1 April 1911 • Saturday


Weather ideal. Ray has a cough others all well.

I made a trip down town. Attended to some business and spent the remaining time at home, reading, studying &c. [p. 171]

2 April 1911 • Sunday


Fine day Folks usually <well>

I attended temple fast meeting 27th ward fast meeting and Conjoint mutual meeting in the 29th ward at night. I spoke in the ward fast meeting and assisted the bishopric in blessing babies, Consecrating oil, and administering to Sister Halleday. I blessed John W. Watkins and christened him. I went to 29th ward by previous appointment and occupied the time one hr. 15 min. Subject. Character defined and charactr building. My son LeGrand accompanied me down there.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and to-day after my return home. Geo & Edith, LeGrand & Ina took dinner with us at 5 P.M.

3 April 1911 • Monday


Weather pleasant until evening when it commenced to storm. I staid in and studied, wrote in Commentary, read papers &c. Four of the girls, Sarah, Ruby, Lucena and Mamie by courtesy of Bro. H. J. Grant went to the Salt Lake Theatre.

Alice has had severe headache all [p. 172] day but has worked hard just the same.

4 April 1911 • Tuesday

Home. Weather fine in daytime but rained during the night.

I attended the quarterly conference of the Twelve from 10 A.M. to about 2 P.M An important action was taken in releasing Elder Hyrum M. Smith from acting as clerk of the Council and appointing Elder Joseph F. Smith Jr to succeed him and instructing the latter who uses the type writer to record in loose leaf record the minutes of the Council meetings of the past not recorded which will cover a period of perhapse fifteen years or more.

I spent the remainder of the day and evening at home studying and writing. Wrote to my son Joel in England.

5 April 1911 • Wednesday


Rained gently most of the day.

This is my Son Joel’s 24th birth day Anniversary.

I attended regular weekly Council meeting of the Twelve and the First Presidency, put forward a day on account of Conference. [p. 173]

A letter from Geo W Williams of Thatcher Ariz. to me was read before the Council and I answered the letter as follows embodying as far as possible the views of Pres Jos. F. Smith as expressed.


Geo. W. Williams Jr.

This date given

Thatcher, Arizona,

Dear Brother:—

Your favor of 29th ult. received & contents considered. I read the pamphlet given me by Sister Williams entitled “The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand” while on my way home from Arizona. I have since read what other writers have had to say upon the subject of Socialism including the “Standard Book of Knowledge.”

I think I see in Socialism an element of religion and your words go to confirm such conclusions. You say “Political power is sought for the reason that it is only through this medium that the will of the people can be expressed, and that it is the only just and legal means whereby such a scheme could be carried out.” thus tacitly admitting the political feature is but secondary.

You say: “Especially in view of our expressed belief in the principle of the United Order, which is, I presume, the most perfect form of Socialism ever yet proposed to man.” If the United Order, a religious [p. 174] principle peculiar to the L.D. Saints and their religion alone, is as you presume, the most perfect form of Socialism ever given to man, then why not the Latter Day Saints be satisfied & contented to wait until the Lord through His church is prepared to establish the Same? Have you more confidence in men and political parties than in the Lord and His Church? Or do you think the Lord moves too slowly, or that His servants are not in favor with Him to receive His will on such matters for His church & people?

“God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform.” And “Mans ways are not as God’s ways!” Patience and implicit confidence in God, the church and the authorities is what is needed on the part of the people, and their undivided interests and efforts along the lines on which the church is working, and in due time these problems will be worked out in the Lord’s own way.

It is the opinion of the Church authorities that the spirit of Socialism is not in harmony with the spirit of the Gospel and that to the extent that members of the Church give allegiance and devotion to Socialism they lose the spirit of loyalty and devotion to the church and the Gospel. Members are advised against affiliating with that party. Enclosed find clipping [p. 175] from the Des. News of last Saturday. I fear this letter will not be very comforting to you, brother Williams, and could wish it otherwise. I advise that you put yourself in unquestioned harmony with your brethren, and suggest that a change of invironment would be helpful.

I am with affectionate regard,

Your brother,

Geo. F. Richards

Alice, Nina, Edna and I attended the Salt Lake Theatre at night by Courtesy of Elder Grant, in his box.

6 April 1911 • Thursday


All well. Fine weather

I attended the opening session of the 81st Annual Conference of the Church at the Large Tabernacle at 10 A.M. The speakers were, Pres. Joseph F. Smith and Pres Anthon H. Lund. Pres John Henry Smith was absent owing to a hemmerage of the lungs this A.M. 4 oclock. Apostles all present except Rudger Clawson and Reed Smoot the former in England and the latter in Washington. This was an excellent session account of which will be given, the Sermons to be published.

I attended afternoon session of the Conference at which the Speakers [p. 176] were Pres. Francis M, Lyman, Elders Heber J. Grant and Hyrum M. Smith. Good meeting.

<The following took dinner with me. Pres Oleen Stohl & wife of Boxelder, Jacob Miller, Arnold Miller & son Arnold.>1

I walked home with my Son Geo. & daughter Sarah. George staid a while and later LeGrand & baby called and spend an hour or two. Folks well.

7 April 1911 • Friday


Weather fine All well.

I attended the forenoon meeting of the conference. The speakers were in order as follows, Elder C. W. Penrose Pres. Callis of Southern States mission & myself. I occupied 30 minutes allotted me with good freedom and at conclusion Pres Smith expressed his approval by Saying, “Good boy.”

At Conclusion of the Services the presidency of the Kanab Stake, Seegmiller, Meeks & Heaton met me and I talked over the matter of the organizing of a branch at Moccasen and attaching same to Kanab or Orderville. I gave advice which met their approval and then took them to dinner with me.

Attended afternoon session on the conference. The Speakers were in order as follows; Elder O. F. Whitney, Bp. C. W. Nibley and Pres B. H. Roberts.

At close of meeting I answered [p. 177] some questions for Pres. Milton H. Welling of Bear River Stake.

I went home and wrote up my journal for past two days.

I wrote second letter to Bp. C. R. Hakes Jr. of Bluewater N.M. correcting dates of Conference which I propose to attend with him.

In the evening I attended a general priesthood meeting at which there were present 1634 of the brethren. It lasted from 7 to about 9:30 o’clock but was very interesing. My brothers Myron J and Wilford W. staid the night with us.

8 April 1911 • Saturday


Pleasant weather Folks usually well

I attended special priesthood meeting held in the Assembly Hall from 10 to 12 o’clock.

Pres. Smith gave me complimentary tickets to the Aviation meet & my son George and I went out in the afternoon and saw the human birds fly with their machines.

I spent the evening at home writing up conference notes, &c.

9 April 1911 • Sunday


All well.

I attended the forenoon, afternoon [p. 178] and evening conference meetings in the large tabernacle, the last named being a Sunday School Conference.

I also met the members of the First Presidency and the Twelve at the Presidents office after forenoon conference where we heard read a paper to be presented to the Conference &c.

I walked down to the evening conference and return with my Sons Geo & LeGrand, Ina & Sarah walked home with us. The account of the Conference meetings is given elsewhere and the Sermons will be published. We had a good conference and good weather all through.

This day I received from Pocatello Jeweler Bro. E. D. Harrison a new watch movement a 21 Jewel Waltham in exchange for my B. W. Raymond 17 jewel which I had worn for fifteen years for which I had to pay $22.50 on exchange. This movement is same movement as Pres Lyman has which has given him good satisfaction.

10 April 1911 • Monday


Weather pleasant Myself & family well.

I attended a meeting of the Twelve and mission presidents in the temple from [p. 179] ten to 1:45 P.m. I paid bills, paid Joel’s life assurance premium, wrote Joel &c.

In the evening Alice and I attended a banquet given in the Bps. building by the First Presidency to the general Authorities and the Presidencies of the Stakes and their wives. A grand affair.

11 April 1911 • Tuesday


Weather pleasant. Folks usually well.

I spent the forenoon home writing and studying. Attended a missionary meeting in the temple annex where thirty missionaries were set apart and instructed. Pres. Lyman, Elders Richards, Ivins & Smith J. F. Jr. and Prests. Young S. B., Kimball & McMurrin partiscepated in blessing and instructing the missionaries. Pres Kimball blessed eight, I blessed the following

1 Albert Thos. Smith of Wanship, Utah. to Western States.

2. Thomas Morgan Rees of Coalville to Southern States.

3 Abram Franklin Marchant of Peoa Utah to Western States

4. Edward H Kemp of Lewiston, Cache <Co> to Eastern States.

Pres Lyman instructed the missionaries and left them or the meeting in my charge. I spoke last.

I went to the Shoe Shop and had [p. 180] new heels put on my shoes while I waited and walked home with my son & daughter George & Sarah. Geo & Edith took supper with us and remained the evening until 9 P.M.

12 April 1911 • Wednesday


Cold night, some snow, cold day.

I spent the forenoon at home studying and writing and at 2 P.M. attended a director’s meeting of the Utah Implement Co. At 4 P.M. I attended religion class generalboard meeting and at 5 P.M. a Y.M.M.I. general board meeting and at 6:15 P.M. attended my Circle meeting. Sat up until about 10:30 writing and took my bath before retiring.

13 April 1911 • Thursday


Weather cold & freezing during the night and snowing in the morning. I attended regular weekly council meeting from 10 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Oliver LeGrand Robinson called and spent an hour or more. Alice and I by invitation met at the Beehive house at 5:30 P.M. the members of the Twelve and Presidency, their wives and others where we had a splendid supper and spent a pleasant evening. [p. 181] We excused our selves at 9:30 P.M. and went home to the baby. Alice was not feeling first class.

This day I received a letter from the Acme Portland Cement Co of Spokan informing me that the second payment of $55,000. $50,000. had been made to the Company by the purchasers which insures sale of property two for one. I have $1200. invested there and should receive $2500.00 less expenses of sale, litigations <&c> probably $2400. net. Balance payment to be paid on or about Sept. 10 next. This is good news to me.

I wrote to my brother Fred.

14 April 1911 • Friday


Weather cool but sun shining.

Cold night last.

I attended to some business down town in forenoon and went home with my son to dinner and walked down town with him from K & 4th streets. Attended missionary meeting at temple annex and presided. We had a company of 14 for the Pacific isles. Bros. Ivins & McMurrin and I alone there to set them apart and instruct them. We made three companies. I set apart the following.

1. David Eugene Wilcox of Cardston, Canada [p. 182] to Samoa. Elizabeth Layne Wilcox his wife and LaVera L. Wilcox his daughter both to Samoa. Theresa Anderson Miner of Fairview, Utah to Sandwich Isles.

I blessed Sister Miners oldest child, Elder Ivins the next oldest, Pres. McMurrin neext, I next & Ivins next. Five Children blessed. We appointed brother David E. Wilcox to preside over the company with Elder Palmer to assist him and when Elder Wilcox leaves the company Elder Parmer to be president of the remaining company to destination.

I went through the buildings on temple block with a company of sight seers and had an oppertunity to say a few words in favor of salvation for the dead.

Sarah and I spent the evening with LeGrand & Ina.

15 April 1911 • Saturday


Weather pleasant. Folks well.

Had my mother lived until this day she would have been eighty-three years of age. Aunt Louy Richards invited members of the family down and served to them an excellent dinner. Alice & I left home about 3:45 and returned home at 8:40. I spent the forenoon and until leaving for Uncle Willards in reading, writing and studying. Sat up late studying. [p. 183]

16 April 1911 • Sunday


Pleasant day All well.

I attended 21st ward Sunday School and spoke in the parents class and in main school. Walked home with my son George who is assistant superintendent of the S. School of this 21st ward. Later my son LeGrand and I walked down town and attended the Services in large tabernacle.

Attended 27th ward meeting in the evening and offered the closing prayr. This has been a profitable day, may the Lord be praised.

Geo. & Edith, LeGrand & wife & baby took supper with us and spent the evening here. At tabernacle the speakers were Elders Jos. F. Smith Jr. and C. W. Penrose and at 27th ward Elders, Alma O. Taylor and Hamilton G. Park, good meetings.

17 April 1911 • Monday


Weather fine My health good

I left Salt Lake City accompanied by Katie Grover on 7:10 A.M. O.S.L. train for Malad, thence by team to Holbrook. W[e] arrived at Malad at 11:30 A.M. & were met at Station by my Nephew Albert Smith. We took hack up town and got dinner at hotel and left at One P.M. with double team & [p. 184] single seated buggy, three of us and arrived at Holbrook at 4:30 P.M. I held Albert on my knees all the way over. We found my sister Alice Ann recovering from an attack of spotted fever. So much so that she could converse freely and raise up on her elbow to take medicine, drinks &c and craves something to eat. Alices daughter Nannie, her grand children Alice, Barton & Henry Ashcroft and her Son Joseph & wife & two babies were up from Fielding and Nannie & children were staying at Alices. Joseph & family were staying with Willard & Lot one and one half miles away. The boys all came up in the evening and we had a good but brief visit. After they had gone I administered to Alice.

18 April 1911 • Tuesday

Holbrook. Ida.

Weather pleasant.

I left Holbrook with Albert Smith at 10:12 A.M. and reached Malad Ry. Station at 1:15 P.M. Train left Malad at 1:45 o’clock and I reached Salt Lake at 7 P.M. Had an hour’s stay in Ogden. I found Mama & baby missing they having gone out to Tooele this morning.

Folks well at home. [p. 185]

19 April 1911 • Wednesday


Weather clear but cold. Folks well.

I spent the forenoon home reading, writing letters &c.

Attended to some business down town and attended the meetings of the religion Classes & Y.M.M.I. Genl. boards and my circle. I spent some time with Pres Lyman in the evening at his home.

20 April 1911 • Thursday


Weather stormy. My health good.

I attended regular weekly council meeting of the First Presidency and the Twelve from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. in temple and received appointment with Elder Jos. F. Smith Jr. to Beaver Stake Conference to leave Salt Lake to-morrow night. Attended to some business down town for Sister Nerva and returned home, wrote letters Studied &c.

21 April 1911 • Friday


Weather pleasant

Folks well. I spent the day at home and in the evening George and Edith & LeGrand & Ina came in & took supper and spent the evening. Took 11:50 PM train for Milford thence to go by Auto or [p. 186] team to Beaver, Jos F. Smith Jr. accompanying me.

22 April 1911 • Saturday

On train.

Weather fine My health good.

Elder Smith and I arrived at Milford at 8:15, took Auto to Beaver 30 miles and arrived at 10:35 at meeting while Pres. Sam. O. White Jr. the first speaker was speaking. The other speakers of the meeting were as follows; Bp. Burns of Milford, Bro. Air of Minersville and Elder Jos F Smith. Attendance 218.

At afternoon the attendance was 376. The speakers were as fol.; Pres. J. T. Tanner, Bro. Reese recently returned from St George temple where he has been on a mission for two years and while there was baptized for 3100 people, as high as 280 at one time in fount.; A Bro. Jacobs; Bp David J Reese of Adamsville; Bro Maesar of the Murdock Academy and my self. I occupied about 455 minutes. Subj.: Love of God & Christ and what they have done for us. How best we can repay.

After meeting we did some ordaining &c. I ordained David J. Reese (High Priest) a bishop and set him apart to preside over Adamsville ward.

Elder Smith set apart John Limb (HP) second counselor to Bp. Reese and Samuel D. Hutchins, a seventy was [p. 187] ordained an high priest and set apart Second counselor to Bishop Geo. A. Parkinson of Beaver East ward by myself.

We inspected the new bishops building, the new School building and went up to the School grounds & saw the new Academy building.

Attended a Sunday School Union meeting from 7 to 8:30 and from 8:30 to 11:30 a theatrical by Academy Studnts.

23 April 1911 • Sunday

Beaver, Ut.

Weather fine My health good

This is the twenty-eighth anniversary of the birth of my oldest son George. This morning I wrote up my journal and issued certificates of ordination before breakfast.

Attended 10 A.M. Conference meeting in the Beaver Operahouse and notwithstanding the children of the two wards were in S. School session, we had in attendance 502. Sacrament was administered and the speakers were as follows; Pres. J. F. Tolton, Dr. Warran Shepherd, Jos F. Smith Jr.

Elder Smith and I went to dinner with Expresident of Stake White. We set apart first counselor to Bp Reese of Adamsville, Elder Smith being mouth. [p. 188]

At afternoon session the attendance was 608. Authorities Sustained.

The speakers were, Prof Josiah Hickman Elder Tanner recintly returned missionary and myself. I occupied about 45 minutes with good liberty and satisfaction to my self. Subject. Close the Saloons, The Bible. This being the 300th anniversary of the completion of St James translation.

At close of the meeting Elder Smith and I took Auto to Milford where we attended evening meeting both Spoke. Subject Faith alone not sufficient for salvation. What is necessary.

We took 9:20 P.M. train arriving in Salt Lake at 6:30 A.M. Monday.

24 April 1911 • Monday

Arrived in S Lake at 6:30 AM

All well Weather fine.

Edwin Carbine came in on same train and came home with me to breakfast and staid until about ten o’clock after which I wrote up my journal and other records.

Spent the whole day at home studying.

25 April 1911 • Tuesday


Weather warm. My health good.

Baby Ray has bad cold & cough.

I went out to Tooele in the morning and returned in evening; took Oliver with me. I spent most of the time [p. 189] while in Tooele at Nerva’s and while there administered a blessing unto her. Called and saw Estella, also Pres. Gowans.

26 April 1911 • Wednesday


Warm Rain at night. Baby better and others well.

I spent the time until about 3 P.M. at home studying & reading and then went down town. Attended to some business at Historian’s office & at temple. Attended Y.M.M. & R.C. Gen. board meetings and my circle meeting. My sons George and LeGrand came in in the evening and we talked over a proposition to buy a lot and build a double house for the two of them and their families and about reached a conclusion.

I phoned my sister Nerva at Farmington

27 April 1911 • Thursday


Weather fine All well at home.

I attended regular weekly council meeting from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. and Special meeting of the Twelve from 4:30 to 5 P.M.

Elder Joseph Smith Jr. received appointment to accompany me on a trip south which I planned last September when I was down there [p. 190] This trip includes Denver, SanLuis Stake, St. Johns Stake and Snowflake Stake and the wards of these stakes including Pine of Maricopa Stake 125 miles from Snowflake.

The question of maintaining or abandoning the College Course in the B.Y.U. on account of the expense of maintaining same was submitted to a committee of which I am a member and next Tuesday was set for the time to meet and consider same with the B.Y.U. faculty.

May 10th 10 A.M. was set as the time to hear the M. F. Cowley case.

I wrote letters &c.

28 April 1911 • Friday


Fine weather. My health good. Folks all well.

I spent the day at home; worked out doors several hours, trimming and trailing vines, repairing old hose for rear, did some plumbing work &c. I did some studying and writing during the day.

Received stock certificates from the Portland Cement Securities Company of Portland. Eleven shares Preferred and thirty-four shares Common stock. This stock cost me $800.00 [p. 191]

29 April 1911 • Saturday


Stormy. Am well.

I took 7:50 A.M. R.G. train to Provo, thence to Heber accompanied by Pres. R. S. Wells Arrived at Heber at 11:50 A.M. & with Bp. Ritchie rode to Pres Jos. R. Murdock’s where I made my staying quarters. Attended afternoon meeting and was the last speaker, Prests. Jensen & Wells having preceded me. I occupied 35 minutes. Subject the Holy Ghost. Internal Evidences The stake population is about 4250 The attendance at 10 A.M. meeting was 273 and at 2 P.M. meeting 351.

After the meeting Pres. Wells and I accompanied by Prests. Murdock & Jensen and bishops Duke & Crook walk<ed> over to First ward new meeting house and then to third ward house and inspected same; both are almost alike and both roofed in; each will cost about $12,000. Returning to Pres. Murdocks I spent the evening retiring to bed early.

This stake presidency have their work well in hand, spiritual and temporal matters of the Stake well under control. The work done on new meeting houses shows faithfulness on the part of the people of 1st & 3rd wards. [p. 192]

30 April 1911 • Sunday


Weather clear My health good.

This has been a strenuous day. I have attended six meetings, ordained five high priests, set apart a president of Seventies of 96th quorum &c.

At 8:30 A.M. I met with the stake presidency and high council in prayr circle and council capacity.

At 10 A.M. met with sunday school session of the conference attendance 960 While the sacrament was being passed I spoke upon that sacred ordinance occupying 25 minutes. The other speakers were in order as follows; Jas. Johnson SS. S.S., D. A. Broadbent, RC Supt. and Pres Rulon S. Wells.

At close of forenoon meeting I attended a meeting of the Council members of the 20th and 96th quorums of Seventy.

At 2 P.M. Conference meeting the General and Stake authorities were sustained also five brethren to be ordained high priests and after meeting I ordained them assisted by the Stake presidency and the presidency of the High Priests quorum. The speakers at the afternoon meeting were in order as follows; Edward D. Clyde of the Stake presidency; John P. McGuire, returned missionary; Pres. R. S. Wells and myself. I occupied 40 [p. 193] minutes. Subject. The Bible this being the three hundredth anniversary of the completion of the St. James’ translation.

At close of afternoon meeting I attended a meeting of the Seventies and adresssed them briefly.

At 7:30 Conjoint Mutual meeting Elder John P. McGuire talked on economies and a sister Mortenson read a good paper on Apostasy. I followed occupying about half an hour. Subject. marriage. Pres. Wells followed for 20 minutes and Pres. Jos. R. Murdock spoke interestingly for about ten minutes.

I retired to bed at 10:30 o’clock.

The names of those whom I ordained will be found in my record of ordinations.

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April 1911, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1910s/1911/1911-04


  1. [1]This insertion was written in the top margin of page 177.