. A number of the brethren spoke and I occupied 40 minutes in conclusion. Subject. Tithing, and general faithfulness necessary.

I staid at the Bp. Arnold D. Millers home and was very comfortable. [p. 50]

2 February 1913 • Sunday

St. Anthony, Ida.

16° below Zero. Towards evening the weather moderated and snow began to fall.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting, attendance 725. Pres. S. B. Young came in last evening and is with us to day. Each of us spoke at this & the afternoon meetings.

I enlarged upon the subject of ward teaching; our responsibility to teach the gospel to those who come among us. The Lord may have sent them for us to convert. We should look upon them as future L.D. Saints and treat them as such. Read from Ezek 3:17, 18,

At 2 P.M. I spoke of the responsibility of parents in Zion to teach and govern their children and support the Auxiliary associations. The object & accomplishment of R.C. work & Primary work in particular.

I ordained Henderson Cox of Egan ward a High Priest Sat 1st and on Sund. 2nd ordained Edmund H. Thompson of Twin Groves an High Priest. Assisted in administering to & blessing several people. I was mouth in blessing Sister Julia Miller & a Sister Simpson, Convert

Pres Young & I took lunch at Pres. Foggs before taking train at 5:20 for home. We arrived at Idaho Falls soon after 7 P.M. and went over to the ward meeting house but there was no sign of a meeting & it was snowing so we returned to our car & went to bed. Car picked [p. 51] up by Bu[t]te Train at 1:50 A.M.

3 February 1913 • Monday

On train from Idaho.

Arrived in Salt Lake at 12:30 P.M. two hours late. Had a pleasant visit with Pres. Young, Elder James E. Talmage and J C. H. Hart while on train. Found folks well except that my grand child Josephine seems to be coming down with the measles. After getting a bite to eat and having a romp with my boy Ray I cleaned up and went to work on my records, Journal &c.

4 February 1913 • Tuesday


Weather moderated.

I by request visited my Aunt Mary Ann Richards 4th & F St. and administered to her also to my two cousins Edith & Carry.

Attended a meeting of the Committee on Church School fund apportionment from 10 A.M to 5 P.M with a recess of 1 hour. During that time I called at Dr Staufers office and received electrical treatment. I came home sick and went to bed without supper. Had cold wet cloths on my neck, & other treatment.

5 February 1913 • Wednesday


Am feeling some better this A.M.

Attended an apportionment Committee meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:30P.M. at [p. 52] Supt. Cumming’s office. I came home with a severe headache & sore throat and nursed myself instead of going down town again to attend several meetings appointed.

I made several checks in payment of bills and mailed out.

6 February 1913 • Thursday


Weather pleasant. Am feeling better

Attended regular weekly Council & prayr meeting from 10:30 to about 3 P.M. Returned home and did work getting out sheets for temple work of the Gill family and in the evening took supper with my son LeGrand & family at their home, this being the 27th anniversary of his birth. Spent the evening there until a late hour.

At our council meeting to-day we decided that the temple to be built in Canada should be at Cardston.

7 February 1913 • Friday


Weather moderating Am feeling better I attended two sessions of Apportionment Committee; called at Dr. Stauffer’s and received electrical treatment for my eyes. Worked on temple records getting out names with genealogical data for temple work until a late hr.

8 February 1913 • Saturday


A little colder. Am well. George’s baby Josephine has measles. [p. 53]

My son Joel entered into business a week ago with one [blank] Sowder in a candy cabinet scheme and now is in trouble having paid in to the company $500. and having discovered that this man Sowder is owing in many places and the evidences seem to be sufficient to convince Joel that he is untrustworthy. He is taking steps for his own protection.

I engaged all forenoon listing names from temple record for temple work, having now listed for baptism and most of those eligible for End. Work so listed as follows

203 Males Gills }

108 Females "1 }

311 Gills }

109 Males Longstroth }


103 Females "2 }

212 Longst’s. }

I prepared some papers to present to the Utah Genealogical Society with a request that they make a search of unsearched records from Yorkshire Eng. for Gills & Longstroths. for which I will of course compensate them. I wrote a letter to the Acme Portland Cement Co of Spokane, Washington. and studied during the afternoon.

9 February 1913 • Sunday

I took 9 A.M. S.L. & O train with Elder H. M. Smith to Ogden. We were met at Ry. Station by my brother C. C. of the Ogden Stake presidency and a brother Larkin who with his Auto took us to the Ogden Stake tabernacle arriving [p. 54] there at 10:05 A.M. the Ogden stake conference just ready to commence. We had beautiful singing through out the conference by the Ogden tabernacle choir under the leadership of Brother Balentine. At the morning session the attendance was 1005 The speakers were Prests. Evans and Richards. C. C. and Elder H M. Smith.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 1200 the house filled & many standing. The speakers were Pres. Thos. E. McKay and myself. The authorities were sustained. I occupied 55 minutes, subject. Parents’ duty to children, the shepherds & lambs the choir were singing about. There are too many members of the Church who do not attend their Fast & Sacrament meetings; too many bearing the Priesthood who do not attend their meetings; too many enrolled in the auxiliary associations who do not attend their meetings; too many who attend these meetings who make no preparation of the lessons; too many eligible to membership in the ward, the quorums & the auxiliaries who are not enrolled. Remedy these unfavorable conditions.

Elder Smith returned home on 4 P.M. train and I remained and addressed the Saints of Ogden 6th ward. The membership is 933 & the attendance was 236 or 25%+ I occupied 55 minutes, subject. Origin of the gospel; one gospel only. We have [p. 55] that one; true scriptural doctrine being the test experience of our missionaries, they are not converted to the Creeds. The true gospel answers many unanswerable questions to the world and solves all mysteries. A vicarious work not understood by the world makes complications, spoke at some length on Genealogy & temple work.

My brother Charles C. took me to his home to dinner & supper and walked with me to the depot after meeting. I found all well at home on my return.

10 February 1913 • Monday


Weather thawing & clowdy.

I went down town and filed names for record of baptism 98.

Called at Dr Stauffer’s office and received treatment for my eyes; I called at my son’s office.

I also called at Pres. R. W. Youngs office & saw him about [2 abbreviations redacted related to a temple ordinance] for my Sister Asenath & husband, got temple recommends &c. I walked home and called at my sister Asenath’s. I wrote letters to my sister Alice Ann to my brother Fred and to Pres. James Paxman of Nephi.

Took my family to the moving picture show in our ward in the evening given by Wesley H Smith & Hernandes a Hawian. Showing church and Hawaian scenes; A credible show.

This day my son Joel quit the [p. 56] employ of the Sowder Co. having been with the company but one week and finding the principal a disreputable person.

11 February 1913 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant Folks well here.

A letter from my daughter Nerva at Tooele says Thelma has measles. I attended the opening meeting at the temple annex to-day and was the speaker. Alice, Aunt Sarah, Joel and I were baptized for 100 of the Yorkshire Longstroths, Joel & I each 30 and Aunt Sarah & Alice each 20. We were limited to 100 names.

I spent the remainder of the day listing names for endowment work. Listed that I have who are eligible, i.e. bal of what I have numbering 84 males & 65 females.

I attended YMM of 27th ward in the evening. A debating contest was the feature. My son Joel was the principal on the winning side.

12 February 1913 • Wednesday


Pleasant weather All well at home.

Alice, Joel & I went through the temple having endowments for the Longstrother dead, John, Wm & Jane Nos. 1, 2 & 4. I was in the temple 7¾ hrs. 356 persons made up the company. Brother Davis from the stand said it was the largest company ever taken through the temple in one day. I attended the conjoint board meet[p. 57]ing of the Y.M. & Y.L. Bds. at 5 P.M.

13 February 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Pleasant weather

I attended regular weekly council meeting from 10:30 to 3:30 P.M. At this meeting it was decided to try putting two companies through the temple in one day commencing tomorrow and word was given to the temple workers to that effect. This on account of the crowded condition of the temple I called at Dr Stauffer’s office and received electric treatment for my eyes.

I requested the Genealogical Society people to search any Somersetshire records they may have for Longstroth names some having gone from Northern England to that shire near Taunton in the 14th Cent.

14 February 1913 • Friday


All usually well. Weather good.

On request of Pres. Jos. F. Smith I went to Farmington and attended a gathering of the aged people. I took with me my wife and my sister Nerva, the latter now living in the City. I took part in the exercises making a brief talk. We left Salt Lake on 11 A.M. train, electric car and were met at Lagoon by teams and driven to the Social Hall where we spent several hours visiting &c Had a good dinner and a good [p. 58] musical program. Alice & I went with F. D. Steed & wife in buggy up to Lucy Robinson Coombs’ where they are under small pox quarantine. Took her some eatables from the Hall. We later called on Aunt Maria Clark and left for home on 6:15 car. I wrote in my journal on account of the days’ pleasures. At the Farmington Old folks reunion there were present of the General Committee on Old Folks day, Bros. Andrew Jensen, Bp. Iverson, & Bro. Margrets & their wives. A good time was had generally.

I took OS.L Ry train leaving Salt Lake at 11:45 P.M. and went to Blackfoot Idaho to attend the Blackfoot Stake conference, Pres. C. H. Hart my companion.

15 February 1913 • Saturday

Arrived in Blackfoot 8:18 A.M. We were met by Pres. James Duckworth who took us to his home where we made our staying place during the conference. We had every comfort desirable & were made most welcome.

Attended the opening session of the Stake Conference at 10 A.M. Stake population 6200. Attendance 362. Speakers, counselor in stake Presidency Bro Dye; Bp. Thomas; Bp. Yensey; Bp. Parkinson; myself & Pres C. H. Hart. I occupied 35 min. Subj: Attendance at the sacramental and other meetings Teachers & R. Class work &c. [p. 59]

Sat 1:30 P.M. attendance 503. Speakers in order as follows; Pres. Heber C. C. Rich, Pres. C. H. Hart & myself. I occupied 20 min, Sub.— A proper care of details means success Church a great co-operative body, the whole is improved when the individuals make improvement &c.

I attended a lecture in the evening by Prof. Allery accompanied by moving pictures entitled, The Romance of the Reaper.

I ordained Richard Alvin Ward of Sterling, Ida. a Bishop and set him apart to preside over the Sterling ward of the Blackfood Stake.

I ordained Leamon D Bronson of same place an High Priest and set him apart First Counselor

I set apart Robert Joseph Jones Second Counselor to Bp. Ward.

16 February 1913 • Sunday

Blackfoot, Ida.

Mild weather. Am well.

Attended 10 A.M. meeting. Attendance 655. Sacrament administered.

The speakers were in order as follow; 1st Pres James Duckworth, 2nd myself & last Pres C. H. Hart. I occupied 30 min. Subt. Sacrament. Love of God & Christ for us, how manifested. Why we should love them & how manfest it, a. by the keeping of the commandments; b. By being good & doing good to others. Read Matt. 25: about 30 v.

I attended a reliefsociety officers meeting and answered a number of questions at noon hour. [p. 60]

Attended 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 705. Authorities sustained. The speakers were Pres Hart & myself. The former occupied 60 min on trial of Christ I followed for 30 mins. Subj. parents duty to children & effects of proper example and teaching by parents.

After this meeting I attended a meeting of the Presidency, H Council & the Bps. & counselors & answered a number of questions & addressed them.

Administered to Sister Mary Priece … and Miss Bessie Lufkin at Pres Duckworths home.

Attended Conjoint meeting in the evening. Attendance 480. A nice programme was rendered by the Local MIA workers & I occupied about 30 mins on the various features of M.I.A. work. Manual; reading course; missionary work; athletics, boy scouts & contests. Pres Hart followed me. At close of meeting Pres Hart & I took train 9:40 P.M. for Idaho Falls where we took sleeper and later were hitched on to Bute train for Salt Lake.

17 February 1913 • Monday

Arrived in Salt Lake about 10:40 A.M. Attended to some business down town and then went home and went to work writing, recording &c. We had a good and profitable conference and are indebted to the Lord for his aid.

All usually well at home. Snowed several inches at night. [p. 61]

This day brother Joseph E. Taylor died.

18 February 1913 • Tuesday


All usually well.

Aunt Sarah E. Smith, my sister Nerva, Alice & I went to the temple and were each baptized for twenty of our dead, except in Alice’s case, she was baptized for 25. We were limited and have others to be baptized for.

I attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex at 2 P.M. and assisted in setting apart & instructing a company of eighteen missionaries I set apart the following.

1. James E. Davis of Salt Lake to Gt Britain

2. Alma Bangeter of Bountiful, to Swis & Ger.

3. Wm Henry Bangeter of Granger to Swis & German

4. Octo A. Harrison of Osmond, Wyo. to Sweden.

I went to Farmington on 4 P.M. train Alice having preceded me on 1 o’clock car Was met at station by F. D. Steeds team & boy and taken to F. D. Steed’s home where with my wife, her brother Henry & wife her sisters Maria & Annie and their husbands and uncle Jos Robinson & wife we spent a very pleasant evening Arrived home about 10:30 P.M.

19 February 1913 • Wednesday


About 8 or 10 inches of snow fell last night. I made paths and studied during the forenoon. Attended a business meeting of the U.I.V. Co. directors at 1:30 P.M.; Mutual Bd. at 5 P.M. [p. 62] and my Circle meeting at 6:30 P.M. Alice and I accompanied my son George & Edith to the Orpheum in the evening.

20 February 1913 • Thursday


All usually well. Cold day.

I went to weekly council meeting in the temple at 10 A.M. and there had my appointment with Jos F. Smith Jr. to Nebo Stake changed to Big Horn Wyoming with Patriarch Hyrum Gibbs Smith and in order to reach there in time for the conference had to leave on 2:45 p.m. train today, accordingly, I was excused from the Council meeting after Circle prayr.

I called on the Utah State Bank before leaving and arranged an extention of my note of $1500. falling due 24th inst. Went home and made ready to leave for Big Horn as per appointment.

My brother Fred & his wife took dinner with us. Their Son Leo. is in the L.D.S. Hospittal having been operated upon for appendicitis.— He is progressing favorably.

I took 2:40 P.M. Train O.S.L. for the North. I had some cold but it was greatly aggravated during the night.

21 February 1913 • Friday

Butte., Mont,

My cold is very bad. Elder Smith also has cold and a sore toe so [p. 63] that he is unable to wear his shoe. He wore a rubber & when we reached Butte after 7 A.M. we went up town he bought a pair of slippers. We left Butte at 10:45 A.M. and reached Billings on schedule time 7:12 P.M. and put up at the Grand. Rooms 124 & 125.

I wrote up my journal before retiring. I have taken two doses of Sal Patica as a treatment for my cold and ate but once during the day.

22 February 1913 • Saturday

Billings, Mont.

Am feeling some better after a good night’s rest.

Bro. H. G Smith and I left Billings at 7 A.M. and arrived at Cowley at 10:46 A.M. We were met by Pres. Wm C Partridge who drove us six miles to Byron arriving there at 11:40 A.M. we went direct to the meeting house and saw the closing of the meeting.

The Stake population is 2804 & the attendance was 258.

We went to Bp Coler’s where we made our stay.

At 2 P.M. attendance 358.

Speakers. Pres. May, Bp. Porter of Lovell, Bp. Hinckley of Cowley, myself and Pat. H. G. Smith. I occupied 30 min. Sub. Sustaining authority in temporal, political & religious matters They have responsibility and act unselfishly, those who oppose them are usually prompted by selfish motives [p. 64] Advantages of this country should be taken care of. Some advantages had her equal to most any other locality where our people live.

I also spoke upon the Subject of prayr & healing.

At 4 P.M. met with the High Council and participated in their deliberations after which we visited James Cowleys home and administered to his daughter who has a burned ankle. We also visited Ex Pres. Sessions (Byron) & administered to Sister Sessions who was very sick. The Patriarch & I also called on Sister Andersen daughter of & neighbor to Pres. Sessions.

23 February 1913 • Sunday

Byron, Wyo.

My cold still aggravated, my handkerchief to my nose a good portion of the time.

Attended 10 AM conference meeting. Attendance 562. Sacrament administered. I occupied 45 minutes, Subject. Sacrament, Types & symbols, Atonement a loving gift Love led the Father to give his son & the Son to give himself. Love begets love things earthly typical of things heavenly. The mothers love for the offspring begets love of the child. How the Father & Son manifest their love. How we may manifest our love for parents & for the Lord. Read Matt 30 25:30.—

Patriarch Hyrum G Smith spoke.

Between meetings we ad[p. 65]ministered to Sisters Verda Shumway and Lulu Peterson.

<This is the 52nd anniversary of my birth day.>3

Attended 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 565. The authorities were sustained and the Speakers were Pres. Partridge, Byron Sessions and Pat. H. G. Smith. After meeting we set apart the officers involved in the reorganization of the Byron Ward Bishopric, the Presidency of the High Council, the First & Third Elders Quorums, the Stake Superintendincy of the Sunday schools. I ordained Emanuel Thomas a bishop and set him apart to preside over Byron ward.

Attended Conjoint meeting at 5 P.M attendance 189. Reports made. I occupied about 30 minutes on mutual work and the various features thereof. Bro H. G. Smith also spoke.

Returning to Bp Coler’s home Bro Smith administered blessings to Bp. Emanuel Thomas and Bp. Coler & the latters son. I wrote up my journal &c.

24 February 1913 • Monday

Byron, Wyo.

Very cold. My cold no better

Pat. Hyrum G. Smith & I staid at the home of the retiring bishop Fred Kohler’s. We on invitation went to the home of the New Bp. Emanuel Thomas to breakfast and he drove us over to Cowley. On the way we called at a brother Veil’s and administered to two of his daughters. [p. 66]

At Cowley we attended the devotional exercises of the Church School and each of us addressed them. I occupied about 35 minutes with good freedom on evidences of the truth of the B of Mormon and of the divine mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith. The testimony of the three & the eight witnesses is a testimony to the truth of Joseph’s first vision as he related it also to the truth of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by John and the Melchizedek Priesthood by Peter James & John for had his first vision story been a fake surely God would not there after have honored him in such a manner—

We took dinner at Pres. Partridges and Bp. Emanuel Thomas returned us to the Ry. station where we took train at 1:56 P.M. Arrived in Billings about 6 P.M. and got train out for Butte at 8:15 P.M.

25 February 1913 • Tuesday

Butte, Mont.

Arrived here about 5 A.M. Left our car about 7:45 A.M. and took up our abode for a season of about ten hours in the O.SL Depot Station. While here I wrote up my journal for yesterday. Read the News paper and read from “The Prince of the House of David.” An interesting book. I am feeling much better of my cold this morning than for several days. [p. 67]

I left Butte on 5:40 P.M. train and arrived in Salt Lake 10:40 A.M. next day.

26 February 1913 • Wednesday

On train from Butte.

Am still afflicted with cold.

I finished reading “The Prince of the House of David.” By Rev. J. H. Ingraham L.L.D. a book of 324 pages.

I renewed my note of $1500.00 at the Utah State Bank for six months @ 8% int. payable quarterly.

I did some writing considered my mail &c and bathed and attended the meeting of the M.I.A. Gen’l Board. Important and encouraging letters from the Acme Cement Co. of Spokane and from Pres. E. J. Wood of Cardston, Canada

27 February 1913 • Thursday


Stormy day. Am getting rid of my cold slowly.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting in the temple from 10:30 to 3 o’clock. Called on Dr Stauffer and received electric treatment for my eyes. Met Elder Hyrum M. Smith and the Primary officers in consultation over Primary matters at 3 P.M.

I called at my Sister Asenath’s home and delivered to her temple recommend for [2 words redacted related to a temple ordinance] for her and her dead husband. I offered to stand for Joel in the ordinance which she said she would much appreciate. Alice & I accepted of an invitation [p. 68] from Elder H. J. Grant to attend the Salt Lake Theatre in the evening.

28 February 1913 • Friday


All usually well Stormy weather.

I remained home in forenoon and worked on my books and in the afternoon I went to the temple and was endowed for Robert Longstrother. Alice, and my sisters Sarah E. & Minerva E. went through also and Alice & I were sealed for a couple. I filed with the temple recorder a list of twenty two names of males for endowments and left a check of $16.50 in payment for same. We have all of our sealings done of both husbands & wives and children to parents as far as the endowment work is done and it is my intention to employ male help in the endowment work to keep up with the endowments of females and do the sealing work as fast as they are eligible.

I assisted Pres. Lyman in administering to Sister Lyman and spent an hour in conversation with him. Alice and I spent an hour with my son George & wife at their home in the evening.

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February 1913, George F. Richards, accessed February 7, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1913/1913-02


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “Gills”.

  2. [2]Ditto mark for “Longstroth”.

  3. [3]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 66.