August 1909

1 August 1909 • Sunday

Home of Roscoe Grover, Nephi, Utah.

Am fasting until supper.

Attended prayr circle at 9 A.M. and Pres. Seymour B. Young and I each addressed the brethren briefly. A splendid spirit present.

At 10 A.M. the children met with the grown people. Attendance of [p. 154] adults very light. The 23 psalm was recited in concert and the sacrament was administered. The Speakers were in order as follows.

John W. Ord of the Stake presidency.

A. R. Paxman S.S.S. Schools.

Pres Seymour B. Young 25 minutes.

I occupied 25 minutes. A lesson to the children and a lesson to the officers & teachers.

Little children are born pure as the angels of heaven. The practice of self denial will keep them thus pure. In school they should receive their first lesson. When tempted to whisper, control one’s self; deny himself and practice concentration of mind which is a great accomplishment. When you go forth from school and are tempted to smoke, break the Sabbath or do any thing you know you should not do, deny your self and then do the things you know you should do even though you should be tempted to not do so, then you will continue pure as the Angels of heaven and shall be happy with them in O, such a beautiful place.

To Officers & teachers only 90% of the school age 4 to 20 yrs. are enrolled and 49% of Enrollment average attendance This Suggests the necessity for your extending your usefulness as missionaries which you are. Love should cause you to reach out for these and get them enrolled and the [p. 155] attendance improved. The lessons arranged consecutively may never be repeated to the child. If he misses this Sunday he has lost some gem of truth which he may never have oppertunity of hearing again or may be when grown and then have it to learn when his time is more valuable.

Met with Seventies at conclusion of School. Three presidents & 5 members present.

At 2 PM meeting the Authorites were sustained and I occupied 45 minutes followed by Pres. Seymour B. Young who took about 40 minutes.

I called attention to the light attendance at our conference meetings and the reported falling off in attendance at the ward fast and sacramental meetings. Also to the fact that 65% of the children in the Stake between the ages of 20 & 4 yrs are not at S. School every morning or in other words there are 65% absent every Sunday morning, average. I taught parents duty to children and to the Lord and his servants and called attention to the fact that these conditions do not show that the people are sustaining the Stake Presidency and bishoprics.

After meeting at 4:30 we met about 30 Seventies and held them for about one hour & a half. Questioned the Seventies as to their Course of life &c. Found one of the presidents using tea & coffee. He intimated that he would leave it off.

At Conjoint Mutual meeting in the evening the presidents of the two associations [p. 156] Bro Sorenson & Sister Cazair each made a brief report. Pres Seymour B. Young took the time from 8:12 to 9 P.M. when we brought the meeting to a close. His theme was the life of Christ, told the Story of “Another Wise Man.”

2 August 1909 • Monday


I arose about 5:30 A.M. wrote up my journal for yesterday, read the paper and the Scriptures. Took a ride with Roscoe Grover for about 45 minutes about town. Left Nephi on 10:15 A.M. train and reached Salt Lake at 2 P.M. I took the six girls to the Ringling Bros. Circus in the evening viz. Sarah, Ruby, Lucena, Mamie, Nina & Edna Moselle. While gone Oliver had a painful time with his leg and Mama was geatly disturb<ed> in her mind over his condition. I administered to him and he rested fairly well there after. After the Circus I accompanied Sarah and Mamie over to my sister Asenath’s to stay with Alice & Jay Grover in absence of their mother. Also bathed and retired at 1 A.M.

3 August 1909 • Tuesday


All well except Oliver & his lameness. Drs Stephen and Gill by my reques came up and mad[e] an examination of Oliver’s leg and later phoned me that he thought it would be advisable to put the leg in plaster and for this purpose would call to-morrow morning and take him to the hospittal, I to accompany him. [p. 157] I cut the lawn, flushed the toilet with hose &c.

4 August 1909 • Wednesday


Alice and I took Oliver in Dr. Stephen L. Richard’s Automobile with him to the L.D.S. Hospittal where Dr. Stephen put a plaster cast on Oliver’s left leg and up to and around his waist. This treatment for his lameness which it is supposed is hip disease. Oliver stood it with scarcely a whimper.

I attended Council meeting from twelve to 2:30 P.M. Received appointment to South Sanpete Conference next Saturday and Sunday to be held in Gunnison. I go alone. Received appointment to San Juan Stake Conference the week following to be held at Mancos N.M. Col.

I did some trading down town and bought a light summer suit formerly @$32.50 @ $15.49 A bargain. No Circle. Room <being repaired.>

5 August 1909 • Thursday


Oliver rested well last night. warm.

In the afternoon Alice, Geo. Edith, Geo. L. & Nerva, Sarah, Ruby, Lucena and I and Joel went to Salt Air and all except Edith took a bath in the lake which I very much enjoyed, the first in the lake this season for me.

In the earlier part of the day I made a trip down town and did some trading. [p. 158]

6 August 1909 • Friday


I left home on 7:45 R.G.W. train for Manti where I arrived at 1 P.M. and was met at the Station by Pres Lewis Anderson and was taken to his home and after dinner we drove up to the Spring owned by the Church which supplies water for the temple. We went through the temple and about the grounds which I very much enjoyed not having been here for nine months. Spent the night at Pres. Anderson’s.

7 August 1909 • Saturday

Manti. Utah.

Pres. Lewis Anderson & I left Manti at 7:40 and reached Gunnison 15 miles distant in time for the opening of the South Sanpete Stake Conference held in a bowery on north side of Relief society hall.

Attendance at 10 A.M. meeting 175. The speakers were in order as follows.

Pres. Lewis Anderson

Bro. [blank] Nielson a counselor in the Presidency of the High Priests quorum.

Hans C. Jensen Sen. Pres. 63 quorum of <seventies>

I occupied about 45 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Monday evening Priesthood meetings, quorum meetings &c

At 2 P.M. meeting, attendance 387 The speakers were in order as follows.

Jos. Y. Jensen of Stake Presidency.

Bro. [blank] Gleddo returned missionary

Patriarch Beal and [blank]

I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty. Subject. Patriarchal blessings [p. 159] and other blessings from the Lord. Missionary work, growth of the work, obligation to preach. Ezek. 3:18–22 By example and by precept at home and abroad, to Stranger and to Saints. Referred to Black food [Blackfoot], Salem, Syracuse as examples where converts had been made. Does the obligation rest more heavily on those wards than on Gunnison and other So. Sanpete wards to convert the outsider. Error must fall. Truth though crushed to earth will rise again and triumph ultimately.

We had an appointment for a conjoint mutual conference in the bowery at 8 P.M. but a heavy storm came on before that hour and wet the benches so thoroughly that it was not deemed wise to require the people to occupy them even if moved into the house so the meeting was deferred.

I spent the night at Bishop Jos. Christensen’s.

8 August 1909 • Sunday

Gunnison Utah

My health good and my spirits are cheerful, my soul peaceful. May the Lord be praised. The weather is threatening.

I wrote up my journal for yesterday and the day before and up to this writing before the morning meeting.

At 10 A.M. meeting held in the bowery there were present 640. [p. 160] The weather was threatening and several times it sprinkled during the day. At 10 A.M. meeting the Speakers were in order, after the Sacrament in as followes.

First Assistant Supt. S Schools of Stake Bro. Branch

Sister Willardson of the Stake Y.L.M.I.A.

Bro. C. P. Larsen of Y.M.M.I.A. of Centre.

I occupied about 40 minutes with good liberty, Subject Mutuals & S. Schools. Children should practice self denial and thus continue pure as the angels.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance 842 about 200 of whom were from Redmond in Seviere Stake 12 miles distant. The authorities were sustained and the Speakers were as fol.

Ezra Shoemaker of the Stake Presidency, I spoke about 40 minutes and Pres. Lewis Anderson occupied about 25 minutes in Conclusion.

I spoke upon the Subject of Auxiliaries and what they are doing for the parents in the relegious education of their children and what the parents owe to those who are workers therein. How best to Sustain them. Parents duty to Children neglected hence the necessity for these organization. Bore my testimony in conclusion.

Not having been able to hold Mutual meeting last night on account of the Storm, the mutual programme was interspersed through the conference meetings.

A good spirited conference and the weather favored us to the end [p. 161] may the Lord be praised.

After meeting I rode to Manti 15 miles with Pres. Lewis Anderson and staid over night.

9 August 1909 • Monday


I left Manti on 7 A.M. train and via. Nephi, reached Salt Lake at 1:45 P.M.

Cleaned up, took lunch and went down to Nervas about 6 or 7 blocks where Alice and the two small children were. Returned in the early evening and called and Saw my Mother on the way home she having just returned from the Canyon where she had spent two or three weeks. We had just reached home when it commenced to rain and rained hard. Many people on the Streets of Salt Lake having gathered to witness the parade and the Wizzard of the Wasatch were drenched with rain. Our folks all escaped.

10 August 1909 • Tuesday

Our weekly meeting of the Council of First Presidency & Twelve was brought forward one day on account of to-morrow being a public holliday on account of the G.A.R. parade &c so I attended Council meeting from 10 A.M. to about 2:30 P.M. I did some business down town, Called on Dr. Stephen, got crutches for Oliver at the Drug store, Nelden’s. &c. [p. 162]

Spent the evening at home. Alice & I staid home with the children while the larger ones went to the fire works.

11 August 1909 • Wednesday

Home. Weather warm.

This day proclaimed a holliday by the Governor and Mayor on account of the G.A.R. parade day. Alice and I and the children excepting Mamie and Oliver & Estella went down town in the morning and from Geo F. Jr.’s office windows, watched the parade, after which I attended to some business returning home about 3 P.M.

Alice and I attended the theater Colonial in the evening and witnessed for the first time the play “Corianton,” which we viry much enjoyed.

12 August 1909 • Thursday

Home. Weather hot.

I mowed our lawn and bathed and attended funeral services of Elder Geo. Reynolds held in Barrett Hall at 10 A.M. Jos. W. Summerhayse offerred the opening prayr. The Speakers were in order as follows; Prests. Seymour B. Young, B. H. Roberts, Rulon S Wells, Jos. W. McMurrin, Pres John R. Winder Elder Heber J. Grant & Pres Joseph F. Smith Benediction by Levi W. Richards. Attendance light.

I attended a Religion Class Board meeting from 2 to 3:30 P.M. Visited my mother for an hour, made ready and left on 7:10 P.M. D.&R.G. train for Mancos, Col. Had Lower 4 in Car D. Tourist. Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin on former section in Standard Pullman. We met [p. 163] at Grand Junction 7:30 A.M. Aug. 13, 1909.

13 August 1909 • Friday

On train. Arrived at Grand Junction at 7:30 Due 5:50 A.M. Should have left Grand Junction at 8:30 A.M. for Mancos but owing to a wreck down the road we were delayed <1 hr.> During our wait I wrote up my journal for past two days. My health and spirits good. We had a four hours delay at Montrose and arrived at Telluride at 11:45 P.M. Schedule time 6:20 P.M. where we staid all night at Sheriden hotel.

14 August 1909 • Saturday

Telluride. Col.

Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and I left Telluride at 7 A.M. and reached Mancos at 1:15 P.M. We were met at Station by Bro. Jos. F Dean and driven 2½ miles to Mancos meeting house where we attended the afternoon services. The attendance was 302.

The speakers were in order as follows; Pres. W. H. Redd, Bp. Halls of Mancos, Bp. Redd of Bluff, My self and Pres. J. W. McMurrin. I occupied 40 minutes with good liberty. Eulogized the people on their faithfulness in attending conferences &c.

In the evening I attended Stake Priesthood meeting. Attendance 88. The Speakers were in order as follows; The members of the Stake Presidency, Pres. J. W. McMurrin and myself. I spoke of the necessity for these in authority living exemplary lives before the people and that they may have the spirit of their callings. The Lord aids us through the Holy Spirit which will not dwell in un[p. 164]holy tabernacles. The clensing process should go down from the head through the organizations. The Presidency of the Stake should know his Stake officers by personal interview also the Bps. The Bishops should know his ward teachers and the teachers should know the people of their districts in same way and labor with them to have them overcome and attend faithfully to duty. Bp Halls the following day congratulated me on this talk saying it was the best he ever heard on the Subject of Teachers work. May the Lord be praised it if will do good and may it be so sanctified.

I took supper at Pres W H. Halls and made my staying place with Bp. Halls.

15 August 1909 • Sunday

Mancos <Col.>

During the night we had heavy rain and hard claps of thunder. Every thing thoroughly wet out doors.

Pres. Walter C. Lyman and Counselor Redd called down and spent about two hours with us in Counsel and we arranged our iternnery for the next week in their stake.

Attended 10 A.M. conference. Attendance 373. Sacrament administered The speakers were in order as follows:

Wm Decker recently returned from Southern States mission labored as companion with Geo. L. Tate.

Elders Lynn & Green missionaries laboring in [p. 165] this state. Elder McMurrin and myself. Children should practice self denial and thus continue pure as the angels above.

From 12 to 1:30 I met with the bishops, the Stake Presidency, the presidents of the 125 Quorum of Seventy and Pres. of Elder’s quorum where we selected forty Elders to be ordained Seventies.

At 2 P.M. meeting the attendance was 334. The population of the Stake is 1800+ souls. The general and stake authorities were sustained after which I occupied 40 minutes with good freedom. Obligation resting upon us to preach & teach by precept & example those of us and the stranger that comes within our gates Read Ezek 3:17–21; D&C 18:10–24 & 38:40–41. Pres. McMurrin spoke 35 minutes.

At 4 P.M. met with the Seventies where Pres McMurrin and I ordained a number of Seventies, the account of it not at hand just now.

We took supper with Father Burnham And attended evening Mutual meeting. The speakers were in order as follows

A brother representing the Young men J. J. Jensen, Sister Burnham, Sister Halls Pres McMurrin and myself. I spoke upon the subject of the eternity of the marriage covenant and read for my text in concluding D&C 132:1–24.

A Strenuous day. Had a talk with Sister Ashcroft and Stake Presidency about James Ashcroft estate and learned that but 15% of the estate’s [p. 166] liabilities could be paid, that the other two wives had their homes & this sister wanted what was to come on the Church notes of $1000. which will be about $150. to go to Nanny Ashcroft the other wife, my niece.

This has been a strenuous day.

Following are the names of those whom I blessed and ordained.

1. Wm Decker 2nd Counselor in Presidency of the Elder’s quorum.

Wm Corey a Seventy Set apart a president of the 125th quorum of Seventy.

The following Elders I ordained Seventies and set them apart to 125th Quorum.

Wm J. Walker of Fruitland N.M.

Abraham B. Slade of Kline Col.

Leonard K. Jones of Bluff. Utah

Erastus Wheeler of Mancos, Col.

Earnest A. Lee "1 Kline Col

Charles M. Steele. Kirtland NM.

Wm E. Ellis. Mancos, Col.

Bro McMurrin and I had a lengthy hearing from Sister Allen Sister of Brigham Young Jr’s widow of her affairs and being asked for advise told her that since the Presidency of the Stake had already advised her, we would with hold advise until after conferring with them. Retired after 11 o’clock thoroughly tired.

16 August 1909 • Monday

Mancos, Col,

My health good but am not fully rested and up with sleep. [p. 167] I wrote up my journal for the past two days having been to much occupied otherwise to do it at the time.

I heard Sister Brigham Young Jr. relate some of her trials. Her daughter 14 yrs old ran off and married a church member from Mexico named Allen aged 25 yrs of whom it is reported that he has a married but undivorced wife in mexico. Separated. She had come here from Fruitland and found her daughter and by the influence of the bishopric she was pursuaded to return home with her mother. I told her I would have him prosecuted on two Counts Abduction & bigamy.

I wrote a letter home to my wife and posted it.

I attended a meeting of the primary officers. A convention at 10 A.M. Miss. Peart in attendance. and addressed the convention. I showed that there are 15,500+ of L.D.S. children between the ages of 4 & 14 years not enrolled in primary and of the 50,000. enrolled only an average attendance of 22,000. Where are the other 28,000 every week. Parents are responsible largely i.e. if they were interested they could have it very different. How best then to interest the parents?

At 11:30 I went below to Relief society Conference and addressed the [p. 168] sisters on the Subject of the word of Wisdom. After meeting Pres. McMurrin, the Stake Presidency and a bro. David Halls went by request to the home of Bro. & Sis. Smith daughter of Pres W. H. Halls and administered to their 2½ yr old boy cross eyed & nearly blind. Pres McMurrin anointed & I confirmed the anointing. I took lunch with the people at the hall then repaired to the bishops, made certificates of ordination to the Seven I ordained to the office of Seventy. Wrote letter to Nannie Ashcroft, my niece about her home & James Ashcroft estate affairs.

Sister Allen again entertained me with her views upon her Sister, Sister Young’s troubles.

17 August 1909 • Tuesday

Mancos. Col.

The Stake Presidency, Pres. McMurrin and I drove 30 miles from Mancos to Kline. Pres. McMurrin and I spent the night at Bro. Henry Slade’s and slept in a tent.

18 August 1909 • Wednesday

Kline Col.

I attended meeting at 10 A.M.

Population 125. Attendance 90.

The Speakers were in order as follows: Pres. W H Halls, Pres. W H Redd, myself, Pres. McMurrin and Pres. W. C. Lyman. I advised that the people, when their titles are secured, build in the town site and build up and beautify the town and their homes. Pay their tithes & be blessed [p. 169]

We ordained two Seventies and I administered to a sister Bennet. I issued certificate of ordination to Geo. Lester Holgate whom I ordained.

We drove to Red Mesa 6 miles and took dinner with Sister Roberts and her daughter Sister Cooper.

Attended 2 P.M. meeting at Red Mesa. Population 120 Attendance 119. The Speakers were in order as follows: W H Redd W. H. Halls, Pres. W. C. Lyman, Pres J. W. McMurrin and myself. A good spirit prevailed I had good liberty. Praised the people for their faithfulness. Referred to tithing. Showed what is expended annually of the tithes for the poor, for maintaining temples, missions, school &c. He that has paid a full tithing has done his full share in those lives so far as the accomplishments by the tithing is concerned. Go[d]2 made the distribution of responsibility.

We went to Joseph Dean’s to stay for the night. Just got there as the storm commenced and had to run for the house when the rain fell in torrents.

19 August 1909 • Thursday

Red Mesa. Col.

With Pres. McMurrin and the Stake Presidency I left Red Mesa for Hammond ward. Crossed the state line into New Mexico at 10 A.M. Passed through Aztex on the Ry. between Farmington, N.M. and Durango, Col and reached Hammond about 8 P.M. a distance of 45 miles from Red Mesa. [p. 170] Bro McMurrin and I put up at the home of Brother Geo. Gale where we had a kindly welcome.

20 August 1909 • Friday

Hammond N.M.

I arose about 5:30 and took a stroll up on the hills and surveyed the surrounding country. Met the Stake Presidency at the meeting house (schoolhouse) at 9 A.M. and the Priesthood of the ward <20 + 5 visitors> at 10 A.M. We united without difficulty upon a bishopric and after the meeting we with the proposed bishopric selected officers for the Sunday School & the Y.M.M.I.A.

At the afternoon meeting at which there were more than the reported L.D.S. population present 98 + visiters 5 = 103, the propositions we had to offer were unanimously sustained. The officers sustained and set apart were as follows.

Geo. Henry Black. H Priest & Bp. by G. F. R.

James W. McDaniel 1st Counselor set apart by J W Mc.<Murrin>.Joseph Sorensen ordained H.P. & set apart 2nd Con by W. C. L.

Adelbert Brown Supt. S. Schools by Wm Halls

Geo. Gale 1st asst. " " "3 W. H. Redd

Joseph Adair 2nd " " "4 G. F. Richards

Azariah Brown Pres. Y.M.M.I.A. by J W. McMurrin.

Levi Anderson 1st Counselor " "5 Walter C. Lyman

Jesse E. Black 2nd " " "6 Wm. Halls.

We held an informal meeting with a few of the brethren over the water question to determine the relationship of the church to the Water Co. by reason of $2500. investment made by them to aid the people. The assessments due &c.

The flume crossing the Large 1/2 mile wide was reported as having in part gone [p. 171] out the day before our arrival which had a very depressing effect upon the people. The brethren, Prests McMurrin, Lyman & Redd & I left the meeting house at 5:40 P.M. and went up to the Large or wash 6 miles distant & returned about 8:30 P.M. At the meetings I presented the business. Also spoke at afternoon meeting as did all the visiting brethren and all those called to offices.

We took dinner with Thomas Gale.

21 August 1909 • Saturday

Hammond, N.M.

Pres. McMurrin, Prests Lyman & Redd and Bp. Geo. H. Black and I went up to bro. Geo Adair’s and administered to him. He is 75 yrs old and afflicted with dropsy.

The Stake presidency, Pres. Jos W. McMurrin and I drove in two conveyances from Hammond to Burnham ward a distance of about 35 miles Took dinner at the hotel in Farmington N.M. 11 miles east of Burnham or Fruitland.

We put up at Bp. John T. Nielson’s Had all the water & musk melons we could eat. Had a splendid bath and splendid night’s rest.

22 August 1909 • Sunday

Burnham, N.M.

Attended Sunday School. Attendance 309. Ward population of Souls 409. After the opening exercises the bishop took charge. The Stake Presidency Jos. Dean of Red Mesa, Jos. W. McMurrin and I each spoke. [p. 172] I followed up the remarks of brother Dean on “Mens accomplishments to aid the senses,[”] Sight (Telescope) hearing, Telephone & wireless telegraphy, lightening process of photography, mind reading &c. Graphaphone to reproduce the actions. What may not God do.

At afternoon meeting the attendance was 286. The speakers were Elders Olsen & Ellison traveling in Western States, bro. McMurrin & myself. <& Pres Lyman 5 min> I occupied 40 minutes commented on faithfulness of the people and discussed their financial situation, spoke of the evidences of neglect and of poverty and advised that if they are going to Continue so they better move away before they get too poor to move. Called attention to the fact that they have the land, the water, the Climate and the labor, experience or knowledge of fruit raising and marketing and push is all that is necessary to bring success and prosperity. Facilities for Shipment are far better that at Moab in northern part of the Stake where they have a team haul of 35 miles to the Rail road and they succeed. Here you are 11 miles from the rail road As you get to producing the inducement to extend the road will no doubt be sufficient. The coal here is already a great factor. The brethren of the presidency of the stake expressed great satisfaction in what I advised and Bros. McMurrin & Lyman indorsed same [p. 173] in their talks. At conclusion of the meeting we asked the brethren to remain. We organized a mass meeting with Bro. Stallworthy as chairman and elected a committee of three to See the large & upper canal authorities and get an authorized Statement of their proposition to purchase pump and sell the people water.

Bro McMurrin & I ordained eight seventies whose names had been sustained at the Stake Conference.

After meeting 6 P.M. the Stake Presidency, Bro McMurrin, Bro Dean & I went to Joseph’s Tanners by invitation and ate water and muskmellons.

At evening meeting bro McMurrin and I were the Speakers. I occupied 30 minutes Subject Mormonism and necessity for faith in God.

I received from Bro Biggs the administrator of Bp Ashcroft estate through Pres Lyman W. C. $100.00 to go to Nanny Ashcroft through presiding bishopric.

Following are the names of those whom I ordained: John T. Nielson Jr., Justin A. Black, Roy B. Burnham, Howard H. DeSuche. I administered a blessing to a brother who had yesterday had the misfortune to get hurt at the coal mine

23 August 1909 • Monday

Burnham, N.M.

This morning the members of the San Juan Stake presidency started on their return trip via. Red Mesa. Bishop John T. Nielson with whom brother McMurrin and I had been staying drove us [p. 174] down through the Fruitland portion of the ward and I saw the former home of my Niece Nanny Ashcroft. He then drove us over to Farmington the terminus of the broad guage road 12 miles. His Counselor accompanied us We left Farmington at 1:10 and arrived at Durango Col. 50 miles at 4:38 P.M. We took rooms at the Strater Hotel. On the train we met conductor Mr. Lowe who proved to be quite a sociable fellow.

After Supper brother McMurrin and I took a walk for an hour and went up the main street about a mile or more to outer edge of town. Durango has about 8,000 population reported and is quite an attractive city built in the mountains is on the Animus river long and narrow.

We have traveled up & down the Laplata, the Animus and San Juan rivers while in this stake. The Animus and Laplata run into the San Juan at Farmington N.M. where we took train for this place. We rode along the Animus river all the way from Farmington to Durango crossing same many times.

While on this trip I have committed to memory the Song: “Onward Christian Soldiers.” Am now reading “Notes on Ingersol[”] by Rev. L. A. Lambert of the Catholic Church.

24 August 1909 • Tuesday

Durango, Col.

I had a restless night last. Was troubled by buggs but have had some [p. 175] beautiful thoughts during my restless moments. Arose at 6:30 and wrote up journal, made ready for my start on homeward. My health and spirits are good may the Lord be praised.

We left Durango at 9:35 A.M. and reached Telluride at 7:50 P.M. 1:30 late. Put up at the Sheridan.

I commenced reading A. L. Lamberts notes on Ingersol yesterday afternoon and finished it to-day, a book of 203 pages. I also committed to memory the hymn p. 258 “Earth with her ten thousand flours.” We passed over some beautiful Scenery to-day. Trout lake and vacinity is one of the most beautiful landscape scenes I ever beheld. The road between there and Ophir is mountainous and thrilling and for miles before and after not much less so.

25 August 1909 • Wednesday

Telluride, Col.

Pres. Jos. W. McMurrin and I reached this place at about 7:50 P.M. and staid over night at the hotel New Sheridan. This day we went to Grand Junction. Changed cars twice, at Ridgeway and Montrose staid four hours at latter place. Reached Grand Junction at about 8:30 P.M. and retired to bed at 9 P.M. without Supper as we did at Telluride the night previous. [p. 176]

26 August 1909 • Thursday

Grand Junction.

We put up at Lacourt hotel and were called at 3:30 for No 7 train scheduled to leave at 4 A.M. and waited at the depot until 6:50 when we left for home and arrived in Salt Lake at 5:30 P.M. found folks well as usual. Oliver in plaster cast but without pain.

I cut the lawn back and front, made swing boards for the children’s, swings, bathed, shined shoes <&c>

27 August 1909 • Friday


I repaired hose and sprinkled the lawn, nailed screen in west window. Cleaned up and went down town. Attended to some business with the Presiding bishopric. Delivered to them a check of $100. from Bro Biggs adm. of Bp. James Ashcroft’s estate and other papers and received their check for like amount favor of Nanny Ashcroft his widow. Called and saw Pres. Winder at the Presidents office and received appointment to preach at the Large tabernacle next Sunday.

Alice and I called at my daughter Nerva’s and took dinner then Called and Saw my mother who is not very well. Has cold and sufferes from the heat. Later Alice, Geo F. and Nerva and I went out to Salt Air and had a bath.

I received an important letter to-day from Elder Wm. R. Dredge [p. 177] laboring in Philadelphia Pa. answering a letter I had written to Pres. Ben E. Rich of Eastern States mission to whom bro. Rich had written enclosing my letter wherein I made enquiry about the Longstroths. He tells me he found in the City Registry about fifteen names of prominent persons by that name that in his calls of the day previous he had found but one but that he seemed to be the one needed. His name is Mayne R Longstreth (Lawyer) of 712 A. Crozer Bldg. He says he is related to all the Longstreths in that neighborhood and they are all descendents of Bartholomew Longstreth of Yorkshire, England. He further says that one of the Longstreths, Agnes Longstreth Taylor a School teacher of Pa. has just finished and published a geneological history of about 5,000 names of Bartholomew Longstroth’s descendants including pictures and illustrations of people & their homes &c. Elder Dredge has an appointment with Mr Longstreth later when he will be shown the book referred to and will obtain the address of the Author. I rejoice in this information.

I received to-day a letter from Pres. Wm. H. Smart informing me of the birth of a nice daughter [p. 178] in their home mentioning the fact that I blessed his wife three months ago for the occasion, that she had been told by the doctors she could not deliver another child. That pregnancy would be most sure death, but she had had almost painless delivery and is feeling well the last babe before born to her was born six years ago.

28 August 1909 • Saturday


I remained at home all day. Wrote several letters, wrote up my journal and brought my records up to date. Towards evening I went over and spent an hour or so with my mother who is quite poorly though about the house. I have quite a cold taken Thu. night which makes me to feel quite miserable.

29 August 1909 • Sunday


I remained home in forenoon studying and in afternoon attended the meeting in the tabernacle and occupied the time of about 60 or 70 minutes. Subject what Mormonism has done for the world. Referred to Joseph Smith’s first vision and showed how the Creeds are an abomination in the Sight of God and are responsible for many inblegent [intelligent?] people turning from christianity. Their abominable doctrine [p. 179] making God a monster to be dreaded rather than a loving kind father. which he is. &c.

I had a pleascent interview with one Mr. John H. Simpson of Jetmore, Kansas and other strangers. My Son & I walked home and called on my mother & found her sick in bed and we administered to her also to baby woolley in Alice Grover’s care.

30 August 1909 • Monday


I took 7:10 A.M. train for Fielding arrived at Fielding siding at 11:06 A.M. My niece Nannie Ashcroft was there to meet the Motor Car for mail and I rode about 3 miles east with her to Fielding. Delivered to her a $100. ck. from Presiding Bishopric received from her husband Bp. Ashcrofts estate and given by them to her. My brother Fred returned me to the Siding to take the Motor at 3:17 P.M. My visit though brief was pleasant and satisfactory. I returned as far as Ogden on motor Car and thence to Salt Lake on R.G.W. Ry. arriving in Salt Lake at 7:10 P.M. Found my mother improved in health but still in bed. My cold no better.

31 August 1909 • Tuesday

Home. [p. 180]

Excepting a severe cold and hoarseness I am well. The others are usually well. Mother improved. It rained during last night. This forenoon it rained some and between showers I put in a couple or three hours hard work parking in front of the house out side the walk. Made a good improvement. A good persperation bath followed by a good warm bath and a cold water rinse off makes me to feel like a new man, excepting my lingering cold.

Alice, Ruby, Mamie, George F. Jr. & Edith and I went to Salt Air on 4:15 P.M. train and all except Edith had a good bath in the lake. It had been raining and was still cloudy and most pleasant for bathing.

I wrote to my brother Fred and called on my mother &c.

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August 1909, George F. Richards, accessed October 20, 2024


  1. [1]Ditto mark for “of”.

  2. [2]A black ink splotch partially obscures the word here, but the word appears to be “God”.

  3. [3]Ditto marks for “S. Schools by”.

  4. [4]Ditto marks for “asst. S. Schools by”.

  5. [5]Ditto marks for “Y.M.M.I.A. by”.

  6. [6]Ditto marks for “Counselor Y.M.M.I.A. by”.