October 1904

3 October–6 November 19041

Fast Day Nov 6/04

After a months neglect I now proceed to write from memory my diary.

Since Oct. 2nd last writing I have attended Oct. Conference Salt Lake Had nice visit with folks and attended all the Conference meetings and one theatre at Legrand’s expense Arranged with George F. Jr. to move out to Tooele and with him went and interviewed Prest Smith also Bro. Philip S Macock of the Liberty Stake Presidency. George quit his work with Bamberger Oct 31, 1904 and he came out Nov 3d. Moved into A. J. Bruneau’s house.

Sunday Oct. 23 I took my team & Surray and Prest Gowans and Bro. CA Orme with me we went to Rush Valley Prest Gowans stopped off at St. John & Bro Orme & I went on to Clover We took dinner with Bp. Stookey. Had a pleasant visit Picked up Prest G. & wife at St Johns on our way home Sund Oct 30 Prest Gowans & I went to Batesville where we were joined by Bro. CA Orme. attended School & meeting &c. [p. 167]

Continuing. Since Oct 2nd I have assisted in Reorganizing the Presidency of the two Elder’s quorums in the Stake; in administering to Wm McLaws’ baby, to Albert Lindholms baby, to J. G. Dorman Setting apart officers to Y.L & Primary. associations, Bore testamony at school & Fast meetings. Attended H. Council & Stake Priesthood meetings at Grantsville &c With the Commencement of the month of November I got the interest on $5000 with CLA reduced from 10% to 7% Conducted my business as usual. Sold second hand fish wagon & bought new 3¼ Fish gear Weather pleasant & Business fair.

This 6th day of Nov. I attended Sunday School & Meeting & bore testamony in each Attended Circle meeting. Administered Patriarchal blessing to Chas. Pocock and attended Con-Joint meeting of Y.M.M.I. Folks all well. With the assistance of my Son George in my business I shall be happy.

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October 1904, 3 October–6 November 19041, George F. Richards, accessed February 13, 2025 https://chpress-web.churchhistorianspress.org/george-f-richards/1900s/1904/1904-10


  1. [1]The portion of this entry on page 167 was written vertically on the second half of the page.